Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1921, p. 6

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ALBERT Mount Albert Voting on in voiiiM v Monday took- place c at market keeps ikwWn price wwup in on Saturday a Sunday coated telephone wire and Ihitte poles n the vicinity broken by the weight reluming officer elec tion on Monday were Waller anil Geo Price WOMKNS ISSTITIJTB Tin- regular I meeting of day held on Oh winter go Come again homo other day- wants to play With the Hay Kb JlMwnloT J Some their cars al ready washed anil fiSoctl up for sum mer ami then the mud to fly Never people- weather la pre- State help I you like There and waa homo of Mrs Gray Alio Ml members wore present flits gave a very good paper on Park In anil which fiho vbdtcd In on tho Grand Trunk Pacific about half way between anil Prince about acres of I an J some of the has also for hunting ami la a laspar Park la to what Algonquin Parte In Io Music provided by the Kills The Institute decided and do all possible with the all who will help lo up the old Cemetery on the Is certainly an eye sore to nod if It were once cleaned Mm Angua and son Charles last week with here to Mm feeling hotter Some out lo Endeavor people- and join Die ltedi Whiles Are going lose a well heat badly while were at It Home of Ihe young people report a good lime at the High School At Homo tost night did fine hi the on fort Many the votprX AM arc getting ready a Birthday Parly for nil incinlicrH of Hie Come and bring your and a good lime 9 i Baldwin Breezes thinking The of he I hope folks wilt tifil tlilnk I am for am a to the Mother Country aaany j la land who live fifty years from now will ace Canada- a portion of the great American Union Is Inevitable Her enemies wilt aoino ifayrcnd the British to ribbons and then Canada will fall heir the or the United Canada which are those liv ing who will- It it he mournful fear AN to Passed Away An link early history of Canada passed away in To ronto on February the person of Mr William of Harbor His forefathers had much to do with the early history of Canada Ho was oldest direct male of William of first Earl ot Stirling and Secretary of for a grant of land In comprehending There large number of had Scotia Now Brunswick pills out In North which I wero to Vdnde- Capo Edward Island dated July mans Land fl constant I and another grant of leagues source of family Why should each of tho River St he Urn dumping I brusry to M Sffi been Is now ami ever shall be a colony In Nova and stubborn filsLitu and clean hill the town up and levelled It would not take much to keep It nice They propose having a bee on the first Wednesday ht May and would like all who can come to eome In the and see how much can he done Will an who have an Interest In It lake not of this and he on hand May Mil of whiter on tin remembered for years When the moon fulls on spring work will begin the truck The Whiskey Question The Mayor of Swamp on Tuesday morning Hided up beside me and Where are you going to gel your whiskey now I aint a wanting any whiskey replied as to but tailed homo to Scot land by death of his In death of second Karl of Stirling family took lotCiit in their In Amer ica tilt near clone of contury when again turned tholr atten tion to British North America and About employees of Hie Do minion Coal l Co at Sydney havd re turned to work Sf April Not only have peaches come through the rcetnlcold snaps Sun days but there now ifi- a chance for at least a portou of shows that Hlotimohda have the storm and frosts with Intact and sufficient pollen to Justify an for fruit Pear and apricot buds which were nut undoubtedly sustained damage but all the buds on any tree do not to been out when the eold struck them Half the grape crop Is lost cast of changeable weather of lain and in some parts of the Niagara sunt the crop Is a total loss Sour cherries were- reported lo he a lotol loss -Peat- badly damaged peaches are In fair and ap ples arc not Injured A TOUCH OF NATURE to this district find tho Sterling Bank a good place to transact their financial and investment business A Service courteous as it is efficient ability to handle every phase of banking and Investment business a willingness to give in formation of a well as a financial and Investment nature and to obtain additional de tails if desired features Inherent characteristics of this Bank You be welcomed at any time pi w Brown Hill the chief commodity days a few folks this encampment spooking about the taste of suckers Also bass are on tho bill of faro Some cases of through this Always something up apparently- It pays In advance lo prolong the journey of this disease before It has fallen full otherwise it will develop Into Is In full action and Ihe are preparing the soil Also the man at the wheel Is expect ing a prosperous crop I hope so Mr A Kapatx was unfortunate enough loose their two year old baby Monday The result of the was due from the child picking up a pill from off the floor proved Miss Dora Thompson of Toronto Is a two weeks Quite a little stir around this sec tion Monday Voters were busy Yes and some No The last hit should be Io Ihe hi earnest Donald It In his diary that spring wheat sown on the of March thirtythree years ago Is a hook of great lercst ehoik full of Interesting facts Mr- Samuel Comer Jr Is a very woman Her life Is trembling In balance A few hours will decide the rase of life or death We very much hope thai she will pull Ihrongh Her are doing their level best Mrs Ian Albert Is expecting com pany from the land of Uncle Sam this summer One handsome young Mell- enn gal is on deckalready She ar rived on Monday night Mrs Annie Gray who spent a de lightful summer here last year Is coming again this year to try her fuck W will he pleased lo welcome her hack large swarm of hoes located In mi unused chimney on Tommy Comers house They hustled around and laid In an unusual supply of honey for winter and when warm days began Tommy had a lour of and found them thriving pro digiously vole In Swamp showed a paries grandfather wonderful majority In favor of rem- of William Alexander pcrance I am glad to hear It A Hint A roll of blank writ ing paper through the malls a hint Keep on Uncle Owl you arc doing well Please in your well doing I shall do my best can do belter than that A Hint an old Englishman was rolling and tossing uneasily In his bed one Sunday night while Ids daughter was entertaining a young man in the parlor man finally out of patience and he polled out Its lime to go to bed tell that feller go away at once and mind his business af ter days It was seen that had not received parental advice soon enough The Owl Some said MOUNT held in anniversary services WJII be Ihe Ml pleasant rChureh May 1st with Box Social Co follow conduct a A later of Toronto Hie services Everybody Hark I hear the a humming All around And hear the banjo hi good borne The bees were humming all right but the banjo lummln was Miss Vet- ma on the piano This will probably form Ihe of a nice litne bee business jjeri Is a bee tree on Uncle John- which seems a hive of In dustry They appear to he very and swarjns leave the tree sov- limes In the season Mr Cry- derma wont allow the tree to bo out The Sleeping lleauly has nunc from his Indisposition He Was poorly for a few days but is able lo be ogam f Wild Hose Sutton West The Masonic brethren are ling an extra large attendance at meeting Wednesday evening whei the Deputy Master Is to make visit to the hedge Eaatec Examination Results Names In order of merit Complete Matriculation III Floy Graham Noble Pass M Taylor Cherti MoDonahl J Mor rison Failed nubject of tho present sketch came o Canada to establish his claim to his American having received a further land In what la Ontario He settled on one of his grants on Ontario near what is now the town of Having received a grant of acres In district of on Ottava river ho cent bis eon a land surveyor to sur- claim In ho afterward moved with hie family and re mained In what la now the township of in tho county of This Mr grand father of A took a Interest In tho opening up and development of Canada and was first to see necessity of better transportation and to building of Montreal Ottawa and Georgian Bay Canal On this project ho spent much of his time and fortune having surveys and made at bis own expense and making two trips to Old Country endeavoring to this project car ried out and esti mates wore the only ones In exist ence till the inn lately made by Government of the late Sir Wil frid When union of Upper Canada was proposed ho thought Ihatvliytown was the best situation for the now capital and went over lo Indon to place the matter be fore theJlritlsh Parliament and to use Influence to have Ottawa made ho capital of the new Canada He also drove to from Ottawa winter his friend Col- borne about the matter drive of over three hundred he fre quently took to Interview the powers that vero at Toronto In regard to matte in pettlntng to opening up of Canada in those He also wrote a book on Colonization of Canada a copy of which Is in Parliamentary Library In Ottawa Alexander undo of A was op Canada at Aurora Richmond HI Partial Matriculation Chem by Government to spent Ihe weekend In the Lawrence will hold a service Kt North School House on Sunday afternoon April Sunday School held there every Sunday af ternoon Mr Ward the superinten dent and Office is would like to see as many out as possible on Sunday and every other Sunday Mr ami Mrs Alwyn attended the funeral of their aunt Miss In on Tue1ay Joked as usual I notice at different times from miht observation thai there noes not seem be much happiness from those eompiisoiy marriages A number litem are young men some returned soldier in North and have bad to face the and Ibey dont like It a little There nothing like an honest square free and above board and then you are likely to find a happy limine I dont like to hear snapping j I and snarling between husband and wife either appear to enjoy life as should be The lale War me thinking observed that the Am ericans got the lions share of the spoils No you have observed that ihe Americans always look our for nundier one Now I have an idea which I will advance to set folks i Come and bear Ihe Concert Kp- League are pulling on on evening April The special from Toronto Is Blanche K Kellay graduate and Miss Wilson contralto also music by local latent by MlssJ Mrs J Watson Miss Marian Miss Morion and Mr Hillary Stevens topic Aphl The League as a School Hoard Leader Miss Laura Thompson Header Wright The Womens Institute will at the home of Mrs W J Wright on Wednesday April 7lh at Pro gram Day Needs by Mrs Albert Milne Solo by Mrs Levering On Monday of last week Mr Gar net Mill and bride of veiled Ihe bridegrooms brother Mr Miller and remained lor a few days On Friday night the boys along the line tumid out famously gave thi- couple a genuine charivari The groom received them cordially end bride was delighted The fnviUd Into house and a very social evening fault and The company up with for pair no Journey Of OF Mr Israel Sweexie and daughters of Holland Landing wish to take this method of conveying their thanks lo the neighbor and friends for assistance and sympathy during the illness and death of their wife and mother and also In connection with fuuetal NOT10E hereby wish to notify Public that the report going around in which my daughters character has been is utterly untrue ami any Person found further circulating this will be WELSH IhiflVon Failed I ranee to Normal A Taylor Moore Chem- Failed Note rfubjfiih In brackets Indicate that less than forty per cent was Inliicd by student Form K Taylor J Doyle Ardlli Cronsberry Thomp son I Christian The remainder less than sixty per cent p Keating If Cuttle Taylor Craw ford Latimer- II Form I A V Sellers M Silks Sellers J Henry Christian Freeman McLaughlin Taylor Cameron Hunter M Allen The remainder obtained less than sixty pcr J Taylor A Sanders V M Church A large was out Church evening and everyone en joyed the sermon delivered by Howes on Christian Citizenship Those who went out vote Yes on Monday are more than pleased with the result meeting in the Church on Wednesday evening Everyone come Sunday School at Everybody map and name the Muskoka country and of that part of Ontario ly ing between the Ottawa river and Georgian This report and can be seen in the archives at Ottawa The William Alexander born at Harbor years ago and lived there practically all his life on part of the original giant of land which the family holds He took a keen interest In social educational and political of township and country He postmaster for years and served on the School Hoard for almost long and ho took a great interest In education matters not only In his own township but in tho province well welcome FOR SAUK Pure bred Or Holbein Cattle Males Female Apply to W Hill ONTARIO GOVERNMENT MAY ENTER CEMENT FIELD Hon High ways lold the Legislature that cement In Canada cost a barrel of pounds a small discount for pay ment within days fifteen Stales of llic Unite Stales be said cement could he obtained for a barrel of 370 rounds Hon Howard Ferguson asked If Government was contemplating going Into manufacture of cement It is under replied the Minister l am of opinion if we wish to develop high ways Ontario with success there must he something done to manufac ture cement in more liberal at better prices Silver In Yukon Silver deposits recently discovered Kcno Hill In Yukon territory aro to rival famous gold placers of tho One vein of solid galena eight feet wide been found according to reports from Far North A sample of ore from vein Is said to have run ounces to the ton Another vein five feet wide ran ounces to ton The gold of Yukon has wired to Ottawa a recom mendation for construction of an au tomobile road from Dawson to the new flelds Geologists express opinion will equal of the Cobalt region Three hundred miners are winter ed at Hill Provisions are scarce and prices are reminiscent of Klondyke stampede A ton of potatoes recently sold for Connor Ralph Connor it he pen name of Rev Charles Gordon pastor of St Stephens Presbyterian Church Winnipeg who has written several novels of Canadian Including Rock and the Sky Pilot the being laid in Canadian Wot was full of tired people for It was evening Dine and the train was a through that cut a great continent in half and Join ed two large clllea The folk who oc cupied the chaircar had been travel ling since early morning and they were bored and inclined be rather snap pish It was the conductor who caused diversion a woman in the day coach he said with a sick baby Its very crowded out there and uncom fortable and couldnt help wondering whether one of you would be kind enough to give up your place lo her Its something I wouldnt ask There was a travelling man In the car and a college boy In clothing There was an elderly couple and a stately woman In a fur coal There was a girl wllh elaborate Jewels and there was another girl in a simple frock made of good material There was a thin man who wrote husiiy wilh a fountain pen and a stout man who has a professionallooking bag beside The stout map spoke Im a doctor he said Tell the mother to come In here She can have my place and Ill lake a look at the child wasnt long before the conductor came back with the mother She was A thin pale little mother In a I bread hare Ami the tears stood star like In her eyes hope the ravelling man thai Hie baby isnt very sick As If In answer to his question a whimper came rfom the depth of the shawlwrapped bundle The little mother sank wearily Into a seal Oh she almost sobbed Im afraid that he a The doctor with tender bauds was pulling back the shawl The baby fare was a thin little face that ws distorted with pain The woman In fur coil leaned forward Can I help you she questioned I had a baby one The doctor was gently touching he haby touching Its temple and wrist with practiced finger Hey porter It was the doctor calling Ilrliig a glass of water Yes sir answered porter Tho doctor was feeding the medicine to the baby said will ease Ihe pain Poor Utile fellow I Anyway hell not suffer ho again for the worst Is over The little mothers shoulders shook The I ears that had been trembling on her lashes rolled down her cheeks Helplessly she looked around the car The man with the huge fountain pen had writing long before For the first time lie spoke That little womans going all lo pieces he said briskly but his brisk voice covered a understanding Cant some of you ladles he glanced Impartially around car take care tittle kiddy while she gels some rest FOR YOUR WORK I of farmcro not only did not paid for their work thlo winter but did not any thing for valuable food At our many of roam got paid for work fcodj and paid for it You earning your hard work Why you a on getting paid for It a chipper It not too lato and you no MOUNT ALBERT CREAMERY CO Creameries at Albert Dont Hitch Up the Horse TO HAUL TO Let Us Call and Pick it Up Phone GIVE US A TRIAL SUTTON AND CREAMERY Limited The girl In Ihe simple wellmade frock started forward so did the eld erly lady The woman In fur held out appealing arm- Hut It was the girl with the mtny Jewels who reached the mother Let me hold him ahe quite fiercely iJksd thing Let me hold him And tho jewelled hand were mil lint gathered the vory gentle hand Our ouch inturv mil- the whole world kin And IIS the truest thing ever has boon itu little suffering baby brought of bored people under a common bond of sympathy a common lo help Owen Wc den Safe April Mr will have a sale of stock Im plements furniture etc on east of Keswick No reserve credit Sale at one YOKE ilM OUT bav yet of Mili tary Clothes at Low Prices coats lite Come and gel cheap the of los- Pound April Harold old was instantly killed morning on his about ten mile from Owen Sound was with of chop and was getting on wagon the He was thrown to the giyund and Hie wajron ran over rljeL A ntlghhor a dbUnct away hear I for help and hut Mr was dead when him The nun was and Is by his mother two sister and four taA iliiiw A Clover Hear old guide bear den still warm but with no liaeks to in what direction the bear had escaped followed old frozen trail alongside of It In making her escape bear had stepped exactly In her old tracks that wero hard and Icy and bad thus left no mark till the took lo the snow again irculo With Canada trade with the totalled of which were Im port end Canada did that year per cent of rrado with per cent the war Fire Church of the Nativity at Montreal and Die loss at A number ofstudents attending the are with REPAIRS that save you money your battery is in need of repairs A bring here for an inspection will report upon the batterys condi tion and furnish an estimate of the cost of repairs if needed Whatever make of storage battery you have now Serviceis at your disposal We arc equipped to repair a makes of storage batteries Our moderate prices will prove a reve lation to you As Ions there is spark of lift In battery Service will prolong its usefulness We never try to sell you new battery while ti one is worth repairing A

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