M and Bags our rOhi 10 -at- Watsons Ibeweiry Store The Leading Qounty Paper as well the Oldest No paper sent of North paid- in advance wtfT6oiion Know your mi rata Wfw April to Over VOL No Copies A Paints Blacksmiths Pipe Supplies Fittings Oils and PROGRESSIVE A Branch of this Bank has been in your locality to render you service suggest that you call on our and get acquainted It is our aim to farmers in every way BRANCH AURORA PM Mauser A Menace at SOUTH END LUMBER YARD tB Are You Going to Build WE HAVE- CE J NT Hemlock FLOORING and Fir SHINGLES Pine LATH PEARSON Cor and DEAtER i Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc nLoo Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket FROM Ml Rolls of Wall Bring I Paper to be Slaughtered In Price Measurements with you Agents for VrnUh and Ammonia 3 packages for Cor J Bar Soap 15 bars forSSc I cakes for Price 143 cli Iron tub Ho ft Iron Wah Tub Extension Some Jin 11111111111 1- I- 8alVPrlc Iron Tub Ho Sale kV Sale Got now Crochet Jnla Pad each 1Uc to each toBOc or toe St l 2eo for pool Cotton for 1Bc for Rog for lover Reg o and 3 cue Wlioleeale Prices Kiddle Care 2 At tacit HOUSE the Will have a difficult time their us a of voles reciprocity morning government lined up by ald ho Hill to a the lines thai laid down in They were not altogether a solid block In the vote fur at leant one of thorn found than of the whip and out It wa perhapH thai the void on Reciprocity amendment to while Ihe vole for the government which Indicated thai men either could nor would not vote against though llioy could and did vole for shipbuilding week ha a most trying one or everybody in and about the When the tolled hour of on day It still Monday In he for session had with only dinner from Ihrco on Monday after noon And ho drive was kepi unlll on Tuesday night when the adjourned with notice of clo sure having been given force through the In strument of government got power to another 8330- on shipbuilding without giving the House any more Information re garding contracts and operations of Hie ships than It felt Inclined to give That of course Is what government majorities ore for With the narrow majority of he government put closure Into effect and only mwn- Including number of westerners who were voting for themselves rath er In the voices of their con stituents defeated the amendment to revive the Reciprocity treaty ami after the closure was made effective the liberal members held out for more information They protested against the continued spend ing of public money at lime when economy was so vitally necessary without giving ihe of the people chance see how thai money was to he expended The government however was Adamant It had its own ideas regarding the It proposed to give and When the figures of the Minister of Marine were challenged adopted a sort of lake It or leave It attitude and let Opposition fight In vain Even the members of the Agrarian block who have shown a leaning tow ard friendliness with government at many limes during the session were solidly against Hie vote Dr Michael Clerk and J A were loud In their protests against attempts to put the vole through by main force and they stock In the House with the Liberal Opposition until reenforce ments were brought around next morning The Interim supply bill is an old Institution by means of which the governments gets a Wanker vole of onesixth of the total amount of the to spend paying salaries and meeting neeesgary payments thai are due he- fore the total estimates can be put through Usually the Opposition Is rendered the courtesy of a conference on this bill so that It can agree with the government to pass the Vote wllli certain reservations and knowing what the money Is to be for This session however conference was not suggested and House was asked to voir blindly for the sum stated some- over Not un naturally Hie Opposition refused to llr itself up principle or every thing In liir- estimates without being told what the money was lo he ftpent nil They were quite willing that should be provided sufficient money for llm payment of wages due on of the month and also that all necessary payments should be met but they did not Intend hand the government a blank cheque and say go and spend without any fear of being questioned as what you have done Hon fielding when he moved an amendment to the motion to go In to supply on raised what is probably tho most Important ques tion in Canada today and Ihe result ing debate and vote showed the and Fanners socd for resusci tation of the Reciprocity Treaty of with and the gov ernment including western members against One man on left of the Speaker voted against reciprocity and he was Major Andrews a soldier member Winnipeg who has act ing cud voting independently of every body since the armistice was Mr Fielding showed that this country was in imminent danger of suffering heavily through the passing of the In Hie United That bill as been defeated d Washington only by vole of Wilson but there wss now 10c Wilson to vote when it up again as It would do The tariff against practically everything produced in would be heavily and the result would be a loss to Cflriaftlan producers and own v riHturaMy measure and WTow Mlmbcrs of the Ontario Legislature arc to receive bonus of in the early hours of Friday morning just before after a- long and tedious discussion on 0 A mallcrd the Minister tabled ihe further supplementary eulfmates providing for of 4 Although by no meahtt Hie largest item In the quo for C7000 for purpose members is one whlcli will cause the most comment from constituencies In latest estlmaleu no less than sol aside education Including for Over Majority Ft She Has Declared for Prohibition From Bra April 1837 of Mr is to i A She Should Have It Now This Includes for for the Western London for maintenance and for Improving Dealing facilities at Queens University 9ia 029 grant lo the College of Dental Surgeons special granf the University of Toronto and another grant of to the Uni versity of Toronto to provide in the Ontario College of Education for the training of High School assistants and gradual courses On Monday by a majority of over Province of Ontario by hullo declared for the Abolition of the traffic in Intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes for the fifth time Willi the exception of Windsor and Marie practically all the border points have voted dry- ilfa Halls had all experience they wanted with Illicit traffic On the other hand the cities of and Arthur with large foreign population gave at almost every poll Ottawa was expected voted for Importation majority about voted and cities voted Dry The wet elites were Toronto Hamilton Windsor Under the head of AdinlnislraHon of Justice are wo- items of each covering additional cost of gen eral administration In the counties and in provide for salaries travelling expenses and contingencies of police magistrates under the latest scheme An additional 9i0000 Ik also included for and expenses of officers constables and clerks of the Ontario Provincial Police More than 9050000 Is Included to provide for cojonlzatlon roads and bridges The Minister of Labor has an additional Item of to pay allowances in accordance with Hie Allowance Act The Cabinet apparently believes that the lay has not yet arrived when the province will not be called upon to help the unemployed for an llrrn of 9250000 Is included and marked as a grant In aid of unemployment re lief In order that recommendations of the special committee which the question permanent War Memorial may be out a sum of 910000 Is Includedin the esti mates Pfro Hanolnff Hon further estimates of Including for ranging and the measurement of Umber This Mini sters estimates also Inelud an Item for clearing fire hazards from Government town sites and Crown areas adjacent to settlements To clear up and Improve such lands in OBrien Township for the Kapuskae- townslte md to purchase any other land for Inclusion within the a sum of Is Included The Minister of Mines will be called upon explain an additional item of for investigating the fuel question and defraying the cost of manufacturing peal fuel also 1P of administering the Fuel Sup- for the M of the Fuel Controller and his staff Telegram w the- Importation of intoxicating liquor within their borders provides that as soon official re turns have been mado to the Chief Election Officer for Canada Col gar Ottawa a proclamation must be Issued by the Governor- General In Council placing the ban on Importa tion TliltfSvlll not bring about same condition existed prior to January when Province of Quebec permuted the retail sale On May the Quebec Government will take over the distribution of Intoxicating liquor and source of supply which that time provided an in ducement to maintained a clandestine traffic to carry on their operations will not be available St Catharines Fort William W- Port Arthur Kitchener Wetland SauU Marie and Kingston The dry now Ontario has said liquor go On the Pro vincialplebiscite of majority The bo The dwelling house barn and stables of Mr con church were burned down on Inst m Mr Jacob Johnson is the manu facturer of Venetian window blinds at his factory on Mill St Married At Foray the Rev Drown April Mr Alex to Miss Nancy Adams of April at the Manse Newmar ket by John Brown of to Margaret of i cities worn Wood- Sound vlllc Gait Niagara Falls St Thomas Only a little more than per cent of Hie available vote was polled while In when the Parliamentary Elec tion was on at the same time nearly per cent of the vole was polled and the Dry majority was over Womon In Country Undoubtedly the state of the roads In country hod something to do with people not getting out Satur days rain and Sundays snow made the roads in many places almost Im passable and some sections were veritable nut those who had the cause at heart were deter mined that neither weather roads nor Inconvenience should deter them from their These were mostly the women of the Country deter- mined In purpose and Inspired with prospect of schteyoment They voted but more than that for Suppression of the liquor traffic was When the Dominion plebiscite was held In Ontario again gave a majority of 214 In when the Ross refer endum was held those favoring hod a majority of And less than I wo years ago majority for retaining Ontario Act was Lastly In all the returns are compiled It will be seen thai not only has the On tario Temperance Act been but principle of prohibition has been extended to stop Importation Host Of alt the decisions ever rendered In this country on the question temperance that of yesterday is by far tho most significant was linked up with any other Issue nor was It advocated or attacked to ad vance the fortunes of any political party or group The votes of and were mere plebiscites which meant little and resulted nothing Jn certain conditions worked in the cities women were the workers tl Ihe polling places On former where men were lacking to per form the customary duties of scruti neers the women this time look hold And they did it in the country too True In many places there was apathy Dili again there were districts that were ill fired with enthusiasm What Vote Entails- Ontario now Joins with the Pro vinces of Manitoba Alberta Saskat chewan and Nova Scotia tinder the Canada Temperance Act which pro prevail Op of prohibition declared that the vote on the Ontario Temperance Act In Waif so distributed that no definite conclusion could be reached Not so yesterday Twelve months ago notice was given that vote was to be held Doth sides had ample time to organize and prepare their respective appeals to the elector ate The day of came It was a standup fight The decision Is final John Barleycorn takes the count Prom Era April 1890 Low Is veiling In Sut ton Mr O J Wilson has gone to Grand Dakota Miss Rosa had several of her young friends yesterday to celebrate her birthday Dr and Gerald Pearson at- tended a wedding In Bradford this week Miss Dickson has returned from Mrs MerrfcU cousin of Mrs Cane has relumed home to Toronto after a three months visit here Mr Magcc of was home on Sunday owing to his fathers illness Mr Hilts returned to Stayner on Saturday Mr Norman Williams of left for Gilford were he has accepted a situation Dr Fred son of Mr Silas died in North Dakota on the The League held a last that Women should not vote Miller and Miss vs Olive Watson J decided In favor of the affirmative Tho Altar- At Apr by Jos Young to Miss Ida Jones both of Whitchurch The Tomb At Toronto Jet April 19 Rev Christopher Bell formerly of Roachs his year In Whitchurch April Sophia wife of Phillip In her 33rd year At Sharon April Wm aged years THE THE THRIFT who oyer and A man advertised his car for Ihe morning a man lived across the street came said Pardon but I see by last night- you advertised your car C Qidle so said the man who ad vertised Hie car but surety you rue no the market for l No was the reply but only live across the street and also want to sell my And there would he no need of my spending my money for an advertisement if after the people were through looking at your ear you could just send them street look at my car That Immodesty- in dress will he of next evils attacked by the temperance forces Is the opinion of Wesley who recently spoke at a prohibition rally In Then it succeeded In lhe closure period expired curried the putting closure Into effect on the other questions by Ihe still narrower ma jority of and two oclock Items specilJLd by about lie same The been full of pep and interest and It is only through one of many fighting weeks to staged be fore the end- of session unless present go very far astray The government shows- a tendency to loosen up hi the nutter of llons end la bringing on the contests In Mid on May Some If not all of the writs will also be issued short ly and then results will Indicate what the government may expect In a general election contest both In the eastern and Western provinces of the Dominion I often wonder Chief what ails those Buys In motor cars There is oho habit that theyve got that my feelings Jars It mokes me mad to see a car scoot up tho busy street with maybe just one passenger and in the drivers seat I dont know what tis alls chaps who ride thus to and fro why dont give a lift sometimes to feet and slow Why do they let old laaies walk and weary mothers trudge Say when you own a car do you to mankind bear a grudge crippled sol diers stand and hear them heave a sigh as halffilled strings of motor ears go rolling blindly by What it alls those chauffeurs Chief that theyre so doggone mean Is there some baleful influence thai goes with gasoline J Is there some thing about that stuff that makes the motors go that shrivels up the drivers hearts makes them selfish grow Or Is there something In it Boas that puis on eyes a blight and makes Ihem act so selfishly because of falling sight If thats case- wish to point the fact should well appall for men who drive those motor ears need keen sight most of all and if their eyesights on the blink and they can scarcely see they ought somo safer job I think to gel Immediately The streets are full of perils now as all the records prove and folks must Kills One Bandit Wounds and Captured Chicago April cashier of the State Honk of Cicero a suburb successfully defended the bank against a band of six automobile bandits today Killing one robber wounding two and capturing two others Only the driver of the car who remained outside the bank escaped The six men drove up to he bank soon after It opened thin morning and five of the men with drawn revolvers and ordered staff Into lite vault While the bandits were scooping money Into a bag Wlnownkl pushed the door of the vault ajar and fired through the aperture One bandit fell with a bullet through his head and- two others were seriously wounded Meanwhile police had respond ed to the banks burglar alarm arriv ing Just In time to fire upon the flee ing bandit who was waiting outside In the automobile The other two robbers were cap tured after a running pistol fight of two blocks and the money recovered Holland April The fu neral train bearing Hit remains of lale former Empress Augusta Victoria of Germany to Potsdam the little- station at Maarn three miles from here at oclock this morning Former Emperor William did not go to to see the train depart but remained at the house of Doom In company with his brother Prince Henry of Prussia daughter of ate Empress and General Von Chief of were the only ones presid ent to see funeral car leave FARMER WITH HE OK BROKEN keep awake as to they move and folks drlvo their motor cars past crippled feble guys should go and see an oculist to find what alls their eyes -uoo- and daisies oh the coming in the spring- summer hours While Buttercups pretty flowers lime to tell of trees are leafless while the fields part buttercups and daisies spring up everywhere the I MtSW Jf GIRLS WILL HELP Many women will profit by the fol lowing statement of oue of their sex I was afraid to est on account of stomach trouble lice did not agree After taking can eat anything Adler1ka acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel remov ing foul matter which poisoned stom ach EXCELLENT for gas on the stomach or sour Guards against apjtemUclil brings gut poisonous matter you never thought was In your system WJ Putter- sou Druggist Newmarket Tillsonburg April 17 With his neck broken an a result of being thrown off a load of hay when his horses bolted on the Forge road yes terday Vanclief aged of Corners is alive Van can neither swallow nor talk His legs however are not paralyzed The victim Of the strange accident alighted on his head and when dis covered In the road was taken the Emergency Hospital here where he was attended by Dr Dennett It was discovered that two nerves which control ability to speak and been crushed and the ray revealed the neck broken Mr Vanclief ft being fed milk through a tube His head has been place In an Iron splint It Is doubt ful if lie will live very long Whatever should nor fail a plantation during spring Any fairly dry area will grow The ground should be one on which water will not stand during the win ter to form loe- Or LAHf Ottawa April Soldier settle ment board figures up the end of February that returned soldiers have settled on the land total Is made up as follows fettled by loans on purchased lands settled by loans on encumber- lands settled by loans on- Dominion lands Of this number are soldier grants Settled without loin on soldier grants Total The total number qualified for loans Is 12727 Over In loans- has been approved by the board STARTED AT First Canadian Town to Take Hew April Major J Proctor representing the Silk Company has closed a deal Willi Culver for acres of land Just north of the mojci orchard of silk trees be planted A nursery will be establish ed within the next days and worms will be working as soon as the new trees are producing leave This the first district that has taken up bilk production lu Canada Ksrly Tuesday morning some souls stole worth of wet goods the office of the Cana dian Express Co in ST-