Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Sep 1919, p. 7

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itofcEfs S3Efi f and SUV s and Surgeon of Toronto senior resident physician- Kail River Boyd of Toronto of Ihe Royal Medicine Licentiate and member of Hospital and and England Glasses Hour AND JEWELLER 1KT GREEN PAPER HANGER wo 2nd house from Newmarket oho- p 0 Box if restored will not and beer bar -very- be a long- The bar light wine The bar No more Wednesday halfholidays for the stores this season whiskey bottle will be under the Xl Real Estate Changes Mr Oliver Farm on the con of Whitchurch near Stouff- was sold last week by Hand- ton Son Mr Sinclair of Stouff- ville formerly of Toronto Meeting in the Methodist a Class Board Room a Public WorshipRev P Daniels of Toronto p Sunday School Pro motion Day 7 p Public Worship Rev P Daniels of Toronto Lawrence pastor Friends Endeavour The Christian Endeavour Fellow ship Group of the Friends Church will hold a special meeting Monday Sept at oclock There will be a lecture given on The Life of Christ and Mr Atkinson will be present to show his Lantern Views Everyone is welcome especially the young people of the town Mr Courtney Tell How She Wai Cured fey E Vegetable Compound Iowa For years I imply In misery from a weakness and awful paint and nothing seemed to do me any rood A friend advised to taVs Vr- table I did so and cot re lief right away I can certainly this to and looks How and When to Paint Them After Buffering pain feel ing ner vous dii drag ged down by of my sex my eyes sunken black circles and pale cheeks I was restored to health by the Dr Efficiently Fall the Bnlldlnrs Wke the Fall the- Machinery Should So as Labor Con ditions Permit Broken Windows Should Be Repaired Dust and Cobwebs Cleaned Away Premises Brightened by Cleaning and Whitewash 18 en phone of Singing Toronto Conservatory of CO p for Co of York Toronto Build- St Newmarket of Voice and Dealer in all of Musical lnslrurnenls and Repairs piano Tuning ami for Columbia Gramophones and Records Prompt The Friends HalfYearly Meeting of Friends formerly held at St will be held in the Friends Church on Sunday Sept at and oclock On Monday at oclock there will he a for business Isaac a minister from Pen nsylvania Is expected to be present Everyone welcome Com women who Pierce So many women work for mo and I know it will helm ing Dr Pierces Favorite XUSiSSSMStSBk tion the becomes the West Oakaiooea Iowa eyes brighter the cheeks plump Why will women drag along from day In and year out Druggists sell it in tablets or as did Mrs Courtney when Tt a letters a this continually being a woman a best Every woman who made from wild roots displacements In- I flaramatioa backache Owtxeio Dr Pierces or who passing through tia Favorite Prescription helped me greatly Chang of Life give this famous lurn commenced to hate root and herb remedy Pink- beat flashes and diiry spells and became hams Vegetable Compound a trial For nervous and rundown These conditions special advice writs quickly left me after I commenced Medicine Co Lynn Mass result with the Favorite Pescriptlon I took of its long experience is at service several bottles of and truly believe that I owe my good health of today to on it medicine I took and the care leisure pa at that trying time Ues sure my son is Hie two minutes Bay Street rest a man gets while his wife is hunting up something else for No woman with a new hat enjoy i Farm Sold Mr A Brodie President of the North York has sold his farm adjoining Newmarket known as the old Millard Homestead and one of best In this section to Mr George of Newmarket form erly of North Gwilllmbury Mr has purchased a home in Town and expects to retire shortly him to ridingf in a closed automobile Q w AND CO Etc TORONTO Very Commendable Mr John Moss of the Newmar ket Marble Works erected on Tuesday a very fine Soldiers Monument at It Is of grey granite with a spire feet high and bears the Regimental Crest of the York Rangers It is erected on the order of the Memorial Committee and Is a credit to and the vicinity HydroElectric Power Commission Carrying on Wonderful Power Development Work at Niagara Falls A Second Panama Canal Mr Money the opening of a announces Law office in the of Toronto mat be will be In Newmarket follows to p EVC a to noon expected arrangements made whereby a represenlal- of will he in the office The Fair Concert The Concert on Thursday evening of this week In the Town Hall will be HighClass In every respect The following artists are on the program Hilda Buckingham A pianist Lillian M reader Kathleen soprano Stuart Barker baritone Claude Parker monologue specialist There are not many reserved seats left Rural Canada Close to the hearts of Rural Canadian people the the largest shovels In Ihe world and reversing the How of a river ihe Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario is carrying on an engineering project at Niagara Tails practically with out the use of steam There are many startling phases to this work which la the largest engineering feat attempted in the Dominion of Canada and the biggest engineering Job at present being carried on In the North American continent In order to get water to the new power house which will be erected above the Com mission will utilize our and a of the River Furnace Work Plumbing Our Specialties See Hie Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITH l TO GROCERY Town Hail ToNlahL St Pauls Dramatic Club will pre sent in the Town Hall this Friday evening a threeact Comedy by ChaS Townsend entitled All Tangled Up This Club has on numerous oc casions appeared before trie public and elicited much praise There Is no reason to doubt but that the per formance on Friday evening will sus tain- their former reputation The characters In the drama will be taken by the following Miss Molly McCar- Miss Marion Clarke Miss Flossie Moore Messrs Bailey Leslie Mcfionigie W Proctor and Cyril No doubt the Hall will be packed your scat men present a picture The weary householder painfully feeding the furnace shovel by shovel from the ton or two of coal his winter supply will at ihe enormity of the electric shovels which pick up from to ten tons of material lift feet Into the air and deposit It Into waiting cars all within the short space of hauled by electric locomo tives convey the mud and clay to the dump at St Davids The boul der and rock from the canal are borne away to the crusher on the cliff above and con verted Into material for roadways railroad roadbed and riprap which will line the shores of the canal HYDRO LECTRIC DEVELOPMENT WORK at NIAGARA PHOTOS PLEASE I Oct Them HALL BROS Tha Photographer Town Farm Produce Only a medium sized market last Saturday Big for butter eggs and poultry Ruling prices were as follows KggB per 55c per lb Dressed Chickens per lb Dressed Ducks per lb the On Door erf BY Tomatoes Apples Potatoes per perk Potatoes per bag Onions Cabbages Corn Cauliflower Pumpkins Cucumbers Live Chickens per Old Hens per lb Live Ducks per basket basket 250 Pigeons per pair per pair Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb Sheepskins Tallow basket and each for 10 to each each lb J I iioooc 990091000 81009200 t J CLOVER DO HOT LET TO AMY RED WASTE The Leading Varieties of TOMATO CELERY CABBAGE PEPPER ASTER ETO How In Quantity Mo Order than Wo w the Era Office Indications are that Red Clover seed Is going to scarce and expen sive and under the circumstances It win be good business for anyone who hag a clover field which may yield a seed crop this fall to cut for the sake of the seed This ap plies especially to fields in which at this lime Of Ihe year a large percentage of the heads have turned brown If In doubt as to whether such a field will be while cutting for seed take some overage heads which ore brown right through and rub them when perfectly dry In the palm of your band and you surprised at the quantity of good seed that nay shell out If you are not sure whether it will pay to go the trouble of harvesting the crop for seed send a sample for examination to either of the under signed No stamps needed for samples weighing less than ounces Other information on harvesting thresh in etc will also be promptly p Malte Dominion John Supervisor Illustration Stations Central Experimental Farm Ottawa Era to Absent causing this stream to now backward and to take water from the Niagara River Instead of empty- Ins Into it ahove the Fa 11a Con necting with the River la a power canal stretching from and encircling the city of Niagara Palls Out which will bo eight and a quarter miles long when completed The original survey for the Niagara development was made In 1S14 and the work be gun In May The commis sion expects to have the new plant In working order In War con ditions handicapped the engineer but operation were begun on agleantlc scale A trip over the right of way will Impress the ob server with the vast Scope of undertaking which In Us completed state will approximately Two miles above the brink of Niagara Kalis a steam dredge In gnawing away at the channel of the River removing In generous chunks the river bottom and a por tion of Hog which guards the entrance to this historic creek The lone dredge and Its attendant tugs are the only pieces of equipment en gaged on the entire Niagara develop ment which art not owned by the Hydro Electric Power Commission They with six or seven switch engines are the only apparatus In on the development which re quire In their operation the drill employed on ths deposits of tha canal right of way are operated by air electrically compressed A or two Inland a huge clamshell swung from an aerial cableway drops Into the river and then bringing with It bites from river bot tom which are deposited on the river bank at the foot of the tower from where operator dlreeta the of the clamshell Deposits of earth and along the north bank of the river reveal of the clamshell In this par ticular portion of the development A short ride from Niagara Falls over new roadways built by commission from crushed limestone removed from Ha right of way one to the canal proper where the activities of huge electric shovels electric trains and gangs of The stone crusher which has a Capacity of LO00 cubic yards Is well Worth a visit The from the excavations are cast Into a trough opening Into steel which and munch breaking the pieces Into smaller bits that are carried away on a belt con veyor A series of crushers reduce rocks to a form where they may be utilized for building purposes arid stored Tor future use Fifty fly miles of railway all elec trified and tapping live trunk are required in the construction work on the development On this railway the commission has In opera tion more electric locomotives than any railway system In Canada At present 2000 men are employed on the big Job These men are housed and fed by the commission A an ambulance and a hospital maintained by Die are at the disposal of the employees cose of accident The adoption of the newest safety devices has minimized the danger of accident on the de velopment and the commission has a great deal time to safety propaganda In order to safe guard the In Its employ About acres or per cent of the lands acquired by the commission for Us right of way have been con vened into farms and the produce from the farms Is hold to the em ployees of the commission The com mission maintains Its own telephone system on the development and It has connections throughout the prov ince Oarages shops and office buildings lino the right of way By establishing Its power house at the HydroElectric Power Commission is enabled to take ad vantage of the full drop of both Ni agara Falls and the Gorge a total drop of feet affording per cent mors electric power from the same amount of water The largest electric units In the world horsepower generators will be in stalled the power houne to pro duce electrical for distribution throughout the Province of Ontario This great work a striking ex ample of the big virion and Initiative of Sir Adam Deck under whose di rection the commission carries on functions This work Is one which gives the people of Ontario Just cause for pride in achievement Contributed Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto farmer should bis farm buildings in sucb a way as to maintain them in good serviceable condition and bo conserve resources gen erally On most farms there aro many details in themselves of minor importance but in the aggregate of tremendous influence Carelessness of the exterior of buildings Is an in dication generally of conditions existing In their interior Slovenly surroundings and general rundown conditions are the ballmarks of In- eptitiide and mismanagement The farmer may not be able to change the location of his farm but to a great extent he can control its appearance and general conditions by seeing that the roofa ire in good repair and weather tight the fences In place gates in order and painted on hinges not sagging or dragging on the ground the latches and hinges of all doors and gates greased and operating freely no broken lights In the window sashes of the various buildings the stable fixtures in order the stanch ions and partitions In place and the mangers and floor In good repair giving to the whole place the impres sion that it receives prudent care and regular attention investigations have disclosed the fact that concrete is an Ideal material for repairing and making in the hands of a resourceful person on the farm Publications issued by cement manufacturers as to tools and ma terials used aggregates proportion ing the mixture how to mix bow to plan forms reinforcement etc may be obtained for the asking Doors The ordinary stable door construction of two thicknesses of matched lumber Is not satisfactory because the effect of the warm moist air of the stable on the ply of lumber causes it to swell while the outer lumber being less affected causes the door to spring out top and bottom A panelled door is less af fected the expansion and contraction resulting from atmos pheric conditions taken up by the panels To hang a door hold It up against the Jambs and mark round with a pencil Then cut down to these lines Make it narrower and shorter The hinges should be placed about six Inches from the top and the lower one ten inches from the floor The thickness of the casing should b taken from the total width of the hinge the balance divided by two gives the distance the hinge Is to set back from the face side of the door In all cases the hinge should bo wide enough to reach across twothirds of the thickness of the door Heavy doors should have three hinges The mortise for the hinge of the door should bevel slightly toward the front so that the hinge will not strike the Jamb Betting locks for the door Rim locks are those that are simply screwed on to the face of the door Mortise locks are those set Into a mortise In the door Itself The rim lock Is held In position and marked for keyhole knobbar hole and screw holes The flrat are cut and the last are bored and the lock Into place The escutcheon and knob plates arc put on and the keeper Is then put on to tho Jamb The mortise lock Is Bet Into the mortise cut In the door Just wide and deep enough to admit it face plate of he lock being set flush with the face of edge of door Mark for tho knobbar and kcyholo holes the lock and fasten In the knob plates and escutcheon set and knobs adjusted The keeper la then mortised Into its proper place flush with the edge of Jamb Roof See that the roof Is light Remember that there are shingles and shingles The old standard alio Inches long Ave butts together to equal 2 Inches superior in several ways to tho present method ot cutting them to 16 inches long six butts of two Inches Much de pends on the way the shingle is manufactured A roughly cut shingle will not give good because its tendency to draw the water up under the weather line by capillary attraction and the fuzz harbors dust making good hold for moss to start growing The edging should be smooth carefully done so that are slightly narrower than the points so as to allow any- debris to pass through the Joints and not accumulate and start a rot Cattlo Ties and Mangers The comfort of the cattlo is of great im portance it affects milk pro duction and their feeding Qualities Whatever typo of manger ubcJ simplicity of construction conven ience of feeding ahd cleaning should bo considered Tho swivel of the chain- cowtlo should be examined to If It works freely In any case apply a little grease to it Any weak or broken links may be and effectually secured by using a slitlink or a wire link made out of two or thrco turns of fence through the links al lowing ends long enough to bo crossed and wound round the strands in opposite direction after manner of splice stanchions links and swivels should be attended to in similar way Prof John Evans A College Flooring Siding Moulding and InBide Trim fin Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln drier and nicely machined Saah Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir or Oak Sold at prior that will Interest you Kindly give a trial i y Th Dans NEWMARKET -a- A a Bins HI Ml 3 and Dewing Repairs n t Phone Newmarket i I Mutual System of Life Insurance r Is the MOST MOST EQUITABLE WiOST DEMOCRATIC System known Then ask about Canadas only Mutual The Mutual of Canada FRED District Agent Newmarket HI 3 4 if NOT MUCH Conscription has maybe saved the country growled the soldier hut what object to Is the company It drives a man Into Im a plumber by an honest workman yet Im Compelled to suffer the society of such inn an a lawyer a minister and an auctioneer No a bad se lection Joo1f his friend Oh maybe no In a way hut when the minister and the lawyer start an argument on law In the mid dle of the half dozen beds the blessed auctioneer- us umpire- what chance has even a plumber stopplo the gas leak a package before the war c a package during the war a package mw THE LAST 1 ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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