Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 11, 1921, p. 7

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it rf- its iSlSIi OUR IS A BODY BUILDER Sr 7t B a body bur broad cannot bo ex tolled col food a to eat It a to to of And say a you pleas Toll thorn the nemo or this broad theyll it wo Thank you florin A- Co arc selling Hal during month Of March wholesale price end they you a large to choose from At of numerous old cus tomers Mr J Millard decided to continue the upholstering lino at residence Street Includ ing repairing of furniture and framing Free Mtkhodlst Church On Tuesday March p to Mis returned Mis sionary from India will bold a service An free telling many interesting about her labors in the foreign field All welcome Com ffiS Seven 1 on March In Club Dooms Newmarket The member are asked to com op a name and club yell and a few other Im portance A good program and hale being prepared Com See that Door On the outside It hut on my aide It says Push 1 Jet the deaf had no pull to make my way only Anil made me Reserve March to the play An Early Bird to given In the Town Sisstizrtyiyfl Son bought uut the Furniture Store have nut again to Mr Lyman who A Hun Jmve bought tut a unci ioo1hUwii and took possession last week Oct in Dairying Provincial Creamery Smith tin United Newmar ket a meeting Ik the Wednesday afternoon how o cure of In that their butter might command the prices He urged tit them the necessity of proper testing of cream and loM liuim tests sboulit be made of dairy 0 an lo uJlmlnate the a Ireshhnl of club presid ed THE VARIETY OP we Jvi Hie most complete a Whether it fttoriiil urn or a jdaln but shine yon will find us o your to corn We not ftjrslvcs to costly hut arc equally to flit orders for stoncu W Queen Main Sis Newmarket MEN WANTED to W per Day flptotal gpccral B0 Now on at AUTO QOltOOL King West Toronto Will for particulars or come at once Methodic Church Small congregation last Sunday on account of tin weather hut In the evening sermons were very practiced on Miss was the In the morning and In the f Station Iust Mr Frank died at the Sanitarium after a prolonged illness Deceased was agent at the Metropolitan here for a windier of years ana was popular the young men of the Town leaves a wife one son a brother and a sister lo mourn their toss Honorary Testimonial There was it feature at Hie meeting of the Town Council last Monday evening when two of wore presented with testi monials from the Canadian Hu mane Association for courage ami In life saving One of the citizens was Mr Win Thomson brotherinlaw of Dr J Wesley of Newmarket who saved the life of a I Kile five-year- old lad named Stanley hoe from drowning while at he prcs- picnic last June Christian Endeavour Will meet on Tuesday evening at oclock The topic Self Improve ment will he token by ami the meeting led by The WiiltCB are now ahead by four points Come and help your side along by being present at he meeting each Com Womens On account of Newmarket Institute Invited to on March the regular mooting will be held on March Thursday afternoon home of Mrs on Ave The program will con sist of a paper by Mrs A Starr en titled Gutting the licet In also one by Mrs Stephens Wo- mans Responsibility lo the Empire Roll Call House Gleaning Hints All are cordially- Invited See Sciatica Neuralgia Cupuuleo brought O0d health A healthful moneysaving remedy lor fifteen years by by a box our agents lor a free trial King Toronto Sold Newmarket by J Patter- and Sutton West ly Folks car who In to announce the of a itmjifcu out our work trust Mystery to end to the majority of men Just what v6 It litre ftftftr ell triple Us usefulness and unlets Is Is say of changed In Your car forty 6cld trouble Call vet for a end will add dls- id recommend If Columbia larger Battery lUn tyres North America truly Friends Endeavor A good attendance on Monday evening and a very interesting time excellent paper was given by Miss Toole on Thy Kingdom Come in My Church If king- Is in the heart and home It will come in the church A fine report was given of the W Conven tion held in Toronto by Mrs Josephine Ridley Next week the lopto will be by Dr Ames with Josephine Ridley as leader Com Masonic Wednesday evening was fast Masters Night at Tuscan Lodge and the members turned out In full force to witness the has exemplify the work After the 3rd Degree J Hill called upon to present Jewels to the following Past Master Atkinson J Rosb Dr A Webb J ft U Rogers After which the Brethren enjoyed a real oldtime social evening Church Sunday flic pulpit vas most supplied by R Alp of Toronto who spoke in the morning from text Judge not that ye be not Judged and in the evening on At the evening service a quartette consisting of Williams Miss Scott Messrs Alex Eves sang a pretty soiling of Just as Am Rev A J Mann A tho new minister vvJH hie labour In Newmarket next Sunday March A Busy Contractor- Mr J Rose completed tbe office and cabinet work at Telephone Exchange on Monday Tlie same day ho floor ing the second story the residence of Mr J Davis which ha re cently purchased from Mr P Smith with oak On Saturday Mr Rose scoured the contract for the new buildings at Industrial Home The pride of the now Bawds and the new Poultry House The contractor of the material on Monday and commenced work on the buildings on Tuesday morning Christian Church Sunday March the morning we arc hoping to get every family out to church and there wilt furnished or alt who are unable to walk to church If the roads are passable and If we get their names The Sunday School will hold its Decision Day service Sunday at and hopes to see alt teachers present all the scholars father and mothers There will be a splendid meeting for men only including boys p rn to which all men arc Invited The evening service will be taken by Knight and wilt be of deep Interest lo all who love the truth of the fiospcl Be sure to remember that meetings be held all next week at except Saturday We are praying for a great blessing for Newmarket Come along help an swer our prayers Minstrel Concert The Methodist Choir Is to be con gratulated upon he success of their entertainment on Wednesday evening in the Town Hall where the perform ers were greeted by a large audience the order was most excellent Mr J McKay acted as In a very satisfactory manner and six end men who were completely disguised took their parts cepllnnally wolt There were only a few local Jokes but these were ap preciated- choruses were new ami well rendered the darkies being assisted by male and female voices Much credit Is due to Mrs Mason the choir leader for the ef ficiency of the vocal numbers The by Mrs Miller Miss Clara Richardson and the duett by Miss Shirley and Miss Lillian Hart with campfire effect deserved tho generous applause that they received The elocutionary numbers by MJss Bryant of Toronto were splendid The several vocal selections by Mr Howe of Toronto and Mr Warn ruff of Hamilton added much to the excellence of the program Roth are vocalists of high order and were generously en cored The entire program was carried through without delay and gave gen eral satisfaction lo the audience It -is- the satisfaction you Sell a Customer that brings him back to Your Store That is why in choosing a line of Measure Clothing for Spring of 1921 we chose to acknowledge best Irishmans are known from coast to coast as the Makers of the Best Tailored Clothes for Men I They are handled only by the Stores of the Better Glass If You Desire Workmanship and Reliability dont fail to see Our Large Range of Samples for Spring of 1921 Clothes are Noted for their Outstanding Characteristic We will only be too pleased to show you Worth Yorks Greatest Aurora Obituary The laic Mi Edmund Andrews who died in Cast on Mon day of last week after being con fined to her bed for sit weeks pre vious was married year last De cember being Sarah She always been a resi dent of the Township and died on the same farm where she was married leaving a husband and eight children lo mourn the loss of a good mother The two daughters are Mrs of and Mrs Gor don of six sons are also manled and reside In the same Township per formed the duties of at the funeral on Tuesday the service held In he Methodist Church which was largely attend ed by friends IS Covering conducted the service and wag assisted by the church choir Mrs fevering very beautifully fa vorite song of deceased fibril see film fane to face The were fold to rest In QueenMrfUe Music ON 28th of April Marie of the Metropolitan Company stood on tlie of Carnegie Hall in New new lately perfected A In direct Ufa of ttr and the audience composed of twentyfive hundred music critics were unable to this prima donnas Jiving voice from its on te New Edison Next day the New York Tribune said Edison Snares the of Music Call and Jet us demonstrate to you the of the NEW EDISON V i evangelistic meetings in Christian Church every night the greater the volume or business the less it costs per to do business The less costs to do business the cheaper you get your goods if you buy at Newmarkets Co Operative Flour Peed Store Do all your buying at the store that Is run In the interests of the consumer ad Club Concert The Newmarket Lawn Bowling Club was Indeed fortunate In securing such an array of highclass professional talent for their Concert on St Pat ricks night Thursday Mar Such artists as Donald Me Harry Bennett and Miss Mil dred Walkers are not strangers to Newmarket concertloving public Miss soprano and Miss Hogg pianist come highly recommended The program we feel sure will be a splendid one and all that attend shall go away fully satisfied The Bowling Club- arc not sparing any expense whatever in providing this superb list of so that St Pat rick Irelands Patron Saint may be fittingly honored Oct your tickets early the best seals go first Plan of hall opens at Mon day Mar at p Warning We have no agents travelling through the country and subscribers to the Era are warned against paying agents of other papers Easter The Womens Missionary Society held their regular Easter Meeting at the home of Mrs It Manning on Wednesday afternoon and it proved to be a most enjoyable and profitable rneetfng Mrs W It Stephens told the Easter Story and Mrs S Janes gave a good reading on the spirit of giving Mrs Laurie Cane prepared and read an excellent paper on The Bible as related to all phases of Human Welfare Mrs rendered a magnificent solo Resurrection Morn which was greatly enjoyed as were several songs In lighter vein which she sang during the social hour which followed The Offering amounted to On Sunday March lath Mrs Hoffman of China speak the Methodist Church lo the interests of the Hockey To decide Championship of the Northern Division of the Metropolitan League Newmarket and Aurora play ed home and home games this week The first took place In Aurora on when ihe locals were de- day It was feated by a score of to a fine match throughout Wednesday night the final match was played at Newmarket There was a good crowd of spectators end was one of the exciting games of the season A wellfilled car came up Aurora to give the visi tors encouragement The game re sulted In Aurora winning goal to This makes Aurora and New market a tie on the round in conse quence of which a game la necessary to declare winners It will be played on neutral Ice The on Wednesday night lined up as follows- Aurora Goal Herman defence Drown end Duller centre Mschell wings end Baldwin sube Ileury and Brown Newmarket Goal Smith defence and Thompson centre Hugo wings Murray and subs Doyle end Duncan The will meet of the Southern division to decide Ihe ownership of the trophy Aurora holds the Metropolitan Cup at but will have a struggle to retain another year A Chautauqua Orator The of will bo glad to learn of an opportunity to hear another Chautauqua artist The pro gressive executive of High School Literary society are bringing to town Mr Walter on Friday Mar id Mr MeRaye Is a wellknow and entertainer who some years ago tour- Canada the United and England in company with our Canadian poetess Miss Paulino Johnson Since the War during which served for three years be has been addressing numerous and always appreciative audiences in many parts of Canada being looked upon last summer the outstanding speaker of the Wes tern Chautauqua Mr has recently returned from the Pacific Coast In company with Col Scott D the fight ing Padre of the 1st Canadian Miss Nancy who Is accom panying Mr is also a Chau tauqua artist who will sing some of Kiplings Barrack Ballads Al together the program promises to be very Interesting and entertaining Dont fall to hear it evening March at p hi at the High School Farms torn to acres In Township of King and on Farms are at Rook Bottom T b9 l motor out to Inspect places at any time CO f Months or year roomed Horn Corners on Provincial Wo have good on Newmarket best Resldontal in Plenty of Houses For and Terms to no WM Box W Newmarket A few of the young attended the dance at King City on Saturday The weather was not very favorable but In spite of that it didnt slop the crowd Mr and Mrs Mitchell also Mr and Mr J Morning spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Will Morning at Aurora A few from were siting on fiats on evening The muddy weft her is not very ACRES 10 MILES FROM acres workable balance hush and pasture acres orchard acres fall ploughed Clay learn soil level welts and a creek Frame house of rooms water Inside cellar cistern Barn barn No horses and cattle Driving house hog pen 30i8 ben house School and church I mile mall and telephone Rail way depot mile Possession Price Terms ACRES MAHKHAM ON THE STONE ROAD MILE 1B FRO acres workable balance pasture acres orchard acres in meadow loam soil level wells and a creek Brick house of rooms cellar cistern Hank barn bam No with stabling underneath Water in stables Close lo sehoot Church mile Pos session arranged Price Terms arranged 120 ACRES EAST OH THE ROAD 32 MILES FROM TORONTO acres balance I acre orchard id acres In meadow acres fall 12 acres fresh seeding Clay loam soil level wells and a spring of rooms cellar cistern Bam barn No lieup 5 horses and cattle Ice house driving house hogpen hen house School on place Church mile mail and Railway depot mile arranged it Terms arranged FARM HEAD OFFICE VICTORIA ST Phono Main J jfl i

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