y THE v mi IS WiV i j SCF He I Si I Mis J J I ml a V I Many diseases are greatly benefited by sunlight- J always jmioh im proved Patient find time and opportunity to sit MlhJ the suns rays striking upon form of sun bath IT although often neglected Then consumptive people derive considerable benefit by being in the sunlight and bath arc sometimes ordered in method of cure In treating infectious diseases such cases auxiliary the room chosen should not only be large and airy but tt should one into which the sun shines during the greater part of he day Sunlight microbes of disease and they arc likely to lurk the rooms which are exposed the s indue chronic kidney disease the pa tient may be directed lo lie out side for several hours every day is tkus Ihe skin is made act more efficiently removing waste products the blood and in this the kidneys have less work to do HINTS r I Clean and Succucat and Feed Essential Kfttoml Feed of Cattle Moke Winter Feed as Much A Ration for Buying Which Haft Brought A College in the sua as I UTTliB Cntribntcflihj Ontario Department of whole question Of winter dairy cattle may be ummed up In one word oemfort In order to obtain a comfortable leaa where are tied e of proper width and they chanced to be until it went Per Capita Honduras Incipient lutlon Is reported to hare been pressed after the rebels had captured four cities fa described ifl a bulletin of the National Society based on a communication from J as f Honduras a country of bills and of rain and sunshine largest and small rivers A half dozen rivers may be crossed in one day and while they are usually harrow and shallow a- few hours rain will turn them Into roaring torrents abso lutely impassable J have been held for five days by a stream that when I first crossed It was less than three feet in depth When I wanted to cross the second time a few weeks later it bad been ralnlnr and even the natives remained on whichever With a Smile fain if nave my man in public than that a young telephone operator tire con- President Wil- S j I A if l d Few more have been passed a at the American Headquarters in Paris during to son The man with a smile in voice was the way in which she characterized her chieftain She had found him considerate and goodtempered in using the telephone even when be was worried and wearied with the affairs of nations and it was therefore a pleasure serve him seemed really to be a cer tain on the wire when was at its other end It is no small thing stand such a test and so resist ones own impatience In any situation as to smile instead of scolding soft answer and the merry heart which the wise man of the Bible said were good ways of sweetening life arc as desirable in every on of us as in any statesman or ruler have the voice or the manner or he frame of mind with a smile in it is better than money I mm Si good heart a tender dispo sition a charity thai shuns the day a modesty thai blushes at its own excellence impulse toward something more than mammon such are ac complishments thai preserve beauty forever young THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN V Only Tablets with Bayer Cross are Aspirin No others Iff if r mm- P3 I If you dont sec the Cross on the tablets refuse they arc not Aspirin at all Your druggist gladly will give you the genuine Bayer Tablets Of Aspirin because genuine As pirin now is made by Canadians end owned by a Canadian Com pany There is not a cents worth of German interest in Aspirin all rights being purchased from the Government During the war acid imitations were sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various other containers now you can gel genuine As pirin plainly stamped with the Safety Cross Aspirin proved safe by millions for Head ache Toothache Lumbago Colds Neuri tis and Pain generally Handy tin boxes of tablets also larger Bayer packages Aspirin is the trade mark registered In Canada of Rayed Manufacture of of YORK and S3 4 m to accommodate them without discomfort aJao be so con structed as to keep them clean with- too much labor on the part of the i person in ehsrte Plenty of bed ding is needed and an absorbent as cut straw shavings or saw dust to take UP the which cause so much dirt and discomfort to animals and attendants A cemerit gutter behind the having the required amoun of ab sorbing material placed In it after cleaning the stable Is the beat plan of keeping stable and cattle clean If there be Borne shavings sawdust or fine straw scattered along the passage behind the it as sists to cleanliness and lessens labor Feeding The natural feed of cows Is grass The feeder of cows never goes far astray if the winter ration is made so far as possible similar to that of This Is got by using silage and roots mixed tbe dry bulky fodders like straw and clover hay Tile mixing may be done by the feed er If he has time to do so or It may be done by the cow before and after eating The cow carries a won derful mixing apparatus In her stom ach and so far as this part of feed ing Is concerned she can do the necessary work of mixing feeds Mix ing before feed Is given to the cow often adds to Us hence usually pays In addition to the succulent dry bulky feed mentioned a cow giving milk requires a certain amount of concentrated feed In the form of meals such a ground oats oats and barley wheat bran oilcake or cottonseed meal Standard Dairy Feed Alls the bill excellently In this regard Watering Cows Next In Importance to feed comrs water for milking cows When cows are producing large quantities of milk they must have large quantl tics of water This may be supplied in the stable or In a trough outside In fine weather animals are for being a short time outside In the fresh air dally and they can be con veniently watered at that time n very cold or stormy weather should be watered inside Comfort cleanliness succulent feed along with a reasonable amount of concentrates and plenty of water and fresh pure air are the main things required by animals giving milk In winter Prof Dean O A College and and Si Designs In Monuments end Headstones All Kinds of Work Promptly Call and Bee before Buying Elsewhere OP ftUIUDINQ Out to Order TABLETS CHURCH Kerpt In Stock JOHN MOSS Dealer In and Importer of Foreign and Domestic AND MAftLC Phone Box Make no MUlake In Huron Oui Near Feeding Hens In Winter In order to lay well a hen requires a surplus of food above body main tenance That is a hen must be good flesh not thin A good laying hen Is seldom very fat The yolk of an egg contains considerable fat The white is mostly muscle forming food and the shell largely lime There must be a supply of these over and above what Is required to daily main tain the body In summer a hen eats tender grans or green shoots some whole grain generally some ground grains usual ly worms or insects picks up sonic gravel or old plaster and in doing so takes It she has to hunt all day for these at times she does not lay very well because she is working hard getting something lo eat We are feeding now at the A College a grain mixture of about the following Seven parts of cracked corn two parU3 of barley two parts of good oats one part buckwheat and three parts of feed wheat This is fed In deep litter night and morn ing the hens going to bed with a full crop During cold weather It Is advisable to feed a mixture of nearly half coin or buckwheat A hen will do a little better on such feed A mixture of two or three kinds of gralu gives variety At noon cooked waste house scraps such as potatoes cabbage or other vegetable trimming together with the table scraps make a good foundation for a wet mash These scraps are best fed In a crumbly state Dry them off with whatever chop you may have A mixture of shorts barley meal and oat chop equal parts Is good We use a dry mash which Is fed In hoppers This Is In of the birds at ail times We are using Government Standard feed We have used In previous years very succeBsfully rolled or crushed oafs These ground grains should con tain fifteen to twenty per cent high grade tankage or beef scrap Where milk Is given as drink in meat scrap would be Be sure to supply green and suc culent feeds such as watte cabbage roots clover leaves or sprouted oats There Is feeding the whole grain night and morning watch the birds scratch If they are very active feed liberally If somewhat Indifferent ease off lr the amount for a feed or so Keer the litter clean and sweet Prof W A College down again Honduras Is said to be the most backward of all the Central Amer ican republics and she will remain so until the railroads cross the coun try and the Government becomes stable Then there will be great op portunities here for many and Americans and American capital will always be welcome The country has a population of only a little more than half a million It has the largest per capita debt of any country on the face of the globe except New Zealand at least It had before the present European war up set all statistical conditions It owes per capita Most of this debt was created by loanshark methods however for Honduras would agree to pay to get one or some such ridiculous proportion The name of the country is said to be derived from a Spanish term meaning depth the early explorers having found difficulty in striking water shallow enough for anchorage were so delighted when they reached the shore near by that they called the headland Cape a Cape Thanks to God a name it still holds As a rule the night will be spent In a native house sometimes little more than a hut built of mud thatched or roofed with tiles One Is apparently always welcome to the best the house affords but a ham mock as part of the travelers outfit hi a necessity for the beds of stretch ed bullhide or canvas are usually fully occupied if not by those at home you are a guest then by other residents greatly to be feared Everybody sleeps In one room men women and children together Your hosts are curious but politely so watching you undress and get in to your hammock with a calm stare that must not be considered imperti nent for a white man is not an every day visitor I rarely undressed com pletely Sometimes I would only take on hat coat and boots sometimes only my hat for sleeping In ones clothes becomes second nature after and bathing and changes of linen can be bettor indulged in along the roadside F you hav Bank it will pay you 3 per cent interest or in fifteen year Chines Distrust Japs It was in the quaint terraced city of Chow China The bearers of my sedan chair pointed out to me a fine grey building against the hillside and exhausted their collective store of English trying to tell me what it was a writer In World Outlook Japanese hospital said one with a knowing air as If he could say more if he would To cure sick Japanese I asked wondering whether there was a suffi ciently large colony to support an In stitution of size It took some time for this ques tion to percolate through their heads When at last it did so there was more excitement In their answers than mere statements of facts would warrant Japanese make Chinese well Jap anese say Chinese man him very sick must make weir There was Inarticulate sarcasm their manner At last one of them found the English he was after and out with it Japanese no love Chinese man he said Then why make Chinese man well It seems that Japanese were be ginning to realize that American philanthropy represented by mis sions and by the Founda tion was creating goodwill for tho United States they too decided to become philanthropists and some One Japanese hospitals for the Chi nese were the result The Chinese however still distrust the move cannot be sure that It has the genuine unselfishness of Christian propaganda Thoy tell tales about machine guns concealed In the hos pitals and soldiers who reconnolter by night I never heard these ru mors substantiated but I did meet a seemingly benevolent young Bur geon and a Japanese nurse with the sweetest face the world ft v take that money out of Bank and invest it in Victory Bonds Canada will pay you 5 cent interest on it or in the same time i 1 i re y i f by Victory Committer la cooperation with Minister of of Canada 4V Controlling Aircraft For some time experiments have been carried out in various countries with the object of controlling air craft from the ground and a French machine succeeded recently on a prescribed course with certain speci fied detours In covering a distance of kilometres about miles and in landing when required in a certain airdrome A similar machine has been developed In the United States which according to a recent statement of Secretary of War can travel without a pilot some miles and land close to a designated post I flans According to Prof Vaughn of the College of Hawaii Hawaiian race Is rapidly becom ing extinct This dieappearanco of an art to feeding When one of the finest physical types known In the history of the human race Is due to the Introduction by white men of alcohol measles leprosy tuberculosis pneumonia and the most terrible of blood diseases none of these having been known In Hawaii before the advent of man A BIRTH A young man being exam ined by a insurance official to family record Among other jut- -Mii- following was asked what did your rami father die The applicant hesitated a few moments and then stammered out IIm not sure but I think he died in r en dry FOR FLETCHER cows belong ing A fit near Woodcock sold for 913000 in Chicago Some of have Others are fads the uke of worrying Of hurrying Ami scurrying Ami breaking up their rest When everything in leaching Preaching and beseeching fo settle down and end the fuss For quiet days are J i2iK mm R HE 8MILED He smiled And his homo was a heaven on earth He smiled And children loved him and ran along the way with him as he passed going to and from his work Ho smiled And the Office force loved and said they worked belter in the atmos phere of his smile than could work anywhere else He smiled And those who had any business dealings with him always had a kind word about hi in Ho drew for his firm He smiled And the people liked to enter I ho church at the east door because ho was always and greeted them so friendly They said they got more out of the church service after he smil ed in greeting He smiled And the sorrowing and those who were carrying heavy loads were Cheered and comforted Ho smi led And hearts of those who growing dissatisfied world In general took courage and felt that all sycel was not gone out of life- Ho smiled The years rolled by and he grew old but he smiled Death came but he smiled The eyes were closed but smile was Micro as thousand looked Into tho marble face for the last time as passed th rough I ho church ho cas ket bad been placed to convenient for Ills friends to see his face in deuth He smiled The body was tenderly laid away but is multitude of those who that he smiled He smiled The vvhwkey traffic In any form and all forms Is harmless only when it is really dead but It does seem to have bo many live HER OPINION Those of our renders who hail the land and bon- heather will appreciate reply of a Scotch lady who on be ing asked inevitable ques tion as to she liked Canada sold Oh fine fine but am may- bo juist a woe bit like Andra Turn- son Andray ye ken was per suaded to sell his boose his bit property and come and live his family who had settled in Canada For three months he stood it ken hut at end that time the claims his native land and a great overcame him and ho sot sail again for land of his de sires when he found himself safe on board he boat bound for Scotland siretched his hand and facing IheiShoro shouted bye Canada bye a touch of contempt In his voice Quid bye I wudden boose and with the ut most degree of contempt green blinds I and I bye That man is lionosl he would steal a pin said he admiring friend I never thought much of that pin test answered Miss Cayenne him with an umbrella In to local enterprises this bank is simply pur suing its ideals of a national banking A Lister Manager More it is service Branch Newmarket ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO strengthening its own position as an impregnable bank ing institution Incorporated