Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 18, 1921, p. 7

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J- on broad moot Day by day IK ft An Bird Does ihe early bird always catch Hie- worm out bo necessary to see play Id the Town Hall on Wednesday bvcnlftgi March under the Dramatic Society Of Methodist Church TRACK A Aurora Heard Purchase of Lend for I hi In Extra Jfi heavy Mule Skin one- lingered only iOo at An Early A In three will ho by Drain alio Club of the Young People Society of Church on Wednesday March You see Dial On Jlie outside It hut on U- it 4ya Get the Idea Ill Mi I bad to make my way And It made a if Push The WtefJom Gyrus a KJihuok Sale of he hold Sale on Thursday in school room from to Afternoon lea will hi served Ail EASTER of plan for properly small plot of MotJier Iht lands for more than all the rest of In our memories V ism and fcppioprlyhj it no loiojr to delay toe due w over W Cor Main Kin Newmarket n J for County of York t o hi or appointment hi Ik Capsule brought tiidtli to A ul for fifteen icriied by tola by drug- jlti a box Ask our for a free trial W lo Newmarket by J In button fit Pauls J I Week Sunday in and p in Monday and Thursday a and in 4 lifiun aervlee noon to p in faiioitMcOonlKlc Hector memorial Window Tim of the ore looking forward to Hauler Sunday will norc thou the usual amount of tolerant owing lo that day being for of the window creeled by the Union of our A cord Li I Invitation extended to every body to be present at thla morning service and men who have worn Iho uniform are Invited to be present Detain Price on 2D llcep fled Color jal and gal cana splendid brick work barn loom in for or lasts only per gal at Hardware Newmarket Through the of Mr J and Mr J Harrington we are able to nolo an Improvement In the dairy conditions of our Town Mr have prompted him to install a Milk In order may enjoy satisfaction with a very necessary commodity In our rally routine This machine render milk pure and will be on exhibition shortly in the North Dairy where individuals are entirely welcome to view ami lest thin new enterprise ICE lUi iorpoi alien of the County of announces thai its list of iiv Sale for arrears of Taxes prepared and that copies tlieictf may he had In office of the jr iusuier NO Adelaide litst is the Oily of end that wid liit with notice of sale is being in the Ontario Gazelle dales March and Mm and In ef iKrfHicnl or the taxes the lends In will be sold for Taxes at and places men Honed in the ttl notice is pursuant to of section of The t Act l J of York day of March 1921 School Reports of fib Sincere Is expressed at the death of Mrs Albert which occurred It oclock last Monday morning She had been ailing about two weeks and took a change for the boiler which built up the hopes of family and but a relapse set In on Saturday and she passed Into unconsciousness within hours Deceased was the daughter of the late John Mitchell and her mother is still living She leaves a three sons and three daugh ters floss married In Newmarket Carl in Toronto and the at home to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother The funeral took place on Wednes day conducted by and In Ceme tery pull hearers were five brothers of Mr and a of deceased Geo Timolhy Peter of Sam of Roachs Point Will of Bulks Tails and Albert of The friends from a were Mr Albert Mr and Mrs Bert Mrs Toronto Mr and Mr J Warren Toronto Mr lltirks Falls Mr Norman Mrs Trlvelt Toronto Mr J Trlvelt Toronto Mrs Toronto Mr and Mrs Roachs Mr A Toronlo Mrs The casket was literally covered with flowers in token of fond remem brances including the following The Family Ilo e school report is If Nary Wood Hazel Dove I Mcrioijrild Jack Hum Cousins r III lint ling ill- Muvvyn Lewis Alma tiiry Lewis IL- Aubrey McGlU llu Jr Stella lite iiies Vera Jr Murray Audrey Tatlon JIuoi Kelson Tallin Kelson ill Marlowe Mr Mr Mr Mr Mr Mrs J Warren Mrs Mrs J Mrs Mrs Mrs end Family teacher Si March John Hick eliiploycd with locked up today by and and and and and Price Family Mr and Mrs Mrs Misses Lulu Collins and May nose Mr end Mrs Mr and Mrs ceo A Chs Canadian Girls In Training and Srodle Mar laud Family Davis Family Methodist Choir Mr and and Employees Office Mr and Smith and Faintly Ha vis Leather Co Cane A Co Town Mr end Mrs ft from III a charge In the Safety We have acts of Auto Strap Razors complete with sad History of Hit V jVic of iho Hoard of Trade wai bald In rooms Block on Monday March J It he cliatr lit of Association ago Kvory seat was Interest was sustain ed throughout a long session of Fhe mintites of Iho last rend and on motion adopted On the following were accepted as of the Board of Trade George Alex and Dr The roll has the murk and la hoped lo reach the round century long A Fairy Highway Out of the he Aurora ftoeiely and- a of Aurora and its there baa sprung grander idea of making St Hoggs Hollow Holland Landing a continuous wayside gar den shrubbery shade trees ter raced lawns and rustic resting places lo weed grown borders thai disfigure great highway The whole was to the Hoard of Trade by Mr Spun and Col A Aurora Society Willi the hearty co operation of the pal i ties along the highway with he active aid of all the land owners properly fronted Urn street they thought would be little difficulty in making the plan a Mr said hat a Horticultur al had lo have some object to- work for else it would die To that end the association at Aurora had planned to beautify a lot north of Methodist Church in town bad been secured for a park and Toron to and York Radial had asked the jsooioly to in improving the properly This Horticultural Society hud also Iho beautifying of ap proaches to Aurora toil this did not seem enough and the larger Idea bad come into existence and for the success of this undertaking they he assistance of the New market Hoard of Trade Mr was sure Ihat the of Ibc could be secured for Iho planting of trees along the highway and also attention to their upkeep He suggestion a deputation of citizens from all the municipali ties Along wail on the Minister Hon Biggs lo secure his sympathy and operation in this matter Mr to see St become Ifie most beauti ful highway- in all Ontario to the deputation Mr that- Mr J Who resides on just north of Hoggs Hollow had told him re cently that he Mr had an organization under way that had as its object the plan outlined Hoard by Mr and Col and owners of property all along the highway as far north a Wm Muloeks of tins intended meeting and Mr Keith thought that would he a good plan for Hie Aurora deputation to get in touch with Mr arid to work in co operation with Mr It said Licit some years ago he had suggested a plan of kind for street the idea coming lo him of the beautiful driveway at Jacksons Point which is a source of endless pleas ure annually lo of sum mer visitors On motion of Mr Keith by Mr the matter of co operation with the Aurora Horti cultural was left in the of I be Weal of the Hoard of Trade For one hour the members threshed out the problem of proposed park for a of which by citizens His Worship Mayor Eves has called a public meeting in the Town Hall for this Friday evening The mem bers were unanimous on tile needs of a park for Newmarket but there were differences of opinion a the best methods of purchasing and maintaining the in good con dition and arranging for its im provement year by year Mr Keith Mr A J Davis and Mr all favored the idea of paying for lite park and its Upkeep by and levelling the cost over a number of years and also held the view that the people should express their opinion on its purchase through the channel of the ballot Mr said if all Iho were as favorably deposed towards the purchase of the property are members of the Board of council would not to buy the land hat of fact they by no moans cottain and lie felt that Iho citizens should all have the opportunity to speak The dif ficulty that the members of of Trade had was in conclusion In the of options on the property ex pired on April let If these options could bo extended for two months it would give lime for advertising a bylaw and submitting to the people by Mr assured Board that this could be done that assurance Board passed motion moved by Mr seconded 5y Mr the proposition to purchase the signaled properly and do recom mend to the Town Council by reason of a bylaw lo be submitted to the people at early date The motion was carried unani mously Mayor Eves J A Mr Mr more sterling and others spoke strongly in favor of pur chasing land- Mr Fred A of the Publicity Commitlee reported on the matter of a Welcome Sign on blrcct or an arch on Eagle street The difficulty of the erection of a sign on street was due to the uncertainty of what was to happen to The Min ister of Public Works lied in mind widening street either east or west some twenty feet and until Ibis problem was decided com mittee could not recommend any action being taken The material cost of an would tic in the neighborhood of and taking any action the committee direction from the Hoard AG A SOIL fertile soils contain of the three most essential elements for growing nitrogen phosphorus and any of these he lacking plants cannot grow The two latter elements are found in the particles and In the vtsclablc matter that is in lie soil The former is found la the vegetable matter only Thus It will be seen that a soil defi cient hi matter is lacking in nitrogen Nitrogen wc find when buying com mercial fertilizers is the expen sive plant food clement costing least per pound If the fertilizer contained per cent of nitrogen the cost for Ibis element in ton would be The legumes when folly established have Ihe power obtain nllrogen from the air through a soil organism which nodules on the roots of plants belonging to this order The leguminous plants are Ihe com mon red clover clover alfalfa sweet vetch and ocas and of these the common red clover Is IF Capital Reserves asked The Hoard decided to abandon the Men for an arch this year asked Importance- There are to secure to pounds of a where the n and the production of this amount of lop growth leaves- a system con taining at least pounds of vege table mailer furnishing say SO pounds of nitrogen In the soil Of this pounds of in the entire it has been estimated that about I pounds comes from the air and pounds from the soil provided thai conditions favourable to the activities of Ihe bacteria exist It will be seen therefore that pounds of nitro gen the lowest market value Is worth 1750 or newly as much as that if one ton of high fertilizer is hard to realize that tons of clover extracts from the air nitrogen equal that contained in one ten of our best fertilizers True floras of be lost by careless handling of the manure from stock but for the most part should ultimately go back to the soil If the crop Is not sold It has been found that the soil or ganism which furnish a the clover with from the air does not thrive In an acid soil or one lacking a to iic n consequently we wish to away family Kin street west after Illness the committee the erection a sign King George Hotel Co has its pres old sign pointing lovvards Newmar ket Fee It was moved by Mr Harvey by Mr that the nonresident fee be Carried Mr Harvey announced that the next Board of Trade meeting would be Wednesday March and that the speaker of the evening would be Dr Horace of the Bureau of Municipal Research is an able speaker end Hoard is most fortunate lo se cure him Sot the fifth of the series winter On motion the Board adjourned of Muriel Copied from Many will deeply Mr and William j In loss they sus tained last evening in the death of Ihdr elder child Muriel passed of six months Horn at Ottawa five years and nine ago the little one moved here her In I0i9 In last she was stricken with and was taken to Toronto where she underwent so op eration but despite every her could not ft is where soil acidity Is found to correct this condition by application of la some form Ground Is the most popu lar and effective form or lime It applied at the rale of tons per acre when seeding to grain which lime Ihe clover Is usually sown best re sults will be obtained Subsequent stand the shock and although bright applications one ton every three times she gradually felled until I years usually suffices lo maintain ensued- about oclock last freedom from Among the tests conducted A FARMERS banking problem is simplified if is dealing with The Bank of Toronto Any responsi ble farmer vho needs money to in crease his finance the purchase of stock or feed or in- any other way to enable him to expand Ins business will find The Toronto ready to cooperate with him Our Managers are only too pleased to discuss any sound proposal that has to do with development and production Incorporated 1055 NEWMARKET P A Lister Han bo y favor of the iliac areas and the yield of hay the following year averaged pounds per acre from the four limed plots and pounds per acre from the two plots not limed a dif ference in favor of liming amounting to pounds of clover hay per acre When this land was plowed In ere was a decidedly marked difference In Ihe amount of root development in favor of the limed areas thus greatly increased store of vegetable mailer end nitrogen carrying materials therefore Is most valuable as a soil builder because It produces a environment for Ihe Clover plant through which farm soils can be built up most economically Blair Station Kenlville March James man of Elm vale was fined this morning by Police Magi strate Clark for breach of the A Inspector Held having learned was being at auction sent I wo con table 3 to a sale farm in Tiny township here They found Tubman ready lo sell them a of which look and arrested the vendor Tub man pleaded guilty and lined S and costs or six months in Jail Spring has come and wilh II the birds Hut there may be fewer swallows after April Toronto WHATS IN A NAME death night one little Blades fleff far iis Board of- endows Ihe Experimental station one carried on in halt ere plots Is of particular I ere at fhere was little apparent in the M the plots nd Iho aver half acre plots which were of tons per acre was it bushels and Besides her parents survives The deceased grand daughter of is felt here for he parents in their bereavement The funeral lkesplsea from on Street pounds of on the Iwo half Ihe Mr Osbornes home Ibis mm Si per After and Interment will be In was a difference to the clover to When we decided to open a Want In Aurora our was of A ffims end this was careful It for a product In by and en Via proud In to a Pii- it it hard to explain why this Vila to fact fed It have been COLUMBIA and YORK BATTERY SERVICE And In this vo In if your our work Is for hay villi tall aco when the v ant ARE let us your lottery to add find In a Ham VI

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