Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , May 13, 1921, p. 5

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v r 1 J J v4i- i FRIDAY Vr vv s ii IB JH MAY I rf A I gSffJI on Ontario I senior resident chuMs Hours Dr 4 Medicine of Toronto note of loyal Gradual rally Physicians ant member of college of Surgeon of clinical in and Univer se former fcoll None in Throat London So Telephone i0 Mm a Ik As- ST J Laboratory for County Of York nouns a in p in Appointment Dr Corner Main I on Op Newmarket by Appointment Tell finumtrirf The enumerators are to work on June Jo too through Juno era ques tions- answered and anyone togCve he Information may be Drought before a magistrate and fined The and pre lf any fy f iwUMrrii- Work paving Main Is It will ho Job for anybody to cuimceUpii Any properly at present not at After vvlieri the- Sanitary lor rough drainage in will no for properly owner No matter what coal Ib will have bo done Metier do now j farm Saturday wuh ii fine day and I here was a big crowd In Town The hut on the of the when alt that the would offer for was A few sold for fop the buyers and went horn Imppy were down to flso hag hut no change In other produce Rhubarb on- paraffin In abundance r phone OR CECIL io Hie Dr of a Office Hours a in p in Newmarket Not Truth hi the County Police J of Forum Toronto Dentist IJjnk of Toronto Newmarket J QOWLAHO Main St A doom north of Queen hi Phone to and to p in on Tuesday Thursday and and other hours by tfppotntmciil Spina analysis and consul free LIFE CO P OILMAN for Co of York Office Hank of Toronto Build ing HI opposite Market Phono Monday did not mtricc Elm ability of fall In lolling the whole liolb and iiotfl- ing but he truth when giving I loll IC Mr and her wit ness were Informed that I heir evidence was unbelievable ami charge against of using profeno to Mrs was dismissed Prank Kll- was let go on suspended anii- on charge of assaulting it It Forsyth J with vitality for the young mother health later maternal experiences bring adit result The care of a family multiplied household duties and very often the caused by womanly tend to Buffering and to make conva lescence a alow and weary Many womenperhape your own havo had beneficial with Dr Pierces which prepares the prospective mother Send to Doctor Invalids Hotel in Buffalo for a trial package of tablets Hamilton Our I WM practical to Dr a during expectancy and have had eon to bo grateful for her advice be- It health and I had practically no on not only benefit mother am poeUtvo the child fa benefited too I would not hesitate to recommend ihh Prescription to every expectant fluke Street r rf- rf dollain of in the -re- to day r improvement Scrvlcej the Northwest over National Crop emut spores wheat live over winter In soil and the ordinary with formaldehyde not effective unless there baa been a rotation crops which causes the smut to As a consequence dense clouds of which may bo seen for arise from the threshers and I Our Toronto tetter miles spread wheat over the en country says Mr Perth Chemical Com pany- when this smut cloud Is properly with air a Piece of wire or nail will strike a in the separator add the result Is an explosion worse than a gun blowing machines to pieces and fettling and Injprlng the crew The wheat smut tax amounts to millions of dollars It la In most slances entirely preventable by treat ment of seed but so serious hue become that he American Depart ment of Agriculture lias a separate grade smutted wheat well for farmers to promt smut from ever gelling while it Is com paratively easy The best In the dry trade claim that prices now hit as as they will he for six or year We therefore can recommend purchasing your present needs now a Newmarket of Piano Voico and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical Instruments and Repairs Piano Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Prompt MISS Optician In with Park Ave Newmarket W Solicitor fete Office Bank of Toronto Building next Kstale In Newmarket every day except Thursday Office Phone Private funds lo Loan on Kstale Church The was filled on Thurs day evening of last week at Hie puralory Service hi which the pastor was assisted by K Secretary of the Young Union who has a call The address was deep ly spiritual having as a foundation for his remarks the lliroo who passed through the fiery furnace Thy singing was led by the Church Choir the of meeting Itobb gave a very in structive to the In the Room The congrcgaUunal meeting on Fri day iveulng did not come lo any defi nite conclusion regarding the foot of the church and the matter will come before an adjourned meeting this Friday evening when It Is expected that Ihc date of the Sunday School and Congregational an nual Picnic will he set along with the lao of holding It There was a large attendance at Communion Service last Sunday morning and eleven new members were received Into church fellowship At the evening service Mr Donald of Toronto a former mem- of the sang My Mothers Prayer which was very appropriate the service There arc four vis- Jons by which men live the vision of We mind which is progress the vision of the heart which Is love the vision of soul which Is faith and vision of tin moral nature which Js duty Last evening Rev A J Mann dealt Willi the vision of the mind Next Sabbath evening be will the Vision of Heart CASUALTY COMPANY Speciihsls in Health and Accident Insurance Polices liberal and unrestricted paid la losses xtiiomj opportunities for local agents sank Toronto Out Or of leaders In mevenuiit to resUrr lo the position of a nation has hud a great reception Jn this On arrival last he was lunched and dined and addressed four gather ings besides meeting Informally of his Satur day morning he was guest Of the University of Toronto lecturing at Hart House to science staff or departments of the Uni versity Later lie was a luncheon of the president of Univer sity of Toronto Sir Robert Falconer On Sunday The Arena was packed ami he entered Ihe assembly sang Ills Jewish noUonaJ anthem lie was cheered repeatedly be brought he message thai Palestine within their grasp only they do iheir In helping finance the scheme The crime wave continues In- On Saturday a returned soldier who had Just gat off the train the Union was held lip and robbed of On Sunday forcing a side at 16 Pacific avenue thieves Knlcrlng 6 J In name way unknown bur glars look twn diamond stock In a laundry at Jones got On a Carlton street ear a peek of was picked of til Twelve were stolen dur ing weekend death occurred Sunday at hi farm at Hornby of Henry former deputy reeve it Vork J and Inland collector aged Since Thursday one company was fined Mr falling filtf a list of with the assess ment department In compliance with law respecting the collection of Income lax sixty other concerns who were in default put In their returns John Doughty who was convicted by a Jury in the sesnlons on March of the theft of of Victory Bonds from Ambrose J Small the missing millionaire ihealrlcal magnate was sentenced Monday morning by Judge to six years the DRY GOODS MOW In plaids stripes woven cloths fust colore sold hist season at OX SAM- THIS WKEK yard WW WIIITK wide dil season yard ON SAKE HIIS WEEK yard KINEN HAM in stripes plain sold last season at yard ON SAKE THIS WEEK yard WHITE INDIAN AND IlQUK sold last season at ON SAKE THIS WEEK yard sold last season at iOc ON SAKE THIS yard all wide not ravel sold last season at will yard ON SAKE THIS yd A sizes 18 to and pair ON SAKE THIS WEEK pair HOSE In brown while nil slws sold last and 5175 pair ON SAKE XVEEK pair KAOIES ITALIAN HOSE nil colors pair ON SAKE THIS XVEEK pair KAIHES HOSE four lie very newest In hosiery ON SAKE THIS pair SAMPLES AMI OVEUMAKKS OF OWLS SLITS AND SUITS sizes to fit up to years ON SAKE THIS XVEEK 105 each A bin full of ladles hats In all the newest styles most of them In our own work nanus no two the same regular up ON SAKE THIS each BOOT AND SHOE SAXIPLES special purchase pairs in all Oxfords pumps and tare hoots In black and brown worth up to ON SAKE XVEEK pair MENS AND TAN LAKE tools wells regular worth up to 12 ON SALE THIS BOSTON Bools refliilur ami ON SAKE THIS XVEEK pair HOYS CAKE HOOTS sizes to regular ON SAKE THIS XVEEK pair improvement Service Grain inspection has been reduced to a fine art in order to avoid dis pute a sample Is token from tho car of grain at ihe terminal market and la divided Into two homogenous halves fey means of an ingenious separator Into the sample is poured This divides and mixes tho so evenly that the two portions may bo weighed without the variance more a few grains Chief Culver of the Toledo Produce Exchange Toe object this Is that when the arrives at Ms destination and the buyer should complain of its quality a always bo demanded from Identical sam ple from which the Inspection was made These reserve portions are kept months and In case of ex port prove Invaluable In settling all complaints to quality inspection nowadays Is all offi cial and the inspector cannot be tam pered with because he has no idea whose grain he Is Inspecting Grain Inspection Is as reliable as the coin age of silver ID Contest for Boys and Trail During past week a tlu local groups organized I ho County have been tak ing pari in Ibis contest ami have made some high scores Tin is standard one ami by a system of credits each groin is will other similar group in In Hie local competition in three group look the flrat Willi an average of 331 Davis scoring high est individual score in the for boys When it IS Hint champions of last year averaged Hie above a very good The ranger for local groups was In the gymhasiiiin on Friday evening last When and of Newmarket and frail Ranger of the Presbyterian Church Aurora contested for county hon ors The Falcons Presbyterian Church Newmarket Scott loader first with an average of contest ftiej highest individual scorn was mode by Doug las Marshall Willi iminb to credit out of a possible It is interesting to note that in almost every ease individual scores are a great improvement on the scores made at Easier iJm had a similar contest Wo give total scores of the leading six hoys In each group us Douglas Harry lloijge Boyd Morris at Donald fttti Murray Tod Kewis Harold 13ark04 Ivan 28B Olson Kennetli Parkin Young Harvey fioules John Lister Ml Cane John xXilllam Ames Aurora lor Ian Clack Hast ings Hugh Conn John Angus Dawson Don aid 151 l 97 Kenneth Hunt er Karl Murphy Harold Foster NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT Tho Corporation Town of Newmarket Intends to construct as a local Improvement a sewer upen the following streets and intends to specially assess a parr of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work that Is to say a On Cedar Avenue from Timothy Street to a point three hundred and eightyseven feet On Ontario from rand Trunk Hallway to Superior St On Superior Street from Huron Street to Ontario St On Huron Street from a point one hundred and feet east of Main Street to Street The of the worfc Is of which 3250 Is to be paid by the The esti mated special annual rare per frontage Is en and cents The special assessment IS to be paid In twentyfive annual Instalments A petition against the work will not avail prevent Us construction P J ANDERSON Cleric NORTH YORKS BEST STORE ARTHUR WALKER secretary to whom of Mass left a fortune estimated 000 AT HYDRO POWER HOUSE Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties Bee the Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE A TO Service Our tillable lands have fione and with a further growth and develop ment of the world we every Stump pulling a vital to man who is farming in a country to the man who la paying taxes on Idle land and to man who is seeking a rich farm at a compara tively low price The neatest quickest and economical way of clearing out stumps and roots la with a and wire rope Mr S Rider president Canadian Steel Wire Co The use of a pulley block so de signed thai any number of can be used to double triple or quad ruple the power the machine will conquer the most stubborn stumps without fail When dynamic Is used roots are left to be grubbed out or pulled out by team all which Is slow hard work the and a wire rope the job clean and complete A good stumppuller will pay for in saving of band labor on a few acres of ground to noth ing of ihe increase of crop values you can use It in the wel season when you can work at nothing else fact the machine works easier when the ground wet need cre Catarrh Catarrh is a local disease greatly influenced by constitutional eon MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier By cleansing the Wood and building up the System CATARRH MEDICINE restores normal conditions and allows Na ture to do its work Circulars free J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio May Fire which broke out late Saturday afternoon In the power house of Ihe development here damaged plant and equipment extent of about While the actual damage Itself seems large it will not retard schedule for the completion of the work at all The loss Is cov ered by insurance NO REASON WHY PEAT MOT REPiAOE May A- peal specialist of the geological survey formed the parliamentary com mittee on Canadas fuel resources Ihls morning that there was no reason why CanadJan peat should not replace coal for heating purposes throughout the Dominion would relieve the Canadian of on United States nines and would release all coal importations for industrial purposes Peat had proved satisfactory for and open grstes and for furnaces during the fall and spring months COMPULSORY MILITARY May Compulsory mili tary service as a means of log the foreign Immigrant urged on the House of Commons today by A member for West Edmonton Some scheme of educating and assimilating the foreign Immigrant absolutely Im perative Gen The are powerless The Canadian system of education falls to meet He advocated a system of universal compulsory mili tary service under Which the young foreigner between the ages of and would spend three months a year In mllilary training During that time the foreigner would learn to speak he would of Red Cross The Red Cross in Ontario has Continued its war work in military hospitals 2 Contributed to the relief of sufferers and undernourish ed children in Europe Cooperated with the Soldier Settle ment Hoard in helping soldier set ters in emergencies due sickness in the family Provided funds for three years for a course in public health nursing in University of Toronto The first class of fifty graduates in May Provided eight nurses for child hygiene demonstrations under the Provincial Board of Health Distributed to civil hospitals equip ment and supplies left over from ONTARIO ENROLLMENT MAY 2228 We a Canada organized for war now let us have a Canada for good health opinion In favor in Hi Red and help create public opinion In favor Enroll your local Red CrO Branch or If there Is none in your Ihe Provincial Division TRE171 TORONTO- Canadian Red Cross Society Ontario Division A lie would learn to to become obedient and the responsibilities ilili foir Farms from to acres In Township of King Mark- East and West near McMillans Corners loam acres Pall Wheat acres seeded New barn for cattlo Pig pen New Dairy house of rooms Cement Collar This Is one of the choice farms on road acres on stone road miles north of Queens- vllle1 Splendid buildings This Is one of the good wheat farms mile to Metropolitan Station Convenient to Church and School 1b0 acres 1Vi miles north of on the Pro vincial Highway Brick house Bank barn Everything In flret class condition mllo to Metropolitan station Close to Church and School acres near 120 acres wheat land balance pasture This property Is at a very reason able and will soon be sold ACRE FAHM8 WANTED acres at mllo to Metropolitan Sta tion loam Buildings In good condition Tele phone Rural mall convenient to Church and School beautiful Summer Resorts and one Large Hoarding House at We have some exceptionally good bargains on Ave Newmarket the best In Town Plenty of Cheaper Houses For Prices and Terms apply to Witt HODGINS Box Newmarket Our Wotto A for k

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