a f y j SVYvV i ah attack of Weeping so bad bo tret through at times teniblfft could got o relief until tried and Altogether used boxes of and two of and am entirely well Both remedies cold by dealers at a box- for PW or son on receipt of prion by Ottawa put up a trial which for i mass saaMs5feS i ft fifepil W J ffUJj i06pi lie ibbVwlfaHtf ibiotiisojm desires a BUI Stay by ot- tor ft teAtig r W path fop IHo morrow QERT painter and m L t received a lore slock of lift i WALL Nov Ihe line to mate Wo hang Phono 2Q0 LOWEST PRICES w the Paper If you wish lo National Crop Repeated baking teats have shown that MnrrjuU Wheat makes a loaf of very much fl nor quality than any other of the wheats that will make a loaf fairly large In volume but yellow color and in texture As Mho rust menaco spreads will bo great temptation for Canadian fanners to grow a socalled runt wheat The worst of these Is probably Durum which was introduced in North Dakota at a when rust was making attacks on the worlds wheat This wheat Is rather prolific and has a heavy kernel hut should not de ceive the farmer this wheat will not make bread nor macaroni and Us only merit Is that it Is heavy and may bo In export to improve the weight of light and chaffy grains nays Mr Hall director Spring Wheat Crop Improvement Association Tlio Canadian Northwest grows the beat spring wheat In world and flour made always sells for a suporlor If Canadian farmers will breed quality and mar ket only their flnCJit wheat mills will always pay a premium for fancy oars HOW Ihe changes Ihe yours bring to us voyward mortals Wo now at things that caused once but feared toilful dimming Where in gaily went in swimming J We greet It now muttered curae wipe our sweating dome off- the girl steps on the downward road And she Is older IfMafiitee IS never ootlfroited It never ranis obedience fir to sacrifice of with that when who i flaVAVWARfi GIRL Dorothy molhei is helpless watching her can expert her to bo con- she at the time of life when ones for the of youth cat their rhlT Mothers false their children wrong then expect them sudden ly to faro about go right lhaCs why the with A ward daughter can do nothing with her By Ihe llrhe a girl Is ler 1 for good or had brought up her babyhood to be obrdleni And oiks wont to MlhrefourUi the night ijcr com S An when SphS Til our m or rt Heaven know the right road She would have herself vol I the fiscal year of amounted to and its to a total trade of And then drink but The girl la utterly be- first we blow foam off control She to go id ought to the weather man school She declines to work Slio were often heard declaring half id flee We grouch around the shop oil day our gloom each hour in vein the wife cheer IrJes with words of love and brightness The w She often loss of wipes her our weeping eyes at pothers not listen to her as wo must ail save ourselves In end The woman Hint josh iloiig and cherish mothers und adamant wc swore to love and tears and so he poor woman been glorified In song story as the sacred of fill things is well Now wish wed go hem to Farms for Sale 00 All under crop but hardwood all lriolor plowed 35x117 Water in stables New brick house The above is one of he beat farms In county In Brad fordBond Head district Noted for fall wheat clover Price With J CO acres under cultivation balance bush and pasture Cultivated land level Pasture land All clay loam Iirstoloas bain Stables for head of stock Hog pen oilier Brick house rooms Orchard and beautiful rows of maples along lane and In front of The above Is located on street and close to school and church lass market One of tnc finest forms and buildings on Price and terms acres More or less acres W Influence Is as for evil it is for good sudflenly would tlm ran send girl or She feels the heat much more than we Won come just pillion well oer ho No one can fell a on her work off How to conirol wayward she gels a frequent Seventeen who has never been I do anything but to gratify Oh why will men suel grouchcK he her own desires who bus never been Just Old Sol gets busy- disciplined or had sense of duly should tie kicked right In the bred In her Pauls until theyre good dlwy Sometimes In His saves I hoy should be waltoprd good end such a hut there Is that hard by some good strong committee any human agency can do to Hie The mother con only sland by and suffer and if she 13 honest say to herself This Is my work am wholly to blame A lime while soul was given ho a lot of work for rlglit Ibis clly THE YEARS Crap- Canadian oats lead world for Quality and are in great demand for need in every civilized country but oate generally receive title attention and raised In a haphazard sort of way Very few fanners put In seed plots although there is no other crop Which responds so readily to Intelli gent selection and treatment Sit by me here In the dark Tenderly steal on my musing Deep In fire logs glow and spark The book of year perusing Dark too dark for your face sweet- heart But me the Mid full of md As your that Is scarce denied Page after page of years heart Sharing Hie joy and endeavor And your swecl forgiveness your filled teats Shall blot out hurts forever Careful proven uiidcr cultivation Choice clay loam formaldehyde the very best hay acres fall wheat balance bush and pas ture with running water with Halting and bush land rolling Cul tivated land level House of brick rooms bedrooms fireplaces good cellar divided Into 3 parts walla and ceiling plastered Cistern also hard water at door Cedar hedge In front of lawn row spruce trees on east de of orchard and garden teriuff house Orchard acres apples treatment of abed for fre quently Increases yield more than would ho naturally expected from simply replacing smutted heads with sound ones This la probably due to the fact that grain Is attacked by other parasites which as ef fectually cheeked smut adding to general health of the grain Grain Reject variety for The sought on the Mayflowers wo the brook That crossed With my lowly den fledgling I took nest And sweet look you guerdon The keeping and this poor tawdry W Mn is what I have made of it For- a mothers responsibility for her daughter In complete There isnt a woman In the world who doesnt know this but fact that women refuse face is hat a mothers work must be done with her girls while they are little And It lakes strength courage wrestle with young wills and conquer thorn It Interferes loo much with bridge tens clubs and matinees pruning shaping forming- the and habits of children So Ihe average mother sidesteps fe Job and walls 111 her daughters ore grown to reason and IPs forever too Mothers have two accursed phrases wilh which iluh- nd stultify Mich Intelligence tie is hope and pray hat my lis mothers children will him out well The Is something about heir as my faults I Yet In her hear every mother This story is told of ihe great Brook preacher Some wag sent Henry Ward a letter on a sheet Of only Hie words April Mr opened It and then a do Ugh led smile beamed Over his face as lie exclaimed Weill Ive often hoard of a man willing a letter and forgetting to sign It but Ibis the first case of a man and forgetting write the letter I In financing the many that go to make up such a volume of banking experience and resources arc of paramount importance S The Bank of Montreal has been assisting the of Canada in import and export trade for over years It has built up an banking organization that offers tional facilities to doing business with outside Manager of any Branch of this Bank will glad to have you discuss banking facilities with him or you may consult on any problem connected with international trade direct with the Foreign Department the Head Office in Montreal where complete statistical and other information is kept on file CdrzJin Fcrtit A I Britain Africa j to cash my cheque for Yon refuse Yes And yet yon offer to me I do I dont understand you Well laul jao worth saving BANK MONTREAL Paidup Capital nW0v05 Total In of hL- W kisses fair wo ldd on each head WW your cherries plums pears yields neighborhood annually Darn horse cattle stable shed Barn requites foundation the material on ground ready for doing the coming season The above Is located best miles from Yonge si miles from city weed seeds adapted to soil and climate It It Is decided to put in both an early and late oat do not get them mixed It will be fatal to both 2 Fan and grade your seed until you have removed all shriveled and broken kernels sticks chad and knell our nestlings par In Hie bringing up of children than in the multiplication table and Hint unless a faults are reeled she dors not grow out of them but grows Into them more deeply If mother gives little Mamie every thing she howls for as a baby whal right has she expect Mamie will be a selfdenying grown girl your fingers slender If Mamie has wish thwarted As The fond and the prayer said a little grave water keeping Dark too dark In your place sweet heart And where are DAILY The NATIONAL TORONTO pm For Sudbury Port Arthur Fort William Winnipeg Edmonton Prince Rupert Vancouver and Victoria touting Through Standard Sleeping Car Service to Winnipeg Toronto pm Daily Via North Bay thence Continental Limited via NO Cochrano and CN Tickcla and horn any Agent Canaditn National or Grand Trunk Railways STANDARD TIME ffifl Ik ft X limits 12 miles from SI Lawrence Market rods away Church miles Telephone Rural mail delivery Good gravel road to at New fences and mostly wire The above property must be sold at owner Is going west Price Box Test your for germination in a wet blotting paper and plant only seed Treat your seed grain with formaldehyde to prevent mut and other diseases Im In early IS IIKHKBY GIVES that Catherine Rudd of the City of Toronto In the Province of Ontario married will apply to the Parliament of Canada at- the next Session thereof this date for a bill of divorce from her husband Rudd Drillhand on the grounds of adultery and desertion at Toronto In the Province of Ontario this 1st day of February A this ARTHUR Royal Hang llulldlng Toronto Ontario Solicitor for said applicant end Toronto Accountancy typewriting Improvement to open all year for prospectus enter now J ELLIOTT Principal USE AH SwsHiW Caiakde restore atop tfatherluga the flv of ftleepcoutlu fonuuag drug Trial at our agencies or Bold In Newmarket by J Patter son Rod Sutton by P National Crop Service A hog naturally is as clean as a dog or horse While he loves to wallow when flics are bad and con ditions arc against him he also loves to be clean and will bathe In clean water tho us any other animal says Mr It Rider president Cana dian Steel Wire Co Any farmer who Is in the hog business knows that It does not pay to be chambermaid a bog any more than absolutely necessary and that a hog la order to be healthy should harvest his own crops whether pasture rape or corn in to be utilized the founda tional necessity is a fence which wilt hold the hog where you put him and not allow htm to do damage to other In every rotation the should be fenced that the hogs can do all of the harvesting possible The cafeteria system of hog feed ing is the most profitable and bog ging down fields Is the most econo mical way to harvest me l mm LIMITED m This company has recently been organized to care of the auto accessories and tiro requirements of the Farmers of Ontario at prices that will them money majority of the shareholders In company are farmers and special attention will be paid to orders from former clients I front view of tho store Is teen at tho aldo Our factory consisting of approximately square foot floor space is an modern plant fop repairing vulcanizing and renewing auto Urea Many tires pass through this plant day for repair each one going systematically through the hands of our experts until It Is completely and thoroughly and buy slightly which wo fix up and repair for we have on hand at all times a rang of brands of J I lol I Hill FOR BETTER ACCESSORY carries a full of all kinds of Automobile Accessories In- eluding Spanners Jacks Chains Gauges Bumpers Plugs Absorbers Headlights Pitch Outfits Always in Stock homo foe ftltepay success of testimonials Ho tonaldefed hope less Co of Toronto A m Mr and Mrs Smith were both grow ing very plump and every effort to reduce weight ffroved was Is too bad said a mulura friend a physician The Smiths arc so fohdot each other and used he so graceful and when were first married YOUR VULOAHIZtHQ JOBS do vulcanizing end can give you a 24hour service Our extensive for development till for opening of a number of stores st points throughout the Province may and better eflc In meantime how ever we are prepared to a rush eerrlca on all out of town work and we will pay express charges both ways on Jobs from towns In On tario and will guarantee you Prepaid On all orders amounting In value or over wo will aiuo prepay express to point In Ontario I- AUTO BED This Is of the handiest pieces of equipment to take with you on summer trips Gives extra sport to sulomoblllng besides quickly for itself In hotel bills saved Fits any touting car giving easy comfortable airy accommodation for five psople If necessary pleasure party outing touring duck shooting or motor boat without Auto Bed It called a hotel on It Is like an upper and lower on a Pullman car constructed of best It It guar not to It can also be used as a table as seen In Illustration Will accommodate 10 poop up Into small compact roll that can bo carried under seat when not In use PHICti 1600 only by this Company Em si Ah well replied physician Think how much more they ore to rtcli other now at the Office mail Your Mall Orders wllj at prumpt end attention as if you in person If you visit us yourself write your needs to St 7T 1 Your Mall will J prompt and attention tf yog In person you ua yourself to 47yi V l J j- JithKMJ r Xyj J I