Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1921, p. 4

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fruit-a-tives- damc LAMAnilC fit Pierre P I think It my duty to tell you lion much your suffered fcr tire yea4 I consulted doctors and hoy did do mo any good I one box of of end my hands wo clear The pain been no return I think la A marvellous euro no other medicine did mo any I tried nil remedies I over hoard of without Lentils until I used Wood cud of gaothrvSatva completed euro- ft Ilia 103 tax for trial alto At HI or postpaid by fruit Ottawa lOH Thai Modem Home on comer Ave and Huron St equipped with all modern conveniences luoludln furnace both hot cold Water elect lights septic largo rooms and large back kit- Cellar full size of house by feet with building at the unliable for garage All kinds of fruit in Hidden Only spot cash considered Farms for Sale Comments of Exchanges AH under crop but hardwood all tranter plowed Ham Water In stables Now brick house The above one of tho In county In fordDoud Head Noted for wheat and clover Price 325000 With ICO under balance and pasture Cultivated tend level Pasture land rolling AH clay loam bain for of stock Hog pen and other out buildings house 10 rooms furnace Orchard and beautiful rows of along lane and In front of farm The above Is located on aired and to school and church market One of the finest farms and buildings on at Price end terms More or less acres under cultivation Choice day loam the very best acres hay acrt3 Tell wheat balance bush and pas ture with running water with fishing Pasture and hush land rolling Cul tivated land level House of brick reams bedrooms fireplaces good cellar divided Into parts walls celling plastered Cistern also bard water at door Cedar hedge fronlof lawn row spruce trees on cast of orchard and garden shel tering house Orchard acres apples cherries plums pears yields annually Barn 32x100 horse stable cattle stable Imple ment shed Darn requires stone foundation the material on the ground ready for doing the coming The above Is located 2 miles from miles from city limits miles from St Lawrence Market School rods away Church A miles Telephone Rural mail delivery gravel road to at Now fences and mostly wire above property must be sold at once as owner Is going west Price Box FOR SALE i IB Machine Shop Stove Steel Cook Culling Box for band or light fewer Plate Choppers Oil Tractor No p Number of Steam Portables Number of Steam Tractors Number of Threshing Machines Saw M la Number of wood saws and bells i In Inserted Tooth Saws 1U sad 1 Shafting p Portable Plate Grinder end from l famous literary era hips which been Unsolved by death recently are commented upon In Sunday Wow York Tribune Thoy those of Will In mo odd and naming the of their literary merit In each case husband and col laborated but In none of them la It for the reader to determine what cither wrote or each contributed to Joint effort It In prdhable that the wives of moat help forward work Wo know for hat Mrs Kipling for her being tt Verrnonicr I bargainer In the of History Wells pays to the labor of his with out which monumental work might never have seen light It won first In longhand on scraps of paper and it wan Wells who and arranged these leaven and typed them But when two as s of a book It Is that each of writers has contributed more than helpful lilnin business or soothing praise There con be Jit ilo doubt Hint in the case of Goa lies ihe tho linn shews wives contributed to of and son died a short ago Thomas passed out a few yearn ago Mrs has parinei ship by- bringing form some of tho notes he left behind him Ilannliew In some respects the remarkable of His work could hardly bo lUeraturo bill a appeal fecundity him To invent plots characters dialogues was no trick for him It was not uncommon for him to have three or four stories appearing serially at the time none of them completed when the publication began and each quite different from the others Ho was a sort of Infant prodigy for ho wrote s play at ten and also appeared a Juvenile on stago He Joined the and Smith publishing firm early ago and wrote under assumed and varied names which wero popular Ho was a contributor to Family Paper and before leaving United States lo live in England for ynars a writer for the llunro Publishing Company Ho turned out stories to order and at one suffered from asper sion that he was author of Clay classics This his denies She relates that on when he wan doing a tremen dous amount of work for Munro ho asked for in his pay and was refused He then engaged on a story which ho thought would surely plcaso publishers but- con cluded to oler It under another choosing Charlotte May King- for purpose was de lighted villi the story and paid the fictitious Mia a higher than was receiving Other alorica similarly marketed when expressed a desire to meet talented authoress Mrs waited upon him Later on when publisher and the writer bad patched up their differences tried to induce ilanahew to meet Mies but be declined thus forfeiting the opportunity of witnessing a belter comedy than any he had previously Imagined a fine typo of Englishman physically and mental ly He was an authority on and probably no living man knew more about swordsmanship Nor was knowledge on the subject purely bookish for he was the captain of the sabre team which com peted at the Olympic games In His first book was a technical one dealing with swordsmanship and his first novel written after he had mar ried Agnes was The of which there was some delightful swashbuckling and draw ing of trusty blades The novel had a remarkable success and the Castles wise enough to stick to the same general type of story In their subsequent efforts There was always a duel or a couplo of good fights A soldier by and Instinct It was a grief to Mr Castle that when the Great War broke out he was too old for active service Yet lie and wife dedicated their lovely Surrey home to the wounded and tolled unsparingly for their sol dier guests In and again in they produced books whose In spiration had been caught In these dark days The Williamsons may be aafd to have been the pioneers of automobile fiction and like Ihe Pride of their book The Lightning Conductor was an immediate sue- It was followed by several other stories in which the motor cur filled the role than previously had devolved upon the home loiter on they turned their pens to detective and mystery stories with hardly less success Mr Williamson a cul tured man and mentally equipped for better things than the writing of hooks Which nobody ever reads a se cond time He was the author of a Life of Thomas and the founder of the successful publication Black White He was on the staff of the Examiner and later of the Graphic His first essay In novel writing was not made until after his and a fair Inference that Mia Williamson had something to do not only with sketching the but In task of writing the slot lea All At I the In Farmers sun year Cana dian National paid In wages alone than entire receipts from freight ami passenger business How long docs public expect kind of to continue Fault Mercury Some papers of dubious political affiliations are find ing fault with Hon Mackenzie a leader Overlooking the conditions which he Inherited Xfoncs of old was subjected Ihe same style of but he eventually led his fol lowers of the wilderness f J 9r In Spite Hunt Papers ejection 7lannlnB as Bishop of York In Episcopal church corro tho Anglican Church in Canada to of the most extraordinary In the of American Church Dr Miming an by birth and for that reason Hearst pa pers started a bitter propaganda against him Not only did In famous of newspapers which properly banned Dom inion for attack him on recount of his birthplace but circu lars Itiaucd and distributed at meeting for purpose of Injuring hla leaders of On Friday evening April a de bate will be held In the tine under of the Literary Society on Ihe ho Protestant Episcopal Church are jiuoutlon that a Horse more to a Parmer than a TriC- l lor The bo by and ley while Itussell Pike and Fred will uphold the negative A good program will he provided 1 On Friday evening April 1st II social the home of Mr and Mrs Humes There were over present and all hail a Jolly good lime Miss Gertie Ward and friend Newmarket Were guest at Mr Trimmers on Sunday The remains of Hie lato Miss Abble of were in the Cemetery here oft Tuesday afternoon Mr Jones and Mrs fonts of at Mr Stor es itiesilay sort of Individuals to bo con trolled by a Hearst and hln attacks beat boost that Manning had He was elected bishop of tho banner of his adopted country election of Manning la Inter esting on account of his views on subjects that have been widely debated In recent years An question Is whether Manning will contlnuo In his exalted and position lo Christian unity with vigor he baa been showing as a prlvato rector Dr Manning has been one of the foremost exponents of unity And by unity he does not Include merely peti all for pfoipeewif sotey Titers has been Jewish Im migrants lo Palestine In past year coming from parts of the world They are already busy building roads- laying out farms and organising ground work for the development of schemes have heard people talk of Palestine as if Jews hoped lo make It another England a dense populated stale full of factories In dustries of cities I do not see how this can ever be I have returned from Palestine and 1 know It not country which will support cities as Manchester or Sheffield Hie Jews do not want such Ho Coal or Iron Palestine is an agricultural country Spain and Southern Italy continues Mend It lias neither coal nor iron of It waste land must be reclaimed by There people In Palestine only of whom ate Jews Cen turies of Turkish misrule have made Palestine poor politically and econo mically All concession for business enterprise had be obtained tedious ly through Constantinople whose of ficials were rotten with corruption The administration of both civil and criminal law had been very haphazard under the Turks Country second California A heavy sufferer In the war was Palestine The Turks stripped the country cut down the orchards and vineyards burnt the factories The cost of living- has risen per cent since But with Hie waters of the ancient for Irrigation and hydro power Sir Alfred thinks Pal estine can be made another California There are two growing seasons in the year Palestine now exports barley oranges olives oil wines Almonds flourish and grape fruit grows to proportions The colonists are Just beginning io develop the growing possibilities today but throughout the country one tun see the terraced hillsides thai made the whole country a garden years ago It will he a garden again o OH We soy that one is getting on who Is putting money by who is being ad vanced from one responsible to another Hut some who are grow ing wealthy arc not getting on at all Their brains are gradually toeing In keenness and hearts In tender ness They arc not as sympathetic as formerly lakes more of an ef fort tban it did for them lo do another a service your friends Bay to you How ore you getting on you think at once of your materia advancement If you have been promoted with an In crease of salary you answer Oh Im getting on finely arc you To- answer that question truly we must look into our heart Are our Ideals loftier our lives more noble our help fulness more spontaneous our kind ness a second nature Not till we have answered questions can we tell whether or net we are getting on BISHOP MANNING but churches and faiths Catholicism too Dr Manning has been urging organic church union but a broad Christian unity In lectures given last to an American college Dr Manning enumerated evils resulting from present dissension It a Christs will that Is thwart ed he declares a Christs that is circumscribed It Is Christs promises that are discredited by tho present condition of His Church Our divisions not only waste and war and weakness are sin question us according to new bishop Is not how did the divisions begin but how may they bo brought to an end In most quar rels thcro faults on both sides and so it has been with the quarrels among Christians The question not as to the origin of schism but as to the longer continuance of it Each Christian communion is call ed upon believes Manning to acknowledge Its share In the sin of making schism or of helping to por- It There Is church on earth Homan Catholic or Protestant which is not a sharer in There Is not a church which has done all that it have done to pre vent It or to bring It to an end If complete agreement In matters of faith were a prerequlalte for unity we might Indeed despair cays the but unity Imposes no such condition Ve need to more clearly that It Is not so much agreement which produces unity as it Is unity and fellowship which pro duce agreement Unity he declares will not come by way of or absorption of others Into any of exist ing communions it will come by con cord not by conquest mutual and equal fellowship not by render The question to him is not what Is each communion willing to surren der but what has each communion to contribute that is true and vital and from Cod The United Church will bo more than a return to tho faith of first days The spiritual struggles of these later times have had their meaning aleo The United Church will contain all the revela tion given In Christ all the great Catholic heritage of the Church of the first centuries but It will contain all the spiritual fruit all the rich product of the Christian faith and experience of the generations since including that which has been developed through the stress and trial and discipline of our divisions Alio HOY Ham who covets the bo white pants Doss ah dem Pints of Have you tried gasoline San Yes tali l Dow ammonia Ham Psc em on boss day fits rne fine Leases of acnes of have been Secured In tho district for the purpose of drilling for ml oil and gas Easter Term Tuesday March Wo fej a i a to our courses of study Stu dents may now have the option of taking this subject along with or in the place of Shorthand Full on request ENROLL DAY Stenographic School Bans of Block Phew A Pure silk able cloths Is Here are a few of our Clearing Lines both in Work Clothes AH go in on Big Special FOR THIS WEEK ONLY Dress Clean rag T Reg and and All Dig Special U I T Young and Drown and Special From Alilanet The advantages of pbotogrphB taken from airplanes or dirigible bal loons for making maps can scarcely overestimated Among other things they Include greater nicety In details lessened cost and the more accurate rendering of the of the ground A recent airplane sur vey of Luton enabled the engineers to map out the new railway between and without a land survey which would have taken many mouths of the- most All Sizes and Cuff Special A Imposing a fine of not than or more 100 on land lords who refuse to admit with has passed New York Four bandits held up lvo messengers for the Chi cago clearing house today and es caped with In negotiable to All Wool in with or without All in on Die Clearance Natural Color Short or Long ft Reg and with Cull Dog or Special I J and llalu Special A v All Reg All Mow and Colors Special l MENS OUTFITfER a He was a cautious witness and re garded every put by the crossexamining solicitor as a trap fer tile unwary what he was asked was the shouting when you heard him He was shouting Torn Tom replied the witness after a deep thought then fearing to commit him self to a downright statement he added hastily Or words to that effcel John was very 111 He called in a doctor who and hawed and called In a second doctor says The Argonaut Then while John listened the two quar reled about his case Youre wrong said Doctor No 1 Im right tored Doctor No Youre wrong repeated Doctor No 1 Here the pa tient gave a groan and brought the medical men to a realization of the needs of the moment But Doctor No couldnt resist a last swipe Go your own way he said but Ill prove Im righl had the little fist and was trying to bring her head dot to the ground relates Sail Cisco Argonaut What might be trying to do exclaimed father corning uponlhe girl Is the yard Im trying mike liU hen say her prayers We si the parent sadly I hope Now I lay me All experienced advertisers it agreed that no form of advertising so effective or so economical as paper advertising fewjftri Wo never had good valuo In Oar a to you USED CARS FROM to 500 And In good and worth to you than what wo aro WE HAVE ON HANI Call and sod them coon as very Special iOi

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