J f K J riffle Mib how liualth science- lA Corner DR Open by prompt attention JSSSSfo to refers left with jrs of lite- Methodist or i Newmarket Ontario Of Toronto senior rodent anion HoHpiUllFalliMyor- Phono J1- Office Baseball At Friday twenty young ladies l Of J themselves at lkcpranff6jiii rufrefth- ntPiite and all declare Dial a JOT ftiptciftBt- zzwifctw I had expert- CTMJOlhpftllhftV a ThH j -Anfriiunro- leased to of Slmtjo foliPrtaco Edward ftbd In ftPplQ ton my Proscription not teken rtSuiton v On evening J large of by MctiopoJUancai to Sutton niot loyally After peniHi8ft they In liouiH of Or- J SeK of ihe of i iy find throat Kntand Eyes Tooted Supplied Telephone HO DR CECIL GILBERT to Hie late Dr Trcatmontof Pyrrhoea Office p in only a itmrket mojilh huttnh eKHuml iMjuUry Quite a drop liiegyi oilier wine follow Neiv 10 to 4oii lb ior nOd v i tdutoNOT SLEEP- fi4t by OYtJfldoot9rt found toDpojiyH J could not monM to my l od to Dr floifiaffelTK km to Pierced CMdi nee In us ttiparint and the I the I could my ftiAla- to dopo for what Aho ARrl Have been very in 7h Edward county rated could bo- put op found nut nevett ioinakv en many of ihtreea are positively will on may bo apparel- Vfl depended uaegf barn- oifc a in on J Queen of St Phono HOURS to and to Or KICK Main i 4 6c Hoi i Id i l each r 9 DOe eaeti per lb i o rt i- yard manure mostly secured from M ym Abom ttWe I boon iiajr of Dr glves per eonsUpaUon and rieklMdV joe total abofit and per acre Tljo amount wanted I am euro Pleaaant PeUotrf iliere fa doubt thai It will pa1 bay cab hat much on HAN- land every year St day With fills oventfui p on rhomlay by appointment Spinal and consultation BERT GREEN Ave 2nd from CHOICE TOOU OF on hand Phono gag PO Box CANADA P OILMAN for Co of Bank of Toronto Build- Market Mr Mii fjoldeii ntj on on and relatlve extended to couple beat wJaheaMr more together of ami They were CountyDee maiden name I and from lhlHuntyh five children were bom who are as Mr Newton Mar8haH ifw Mrs Holers and Mr James Mr Mrs moved to In J when Mr Mar- fihall was appointed Janitor of the Alexander School and for a number until his health retirement he performed at the and was considered one of the the Newmarket Public Schools ever had About or seven ago we began In the tall rowa of In all the teased cfiarda portion being left In sod the mulch This was done In order that could answer from the IhO What about fall ploughing land la fall ploughed cultivation 102 1 the Council be begun much earlier the at oclock- on morn were and see no advantage spring ft costs rnuchleKS to get land In good condition it baa been ploughed before winter In A Newmarket Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Musical and Repairs piano Tuning lor Columbia and Prompt NORA jn S JevclerPark Ave Toronto Real Estate In Bank of next Office in Newmarket day except Office Phono JOB House funds to I can on Estate The Mothers board for Hie County of York Is comprised the following members Mr J Weston Mrs Cane VlccCliairman Young Secretary Tier Islington Mrs J Junction and Mrs Walter Scott and arc- prepared to receive applications for under the Mothers Allowance Act- Mrs will bo at her home every Friday to receive applicants Much Interest was manifested In the held herb last Prlday afternoon Major the crowd hanging around until court dlsinUsed at Prank a minor of was charged with stealing hay on the marsh to is Collins of found guilty hut Under the I re urn stances he wan off with a warning on payment of costs of prosecution Winger of Newmarket was charged with assaulting his son In law hut there being some provocation was dismissed on payment of costs iloracc was charged with the Ihoft of a horse it appears that the horse was bought at a price and was he paid for In two weeks or the returned The after the horse was sold again Action was taken because of delay In payment was remanded on payment of of court and settlement or the A young girl charged her foster mother- with assaull Five or six witnesses were heard hut there were so manydifferent stories the case wan dismissed having subftprlhod to the path of I hoi I vo Keith P J Moss ami iluv addressed the Council extending to old anil new faces On motion of Mr the Mayor asked lo loicount Ihe ballot for the special committee lo select HI ruling Committees of the year The Mayor appointed Messrs Cam and Mortimer The ballot being taken they Ihe folio wins as the The Mayor- Reeve and Moved by Mr sec onded by Mr Cane that in case or a thaw Mayor waft authorized to see that the crossings on Main ploughing closer feet from- the tree The part In orchard cultivation la close the trunk and It Is frequently lo work near tree without InR the bark We tested cultivation against sod and have concluded that nearly alt tho orchards will be more profitable when cultivation la carried on unices the land is and Is plenty of barnyard manure for mulching When to atop culti vation is rather to answer it depends on- season The drier weather the later the cultivation should be carried on On rich land apples will grow long after cultivation has ceased Wo are stopping our cultivation earlier and earlier every year our On tario apples lack color lees cultiva tion means more color more color higher priced fruit Medium apples slightly colored seem preferable to larger ones lacking cul tivation Is stopped a cover crop is fre quently sown The principal object Is to rob the trees of nourishment Inorder hat the fruit will color and street are kept clean or at least the wood will ripen before winter some provision for pedestrians crop from cheap irossintr the streeL satisfaction Trees must be pruned to get High Mr Pearson dry cm- The best time to prune dors for the crossings on J Jots- ford and Timothy streets at the same time A bylaw was passed appoint ing Geo Vale as Auditor of Town School anil Public Library for at the salary of and also field was as High for another three years Council at FOUR MEET Rumania Only One That Has Foiled Pay Interest Jon Of Ihe five na tions whom Omnia granted credits during all but one have fulfilled their manning obligations France Greece and Italy have made first Interest- payments in Cana dian dollars Rumania which was the greatest participant In the credits failed to meet first interest have both acted like a ment duo some months ago and Major told id nearly a million dollars has secured on extension of time financial conditions and heavily were held responsible for default Officials however are not alarmed and believe Rumania- with- her oil fields and areas will speedily come back and duly pay her indebted- is early spring but we prune any month the weather is not too cold for our men If there are cuts to make we leave a stub about one foot long and cut It off In the spring as cuts of two Inches or more donot heal well when made In the very cold weather large cuts should kept painted- to keep the wood from decaying Pruning is a slow business and it coats a lot to get a big orchard done but It Is absolutely necessary If good apples are expected High trees are difficult to spray Twenty feet Is high enough for any res and several feet of top may be removed in a season with no bad effects The tree with a low head easier pruned easier sprayed can bo picked for half the cost and the wind will not blow down so many apples Fruit Branch Toronto of Proctor who charged Steven assault Proctor refused to concede a fair share of tire public- jtffSUHk resulmdn a for are now hound over In 100 each 16 keep the peace YOU COME TO FOR HARNESS Your worrlment is over Our har ness is honestly made and long wear ing under normal conditions With the proper care will last for years audgive satisfaction every day of Us use Isnt necessary to pay a big price for a harness as you willeam when examine ours Fred Nottingham ll can he roMbnable prices by Phono of wkorTfnl4if Junior Hookey Newmarket 5 Brad ford won the first game of II A In Bradford by getting away to a fourgoal In the first period end It lodged like a walk away for the name team but right there Is where everyone a bad guess as Thompsons sure put the pep In that old game right from the off of the second period to final gong outscoring Bradford to in that frame and to 1 in the final Talk fexqWement those boys sure handed it out and they are good from the goal out Book nose had bad session In first period and Brad ford got two easy ones but Stan Smith relieved him and from that out it an airtight defence and flne While out on the the ones going wllli Gain and Turf an showing up the ones while Art kept fairly strong at centre packed loiga wicked shot and was dAageroua Bradford to Wto as I two goals in first period the Tpiolt rolled past Rose toneiajf was pure defence centre Cain left Simp West and fimltfc John a farm laborer near Conner Baraardo boy who died following an accident leave an Of j- J r A I- j In Affiliation 1 MEWS IN DARK GREEN BROWN AND NAVY 96X6 T rHISMQNTH You will this large store fairly bulging over with WONDERFUL A VALUES- p Mens Fine Shirts Mens Neckwear Work Shirts Blue Regular Sale HeavyKharkl Reg 250 Sale In Black and- Stripes and Blue Mix tures Sale In every Pattern and every Shape Sale Prices Fleece Lined Underwear Mens 1w50 Sale Mens Heavy Ribbed Underwear have deop double breast Regular Sale W is the MAGNET we use to act to wn Young Mens Overcoats If you study economy you cannot afford to miss this opportunity to Sale Price Mens Overcoats The largest selection in North York In very nevest patterns to z5M Thrifty Kwes Menu Bigger Crop The best results from are obtained from ewes are in a gaining condition 1 they thin from lnejcisepi on ebon fall pastures hey have a Utile grain from onequarter to onehalf a pound a day This will put them in good condition and they will breed earlier and increase the iamb crop Some fairly accurals record should be kept when the ewes are bred in order that when time ap proaches the may be from and given extra care If or scab appear In the flock the sheep should be dipped even though the weather is a little severe This is extra work but the flock will be more healthy and thrifty a warm place should be provided the sheep until they dry off- The ram should receive extra care at this time la order to keep him active fair flesh during the breeding season he should- be fed a pound or two of grain every day Extra care of eyres and breed- lag rata at this lime says Mr will Insure a larger and stronger lamb crop and well repay the flockmaeter for his extra labor Mens Blue Cheviot Suits Absolutely Pure Wool Reg Sale Price Young Mens Suits every wanted Pattern worth up to Sale Price Boys Bloomer Suits These will give the boy great ser vice Reg Sale Price Mens Work Pants Sale Price Regular Sale Price Clarence Johnston son of Mr and Mrs David Johnston con- Brock experienced a painful accident lhat will handicap him for life Iflsrigbt hand was drawn into a straw cutting box and before motor power count larm Prom now on empty hopper of rigbt wins J Bubs he shut off his hand was severed from arm end chard were in shortly after the accident had to amputate the arm two nones below the elbow In reepoaee to numerous re have added to of study now have the option of thta with or place on ANY DAV School Baa ftmuilcIoolt -I- the gasoline engine after and protect batteries from frost Do not forget that salt and water are as necessary lor the cow as is feed A of charcoal mixed with the feed aids digestion The dairy farther not only studies bow to his cow but how to his land He is not a soil robber as he farmer who the fertility of land since he steals from Mens Fine Hosiery Tan Cashmere Reg Sale Price Mens Work Boots la heavy Dark Tan with Military Sale Price Properties for Sale Good building salt to Sutton TOW road Price and trms- suit tOO acres In bexni brick aU In repair- right kind of Mil for of roifed firming rtoe Cub i BURROWS ftsUte Bo Mens Plain Cashmere Reg Sale Price Mens Plain Black Medium Weight Reg Sale Price I Where the Crowds go the Value must be m m North Yorks Greatest OPPOSITE Open Evenings Until 1 t