r 9 I a s I I- in to If if t ON place had choose would every- and Henrys look me ne day an thai kind ne here it used in- at I and are here I stouter hearty and low it what AD ft id an Go Up Fast a Men I let jew s did I out cord cliffy PlU i A L JOUR Choir The Choir will practice on Saturday night and a full attendance la quested The Choir Concert will be held on Oct Watch for bills lidSumm China Tea Sets pieces Very Nice left Quality of Decoration a few Sets dear at and PINNER SETS Nations and at the Low of for Pieces TEA POTS Large Assortment In a of Styles and Decorations from up to 225 We are Reducing You an Save Money by buying while Our Stock lasts Two more core of live stock were- shipped as usual from the O It stock yard here on Wednesday was the price paid for live hogs A little girl at King George School had her hand Jammed on Wednesday morning Another girl a window fall on it Union Prayer Service in Church last night The Post Office looks better with a new coal of paint The King George has further enlarged its accommoda tions BRITISH WORK WONDERS IN Methodist Church Good congregations last Sunday A splendid sermon by the pastor The choir did well Beside the both morning and evening Miss Shirley McCarly gave a solo in the morning and in the Miss and Mr rendered a solo Both num bers were greatly appreciated Clean to handle Sold by all Drug gists Grocer and General Stores Newmarket Fair importer of Fancy China Christian Endeavour Splendid meeting last Tuesday night Miss Gertrude Menar read an interest ing paper on Truthfulness which was much enjoyed by all Next Tuesday night a Rally will be held and an invitation is extended to everybody to be present Refresh- Imperial Oafs IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK RESTAURANT AND TEA ROOM THE PLACE FOR A QUICK LUNCH ICE CREAM AND CANDY merits will be served after the usual Christian Church Sunday Sept Morning Service at a Topic The great importance of the church and the need of the work well done Sunday School at p m Evening Service at p Topic The need of Dedicating the Children for the Lords Service Followed by Dedicatory Service COW I E80N St the Market Methodist Sunday School Next Sunday Is promotion Day A special program has been prepared and the parents of the children are urged to attend The following Sunday Oct 5th win be the Annual Rally Day Special services all day Rev A Hal- penny of the Ontario Sunday School Association will be in at tendance- Com of our bread a templing article fit food youll be tempted to bit a piece right out of It before the butter has chance to meet It half way Serve our bread Its full of food satisfaction Tell your what he already knows that he should del iver our bread to your home SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STORE How about those Winter Bulbs you be wanting soon We luvo a full line of Vinler Bulbs sl our command Call and see Remember Also when buying ld or Slotk Feed all all kinds Of Hen We keep Back to Standard Time In compliance with a largely signed Petition from the working men of Newmarket Mayor Eves has Issued a Proclamation setting forth that Stan dard Time will be adopted in New market at oclock on Saturday night When you go to bed Saturday night put your clock back one hour and you will be all right for going to church on Sunday The railways and post office will still be on Day Light Saving Time for another month i Lest We Forget The response from notices mailed to former pupils of the Newmarket High School In anticipation of their liberal response toward a fund for the erection of some permanent memorial on School ground to the memory of pupils and expupils who gave Ihotr lives for us in the great World War has not been responded to as yet by the majority Of those who received copies of the Committees appeal We feel sure I hat merely an oversight and not a desire to shirk the claims of this meritorious memorial Is the cause for delay on the part of the many who Intend to contribute liberally to this memorial fund Large Individually framed photos of the fallen with bras name plates attached to frame were placed In the School by the High School Board prior to the school re opening WILL TRY TO COMMUNICATE WITH J C Delivery Phone House Phono of Application for Dlvoroe hereby given thai Meryl Muni of City of Toronto In the County of In the Province of the lawful wife of will apply to the Ibment of Canada at the next session hereof for a mil of Divorce from her husband Leiglilon Williams Adams t the of Vespra in County of Farmer on the ground At adultery and decerllon A Toronto In the Province it Ontario day of A 151 MIS ADAMS by tier Lawsoo Adelaide fit Weal Toronto Omaha Neb Sept Leo Stevens baloon Instructor at Fort Omaha announced today that Prof David Todd will attempt to communi cate with the planet Mars this Kail In a balloon to be constructed and piloted by Stevens- The balloon to he Hie largest ever made will ascend feet Stevens said Its capacity will be feet The balloon will be enabled to riso to the expected height Stevens said by use of an invention which divides the balloon Iri two compartments the upper containing hydrogen gas and the lower air Prof Just returned to Am herst College from Brazil has per fected a signalling apparatus for the experiments Continued from Page Embroidery Centrepiece Con ventional Mrs Graham Mrs Kersey Embroidery Colored Fisher Miss Embroidery Library Table Runner Mrs F Mrs Kersey Buffctt Scarf Mrs P G Tea Wagon Set pieces Mrs- A Graham Miss I Fisher Luncheon Set Embroidery and Crochet No Entries Luncheon Set Initial Mrs F Miss McCuloheori Luncheon drawn thread Ms A Graham Miss B Fish- or Five OXlock Cloth Mrs A Graham Mrs Kersey Service Tray Mrs Miss Grenwood Fudge Apron Mrs A Goring Miss Combination Embroidered Mrs J Gardner Camisole Mrs A Mrs J Gardner Ladies embroider ed Mrs A Graham Miss Fisher Ladies crochet trimmed Miss Fisher Mrs A- Table white Mrs A Graham Miss Fisher Table Doylies a v Miss Miss L Fisher Tray Cloths McCutch eon Miss Fisher Bedroom Towels cro trimmed Mrs A Graham Bedroom Towels emb Mrs A Graham Mrs Pillow Slips and Sheets Mrs J Wilcox Pillow Slips and Sheets trimmed Miss L Fisher Mrs J Wilcox Pillow Cases Mrs C Miss Fisher Tatting white and colored Miss McCutcheon Mrs Tatting finished article Miss McCutcheon Miss L Dresser Scarf Miss Fisher Mrs A Graham Runner Mrs Lace Work pieces Mra A Graham Miss White Embroidery Mrs Ker sey Mrs Bogart Colored Mrs Miss McCutcheon Cotton Crochet Work piece Mrs- Oh as Stuffier Mrs A Goring Wool Crochet Work piece Mrs Miss Fisher Irish Crochet Work pieces Miss Miss B Fisher Sofa Pillow conventional urn- broidery Pillow washable Mrs Miss Greenwood Sofa Pillow a v Miss Mc Mrs A J Rogers Vanity Bag beaded Miss Mc- Mrs Kersey Fancy Work Bag Mrs Kersey Miss Fisher Centerpiece Holder Mrs Bedroom Curtains Mrs Snow- den Childs Dress Mrs J Graham Mrs A Goring Childs Long Dress Mrs J Gardner Mrs A Goring Infants Carriage Hug and Pil low Mrs A Graham Miss Fisher Infants Head Shawl Mrs A Graham Mrs J Gardner Infants Bonnet and Jacket wool Miss L Fisher Mrs In the sumptuous palace upon the I Mount of Holy City a palace built lohis own honor and glory by the Ger- many sit two eral Slorr and General Money the destinies of the inhabitants of Palestine now free men by the grace of General and the British Army Such is the picture drawn by Rev SB pastor of Christian Synagogue Elizabeth street Toronto who has just returned from a six months trip to Palestine and Syria Rev Mr who was born In Jerusalem and spent his boyhood there tells of the amazing reforms both physical and social that have been worked by the British admini stration frm its headquarters holy mount Over the massive pile through whose windows the was wont to look gloatingly upon the towers and ancient battlements of- old Jerusalem planning for the day when it would be one his seats of power on his great highway from sea to sea the flag ofBritain now flies Toward Its graceful tower and nobly propor tioned wings and abutments the eyes of all Palestine now turn in gratitude to Us liberators who occupying the spacious rooms converted into the most of offices plan for the social and economic development of the country i m T A THE MENS STORE j I -i- 1 f vT U 4 A ALL WOOL HAND TAILORED READY FOR SERVICE- CORRECT IN EVERY DETAIL s The QeU Throughout the length and of the land this building Is known as the Oeta the word being simply pronunciation of the Initials stand- for Occupied Enemy Territory The peasant in search of aid the farmer who seeks help free and advice who desires all turn toward the It is the word of won der a nrmn in It la expressed all that native of Pale stine has dreamed of liberty and free Rev Mr was made In the Interests of the Palestine Relief Fund two British enterprises In motors supplied by the Red Cross he travelled from Jerusalem to Damas cus touching many points en route among which were and Tiberius Crossing the Tordon he passed through the territories of the King of the to and from Dam ascus Returning he visited and Tyre Raffs and all the Jewish colonies and came hack to Jerusalem via Jaffa Law and Order Now Wonderful changes have come over the whole country under British ad ministration says Mr Rohold Law and order have taken the place of terror and chaos The wayfarer may camp in the- open without fear of molestation by the hands of marauding Bedouins who before the British came preyed upon unwary and un armed travellers In the old Russian Compound in Jerusalem Col wltch heads the law administration and here courts are maintained according to the best traditions of British Jus tice Everywhere In the country are soup kitchens wherein the poor are fed and ministered to Perfect order is enforced by a capable force of police while all carriages and taxis are compelled to adhere to regular and traffic regulations the most amazing achlcve- admin 1st rati on new CUSTOM TAILORING WITHOUT ANNOYING DELAY8 There convenience as well as satisfaction In this Specialized Overcoat Service of ours Twenty minutes spent In this shop enables you to try on every Good Model and you see the Fit and Stylo before you buy And you have ready for your selection the most wonderful selection of fabrics from the Sturdy Tweeds to the Softest Fleece Clothes Our Prices are all marked In plain figures and we have one price for all PRICES 1500 to THE JAMES CO NEWMARKET CHUMS One of of says Rev Jerusalem the city eighteen Within of it after a fashion and he was disposed to let me off easy been tuite Never mind dad he said forget of yours said it You dont have to do it again Mr who was launching with a That new camera that I spoke to you friend at his club I wish you could about Ill get along without that give some points I have a chap now and it will partly help to make hes You seem to have lunate with that boy five or six years younger and hes up the loss already a problem I am afrid that He had misunderstood me in one the job of being a wise father is j particular and I had to explain that most beyond me It was Jones who had lost while I Why dont you try being a chum had won then asked Mr Harmon When illsjknub Dick was about fifteen he got into a foolish school boy scrape that resulted British Mr Is the water supply brought to from a group of springs to twenty miles distant three months of the city he says water bad W3 0 NEWMARKET CAFE South j Door from King Hotel OPEN DAY AND NIGHT convince you that Hie Wee right Jolin Wright of Jasper near TO years old died as the result of being dragged some distance by a colt Richard Dolan a farmer of township was killed by lightning While In IiIh which was consumed with the seasons crops and a horse Burglars in London secured 95000 worth of from three large retail stores on Monday Night Pa Sept Persons are reported killed in Mir wrecking of the Baltimore and Ohio night express between and New York at Huston one west of Con- Pa Fourteen were reported injured Marie A not her robbery wan perpetrated on Friday op the line of the Central when more held up ami of at Just miles from the scone of the about a Week ago when was secur ed from other there were sfxinon in the gang of It is supposed they are Maine- that perpetrated lie U O OF COM MERCE BOARD FOR FLETCHERS R I A Did keep at length Bella Worse fc held him width at hat Out Sept of Grown Hill prominent in the United Farmers of On- speaking at a convention of the united farmers of Centre at Elm vale on Saturday when Murdoch was nomi nated attacked OConnor vicechairman the hoard of commerce Ho declared that the agitation by that man OConnor the price Of foodstuffs was simply a red herring drawn across the trail the real high oust of living at the behest of the manufacturers The high cost of living he said applied to all articles and yet not the slightest move had been made against the cotton combine with per cent profits woollen manu facturers with their per cent profits and the milling trade with its enormous profits The only thing OConnor was tackling wtU the foodstuffs The farmers have produced every ounce of food said Has there been any combine to mine the selling price Absolutely none Bond the Era to absent brought In a task that bad been talked of and abandoned as Impossible over and over again Willi a reser voir holding six million gallons he says the city now has a supply capable of caring for army- of five million men Living High There Along with other modern Improve ments the high cost of living has not missed Holy City Bev Mr no- hold puts tie average cost there at SO per cent higher than In Toronto An Indifferent pair of shoes costs at least while living rates arc on the same scale There is however plenty of work Many of the people have become well off since- the oc cupancy of British army The soldiers have been free spenders and the natives have done a thriving busi ness in photographs souvenirs cakes and so forth Palestine has been glwm a new lease of life Agriculture Is being encour aged to the utmost and a law for bidding the of land has saved the innocent farm owners from real estate speculators and sharks The roads are better than any In Canada says Rev Mr This Is due to army builders Motor cars may travel from end to end of the country over highways that are for smooth ness A DOUBTFUL GUARANTEE The Arabs and II Moslems have the practice of reinforcing promises by adding to their word of honor the Arabic phrase Please Cod How much meaning It con veys In some lands of the East Is told In the pages of In Moorish Captivity The pious proviso Is a very useful formula to Moors and frequent ly used In making promises that they have no Intention whatever of keep ing as they can then take refuge be hind the Almighty when they are taxed with their breech of faith There Is a story told of a man who kept a shop in and who knew the ways of the Moor To him one day on of the faithful desirous of buying Rome cloth On being In formed that the price was two dollar a yard payment In sixty days re plied I All right I will take so much and wilt pay In sixty days No said the vender the price Is dollars payment In sixty days Tor sixty days the price Is In a bill for damages of ten dollars or so I knew nothing about it III a week afterwards when he came to me considerably embarrassed and made a clean breast of It Why yon tell me be fore I asked said Dick I was in hopes I could borrow the money from some of my friends and pay a little at a time without your knowing Rut they were all as hard up as I was Didnt you consider me as one of vour fqjends said I While he hesitated an Idea came to me Well anyway 1 said Id like to he one from now on I am still something of a boy and Id really like to have a chum of about your age What do you say Why cant we gel to gether often and talk over our affair Including our troubles and scrapes If there are any share our secrets In fact just any other two boy friends At Dick ralhcr opened his eyes Do you mean dad said he that you will me all about what youve been up to same as Im to tell you what I have Well perhaps that wasnt Just way that I had thought of it I guess thai when I had of our affairs and our secrets I had really meant hi However I wouldnt draw- off Yes I said Ill be as frank with you as you are with me It all he In confidence of course We shook bands on It and I soon came to enjoy our intimate chats ranging from baseball to business and from school matters to politics al though at first did seem to mo that I was opening up a little more freely ban he was My business at thai time made necessary great deal of I ravelling One at a hold I ran across an acquaintance a prosperous manufac turer who asked mc to loin and two of his friends in a little game to pass away iho limn I cared for that kind of thing and I was ab solutely without skill hill Jones In sisted and I went along soon It was suggested that some small slakes would make It more not to go Into particulars when we got all through I was In terested to the of about a hun dred dollars to my room fairly ashamed of Then of Dick but I shook my head I had to come to though What kind of confidential terms would bo on If I was keeping back from only thing that I was really asham ed Of I guess that no boy ever dreaded a session with his father any more than I did my next confidential talk with Dick hut I got through with Oh I said Dick and I couldnt seeing that for the moment I had arisen somewhat in his estimation But that makes It worseI said I cant keep the- money andyet I dont know how to get rid of it Give it back to the man Dick said- He wouldnt take it I said Dick thought a minute and then he If you tell the man how you fell perhaps he will take the money hack and give to the M A or some other good object Good logic or not I acted on Dicks advice At first Jones scpffed at the Idea but when I explained the situa tion and asked to do it on the boys account lie finally took the money and the Y A got a con tribution from afripnd Now I said to Dick afterwards 1 dont ask any promise from you because you were not the one at fault bul Ill promise you that Ill never help pass away time that way again A few weeks later I met Jones Hello I he said Want another game No thank you said I Well you couldnt have it with me If yoUmd said lie Ive quit that for good Fact is Ive got a young- coming up And it to me that If do something on ac count of your hoy It was a pity If I couldnt do something on account of my own As for Dick and me Mr Harmon continued we have kept on being pretty chummy from that day to this I dont say that would be the Ideal relationship In all cases but as far as I can see has worked out pretty well so far for both us my dog Doctor THE DOG the City Is reported The narra- Dispensary at St Louis by the Globe Democrat Ilvn will be appreciated by those who like dogs and boys It docs credit to all concerned Including the doctor Joe put his bead cautiously through the halfopened door at the City Dispensary yesterday morning and looked about In scared sort of way Little joe Is Pour Courts newsboy He pushed the door Wider and hobbled In well as bis one leg and crutch would nllow Then he hold the door to allow a shaggy little dog all the more tooklng because he was wet with Ihe mornings rain to limp in after him The dog was on three legs and was about as scaredlooking aslittle Joe Doctor was no duty at the time- To him Utile Joe went open half Please doctor fix up Hes hurt his foot Is he your dog asked No sir I reckon he aint nobodys dog but hurled Just the same an ef youll fix him up Ill take him home till he gets well Doctor doesnt operate on canines as a rule In fact this was his first case but little Joes tear- filled eyes made him consent The dog was lifted into the doctors lap and an examination showed that its right foreleg was broken Doctor set It bound It in splints and then wrapped it in flannel All this time the dog never made a sound except to whine when the broken bone was pulled Into place He seemed to know that what was going on was for his own benefit Doctor Newcomb put him down on the floor and he gave thanks In the only way he knew how by wagging his tall But little Joe had a more substan tial reward than thai to offer the doctor He pulled out a dirty little book and a stub of pencil Then he laboriously spelled out the doctors name and wrote it down in Irregular characters I got no money doctor he said but Ill bring you a paper every day Much obliged doctor and with that the two cripples the boy with his ui pus a splint limped out into the rain HE BEGAN T The man whose wife often said he never would learn riot to talk to people looked at his seat companion and at the first opportunity broke silence Travelling man like my self he Inquired Yes said other Travel for a wool house Mines boots and shoes said the talkative one but Ive got a fad for golf- you see my slicks I carry them everywhere on the chance of felling a game Every man ought to have some sort of fad seems to me it rests him changes current of his thoughts Dont agree with mc Now golf Hut the other had pulled a round box from his pocket and was ready to talk Heres my fad he broke In As I I travel for a wool firm but Ihfe little ointment made by an aunt of my wife Is my fad I always carry a couple of dozen boxes with me and as you say It rests mo ami changes Ihe current of my thoughts- Ami when I find a man like you that can talk about something besides business and evidently likes to I tell him one these little boxes of ointment and what It and If 1 dont convince him In an hour that its exactly what ho needs why I can do It In an hour sure Stung again muttered the golf enthusiast as he looked at the firm Jaw of bis Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR I A ii House Cleaning Lawn and Garden Supplies Have you repaired your fences yet Builders Supplies 8heetlna Roofing Etc COME IN AND TELL US YOUR WANT8 dollars and a half Schoolmaster me who Now Tommy was can fa- which Why he one bid only tell VI Tommy Please Schoolmaster only one father Tommy thought sir you told tie he slept with four father forefathers These photographs yon took of us are not at all satisfactory I re fuse to accept Whats wrong idem Whats wrong Why my bus- bund looks like baboon Well Ihflla no of mine madam You should have that before you had him taken A ARCHIVES OF ONTARI Finish that Endure ENAMELS and Like paint in applied with a brash It keeps woodwork and floors bright and in sanitary condition It wears as though it were an actual part of wood On floors and stairs it it the one finish that will wear on tho job not off It an excellent gloat surface and unlimited service in hard wearing Lightens Housework A splendid of shacks for furniture woodwork and floors in any room in the homo are thown on our complete color card which wo will tend you on Sen J la for a aaunU for reaawtaft color HARDWARE and ELECTRICITY St Post Phone ft fjjTlgi a ui roi TORONTO