Bacteria i tin Odd-Pet- rOtott Goof the attended 11W laic fed MaMtvepkTtio it been for centuries- entirely that soil In ft young grown a goad pea fuller promise hi other leguminous crop la bis jpttreiilii crop than It before Mm fi the practice of tortus a clover in Go- -Mr- Jn ttrAViikrPoitcr and Mm of at- crop to soil wan known until a few yean It found thai or bacteria cam to bo as thoIojjum bacteria en tered the of Iho and produced them swelling Or nodules these are really pre a out In largo on In The combination of the legume bac teria with plant results In plant tJaauca root atom and leaf a larger and more vigorous plant than the case whore the bac teria are not baa been found that different vnrlotteo of legume bacteria no- for of tho various legumes variety of bacteria oil Hut iot red and In no Saturday and the expected on good for alfalfa or clover advance In for itrc variety good for la no good tendency W8i fluid anil variety ftf prjnH Oilier no good for Boy wllliOilLmUeli mid were as per per lb fiO02firc DreaHpii per IM per basket bug peck pin- palp 2rri0i jifr pair from fan In -Mr- jnd Poller and Mr of a tended of their nephew Sunday i a In board room by the It a in by pastor Ib a place what Is Wn go there p in public by the pantor Hit about I way arc I and ho on vHh other If any particular legume crop baa not been growing In any particular field ft question able the right of present In the of that field So before a crop can ho- grown ho right bacteria have be Introduced For cultivation of alfalfa la a prac tice In many If- clover common En tho district is probable that the rlelit bacteria there for the variety good for clover good for alfalfa If it fa not present it la doubtful If a good crop will be grown dlfllculty often met with In get ling alfalfa In a new dis trict unless the flint l ln live various ways j of introducing bacteria On la take a few loadH of soil from a field In which bacteria are and this over and It Into the field to be treated mot hud was the Unit adopted not however in per llidas per lb atf Skins par lb J Or fie Union wan wel filled for he union on Friday morning and a of christian unity A very fitting arid efecUvo was delivered by He v Mann of the Church his lext being the words of Paul Cod bid hat should glory save In the cross of fes sacrifice ami service Die points work Thin It Is Lawrence and Parry also In the service A full Choir led the congregational slnglog ami also remlcrcd a very ap- loved Vocal solos were alnn con tributed try Mrs PrlMiard and Cap By ten of Ilia A for the rued amounted to ami wliil it was being taken the Mis played expression Hie whole be fitting reoognlllon of crucifixion dampness of the of the orllsl was well filled last Sun day only a few in fiallt- service was very impressive and J arc sure that everyone present wVJfytfiay would sorry to have if The bcaullful Window Hie Church by the Sidles honor of the men who served In War 10141918 was during Nurse Olive of lbeChurcliilioiefself served alt the War few filling remarks A veil drawn the Hang the National pastor delivered Ippo being tiyiM to Live The note the resurrection of Christ which followed vary ihe many changes all through the world a history ejier or and are work- in Divine plan Fitting re it- a s made loth em rial Window in honor of those for the of vhik the personal from the field and service was imiireaslve j were nearly In he eases Legume Seed Inoculation way is to inoculate seed of legume crop to be with a culture of the right variety of bacteria When this Is done ho bacteria on of seed When it germinates in soil and up get into the young cultures of legume bacteria are prepared in bacteriological laborator ies and Bold no much per vulture arc known as nitrecultures or legume bacteria cultures and var ious otjior trade have been giron to theui The laboratory of Ontario Agricul tural College was to produce itbcso cuUurcH for dis tribution American continent They arc sold from the laboratory for the nominal sum of GO cents each lp cover coat of material container and pontage culture Is for one bushel of seed Thou sands sent out annually to all pa its of Canada on application for the same Letters received from those who have used these cultures speak very highly of tills method of Inoculation as shown by following excerpts I In tho of you sent mo some alfalfa cul ture for tills district After two years have to report that tho Inoculated patches have flourished exceedingly well are making moat luxuriant growth entirely out weeds and showing a splendid color The others which wero not Inoculated have almost en tirely died out and the few plants wore- small very pale In fact I recently ploughed them up fc We made testa Ontario which proved to us that even alfalfa screenings would produce e greater growth the first and second year after being treated with bacterial culture the very beat quality of alfalfa would without treatment Wo have leoa ho bacteria hero AH I cart jay Is for lottcr the paper read when was lbt it Bounded so was a real argument too for although there did come opt one loi ter It- from a of the there was ho lo thai It not sound I was fioiiiu amused at the hurry good woman In me put my name in the paper That is one thing I have always avoided l do to put myself ftcfbiv the and when can he done wlhoul putting In name I do not It necessary Js not the iirunethiil eouiltH- IJul argument and if gooit Is no why I should put my name hi the paper and by leltlhg everybody who I am spoil the argument wcje so good last ilmo would like to way a Hi lie more am perfectly with Ilia the Temperance people so called putting things in a mix up so will know who vote or be to a correct Hat say they want lo a vote of all yet a re doing all ran prevent the the names of a lot or soldiers to the Hat afraid will vote lliiin Why esnl there and let everybody have a vole Hut no Ibvy way they a vole of every body and then when the government Riven Ihem ilia to have that they gel things mixed up no have not a lo get our on have a vole Do you call that fair play I dotit Roe why II h thai Temperance cranks lo for about other people Why they attend lo Ihernaelves and lei fellow alone You can never a man ffrtOrr by taking away the Utile Pleasure he find In llfn If you how me that Is wrens I leave I alone but by rnahing a Jaw I hat I am not in have It and the Rime time letting some other fellow have be cause has more money than have fair play They bring out big lists of figures telling Is flpeni for one year and how much good he done if ibnt money was used to more preachers we have all breach era we nerd Newmarket and they have a pretty good living I do not see any that loot from over work anrl lark of food does anyone try tell me what I do with my money if I earn it Is own and If wanl to drink a of whose business Is ft anyway And my wife likes a Utile ton so you say I am Inking money away from my wife They leM us lint there are a lot of In hospital and asylums he result of All I have lo ask Is how many of lhee the of poor few If are all from homes lie and still you fellows to have Hie and do not so we Can have equal privi leges And If ft Is so these eome moslly from the of the Well it stands reason not lirpior lliat sends them there hill lie fssi life lhaf Ihe people live Von cant blame It at all Now Mr am out for a and from all I can see Temperance cranks are no us a scniare deal If I they were and hat law was wish of majority of people afler had given us a fair vote on I would never have tried to say some of these Ihlngs which must appear to everybody be true CowapcitE- Re Recovery of than cduniry ImmenBbly as ground la baaed fact that Ita numerous laud rivers- abound- In fish such as i would make happy tho snglcr while tlm wide of open country end limber lands abound in Ufa among great j of caribou and considerable buffalo are lakes and abound In fish Lake trout tie found In abundance and some the dogs furnished the power for the heavily laden dined on lldnlts of mo choice at trout The of this work of nature been realized already by a Nova Smiths Khi V falling of around my ific party wer six tans- heart and in down my logo neuralgia hi my face and headend terrible sinking feeling I I could not live end would fix my In order every night so there would be no trouble dropped off In night My went to get the beat remedy he had ana ho gave with lite result took six end felt a lot fledged factory ttcr will always recommend the Compound and you can facte as J Cauncii Box Falls The of mads rem and herbs Is It may used with perfect confidence by women from nervous ulccra- feeling flatulency and Vegetable Compound standard for female Ufa J If about you need vice write In con- fldencd Lynn Mess J j in I thai a full has hern opened at Black Bay on take Atha basca where white flah are being canned to tempt the of the or As brought j In by boat some hundred odd I lower launches dories and other boats from Nova Scotia i- i March whole City of Iokio Was im rilled last night by the fire with which it been vinited in decade The conflagration destroyed bouses In Yet vol vl five million yen of persons w made and persons were Injured The burned buildings In cluded hospitals a hank and several large houses a luuejy J road one some or oilier lu cur farmer In pair and lobfion appealed to him fur I Why I gties I kin I said Itrf itll lo of I One 11 sir go in to lake day to In the SiJ l art of me city at twenty- So J Jill 1 normally any more work was talari out of some Ibere would be let to bury tVA Lloler support of J Canadiai to Toronto before the off era the and District fully managed ii facility for meet of Its customers Sayings accounts invited We will be pit at any time transact in to you r 1 tilt l Incorporated if Mil HE popularity of the GrayDoit is a tiling of steady growth this good car lias more friend than yesterday Tomorrow it will have more friends than today Because behind this everwidening circle of goodwill is an organization keyed up to the highest pitch of carefulness efficiency and pride in their work aud had a very good result the year Fort William tho cul tures which you supplied lust spring they were a field of peas of an early The larger portion of the as inoculated but part In the ordinary way as check plat The seeding was all done about the 1 lb of May in twelve weeks he whole field had reached maturity the excvplloif of the which was still and the anthem were Mrs ware that use also rogation A very appropriate which much appreciated The Soldi In with a hugle in linnd and le British Standard In oilier In Colors with Ihe In shining In the liar a of glory around Ills liid leaving the dark tomb end to future The eiueejillon Is well nrrlcd nul and the Is a lasting eonftihullon so Die beauty snered edifice nd the hlsf offering on morning aniouiited lo over oilier at Hip evening service riroiight it up to congregation was even larger than inoiahig gallery being more than half filled in the anthem Miss the and With Miss Lillian Hart Mrs mils a setting He tor You The lantern be was made exceeding ly MX profitaijie by the aster the Ringing was The wire most over wo lllle and railages of of tlila bgutne but It appear from his ex- merit that ho crop Viasuot only improved In yield but growth and were hastened The part of he grown from Inoculated seed gave excellent results and In future culture will be used on all legumes the homo farm Cultured are distributed from bora lory A- luting seed of al- closer lotri- el over vetches peas cow peas field bears soy It Jones A Collide id Ills vuuures are Mb Sli for M red dove which are well groomed will fctud the form work belter than btch are neglected of Catarrh to frequent and that iho use of to cows ifi Gt Catarrh l Catarrh llirough Surfaces of wa for the only answer thai iV-Oiper- prople of Ihe town spnl week In I to say was riot on answer at all pleafin- ii me who you are I am not ashamed of who I hut If Is own anil I dont Intend in foil everybody who Just the natural curiosity us every in has Liberty U- Mr Editor Sir- As an Interested reader of the letter of lu your Is sue of the eighteenth I am Im pelled to inscribe a few observations Of as is Usual in such cases is some mud flinging find though the forces jifive nothing lose by with their op ponents si IH fee rim In I ions mutual or oilier wise are entirely the question and gel ua nowhere the merits of the being what we have to Is this to note however that whereas forces are unselfishly enrryfnl money promote a sound opponents are working for Ihe Indulgence of a habit which Is degrading and In every way Injurious Moreover while ghiUany anrl the immoderate use of are evils of no I have yet to leain that are to people or liquor drinking Is a tfood suhstilufe- much Anll- for such was An evil but hoihht to keep linuor In the home and it others a should any one with s medium of that would the door to the which we are ft riving in of the matter to my mind Is lffrbt here A long of haveproven the husines find only effMual rented is Trial Put says Yon by True ran a to use sense lie It he the intention of this company to give the very limit of value is equal to its ability to give value You cannot fail to of the appreciate the value at its present price See the Gray- Dor dealer at once W K JOHNSTON Sutton West W J I iVylurn but free far pilsorlt And we at least In r3eiisihlMty fn this by our j S3 r en a if A I- TL- aj