Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 18, 1921, p. 3

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if- NEWS A or wildgeese Saturday next Friday Union In on Good Friday No nod PenBaler oHdltloh Would new Sale at Union Good Friday held Christian kurfl March from li win put in J Friday program of llic of Dole inlrlariiniia be ijinii of fllll a jKiW added week iiud watch for further f row Voltes Prints j inrilliigri for next llm when Hit punier will draw an The Steps of Our Lord from Triumphal to tin Tim iulll to IviHhion ini of on ROCHE CO Up Stairs over Youngs Fair rffc- w in truly ftt A Willi shop Ilia will any Mud of Safely itiUt storm of the us shortly after iVloch on evening and ill The was not loial but entirely wick line Town a ftinciJ wo 1iIMliliOII III the FOR YOUR cur- Friends Endeavor 1 wet usual on Monday was the fair of JhJ address on Is Helltflon was much The next week Is liorss and Is to he taken by VeimaWlddlflcld Jctitler Photo- Greeting- fpr Particular People HAUL BROTHERS Newmarket Photographers Successful Mooting Very succes- on Friday- In Club Hie decided in of by one A pro- of readings was Joyed all The next will he on eYnlfiK the Wo arc thank ful Interest fihown by the fathers of the of J Regular meeting Monday at In Hall over- Bank of Montreal Full of MA CHEAT OUT OF POiVEtl Patricks Day end of Ann Chocolates ir Fresh Monthly Thft of the Hoard wilt take place at the King Oconee Hot on Wednesday evening week of evening Is to Jie given by of the Bureau of Municipal Toronto He flitd to he an excellent speaker and has a fund of InterestingInformation at his tongue a end therefore an lli- treat may be if tickets are now on sale is that there will he a good past week Mr Win Hod- gins of Newmarket a form for Mr If Knight s at a house on street belonging lo Mr I mil ton who bought Mr Oakley Flanagans residence on Main Street Christian Endeavor meeting Tuesday night in of Audrey IWfcs Miss fiert- will give a paper on How We Can Make Our Lives Useful All member are requested to he present Coin Next Lords Ray Is Palm Sunday A fine new front is being placed In Pattersons Drug Store Evangelistic meetings continue in the Christian Church Womens Meellng nest Sunday afternoon Irish Concert in the Town Hall last and in the Ilatl to V in Rural No are and lot glad it people tfyvem and whcnitbefrWUl if allowed to bo great Importance la general Another will not hurt but wW our the evil of great ind agelong and of alcohol the voters- attention was colled last week to- the need of another Wo A to take eare- notice form of ballot and to the voters Hot of groateflt Importance that every voter bog his name Is on the revised list do not trust this to any one Or- to inure than you would trust to be Who Hay person mat or female years of who io birth or by who In Canada since i and in this province 1st or as nay two months prior to Feb J and wile Is not an Indian or Isnt II good that women arc no longer clawed with Indians and Idiots So- you will see local resi dential required mint one year and in Province two months before Feb may vole In lturl filslrlels the list used Oct will bo used April without revision while in Urban Town or City the ft list will be used after careful vision Newmarket the Covernmenl Ima Mr acting Town Clerk to be Die Of ficer and the dales when every voter Will jor should see that his Or her is on the llsl will be Monday March as Tuesday Wednesday Thursday at Iho Town Clerks of fice Those silting will be advertis ed by posters to call attention to the place How people have clamored for popular franchise How we have la bored- for voles for women they would no longer be classed with Idiots and Now that tills right ours would we be really worthy of It should we neglect to We thai our names are not on the limn when the day comes hould we to vote It mailers not lo me what side you arc on the ballot Is And you friend voter should use it honestly It Is necessary or a person to vole in the polling subdlvlslou In which he or resides and In urban districts be the Hals for the polling subdl vision In which Voters reside and residence must be continuous from that lime until voting day Watch this well as to the the ballot It seems somewhat at first that when there Is but one question It should be asked on the ballot hut will be the case be thus FOR Tapestry Rage Japan689 Floor OH Window Curtain WotB arid papery NEW SPRING GOODS BOQT8 Oxford Uft and tOWK8T S04V Judging sixth annua Junior Farmer Association Stock Judg ing for theCounly of will he held at Newmarket on 23rd The Com open ail of the Irnprovetnent fvjytijn and all young men Id the of York under twentyfive of Prizes will be given the following classes Beef and Swine as well prizes for genera standing will be a trip to 1- JHijfeo International Show for If anyone is interested kind- to J for Lot Of Rods lofit all AsjJows in different only 0e at Hardware Will make a permanent repair Quick ly on any rubber Boots Hot Water Auto or yieycle See demonstrationist Bin Hardware Newmarket Additional The people of Newmarket will be the of an extremely rare treat on the evening of the Club Monday April The Club has secured the of Miss Jesse Alexander foremost entertainer who will give a number of readings throughout the program Other artists will be later Church firgy at both Sunday greeted the new A J A when bi jaaloralo in Hie on Hope on Chap and inspiring ami helpful that of the evening Proving found In In impressive manner held of the was- received with by Ills Works Vihii as verse fl delivered A big fight on the question of Hydro power for the farmer Is loom ing up that ihe farm er will get no help from Ibis session of legislature because those who are attacking Sir Adam will not support a bonus of one- third of rural transmission lines lust because it originated with Sir The element among members Is strong partly due to persistent propaganda This ele ment Insists upon an increase In water power rentals If the rate Is not made per horsepower the members want It made or Si The average rental payable at present at Niagara is OB cents Most of the demand that any bonus for rural pole lines shall come out of the water rentals and not out of the general revenues of the prov ince The Beck proposal lo a year out of the general revenues and out of that sum to pay of the cost of rural trans mission lines A Compromise Premier Is understood to be not averse to Hie nature of the Heck proposal But some of his principal supporters will have none of It and the government finds itself In some thing of a quandary One way out Is that a eotisideralile sum perhaps per year shall be taken from the Queen Victoria Niagara park missions revenue from water rentals and put Into the general revenues of the province and that thai amount possibly supplemented to some extent be devoted to cheapening the hydro In country districts J member for West Middlesex and chairman of the- special Hydro committee and Andrew Hicks of South Huron Ihe P whip are two government supporters who want Hydro power cheapened for the farm er by raising the of it In cities They argue that the whole Hydro scheme should be selfsustaining and that as the belong to all the people the farmer should get bis share of cheap Hydro power 0 it 5 a lis O After brave fight for service her the call comb to Miss Dove graduate nurse at Private Pa tients Pavilion Toronto General Hos pital on March Nurse Dove as she was known was fully ready for the and passed peacefully away her nurse friends were near her in the closing moment of life here Miss carried Into her as earnest devoted which has marked her life from a girl She lived for others She loved her Church loved Missionary work of the Church Sim was a thought ful daughter and rnpsl devoted to parents sisters and brother The last service for loved one was In Methodist Church Kettleby on Monday March The Church crowded fricnoV corning from If Ma and Toronto to give through their presence their last token of love Fox a former pastor took part In the service with pastor Her favorite byrnns were at Ids What a Friend We have In lesus Saved by Grace What a Fellowship I love to think My Knows One Sweetly Solemn Thought Text 2nd of Solo mon tin I II the day break and the shadows flee away Six of her nurse friehds acted as Deep as Hie grief la we sorrow not without hope For we shall meet again In the Fathers House Williams Heacoflk A very quiet wedding was solemniz ed at the parson by the at half past seven oclock Wednesday evening March Miss Louise daughter of Mr anI Mrs Wil fred of KetthuVy became the bride of Mr Edward Wil liams of NEWMARKET J our Wow of Porlalds in oil Wow Shades Brown All Wool Gorge Drown wide for Gleaning fcr4Co THE Aurora in the first of the home an home decide possession of the Metropolitan- League Cup the locals on Wednesday night defeated to With- the exception of the five minutes ft play the borne team had Ihe advantage he first five minutes vialtora soared their only goals The Ice was In fair con- dlllon and the game quite fast If there Is ice cither at or here oh Friday night Another game will be played If here Is no Ice Aurora who are the present holders of the cup will re lain it for another year J William Henry gentleman Main Street North Lit that Study It well Every voter who desires to stop rumrunning and to make our Province safe for the fami lies and the homes will Vote Yes Id the lower line The Temperance vote therefore Is Yes and a majority of votes cast carries Watch Hi Ed space every week Sincerely The Local Publicity anEn earnest attention mrmigiioul and movli favour the service Mr nooald feelingly Face to Tiie anthem Hie was welt given and Mr Alex solo finer the of My was sung and expression CAN YOU READ FINE Mich March Alfred himself a hero today when he leaped Into the Detroit River and battled Ids way nearly to mid stream through the Ice lb res cue Chris Thames At a meeting of number of young people in the school house on Ihe sixth line Whitchurch township a literary society was organized The follow- ving officers were president Win and Miss Verna vicepresidents Floyd Steekicy secretary Arthur Paisley treasurer Russell Pike editor Addresses were given by Miss Card Mrs A and Pike WILL GOGH A Cobalt Is a good example of he mushroom northern lown Situated the C railway where it crosses Iho liver west of this town was cleared during the war by Interned prison labor ft pulp and paper town of north TO a certain extent It under gov ernment surveillance though mil Is property of private ownership milt is expected to be ready next May About men are now employed In the in the pulp industry though the the town doe not now exceed people But already are being Aurora died December IPSO having made a will on May 22 by which he bequeathed his estate to bis son Albert Allan Con- over The included three mortgages and cash Sixty years of wedded bliss were celebrated here on Tuesday by Mr and Mrs Aimer Cherry Wellington street at the home of their grandson Harry Friends relatives in large numbers gathered to extend congratulations and best wishes the happy couple Mr Cherry was on March J and Mrs Cherry to day Their combined ages were resented by a large cake decorated with 176 candles New York March Within the next ten days virtually every railroad in the United States will be engaged In concerted bring ftbout a straight cutin labor The Pennsylvania railroad look he Initial live by announcing that every officer and employee from Hie president of system down nearly all toldwas about to suffer a reduction In pay Live Stock Markets Highest paid In Toronto this week Extra Choice Steers end Heifers Ciiolce Butcher Cows Choice Springers Milkers Spring Lambs Choice Calves Sheep Hogs off cars Did You Ever Stop to A AMD BRAWN BUILDING POOD PR0DU6 HAVE IN BUTTER CI la for tiny tots and big folks too than good fresh Ihoro to It Ih It Pooling tho Increasing demand for this now farnouo spread arid to our absolutely beat In line as wo have endeavored to do In that wo handle wo havo Installed a Klcotrlo nutter Maker and now spared to fuwlali you with tho moat peanut butter froah day Wo buy grade of peanuts and to perfection and them Ihrough our now salting to and presto finished to ready for you A trial order of our peanut butter will make you a regular customer Sold at par lb UQ WO W a CO Security Town of Iroquois Falls guar by Out Lines guar IVo have for Due Int Hales Where Payable Price Sept Toronto Feb Feb Aug Y Mil P G By guar of Prov of Of out Alberta of Alberta of tut Thames in some way slipped into the stream some distance further up Maid light wiping slruti and but he sueceejed In grasping a piece I even a public built Willi ease and without strain If of the type dime or It he shouted for help fcur sign you glasses the appeal We Unit and bedding coat and slues jumped that you are ri reached Thames In and over biwonia from exposure and had loosened grip on the tee flow Atkinson Go get- roan ashore but bout were so exhausted Jeweler taut they in a that It will be quite modem town ere a price a tores are cowing In and no doubt soon the town take on all the outward signs of the typical northern town Markets Fait Spring Wheat Goose Wheal Barley Peas Buckwheat Rye fresh per Butter per lb Eggs fresh per do Chickens per lb Ducks per to per lb Newmarket Markets 50 65 65 50 60 60 50 Fort 1 July July Jen van Oct 104r Apr Oct Reg A Toronto 1041 Feb Aug Jan July and Jan Tor Mil May May and Nov Tor Mil A Edmonton Feb Veb Aug Tor Sept May Sept Tor Mil A Winnipeg fc J CAS TORI A Pall Wheat Spring Wheat per bush S icy it per too Egg doa Bolter To BRANDON SASKATOON PRINCE VANCOUVER VICTORIA THE NATIONAL LEAVES TORONTO DAILY vti TNQ Parry K1

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