Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Dec 1919, p. 3

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lit i r i U I a i JO So I Be I at I- 7 a ft I ft OUR LOCAL LVviCf 99 i smooth lead Hardware The Salvation Artey Sunday School it iKil their annual Ww II rixi Vi WAV FROM l Candy to be held In- the Room of the Christian school this Friday afternoon Sole at MP J J Improved qulok to make of getting one Nothing to equal them for at Hughes- f r- friends Church annual will he held in the Friends Church consisting of reoftatlohs dialogues taken for missionary work Come and help good cause Com Womens Institute The branch of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Stanley Janes on Huron St on Thursday Dec at p The report of Convention will given a Christmas The Roll Call will ha answered by Gifts Let us help mike the Call interesting by it our previous thought and attention Sec I for pDf Roche Co Up Stairs over Youngs Fair I ferityfive in person al effects in cattle arid a King Township valued at ler in on 9 a interest nno ryhgateey r- V King George Hotel annual meeting of the Hotel Company is to take place on Friday night of next week The Directors have the best report yet to present to the shareholders Stove at Blnns 4 hole o- Range good condi tion for v Oak Heater with oven good as new for Tall Oak Heater with oven- for These are snaps and will go quick Free Methodist Church services are being the Free Methodist at Newr market every night this week except next week Service commences each night at oclock Rev J pastor having Charge the Rev RObl of Wetland is expected preach Friday night of this week and Rev Sllngerland of each night next week except Monday and Satur day All lovers of truth are In vited Com Pay Up Everybody Indebted to the Corpora- taxes electric light water ser vice or any other account Is re quested to pay the same before to morrow night so it may be in cluded in the accounts for the year up to Dec which will be pre sented to Hie Council on- Monday Names of all persons in ar rears will- appear in the Town Ac counts when published next year- Kindly pay attention to this matter and avoid future trouble and v ST I i What else so fit so acceptable so opportune Of course she likes gloves so does he theyre a necessity We have them not only for the ladles but for the men and the kiddles too And they certainly make Suitable Christmas Gifts The keynote of appreciated giftgiving lies In the useful- Say Merry Christmas with filoves and that you need not hunt further than the YuletldcGlftOtoro of PC Doors South of Post Office Soh6blhoUso Ihe Auspices of Coirie and enjoy welcome I S Entertainment December the dia logues drills and cJioruses- Christmas tree Come and all andenJ6yi evening Santa come- toward be bought who iiiiiiiiaiisiii MADRAS MUSLIN TEN YEARS AGO AND NOW will stpokV- Implements ML i i Tuesdaybeb Miller Admiral Jelllcbe Is In Canada on the Invitation the Goyernraent to give such advice require of him in connection with begin ning dyer again after the- loss of ten years the policy of establishlflg a Canadian navy which the Government with thO full approval of the Conservative Op- of that time and practi cullyunlled vote otParUqnierit The two years It the enemies of his enemies Quebec led by and the Nationalists who fought the project of a Canadian on yhloh this country had Ten years ago enter- agreements with Australia The- enemies of In- Quebec were enabled to frustrate those naval plans not through their- own strength in then own Province but because the strength of oppo nents In the other Provinces was lent them for the purpose Teh years have gone by a great war has been fought with Canada shlptess throughout it and today Ave stilt have Sir Robert as Prime Minister- as he was when he had his navykilling alliance and now Liberals instead of Quebec- Nationalists In coalition him- Up is about to begin all over again where wo began ten years ago In creating a Canadian Star eto bn lot in the 2nd con of East miles north of and of Stop 77 on Met Ry credit Sale at sharp Tuesday Deo J A HavV tin will have a sale of farm wood oii 36 Townllne Con King- mites nbrth of Kettleby months Sale at oclock 1 auctioneer DAMAGE BY FIRE v i i i iJ i -i- A IN GARAGE AT WOODSTOCK Star Christmas The Methodist Sunday School are preparing what promises to be one of the prettiest Christmas Can tatas ever given here There will be children in costume representing radically all the Mother Goose characters Mother Goose and Santa are elected as the Childrens choice for the head of the nation There arc choruses solos duets and recitation The Cantata will be presented In the Town Hall on Dec Be sure to reserve date Methodist Dec a m Cass Meeting in Board Room 11 a Public worship Month ly Service for Sunday School p Sunday School p Public worship Cause vs Effect Lawrence pastor Endeavour Christian of the friends Church enjoyed a real treat on Monday evening As we had a talk on Japan a short time ago Mrs spoke on the needy field of India She said there are forty millon se cluded women In zenanas or harems who never see the sunlight or breathe the fresh air The great need Is for Christian women physicians as they arc not allowed to receive medical assist ance from men physicians Next week subject Is How to Use the Bible Toplo to be given by our pastor Herbert Phoenix leader A horse slipped down on the road at the Park Ave and Church Street on Wednesday morning and the driver had a big time getting it on Us feet again The store windows arc very at tractive with their Christmas decora- lions Favorable reports come from the Classed They arc morj largely attended than last year and the- students arc Very regular Good progress is being There are ladies In the dressmaking class and In the millinery The gradual Increase In mill mai ler at the Post Office Indicates an unusually heavy Christmas as the day approaches See new ad on page one f sr M A number of the business people of Newmarket at the King on Thursday of hist In the Interests of the M and fir Toronto of the National Council of the were pres entand gave addresses on the work to do and what to expect AuljrBy Davis president of The local ofthe follow ing officers J President M SterUng Cody- Hamilton Jos Cody J pi- Pearson J Thbs f leave innate to the Budget with the flnnt to The Electric Light ByLaw When tire agreement was made with the York Radial Railway five years ago It was made fora period of 30 years but It was also a part of the agreement that the ratepayers of Newmarket should say by their votes once every five years whether the agreement should continue or not In accordance with this agreement Council have made provision to vole on the bylaw at the approach ing municipal elections Every year since this agreement has been made the Town Accounts have shown a substantial balance In favor of this department of the pub lic notwithstanding that the fates charged in Newmarket are lower than any other Town In the Province unless It Is In the vicinity of Niagara Falls Last year there was a balance of over to the credit of the account which was used extensions on Capital account The chairman of the A Light Committee estimates that this year here will be very nearly the same amount to the good The service has been better than the Hydro In many Towns in Western Ontario and on tho whole there has been no rea son for complaint It Is therefore clearly In the In terests of the Town to continue the agreement with the York Radial Co hope that there will be a general vote polled in favor of con tinuing the agreement Further Informatics Is set forth In the ByLaw which Is published in this Issue of the Bra I To Christmas SHOPPERS wo you to shop took Is th A not duplicate at prtsent prices A Gents Watches all makes Diamond and other an4 SOLDIERS REUNION The- Battalion- Asgooiation York Rangers held Its annual meet- and reunibn oh Wednesday even- Dec 3rd last in St Pauls Hall the Rangers Regimental Headquarters The following officers were elected Hon Pres LieutCol Clarke S 1 vicepresident Donald secretarytreasurer J A Adams Ave An executive committee- repre3enting all sections of the County was appointed in ills presidential ad dress indicated how the association was the means of keeping the old family battalion together and that anyone who ever served in the was eligible for membership Is proposed hold a supper and smoker during the winter and for next sum mer a picnic and reunion is planned There was a record attendance at Ihe meeting which concluded with a social time and coffee and refresh ments Representatives of North York on the are G Martin J Jenkins W A Forth M O Trcmaync McQonjgle WINTER Deo Snowball a handsome fine white steer owned by John of and bred by him was declared to be the champion Shorthorn steer at winter fair this afternoon Ho Is hot yet two years old but Is a splendid animal and Would earn off the honors In any show In the Ho had some good ones to beat but Judge W A of Brooklln had difficulty awarding him tho championship of all the Shorthorns Roan owned by A Douglas and Son of Caledonia was reserve champion The big fair was officially declared open thfa morning by Hon Manning minister of agriculture He did not press any electric button to start works going but Just said show was open and if was The minster visited every department of the show today and was Interested In all that he saw He was anxious to become more Intimately acquainted with the farmer from the baok conces sion who Is showing his one or two cows sheep swine or horses and also greeted the professional exhibitors with a hearty handshake Another noted visitor who never falls to come to the show Is Hon Marshall minister of agriculture for Alberta He an exhlbltorhtB year and Is also on the look for some lilghclaBH stock for the Alberta gov ernment rr AUSTRALIAN FLIES HOWE- EMPIRE CIVIL AIR ROUTES Favour Private Enterprise Aided By State London Dec The com mittee which has been consider ing the organization of the Civil Air routes to link the tJniteJd Kingdom With outlying por tions of the Empire has consi dered Ihrbe possible methods firstly operation by the State it self seebridly a chartered ipany and private capital prWalxy enter prise aided by State The Committee favors the third course on- the ground that this is the way the development of Brit ish trade attained in the past The State should also pro vide information and maintain landing places The not feel itself justified in recommending any complete scheme at the present time policy being to initiate immediate action to ob tain experience Woodstock Dec did to the Garage and contents at noon today- blaze was the worst experienced in for two or three years It is that a spark from a nxotor being repairer ignited on the floor aslnbborn job the brigade had on their hands and it was only after for lo the flames wore brought u rider in the building cither undergoing repairs or stored for the Winter Most of these were rescued but at least five or burned beyond repair A barn adjacent the garage the property of Mrs caught fire and was also badly burned In this building was a large amount of and roots by the Medicine Company and this stock was rendered by water and fire Saskalooji has its second case of sleeping sickness also reports its first case A Large Assortment of Handkerchiefs In Fancy Boxes LADIE8 GLOVES Largest Assortment In Town Including the Newest In Peach- French Mole Brown 81 Ivor Grey and White Black v Kid Gloves Caps Kid and French Suede Boxed In Holly Boxes A Good Assortment of Fancy Linens Doylies Napkins a Pretty Blouse length for a Gift Dalntly J v i BYLAW NUMBER j Australia pec Ross the viator ftrrrvid hero Coday from England thus winning a prize of pounds sterling offered for the first aviator to make Hie voyafiro Untie the conditions laid down by the Government a flight from England distance f REINDEER MEAT NEXT Federal for Im portation of Domestic Rein deers Walton addressed Hie Womens of t James In Toronto on Welnesday on his missionary and medical work among the coastal Craft Indians and Eskimos who live in tlje UnigaVa district east of James and Hudson Bays He lived there for oyer a quarter of a century Ho declared in plto of help rendered by the Indian Department at Ot tawa and the Womens Auxilli starvation of the natives could not bo altogether prevent ed Hence his desire for tile in troduction of the dome8tio rein deer on the plan adopted by United States in Alaska The North American Com pany Indianu- have entered into on arrangement with the Federal Govcrnnentat Ottawa to drive from Alaska If this successfully carried through the lime he very far dis tant natives will be a meat stip- for Canadian as well as making it possible for tfio mining- engineers to in and prospect for minerals signs of Which arc by no means discour aging TbP OFF MANHOLES Deb Hundreds of thitatrcgocrs were thrown Into a panic by an of gas In Wblte District which blew tho lops off a score of manholeo blue flumes leaping ment The explosion occurred as the wero opening for even ing polled reserve- had to be summoned to control the frightened largo grain at St Dorchester county Que Was burned bushels grain besides much flouri feed and ftf RV nnWly olotcd for North Ontario and of the United of Ontario has definitely decided- It Is under for the of the organization To Authorize the Rsnewal of a Con tract with the Toronto and York Radial Railway Company for tlio Supply of Elect the Corporation of NevmarKct by Agreement bearing date the day of April entered Into a contract with Ihe Toronto and York Radial Railway Company for the supply by said Com pany of electric power on the terms and conditions therein contained AND it wtfs a term of such contract that the same should continue in focc for- a period of years from tho commencement of supply and that the Corporation should have the privilege of renewing such contract for a further term of five years existing rates by giving three months notice writing to the Company AND this Council deems Is expedient that such contract should be renewed as aforesaid provided that the assent of the municipal electors be first obtained In the manner pro vided by the Municipal Act the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Newmarket enacts as follows THE contract between the Cor poration and the Toronto York Railway Company for Iho supply of power bearing date the day of April bo renewed for the period of five years from tho expira tion of the conlraot The Mayor on it Clerk are here by authorized and directed to give such notices to the said Company as may be to entitle the Cor poration to demand such renewal and are further to take such logal steps and to comply with such terms and conditions of original contraot may bo for that purpose THIS Bylaw shall come Into force and tako of feet upon the final thereof previously as sented to by the municipal voters J the manner provided by tlio Municipal CLKRk MAYOR BSffSiBM Both Ways TORONTO 915 pm DAILY MOST MODEM Dining CttMllt Cjt v WMUif SitHlt HU Toronto trim I NOTICE that the foregoing Is a true copy of ft proposed Bylaw of Corporation of the Town of Newmarket to -be- submitted to- the Votes of the electors at the at tho name places us tho annual of the Municipal Council that If the assent of the electors Is obtained to the said pro posed Bylaw It will ho taken into consideration by the Municipal Coun cil of said Corporation at a meet ing thereof lb he hold after tho of one month from the dalo of the first publication of and that first publication was made on the day of Dee- ember A P J I Clerk referred to In the Bylaw Is a for the supply of power by Companytbtho Corporation and talus following terms Deviation or Contract years privilege In Corporation to renew for fur- lifer of years ex ceeding total of thirty years Rates payable Horse Power year pftablomonthly based on peak load- of not loss had Canadian National Railtuaus PERTH COUNTY COURT Stratford Dec In the county Ihls afternoon pamuel Mutbolland of Logan ccrved of and costs against Dhomas Linton of Logan The case arose out of Che taking of- some cattle to pound belonging to Thomas Lin ton when the plaintiff claims Unit he was assaulted by the de fendant and the taken away James Henderson of Brunei a was awarded on his claim for back wages from Jacob of Children FOR FLETCHERS A ST O I A a Live Stock Markets Highest prices paid In Toronto this week Extra Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Steers and Heifers WOft 110 Medium Cattle Choice Butcher Cows Choice Springers Milkers Choice Calves Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Sheep pet STRATFORD I I t Stratford Dec The adop tion of allocation also the movements- mission objective together witik the arranging for the induction of several ministers constituted of the aftbrnoon of Stratford i for the was adopted as an increase of eight per cent over- The forward movement thank offering for the presbytery was sot at three Ihe budget allocation Martin of Knox Church was ap pointed interim moderator for St Church Estnope to act trom January until the union of Tavistock and St An drows congregations can Newmarket Markets Butter per fib- Eggs per Oats per Toronto NOTICE That The Council of Corporation of Town of Newmarket construct as a local Improvement sewers on the following Streets a On Eagle Street from a point distant feet east of the Corpora- boundary to Water Street b On Water Street from Eagle Street Main Street On Main Street from Water Street to Huron Street On Huron Street from Main Street toapolnt distant 50 feet east- of Grand Trunk Railway right or way c On- Timothy Street from Main Street to Cedar Street Short Sowers at Street inters On Main Street at Timothy Park Queen Ontario and Is to the Corporation The M mated special rate ds annual Instruments- A petlltoriagalnBttthe

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