Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , March 11, 1921, p. 1

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vrr v V7 to jhk you wpnt and you win on the a Watsons Jewelry Store tt v- The Leading County Paper as the Oldest No paper York unless paid in J 1 I I i per annum In In only r jJ ft Editor and Proprietor on F fti m A NO each Tut IF Off Prills NEWMARKET Best J Closes Successful Pastorale REV- A J HEAR Hit- l Rlachlhlflte Plpo PlttxiiV Kkotrlo and and s A safe and cheap of money Id by Bank Money Ordcftu When oven ofttall Guard youraolt by a Bank Money Order receipt This Bank orders part of world Ask at our CANADA a tttttlcf Cliuroh to of a of 8 year hi A J A wJio lias a hourly to the Church will floated on No reference to lUc of lheHltaker who Mian any of mom fur of jkivI the Methodist church Ilia flarvlca Monday owning a it on national held which fttlraotcd a The nerved Intha leolurn room of ha lrrloof who the Interim who it a of the In a and complemented and on their united record An won ireBenctl the Item being a pre sentation to Mann of a well fitted wa good mid the lory Inspirational ami hearty good wftthea Mrs Following address wao read and presentation Alex Stewart A v A v SOUTH END LUMBER jt The Best NUT AND STOVE COAL ON HAND CASK PEARSON Cor a of the above we ask you to llda which with the good Of the entire congregation Signed of church by P Stewart Feb 1021 Mr replied In well hear Illy thank Hie congregation lor their apprecia tion and kindness the of hi the School presented her with it hole act of and of Hie making In dong Mr Mann reply wan cordial and grateful A number of friends in the a gift of a Hoc reading lamp to retiring and his good lady while other worthy lokena Were forthcoming in the donors declined to have their nanus given 6 the public but none the gratefully received and appreciated Mr tabors the orate were manifold but per formed with a faithfulness vigor arid constancy dial apcltcd Ills pulpit Were evangelical well timed his dullca io no large a membership were oner ous but ttm cheerfulness with which they were given mode them a bene diction to many a homo la a specialist in the W and Sunday School work buoy ancy and kindly persistency won a in advance Mr Mann was a member of Public library and also a director of the Horticultural Society Every good cause round a helping band from the Inmates of Melville manse and the flying were well freight ed with worthy deeds thoughtful while Ihcy sojourned In Hi ousels Is jto he con- gra tula ted on their addition of so Mr and Mono The member and adherents of Jcl- vllle have assembled even ing not only for the purpose of spend ing n social hour but also ibat we might have opportun ity of expressing our the you have given us and you with good as you go to your new field of labor yearn during vyhfch you have been our guide In been strenuous in j worthy a couple affairs Shortly after your Tuesday afternoons Iram carried induction the building of a new place fl of worship was underlain While plans and arrangements were under who to the depot way your advice and Judgment fiee off Owing to the encouraging and helpful The Toronto and of financing were further railway their son Alan by tiro coming of war with Toronto will be enabled lo spend upon time energies Sunday under the parental roof which one of the Induce- Iff 9 L Lumber Lath Shingles Posts Etc -UGO- Doors Sash Flooring and Moulding Turning Sawing Dressing Etc it fifeao Factory Yards Huron St Newmarket Increased by lis many demands and money The fact that we have the present beautiful edifice practicab ly free from while at the lime all of church work l due In no measure loyour energy and tactful suggestion Over of your pastorale Ihc great war oast Its shadow those were dark days for all of us Io some they were days of tragedy Your responsibilities and duties as pastor were greatly increas ed greater demands than pre viously were made upon you as a citi zen To you fell the sad duly of vcyhlg hearts already strained with anxiety the dreaded message from field of brittle There are many who will always remember with gratitude your words of consolation and comfort In those hours of deep sorrow In a congregation as large as Melville the visiting of sick afflicted Is a work that calls for a great deal of the time and energy particularly as so many fami lies reside some distance from town You have at limes been most cheerful In Hits regard Your words of cheer were a comfort to the sick To those who shortly were pass over- New Jerusalem your spiritual and ihe ex ample of your own steadfast faith in spired them face Ihc future with perfect assurance hi Ihe promises of their Saviour No home where there were sickness or sorrow aged and for the change If hearty good i wishes and fervent prayers will con duce to Urn doing of a good work on the new charge then Presbyterians are sure of a fruitful and happy pastorale under Rev A J Mann Notes from Ottawa Ottawa March Government managed lo a majority of j on the want of confidence Is a considerable reduction majority 34 on the amendment moved to ihe Address last year and lhat again vae more thou half the majority recorded in the Guide after the election namely majority grows small by degrees and beautifully less llifl on the address narrowing dovn lb reaching liatonco of a vote on ihc fluh-amend- and to the Ad declaring want of confidence In the government Jaai few days In thd harrowed to a drive to a finish Karly In the week Hie government withdrew fighting legions and lefl Ihe battle Of vorda to speakers on side of House with government- supporter Interjecting a her and there eighty pec of ihe made In the debate during the post week have been gainst Ihc gov ernment which apparently feeling safe in Us majorlly sfnec the arrival of a number of member who pre viously registered sick decided It had done the best ft could for the time being The division given a line on the respective strength of the parties It wa a solid vole from each of the speakers chair once the Campbell subamendment was dispos ed of for the Agrarian group line up behind Ihc King amendment of want of confidence declaring lhat they could vote confidence In a mini- which ban forfeited ihe confid ence of many of lis followers as well as a very large majority of the people who voted Into power be lieving In doing ihat they were electing a government which would hold office for the duration Ihc war and then go back to receive the commendation or condemnation of those who had elected 11 On the side of the House feeling was entirely in favor of an early election ami did not want to cither discuss Ihc tariff or wall for redistribution before there was a definite pronouncement as to likelihood of thai being held The government did not want an election at present any mora than did leaders Hop Hugh who fired practically the last shot for the government declared that was because an election before redistribution would rob many allies of their proper At the lime his speech was a warning lo farmers that they could expect little mercy Mr Guthrie declared thai under the present act lie cities were being rob bed of Iheir representation because Ihclr population was In many cases From Era War Hon J was of Reform Meeting in town hall last Monday for the He is being opposed by Mr Alfred Both their addresses to the electors in iho Era The Annual Tea Parly Of he Episcopal Church look place the Mechanics Halt Wednesday even- and was largely attended Mr John Cook being chairman Speeches made by Smith and who took part were Miss Setby Mr Mr Heaver Mrs Mfs and an excellent choir from Bradford REV A J flow Prosbytcrinn In Krnest of Quebec East and Pardee larnblon got Into the fray and went after Ihc government hammer and tongs And as the had withdrawn Its a day or so previously these two Lib erals succeeded in delivering some pretty effective shocks to the gov ernment citadel They repeated thai the government had lost the confid ence and gained the condemnation of the electors and Mr Pardee told the evening From Bra March the new Miss Adams of milliner at Hughes Mr and Mrs J S visited In the city over Sunday Mrs of Bradford was a guest The Avonmore over Sunday Mr Wilson of Gait spent a few days with Mr Maddopk Master Earthy Oliver entertained young friend last Friday HOW TO A POTATION op mm to Country consider the approximate ac reage of grain hay pasture and hoed crops which will be required next consider the quality of soil which Is on the fawn Then decide ro tation would be most suitable The following rotations given good results A four year rotation hoed crop end grain clover hay hay This rolallon has proved to he very satis factory although lis acreage grain Is ralher too limited for most farms a five year hoed crop grain clover hay timothy hay grain Tills rolallon gives a very good pro portion of the various crops It is very satisfactory A year illation hoed crop clover hay This rolallon lias a very large area of hoed crop and provides no mature land is therefore to most farms However If Ihe fertility of the Is In- 1 very poor If additional pasture land Is large as was rural const an attach on Growers be- a ft Champion Shoe Repair Shop Morula eon their shafts retailed here wit tdual tffiolcocy sous of course must be repaired view lo Ihc strenuous wear it subject to The hi of ood loolts are We treat both with In i A J WILMAM30H Shoe firm but looked forward the visits of Mrs Mann and yourself We know in this as in every other respect you desire no words of end a I Ion for the performance of these which are lo you opportunities and privileges of service to your Lord and Master to whom you ascribe ah honor and glory with gratitude that He used you as Instruments of service But we such should not seal our lips from expressing appreciation of the whole- hearted spirit with which such devotion was manifested Mann has been a faithful worker in the activities Of work of Ihe Womens Missionary Society has made steady progress from year to year growing In mem bership and achievements Tills has been largely due to your en thusiastic leadership Bible class yon have been a efficient and teacher and your- place there will be indeed bard to fill In every department of Christian work you have been devoted During the course of your mini airy many new members have been added to the i lurch These are only Ihe outward and visible signs of the success Of your earn work The Master whom you devotedly serve alone estimate what you have accomplished tlie spiritual sense But do feel God has blessed your mini stry here pud that future for His harvest faults of the seed yon have planted We know that Newmarket Is lo- gain In as pastor cod and as We earnestly pray there may bo HA you As ill- available and If considerable slock are kept which will consume the hoed crops rotation Is very There are of course many other rotations but Ihe above mentioned have perhaps the most genera ap plication It is probable portions of the farm on account of being either too wet or loo light and sandy may have to be farmed under a separate cropping system Under such Conditions if this area is not loo huge It is undoubtedly more profitable Mrs to leaveil undivided by fences and to earnest J reckon Ihe entire area as one year In the new With such a a field of poor soil may be Increased In fertility by a short rotation of crops an1 by latter applications of manure A field of low land may be lefl longer in bay One consideration be overlooked fields should be made large In order reduce the cost of producing crops to decrease depreciation and repair of fences The mutton should bo planned so that horses would be kept busy as much as possible year it costs money to have horses standing Idle While almost all farmers follow some practice of changing Ihe crops on hefr from year to year very few have a definite of crops The of a rotation will reduce of production and will mora profit fi Field ifutPbAndmivn tot tnii five or even len times as thy population of Ihc adjoining them also some time In Ihe United Slates Grain cause thai organization sold American machinery to the farmers of the prairie provinces Several limes dur ing Ihe ensuing Mr Guthrie was answered by representative of the fanners who reminded him among other things that the government when it bought motor ears for the to ride in perf erred to send the money out of country for American earn and Ihat when the De partment of the Interior was buying tractors and machinery lo break up Indian lands also bought American product despite the fad that good lraeiors and ploughs were made in Canada by Canadian labour An outstanding feature of the weefc has been the demand and the govern ments accession to it by the western Union I members for a Royal Com mission to Investigate the situation with regard l marketing of wheat Political motives and a desire to em barrass farmers In the House ac tuated the demand largely but government has given its sanction it Is understood to the extent that Ihe bill Is lobe introduced in Senate and pushed along so thai will be In readiness- for the Commons without will probably pass for the Progressives are not averse to an vesligatlon if can have the assur ance that art no politicians Ihe Investigators The crossbench group hi Ihc House have shown Ihat they retain their streak of Independence fusing to follow Ihe line laid down by either of old parties In the J A Campbell of Nelson Man and Fred Davis Nee paw a were responsible for an amendment to the King amendment which declared In favor of the Gov- rushing through essential legislation and then proroguing the House until alter Ihe census returns were In Then Parliament would be called again In the fall to pass a redi stribution bill a general election would be held next year Outside of the men who moved It however the amendment found little favor For one thing he opponents of the King amendment even If they wanted to would hardly like lo be looked upon as voting for a fall with a second Indemnity In the year would of course make a welcome to Juries In have in- of public object Moat of Ihoie who are to an immediate election aro opposed to an election before If the light holds cut to burn for that of lhne were not very strongly tempted to for government II had not courage to go and face the elector despite all Its taunts to ihc Liberals The government Mr de clared was In Ihe nature of a crazy- work quilt made up of patches and any further attempt to add to he strength of cabinet by the changes now mooted would only add lo the The ministry who now held the reins was not that which was elected in Mr de clared but rather one which was no- for the men it lacked than for ihosc contained Mr three reasons for supporting the King amendment were as follows That the election of was elect ton on a special Is sue With Hie election of a government for the duration of the War That since this reln Ihere bad come new wiiti a new name and that Ibis government did not possess the confidence of the country rather had earned Us conlernpl The speech of Mr was one Of the planks in the Liberal bat tering raw against the government citadels The member for Quebec past succeeded In damaging the government front io some at leas I outside of lhe House Corning Into lhe House a short time ago with an imperfect knowledge of English the member for Quebec isi can today outshine almost any of his colleagues as a and speech this week was one of the best which has yet been heard In the debate Mr made a distinctly in leresllng I at em en 1 regarding the Im perial conference when he warned Prime Minister ihat Liberals would not consider hound to oh- serve any decisions that be reached if Canada was lo he represented by a government which had lost the confidence of lhe country There would no Liberals In at tendance from Canada he told lhe House v The only genuine good luck is the kind that wears callouses on the hand The high of living Is blamed for the increase of divorces But lhe real cause Is probably the cost of high living Miss Is the milliner at Heches linger of Toronto Is visiting her sister In town Mr and Mr Lund were At Home on Wednesday evening to a her of friends Jessie Mintem gave a parly on Thursday evening to a number of young friends A dozen young people drove to Aurora and surprised Mr Miles on Wednesday evening A party of nearly had a lolly time at home of Webb on SI last Friday night Michael Young lhe gifted boy sing er of Toronto spent the pist with Mr A A Dr Hull has purchased the property where the residence of lhe late Dp Nash Blood Dr Wesley occupied the chair at the Temperance Meeting last Sun day when the following look part In the program Mss Haines Miss Gor ing Miss Miss Pros the Misses Messrs Mar tin Hodge and Lehman The snow storm last Saturday at- most completely blocked Ihe road Sunday morning The stage roule Sharon has a track on top of feci Of snow The third anniversary of lhe Junior League was by an en tertainment in the Town Hall on Mon day evening The average attendance st the Pub lie School last month was 109 on the roll Mr Ceo Hose had his leg broken Tuesday morning by a kick from a horse Mr of Pine Orchard passed away on Friday morning In his year He was born on lhe farm opposite to where he was living His father a Loyalist and came to Canada In Governor time and settled on Lot com Deceased was a member of he Friends and a loyal Reform er In election In company with the lale Lun- they took voters to the polls in a six- wheeled wagon drawn by three span of horses Mr was onc er the subscribers to the and It has been in lhe family ever since church Mow was on south robins and other birds in the winter learn io give a wide berth to black ensile which Is very fond of bird If you an old gar den hose Into fourfool lengths and put a lenglh of this into each cherry tree he robins thinking each piece of hose Is a snake keep a long way from those Now that bandits are suspected of using an airplane to carry out their robbery all Ihat Is left In way of modern improvement Is for smug gler 10 get busy with submarines will tell you that he less profit Red Rose Tea than on other teas The only object he has it is to Mi the best quality

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