w jsj jewelry Store V Reading County Papery well w out paid In a and Propriety Wynfa jW fc pJW Wj fee v ftrtj Quaker of Oak Ridges Furnished Warder of York Joseph Election In OfffolM Mend of Courtly Recall Influx of from Pennsylvania of whom ho was and Worthy i Representative the charge- of cents for the search of a document support lib IndicV- against the Council decided thai this was adding Insult to Injury streets were not always while and In fact very Jutfc attempt was made to clean Reflections in the Dominion House Paints- ii Plttxsrav Supplies Appliances and Automobile r Toronto Globe To the In lid so to develop lie agricul ture of North Stokes eighteenth Warden or the Metropoli an County belonged The Stoke were among the early- settler Pennsylvania wlio according to of lost y Ihe revolu tion travelled ftfwn in aoaroti of awl ana having their expeclulloriB fulfilled by new of favor from the In grants of land torn their plows at once Into these fertile and an abundant crop reminds Idem of God and lo their on years the of I ho report of the Property village derived Its early name was of York County Council tersely a few remarks The attention of your corn- years after bin ariat In the imllteo was directed to His son the future Chief Magistrate of street In the of the Court of the county had learned Ihe milling else was trade mills at Kllenbur further mention was made of mat- King Whether Crown Place your notes with Wnfe or Wo oho save youtroublo Payments as received ore promptly to your aecount desirous of ormera in every possible manner Our will I be fiadto business you BRANCH ft Conoty If A a I NUT The Best Coal ON HAND AND STOVE GOAL W PEARSON Cor and loyalty to or It was the prospect of free grants lamj that brought Quaker settlers of Oak this country Is hard to say Hut the country profiled coin- Jug The faun houses and trie surroundings In the Quaker settle ment nays camo to be notahlc at nil early dale for a charac teristic and and for an of cjivlablo general comfort and pros perity A fitatoty of their feelings of loyal ly to- the British Crown may bo gath ered from the reception they ave to Francis Gore on his arrival In Upper Canada hi In The of A we read On Tuesday September the following address from the Quak ers residing on street was pre sented to- his the Lieuten antGovernor The society of the people called Quakers Kruno Ik Gore of Upper Canada sendeth greeting Not withstanding we are a people who hold forth to the a principle which In many- respects differs from the greater part of mankind yet we be lieve our reasonable duly as Apostle Submit yourselves unto every ordinance of man for Lords aukcY whether It he the King as Tor unto as unto that are sent him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them that do weir In this we hope to ho Ms humble and peace ful subjects Although cannot for conscience sake Join with many of our fcllowrnortals In the compli mentary customs of man In taking up the human -blood- Under the Rons management the mills grew Flour wan produced hi great quantities the sawmill did a To the was added a carding mill to turn out the yarn then used by alt fieHlera wives lii the manufacture of I Road Globe Prom Joseph Stokes a In and reader flic- from the time Ihn first He a man who had a great grasp of public- questions and ltwa not long heforo he was elected of the township King and for a number of years represented town ship at the sessions of County Council wqs not sufficient to attract much attention In those days Eight years earlier a very brief ref erence to the sanitary condition of To rontos thoroughfares- was made In The Globe The crossings along king and Yonge streets have oil been clean ed so- the- can now the street In safety If cleaning main streets was worthy of such no tice what nave been the condi tion or a street in the rear of the Court V Our Toronto Letter doughty secretary to Am- he retired from J Small theatre owner of this In years after being War den he for a time was Treasurer of King and Ihen was appointed Town ship Clerk This position together office of of the In dustrial Home he held until his death In I At the when jthere wore 35 taverns on almost one for every Mr Stokes was an or dent He was one of the group of who organized first lodges In Upper Canada of the Sons of Temperance He rose rapidly the order land before his death elected Worthy Patriarch was the custom then long since to have an annual tem perance festival This was held a hush lot near A lunch was always served and several bran bands In gailydecorated waggons headed the procession to the meeting grounds OldTime As an Idea of the tremendous of this festival Mrs W Proctor of Newmarket a daughter of Mr Stokes nan furnished a list of the required to the mul titude The list Is as loaves of bread 10 farmers hams made up in sandwiches fruit cakes bushels and bushels of cookies ginger snaps and drop cakes pies arid For preparatory to the meet ing the farmers wives In the district By Toronto Star Mr Is- an oasis of political hem et ability tho midst of Darren desert if and the sooner he is lilit present cares arid burdens for himself and the country He with all the of two governments of Sir ftobertUbrden He has not manag ed to beat e fissure between himself end Quebec Hi has failed to attract even passable lo his and us a result the hope that he be able to provide tie country with efficient government has from the minds of alt save purblind was moved foot of Millard Prom Era pyre Store from Main to number one lids week The receipts for the village ran year were of which amount was spent on roads and and On the School The Census Numerators for North York arc as follows l Xing Albert Wells Jos J Law rence Arthur Whitchurch Ed Reynold a Francis Blake MoxBoik Jones Andrew Henderson- Bast Kino on Offensive Naturally watch Is being j Graham J T Stokes kept upon the performances of North Last session Mr David Graham Price were busy baking- It Is scarcely sword In order to shed necessary to state why the festival for the Scripture was IK- that ft Is rfghtcQUHness that a nation hut sin Is a reproach to the people Ave feel concerned for thy welfare and the prosperity of the Province hoping thy may he such as to he a terror the evilminded and a pleasure to them that do well then will the Province flourish and prosper under thy direc tion which is the earnest desire and prayer of thy sincere friends Read and approved In street monthly meeting In the year of Mr Stokes Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc -fteo- and Moulding Doors Flooring Turning Sawing Dressing Etc Ike feu Yards Huron St Newmarket To Hits address Gore was pleased return the following an swer I return my for you dutiful end for your good wishes for my welfare and for the prosperity of this Province I nave no doubt of your proving peaceful and good subjects Ida Majesty as well as Industrious and respectable mem bers of society I shall at all times be happy to afford to such person my and support When was writing tils woeful account of affairs la Upper Canada lie remarked that the Friends meeting house near Newmarket and the Anglican chapel at Hoggs Hollow were the only places of public worship the County council had many Important questions to decide The matter of a new Court House loomed large these The old Court House the present county buildings had been condemned by one Grand Jury after another Law yers objected to their dingy quarters The growing city of Toronto was add- higmore and more work to slowdown the wheels of justice clogged as they were in their congested quarters To ronto wanted a new Court House The County Council considered the ques tion It seemed to lie adding insult to Injury when Grand Jury of 188 though knowing that the Council was discussing question once more scored the housing arrangements of the courts The Council loot pa tience Willi due deference to the several supreme and august bodies It recommended them to ex tend their researches to the eastern and northeastern boundaries of the city and give a careful examination to different slaughter houses to end that some means may be adopted to abate the In these locali ties who a check from TransCanada Theatres Limited Mon treal for a million dollar on Decem ber connection with sales of theatre properties by Small to Ihe Montreal company and mysteriously disappeared that evening was found guilty by a Jury at county criminal court here on a charge of stealing Victory Honda lo the value of property or Mr Small trial excited more than ordinary Interest owing to the cir cumstances attending the case and because of the faol that Ambrose is Htm missing During the trial certain questions of law were disputed and Jl was agreed between counsel and the Judge this afternoon thai these matters should be present ed on April A in written argument counsel In the meantime Doughty will remain In Jail A second charge Is hanging over Dough lya head that of conspiring Ambrose 3 Small The trial of the accused on was postponed today until the May sessions of the county court Despite f he threatening weather the annuel parade Good Friday morning of the Salvation Army from Queens Park to Maascy Hall where the Tableau of the Cross was given In connection with a service presided over by Commis sioner Richards was as largely at tended as any In the past Cloy aged of Sou dan Avenue was shot dead by a rifle In life hands of Harold Holmes aged of 1107 St Clair Avenue west while boys were out groundhogs Wilson Russell aged 0 of ICO Hamilton Street was fatally injured Friday afternoon at and Mon ro Streets when a motor car driven by Harry Hudson Church services were largely at tended on Good Friday morning At St James Cathedral people were to gain admittance Trinity Methodist Church was also- unequal to task of accommodation Record crowds fn the Parks last Friday Weather unusually warm The York Rangers celebrated Easter Sunday by holding church parade at the Strand Theatre when over members were In parade A first class welcome accorded to the champion Varsity hockey team when they reached Toronto Saturday afternoon It was the greatest parade In he history of the university and there was one of the Urges crowds out that has ever lined Toronto streets to welcome home the champions of any prank of sport AND CHIPS CHOP King was at a great disadvantage as he had been out of parliament for many years and was obviously diffi dent about templing fortune till he had become familiarised with its atmos phere and procedure By this time he shows signs of having rcmcdtitf this disability and he started the ses sion with a assault upon the government and the apparent Inten tion of allowing no quarter lie however been somewhat sparing In his Intervention In debates but he waya makes a speech and his form and delivery are beyond re proach Mr King has not means eli minated criticism of his capacities in his own camp but he seems to made headway In strengthening his position as leader Last year there were constant complaints that he kept himself a zenanalike seclusion and allowed himself no opportunity to as certain the sentiments of his follow ing This session lie Is mixing more freely with them and has been mak ing someeffort to keep In touch with public opinion but even as It Is he lays too much stress upon the Im portance of speeches and too little upon the human side of politics and the arts of party management Drift Apart From Liberate The progressive party continue to emphasize on all possible occasions their complete Independence and de tachment from the old parlies At beginning the sessions they seemed likely to make a firm alliance wllh Liberals for expulsion of the government but as the session has proceeded certain have and two groups rather to have drifted apart for the moment The Liberals were enraged when half the progressives swelled by their Voles the Governments majority after ihe National Railway debate In Messrs Bureau Le- Murphy Jacobs J Sinclair end Can non fact they have almost a speakers who are as good as the best four on the ministerial side Then the progressives can put up Mr Creraj and Dr Clark and In No Mans Land two formidable debaters in Messrs A Maclean and A Buchanan So In weight of oratori cal artillery the government are hope lessly outmatched and there are no possible sources of reinforcement In sight Any casual observer can after a days attendance In Ihe galleries dis cern the pi lent superiority of the op position groups on he floor of house Resides Messrs King and Fielding the Liberals ran muster a fine array of able parliamentarians who can speak on almost any topic There has been do diminution of the strength of the conviction groups that Hie destruction of present gov ernment is the paramount Issue of the day WIND Gcorglna Jos Angus Ego Newmarket ft Jackson Aurora M Holland Landing Married On Mar by Rev Brown at the Manse Newmarket Mr John Collins Jr to Miss Jane both of Whitchurch On Mar at the residence of Mr Reuben Robinson by Rev A Smith Mr John of to Mies R Robinson of Whit church Markets flutter eggs From Era April 3rd Miss Altec Lowe entertained a num ber young friends on Tuesday Miss May Lloyd left on Monday to take a course as professional nurse In a Buffalo Hospital Reeve Cane Jointed a deputation to Toronto on Monday to endorse a bill to reduce the number of the County Councillors Mr A J Belfry left last week to attend college nt Williams Port Pa A big crowd was attracted by Glass Blowers town Saturday night Splendid sleighing last Saturday and the largest market since the Christmas holidays Officers of the Junior League Medley Wilson Mabel Eva Lush Mabel Hiram Wilson The Cricket Club was Friday evening following officers J Robertson Tyler- Practise on Roes Plats The Presbyterian young people had a Rainbow Social on Monday night The AitariAi the Par sonage Mar by Rev Mr Gibson Pals- ley Oxbridge to Miss Hannah Ken nedy of King The Tomb At Baldwin Mar Geo years In township Mar Elizabeth aged years Markets- Eggs dor 506 OH HYDRO on street in a distance of nearly forty miles The Stokes were not among the earliest- arrivals In Quaker Shortly after they reached country and then known sometimes the Hoi low and sometimes as Mills another Quaker house was erected near Lloydtown at the small village of Brownsville now known as In his early days Joseph attended both meeting houses Later In life though he attended the Methodist Church ho still clung to his Quaker views- over Court House Jtjn people of must cat more fish That they should do so Ihe common interest of all Our fishery Mr Stokes was Chairman of the special committee appointed to ar range for a new Court House Tills committee proposed to the that settled at Keltleby I new building be greeted the city and Ihe county each contributing on lle basis of Hie number of civil and criminal eases submitted to the by each municipality city turn ed down the proposal Court ac commodation had always been a bone of contention between the capital town and county Now once more the county prepared to take force Toronto to pay an equitable share of the cost of providing the hew court accommodation In York Council came to same conclusion regarding payment of Crown Attorney lhat toracvOpncral reached last year The Council decided thai a straight salary should replace the fee system it petitioned the Legislature to make- Ihe change The agitation for substitution a salary In place of fees was caused largely a dispute Crown At torney A claim Mr Kenton had made on the county for was disallowed by the Board of Audit When the pay laie sum the Grown Attorney took the matter to court BY that Jersey hit by Gal Overturns A York Spot Also a Complete Mm of HouseCleaning Necessities YOUNGS PAIR The village of near which the Stokes settled is one of beautyspots In York country In Smith in his Canada Past Present and wrote The situation Is picturesque and would Jie mors so had a of the Umber been standing on the hills Here however the universal Canadian has been followed of clear ing the land of sweeping away everything hearing green leaf al though requires a to- re pair devastation of a few hour The new seiners however looks upon must he de stroyed on any terms and It Is not until he lias been settled for some begins to that had trees resources are the greatest hi the world and they form one of our outstanding national assets but at the present time they are developed only In a fractional degree Being a na tional property It is naturally every ones concern that the fishing In dustry be developed lo Its maximum and our Water made to disgorge to the very limit of their productivity But Increased Hon of sea foods must obviously pre cede increased nroducllou because without a market In view It be wanton waste 10 slaughter the of the deep further more It would be folly on the part of who depend Upon the industry for a livelihood To those engaged directly in the In dustry the Interest la more vital The development of a broader local mar ket means an expansion of their busi ness It is reasonable to assume then any movement to stimulate he demand for fish the people should receive first and most rea dy from those commercially concerned Without ihclr loo be expected to Falls March The boarding house boss thirty- five inmates at a hydro canal below near the power house site were held up by three masked men with revolvers on Thurs day night and robbed of about The bandits fired two shots In the air on entering the house and then de manded money or life from their EXPERT Famous In this Specialty Called Toronto Straw year Mr That year Mr Kenton received from York Tldswaa suf ficient In eyes of the county fcddati to his WU Governor Boyle vert our people to Ihe habit In large measure the succe of any rests them Individually City Nov 8 bill providing for the In execution of death Nevada was stsned by J March A wind- of cyclone velocity swept over and nearby towns late this afternoon resulting in great damage to many dwellings and uprooting countless trees In residential sec tions The blow lasted only five minutes but during time of houses were carried away chim neys were demolished window glass was broken and In more open sec- lions small dwellings were moved from their foundations and overturn ed automobiles and waggons were up set and Hip occupants had narrow escapes from serious Injury The large estate of Pierre Mali the Belgian Consul in Now York suffered heavily from of many valuable Irees A large sign on Ihe American Mo tor Corporation plant on West Front slreel was carried away wrecking one end of a building and landing on of the New Jersey Cen tral nearby Jn Hie west end of field front porches Of houses were blown off and slate on the roofs was scattered Many of oldest and biggest trees to the were broken off like pipe tern In some esses they 011 houses roofs and win- iow was followed by a rale and i- drop of from to 3Q degrees hi ilerausi from hi the of a gii1 jnirll boy Smiths Aped hut stork brings a is of ft by fc of Chicago and Phila delphia the noted truss expert will personally be at the King Edward Ho tel and will remain In Toronto Monday Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday April and Mr says The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture per fectly but contract the opening in days on average ease Being a vast advancement over all former methods Instantaneous effects immediately appreciable and withstanding any or poslllon This instrument received the only award In England arid hi Spain pro ducing results Without surgery In lection medical treatment pre scriptions Mr docu ments from United Slate flov- Washington for All charity casts without charge or If any Interested call he glad to show same of lit them If desired Business demands prevent stopping at any other place In Hits section Every In this baa 5iy Home Office North Hearlorn St Chicago i t