Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , April 22, 1921, p. 2

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Good gifeby for Box Good Coed Pom foruile Sharon Apply io a Ad- Apply to market a HI New- Price reasonable WW market In For condition Ml 470 Newmarket fresh St con for J if 4 Newmarket Mi Fop Gate bred for p Newmarket Apply a No So we Jew Glover for Hale good it- 813 a Minorca Newmarket A Good Strain of Apply ox 70i Lit Four room for family lo cality Apply box Verity fop l Collie Do house do Just don for farm I year old Apply to will SI Newmark A Gasoline Pump and Tank Ml capacity Hi working or der Apply to J Kerahaw tjm cnorlly for him to bo Appaftntiy the formers ore of labor AH the- country would op portunity of 111 riff him what they of him Ids Again of ballot want ami will evils anv The onto Litter brought about their own down fall It Is now up to the Government to what want Prohibition In reality not Ontario they do In any form attendant liquor for JiiisiKi tire to realign more clearly the Importance of Hie fire but the general pub lic need aroused ft feature view that the CleanUp Week being Announced throughout Province Willi joint effort on tho part of the employer and employee to eliminate and lo he for fir of our fire he overcome mirKij in v Iii of the vorld f ilifio that The by I vinchd Hoard of reKirdlnff of Town Into Canal next year a very ro- the I Lett on Saturday mid Sharon box containing fiealello Coat and othnr Wilder please notify Frank Shier Phone that will mal- The can now and conned up with the or- laid and arc that they ran connections as noon they are ready The Town will have to perfU their plana for he erection of the Plant nod save the on the money which can be In of the fiewcr WO hi civil hut apparently Iho pant lhou the htrikc It not Kotiled point tin of the transport worern foul men to Join In average of of fair play end apparently striking coal- nilneiH Inflated on that people them If people do not a hi they arc not- backward bout the know it Tjic present Is one of the most examples In bis- of what believe la rather Ihrm what might he expedient iho world ha come to regard as bulwark of rfeht iiKalnftt and there la no belter test of the nations ban to have deride for In own Tho Inflated during war arc not easily adjusted but It expected the coal strike will be ended and that with reduction other will come do Wit to give a stimulus to trade In flO IAVO v their ho indyf3oti6broomi white ladles of provided roreabmenti In A of card were placed at disposal of the committee but no enough go the whpto lmpcr- vote Too people Walled to he to Instead of going there themselves The result vote In favor of Pro hibition was as Iowa No Yes Majority w St Georges Ward St Ward Patricks Ward i 140 30G ROD The Deputy Returning and Poll Clerks were follows I hf Ward Newton Marshall las Vaechall Alex Harry Pee Reg St Andrews Ward J Woodcock A West St Ward V A con- Lake Chora Lota at Point lJi filincoe for Kate Apply to Evans or to St Toronto A sup of money on Die evening of April on following streets MJllard Park Ave and Main St to King George Hotel finder leave at Shop end receive reward the If rooms political capital having been made by out of purchased by cabinet ministers for their rooms In Parliament the J member for Is going to find out how much was expended by the of the late Hoard Govern ment for like purpose En addition to this the order paper Includes following questions Old any of cabinet of the late Govern- take any furniture or other ar ticles from their rooms when retiring from office what if roomed house on Avenue furnace bath ell adjoining lot Apply Pert Green Timothy Street Newmarket m who were they were articles taken figures will bo at least the general public as the furniture onc Boyd Geo Tefferaon John Watson Garfield Parr Tl The entitled registered Cow present six gallons a day Heifer weeks Patricia Pontine It J- St P ir For room with title All furnace Plrat class under whole House lot The properly Is very conveniently situated being only block from Main St to Met Station Reason for owner going farming all apply to p Box on Canada the Imperial visited has Just received a booklet v What Say About Canada which Just been Issued by the Canadian Department of Immigration and Colonisation It con tain a brief comments made hy members of Press Association who visited this country last Hummer The booklet has been Issued mainly for circulation In the Old Gountry and readers of may have copies forwarded to in Old Country who in Canada by Mending IJm names and addresses to of publicity Department of Im migration and Colonization Ottawa No Is made for the booklet or for postage on It paper friends Are interested in hat response to -ir- J TOWN OF Public Notice Is hereby given that all Dogs within the Corporation must a 1021 on and after the 1st of May All persons for hire within the Corporation lo take out a FOR on or before the 1st of May Tags and are now ready and may be obtained Clerks Of fice P J- ANDERSON- Town Clerk tei Doom April Never was liisl former glory and ent of more accen tuated than when the former German emperor followed the body of bis wife former Empress Augusta Vic toria to the station at Maatn where he tho body of bis faithful companion of hi grandeur and sorrow to bis sons and friends to take Deck the The emperor thai was and the prince and the other sons pres ent were alllred In full uniform of Prussian Guard their helmets crepe covered j ho funeral arrived at little btatlon at In darkncis only broken by lights from a few lamps on Ihe railway- embankment First came a huge car covered with flowers followed by servants who loaded the wreaths Into the railway carriage About ten minutes later the hearse arrived flashing powerful searchlight It was draped wllh black cloth white cross and bor der Prom the next car Chaplain wearing black robes Immediately behind came an auto mobile carry lug the former emperor and his daughter Princess Victoria which drove on until it reached a shelter of shrubs biding It I View Frederick William former price and Prince Adalbert In long grey mantles walked briskly forward ana other members of the family allgbred from their cars Prince Oscar- the of Brunswick Prince General von Con tar chief of the household Countess van Keller and Countess von Die friends of the late empress the old and court charrdctbln Daren von Reprcscntativefl of Queen of Holland dowager queen prince consort together of king of and the kbiK of Sweden and a number of Dutch officials closed the procession vim As near as can he ascertained North York gave majority for Mr Roche of Newmarket was the Returning Officer Ho expected that the Deputies would send him a statement of the vole by mall along with the key of the but only a few did this cense we have to depend on the in by phone on Monday night as the cannot be legally opened until Wednesday lliu of May Following Is the best we can obtain but ve hope give a complete report next i Oanlct HUH movea here froia 7TMr arid visited In Toronto Dents and recently Mr and have gone to their summer cottage at Jack Point and puttlog In another mandn will preach- In St dames Cathedral Toronto at Military on Sunday at p vivo Newmarket Orangemen vidlod King City Lodge on Wednesday evening They were Lawrence J I P Glover A Arthur Mrs Win of Toronto spending a few days at her cottage at Orchard Reach but she Intends to visit beore settling down for summer at the Lake Bolton of who Is years of age Is one of our oldest subscribers and stilt enjoys reading the Her son Mr who la land surveyor and Civil Engineer at that place sends a renewal for her- Mr wife and daughter who have been living at Ingle wood for the past two years rented a bouse In Town and have moved their furniture hero but the occupants have not moved out They formerly resided near Mr Frank Thompson of Fort Wil liam and his chum Mr McCallum gave the a call while In last week Mr Thompson informs us Hint father Mr Ed Thompson brother of late A Thompson of has been In a Hospital at liocbester or iat three months An operation was performed but his recovery very slow fend Insurant clay In Three bank All outbuild BeauUfoilawnD and hetfgeot Plenty of fruit to Union Toronto In ESsuet Kcfetly all Good hotted Trout In front mall telephoned Wo a number of email propertied to town Wo In all of town at reasonably SM Coo our buying our boforo putting on SON R Council Chamber No Ye ft 31 Total BAST Ml Alboi Total Total HOLLAND LANDING Council KINO MM from to In of Mark ham Pact and Acres near iVIcUHIano learn How barn 40x70 for Pig pen Dairy Mono I of rooms la of tanas on Provincial VJAIJTED core r torlctropollttin i In King Tp lo Mr and ApMI Moss a A of Hon loam in phono mall Convenient to end and on fJcvniarhct In Plenty of Tola St Georges Ward St Andrews jVard Patricks Ward 378 Oil 7hl report the area a n Western Canada contains description of of the Petroleum a synopsis discos W anus and Information regarding Provincial Cciatation and governing ho ealo of shares stocks bowls etc It Is accompanied by a map of tho oil regions of western Canada showing railways and steamboat routes Copley of tills report may be obtained free of charge from Department of the In terior Ottawa NORTH Total SUTTON Total row For problem It and your In k very lbs modem equipment of tools wo by In pcnt equtro W Uwy fcn5 hay f fcMrWt o jomJ Whlli ycip retired Wo tock of new some years the High School has been wrestling with the of sewerage being urged on by each succeeding visit of the High School Inspector Various schemes have been suggested Jucluding purchase of adjacent property options and estimated being secured but the expense has been so great that the Hoard have been shifting the responsi bility In he hope that the Town Sewer would ultimately take care of tho trouble The crisis ban arrived- Either the Town Sewerage Pipes must be laid on Prospect Avenue or the Hoard must provide for the sewerage some other way If the lias to do the work It will cost more than the sewer connection Wo un derstand that residents of Pros peel at the South end the opposed to Ilia construction but In the It will have be made Why not make It now end this extra to the Town Ihe If was such that the fiUaicidors have surplus on of about 100 A When all had collected around the coffin the chaplain Dr his voice vibrating with emotion de livered a brief oration The coffin was then placed In railway carriage Wilimlm and Princess Mid for a few moments Then the ex- emperor led way cars in which the other of the party were to sleep lonlKht and remain dur ing their Journey He thanked them all and took leave of them a brief period became dimly visible to those who had gathered to watch the ceremony Ids that of a man broken by sorrow Princess entered with her father closed and the car glided on carrying the exile to confinement at tOv face Ms fate without the loving wife who until now had shared Ills humiliation Soon after tlio departure of the for emperor the excrown prince left the station preempts and returned to the castle with the Duke of and others- who arc staying in Holland The last farewell visit to the fu neral oar will be paid tomorrow morn ing before it proceeds to Potsdam Those who remained on the train to accompany the body Included Prince Adalbert his wife Prince Oscar Countess Keller von Baron vod 17 Total Gray Isaac Redman Tom Alex W Scott poll clerks returned is annually to contracts on be the whole by method they would the are nor In favor of flic Summer conflict wit anything ici on a 4lo the winter months von and Owen Sound April Charles Phillips so on Trunk Railway was killed morn- big at He had gone down on the morning passenger and was looking over his engine while his was on a hiding el ston when a car was agalast the train and bis head was crushed against the driving wheels Death was He was a mar ried man a family and bed com In Owen Hound only a few weeks the as We ram proportion dots not In want sn opportunity to op- peal to the public the should not monopolize A meeting will be held In the fiosrd of Tride ItfMims next Tumidity evening to nutters and this la to be brought up There Grace Meth odist Church suffered by hi the of Ihe church being pre pared a by four of the younger of when the wins leading to a lamp and net on some to the wood work The local were called and wcro quickly on the While the blase did nor spiesd to frinoVc djibgid a little Majority for about Following in the last of the Deputy Officers who acted In the Hiding Newmarket elsewhere In this Issue Aurora All returned soldiers J John Pray K Day Taylor Stephens it Keeking I Sutton All Morris Holland Lauding IK J King Victor Bond Al bert Wells Davis Corners Evans King City Aaron Campbell Arch Kettleby Lloyd Wes ley Walls King Creek Hoover John Lynn John Amey J as Cherry Alonzo Wel ter Lloyd town Edward Merchant Clark Virginia J Latimer Weir Harvey Egypt Harold East Shop J Sharon John Henry Wright Milne Holt Mount Pile CooJiell W L Winch Taylor Small wood Geo To Mr and Fitzgerald nee Miss May Free Newmarket at Coiinno a son At Dauphin Man on Monday April to Mr and Mrs J nee Vera Hobs Newmarket a son John Holland Landing April to Mr and Mrs William Foster a son Altar In Toronto April Dorothy Watt to J Davis Jr of Newmarket At Toronto on Monday Miller to Miss Mary Ellen both of In Newmarket on Wednesday April Charles BlackIn King April Norman Infant son of Mr and Mrs In on Monday April Moore mother of Mr John Moore of Mount Albert In her year Woodcock- At Pine Orchard on April 1021 Nellie daughter of Mr and Mrs Woodcock aged day AC his borne con 3 King on Thursday April 14th George J LaVellc in his year Funeral Sunday Interment In Kel- llcby Cemetery Cook On Sunday April 1921 at Clifton Head Toronto Arm Cook in her year beloved wife of the late Clinton Cook Interment at Cemetery Wednesday apply v Newmarket Our A Deal Colli end Poller Box KITCHEN CABINETS convnIno9 etrcnjlh and few of tho that ruko this jCablrt clLJly dlttlnctle We this end It will Ox MAIN ST Next Door North of OSE Office hi memory of our dear son Franklin Preston Myers who died April his home In Zephyr from the effects of the War I Only those who have loved and lost Can understand Wars bitter cost Never forgotten by Father Mother and I I off the purchase of a Peter John In losing memory of our dear husband and father who away ApiU Two years day God railed Forget him no we never will For In our heart he has passed since that the one we loved rtldtcliUch flormUyH P Smith fleo Cook Penrose Ceo Pine Held VivtMiW The blow wao gijat the shock Wo little thought tils death to near And only those whove lost can tell The of without farewell Sadly nub sod by Wif Family Edison for money reasons I are not an instalment house we ready to meet you half way Wo to arrange to suit your convenience J V MM t3tsdiia Mi In fie- MONOGRAPH Willi A SOUL i i The of the New faiucn too you to Mr Edison and to to allow matters to with your of it f Come on j your mind a iV iwuat

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