LOCAL NEWS formic be on at such a rush for irama tonight thai decided to repeat the Saturday night at Drug v Store clock on Friday morning d out for morning with a We fioe and Mr Nottingham iSn confident it will the work Again off work through I- Mr Ed I a shoe repair shop In the opened a Town Clerk for a share of patrons the New- of the Meeting of for tickets when Monday night for linear on and the Ontario lively day sa Sutton day both the same This will make a The emjiloyee here- road fed Saturday add asked for a with Satur day afternoon off at full pa and time and a quarter for overtimed All lire concessions were granted by the firm without hesitation fftf- Vi PINE ORCHARD A public will the Meeting House on Friday evening Oct 3rd commencing at- oclock farmers time hi connection with the- address will be given E C Hall of Newmarket It Vis hoped that there- will be a large attendance FOR ALL GOOD COOK USE BAKING POWDER HOUSE FURNISHINGS We carry a Large Stock of AND i I at the hour of Li in a ncxl week Friday and next Monday reports were I at a attended in the Rooms over Grocery on Tuesday night Is already manifest vote grand majority in the No Four will do Ihe trick aver wll give column RUSSELL COLLINS to further announce that he is now open for business carrying exclusively the province dry- m Stan- of i Liberal-Coo- for North York tie held as follows Friday 2Mb p Aurora ii- Time Albert Tiorso3 October 2nd Time Pefferlaw Friday 3rd Tim Sutton Newmarket p Ad HOSIERY GLOVES AND UNDERWEAR Friday evening eight The guests began to congregate And by- ten oclock things were whirl Each one his best girl The Johftson home seemed quite gay As Wile Allceand Edna Owen each celebrated her birthday And a mountainous cake three stories high Was devoted bv the men on the sly Their Intended Lizzie was look ing her I She slipped and fell hut stood the test She blamed It to the floor being waxed so neat Though somt claimed she fell over her fathers feet floor was like a piece of class And the music was certainly tuned first class Quite a number notables from a dlstanc was there On the whole it was a grand affair The party broke up at three toes the rhyme Each one declaring had a splen did time- v i GONGOLEUM RUQ8 CARPET 8QUARE8 AND JAPANESE 8QUARE8 WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES CURTAIN DRAPERIES BUNGALOW NETS MADRA8 X v MARQUI8ETTE8 ART ART DENIM8 Many of these Lines Bought at old prices at less than they can be bought wholesale 8ILKALENE k v At i Sale Register Saturday Sept 27 Mr Harner Zephyr will hold an important sale of horses cattle pigs Implements etc also real estale at one oclock i3 months credit J auctioneer For Men Women and Children Socks Gloves and Mitts at very A good range of working Reasonable Prices Is In cluded We also have the Agency for Pictorial Review Patterns formerly carried by Mrs Davidson CpME IN AND LOOK EVERYTHING BRAND OVER OUR STOCKS HEW AND UPTODATE North York for the purpose of selecting a candidate An behalf LiberalConservatives Si lb held in Town Hall New market on Saturday afternoon- at 5 oclock New Time Addresses be delivered by lion RUSSELL COLLINS Doors South of Post Office will P P Minister of Agricul lure Mr VanKotiglmet Armstrong P and Mr Herbert Lennox M P Everybody cordially welcome Seats reserved fr the Ad TRAIN BANDITS ROUNDED UP PEOPLE DOWN ON HEARST of midnight and carried a hook Miss led as bridesmaid in SI Paul It Church Toronto was ihe vrne of a quiet but pretty wed ding when Miss of Mr J The was conducted by the Dean Hand The wore suit blue with hid to match riiolher pearl prayer a an African Brown Bull with hat to Mr Pete was The grooms gift to the bride wus a handsome seal coat with 1 trimmings and to the bridesmaid a pearls and monogram ruff to groomsman wedding served at Walker House the bridal party motored to Hamilton to their return they will in Sudbury Quebec After five Mr II who has spoken days of incessant work police Electoral Hidings was asked 1 0 hta Impressions of this Province and replied as follows Dr A Kuy transacted business In Newmarket Tuesday Mr- of Aurora spent the wiib his brother here Mrs Thompson of Bradford is visiting her daughter Mrs Thornton Rev Father Wedlock of Newmarket called on friends in town on Satur day Mrs 1 Kitchen returned home Saturday after a weeks visit Misses Alma and Gertrude Watson of Toronto spent the weekend with their father Mr and Mrs Newman- of Toronto spent a few days with sister Mrs Frank Mr Armstrong and sister Norah spent weekend with Col and Mrs Nichols of Newmarket Mr and Mrs and family of Thornton were visitors in town Saturday and Sunday Mrs A and daughter of are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J Crelghlon Walton Is visiting Her sister Mrs Armitage In Newmarket this week add Is taking in the Fair Mrs J Butler returned home on Monday a couple of weeks visit with her daughter Mrs In Toronto Mr and Mrs and family have returned from their two weeks touringtrip and report a pleasant reslde of Mr Jos Wilkin clip the following from the linje- Mr Joseph Wilkin wis known In Newmarket r yearn Wilkin formerly of dropped dead suddenly while car half a mile from his home Gale Ontario on Wednesday Death We ago Mr driving in July Mr Wilkin who wan horn at MritAWA ixtyfive years ago and was the late J Wilkin was here In McKlnlays Livery six or years He left twentyseven years ago His 1 predeceased him by years while were living In London fine Mrs Parker and also two sons Joseph Fred lives In Saginaw Mich nd in Vancouver The funeral took place In London on SVrrdiy Woodland Lawn Mr Joseph Wilkin Tate and Mr J ttendlng effected four arrests tn III Of Quebec today and believe they have captured bandits who figured in in the holdup rifling of a mail car on the Ocean Limited train between Levis and Montmagny on the morning of Thursday September 18 The men arrested are George Topping a freight conductor on the Cana dian National Railways and J and Protean a former garage owner are the men who disguised with masks and carrying revolvers Great Interest in the Liberal cause is being shown not only by the at- at the meetings hut also by part of the workers It has been most the real spirit of enthusiasm on the heartening I have found the people particularly interested In the discus- of matters relating to the agricul tural interests and the respective records of the I wo parties in the Legis lature The high cost of living anil failure of Government to deal with profiteers or do its duly In who have combined Increase COAL FIELDS IN THE FAR NORTH Explorer Returns With Tales of Fabu lous Wealth In OIL enteral the mail car and after 1 prices In re binding the bands and feet of live of the he five mail clerks ransacked g satisfaction with the clearcut policy of the Liberal party as set out mail away with jn rftgolullons 1 rain I of trade Is a real There general in five and tendollar notes The other arrested who are held as material wit nesses are George a Of Toppings and Napoleon of Levis While the police have not yet located the missing money they hope be able do so in a very short Hint and in the they have the masks used the bandits when they made heir haul vfntion June The people ap preciate that they can find out where the Liberal parly stands and that it Ins taken a democratic course as lo the Important questions of moral and social reform The Conservative party has not dared to adopt the same democratic method of settling Its policy owing lo Ihe warring elements within lis own ranks The people are absolutely dissatis fied with Hearst his Administration because of his failure to do anything to reduce the high cost of living the that the Government has not developed any real schemes for the reconstruction period thai there has In nine out of eleven fires in and reckless in the past seven days expenditures of which the building the origin is believed have of Government House Is a striking Profit Mr Hope Pine Orchard gave a fchtcmenl before the Fair Prices in Oily Hall Toronto list ty morning regarding the of keeping cows for seven from October to follows Feed oil cake roots fcilnge bay you put In any salt Mr Hfpc- a producer No I ftfrJffd put In the salt overhead expenses were as fol- Culling straw Hi hauling milk ior repairs milk ing two of gasoline 9HAQ other ferns 28 lots 995873 A grand total expenditure of 9339258 been incendiary Kept Major is MPP was renominat ed as the Conservative candidate for liberal Conser vative Association There was no other nomination Income was made up as fol- cans Of milk farm 20 In borne fir a out total profit of on a Iowa IM figured The Into sidelines for profits P the go the wilnK exactly what he does Major Duncan pay mar- KM y to wo or I have got to- go out farmer what grain on the farm He the go- Into do Many people have learned to consider suoh and a as an Ideal Timepieoe When they buy they want that particular We dont blame we have Ideals too arrd Ideal They are and the Elgin Watoh and the Hamilton and one or two others These learned to depend upon these we buy and sell In greater quantities And you make a we would like to talk to you Move ments May we Atkinson Co It Ticket Agent lustration that there has been no at tempt to conserve our natural re sources particularly nickel that there Is no confidence in Ihe promises of the Government with reference to soldier re establishment so miserably failed at Kapushaslng admini stration of timber and mines by Hon Howard Ferguson Is partisan and giv ing much opportunity for profit to ring and that Hearst has retained In Ills Government a Minister like Ferguson whose honor and word be re lied upon that he has an drawing double salary and not giving value for single service and further that the Government Is using every possible form of politico I mani pulation keep In power inntead Of being ready to trust Ihe people New York 22 Donald returned New York yesterday from a mile trip in the Interests of the Museum of he American In dian Foundation that took him beyond Great Slave Lake in the Provincial District of Mackenzie Canada He obtained many valuable specimens for the museum among Indians of the Far Northwest On his northward trail which started at Alberta he trod on the heels of winter all the way although It was April when he left New York it was June when he reached he low widesprawling of Great Slave Lake and that body of water larger than Lake On tario was Htm froen The Ice broke up and drifted north In a July gale and launched his canoe and followed as soon as the seas permllted He was accompanied by an Icebound constable of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police whom had met at Great Slave Lake While llie chance trail companions were borne northward on the Spring floods of the Mackenzie Ihey fell In with two other wayfarers who Joined the party They were Eskimos from Gulf and were reluming home after one of the Inexplicable pilgri mages occasionally demanded by white mans law Two Jesuit mis sionaries In the frozen lanjl had been murdered and the evidence pointed to these two roundfaced Eskimos as the murderers By dog team and a constable of the loyal Mounted Police had reached the out post of humanity and marched the two natives- a couple of III du sand miles or so to south for trial They were tried and acquitted and now still blandly acquiescent In the mysterious ways of whites gladly Joined constable and the collec tor Before his return met also a couple of happy geologists who In formed him in the exuberance of their delight their discovery thai bis canoe was navigating the centre of the oil and coal fields the world Thursday Oct 2 Mr will have an extensive farm sale on Lot 3 Concession North Gwll- mile south of Peters Crossing on Railway months credit Sale at oclock old time Kavanagh Auctioneer Tuesday Sept 30 Mr Laws will have an Important sale of stock implements etc on lots and con East miles east of mos credit Sale at one shatp old time Kavanagh auet Friday Oct 3rd A Gilroy wilt have an extensive and unreserv ed sale on Ihe farm at Orchard Beach North Including stock implements abd furniture Sale at one oclock old lime mos credit W Kavanagh Wednesday Nov P R Simp son lot con Whitchurch will have an exlensite sale of Farm Stock Implements Household Furniture etc months Sale t oclock new time Smith P Monday Sept A sale of furni ture also the residence belonging the of the late Lam bert Wilfred at one oclock J Kester Auctioneer Thursday Oct Mr Geo will hold an extensive sale at one oclock Months credit W J Thursday Oct 2 Mr will offer fresh Milch Cows and Springers and a few young Cattle Fooles Hotel Mount Albert at Oclock Months credit F Auctioneer- Wednesday Mr John Clark Cedar Brae will hold a very Im portant farm sale 11 a sharp Lunch provided 12 Months credit J Auctioneer Friday Oct Mr Percy Kaufman lot 32 Con Whitchurch will have a sale of horses a number of good cows Implements etc one oclock W J Kester Auctioneer Thursday Oct Mr Herbert flail of 3rd con of Fast will have a sale of Stock Implements No Reserve Sale at one oclock It Kav- anagh Sale of House hold Goods uiii Furniture to wind up estate of lot Queen Street Newmarket Terms Cash Also at same lime and place the lot will be sold Terms made known on application to J Woodcock agent or W Wlddifield solicitor Tuesday Oct Mr J burn Lot Con King will hold Credit Sale of Registered Durham and tirade Horses Pigs Sheep Implements etc Months Credit Sale al 12 oclock F Smith Auct NEWMARKET A Heavy Shaker Flannel yd wide Req Sale Price wide Heavy Cord Velvet In All inches Heavy Silk Lisle Hose Mercury Brand Grey only Reg 76o Price Heavy Cotton Ribbed Hose good school Hose to 10 sale Price 39c Heavy Cotton Hose to 10 Sale Price fc mm t 8ae Price 76c i fc- LUMBER LATH LIME SHINGLES and CEMENT Mil jK COAL and WOOD I X All Kinds of Building Material a Phone 22 Newmarket GUARDS ON CROWD Newcastle Seven persons were shot one probably fatally in Holing which broke out at Carnegie Steel Companys here The trouble started when a crowd of about 100 persons at tempted Jo prevent mill workers the plant About workmen were being as saulted when the mill guards consisting of a of Deputy Sheriffs came the rescue When the appeared be getting beyond control the guards arc alleged to have opened fire on the crowd with their guns Two women wore shot A man shot through the is reported to be in a Ideal hospi tal In a critical ever snw The hanks of the Mac kenzie this point they assured him held enough tar sand pave the streets of every on the globe enough coal to keep every human he log warm for centuries and prob ably enough oil to the ago of gasoline and born Knight of Joined Cadzow at Fort Norma n on the Mackenzie having reached post after many hardships The traveller met also a parly of blond Eskimos and made extensive Study of the habits of the Indians Cant Fred Parks of Owen Sound formerly lake c dropped dead on IhaC I J track at Owen Sound Irwin Quebec a young boy at James flay Junction near Parry Sound was shot and fatally wounded by his brother who didnt know it was loaded ROMANCE REVEALED Quebec Sept A brought to light here today when kpown that Miss Hose of Quebec city rceelved won of the legacy of from a Yankee doughboy who met her here while on war work and who was later killed front Before leaving Quebec the young man and Miss had become en gaged to he married and the hero of this little romance William Hughes of Butte Montana A had made her beneficiary in his win leaving her Miss Martel a young brunette of neat appearance and pleasant disposi tion Interviewed said that the news was true and related how young Hughes came Quebec lo work In the Ross rifle factory Ihe time of the wartime activities Miss Martel was employed there at the time The young couple became clone friends were finally engaged One day young Hughes class was called colors In United Stales and he left Quebec for Butte Montana where his relatives live He went overseas and one day his proud though sad mother pinned a gold star on her service flag the hoy had been killed in action In France VMS o Pair Thais Friday Saturday Oct i c GOOD FOR SPEEDING LIBERAL IN Special Features in EVERY DEPARTMENT the Afternoon if WRITE 8EO FAIR BOLTON FOR PRIZE LIST e is Hull Of Men ford rfleil at table in his seventy year Live Stock Markets prices paid in Toronto Ibis Highest week Choice Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Cattle Medium Steers and Heifers Choice Butcher Cows Choice Milkers Choice Springers Medium Blockers Choice Veal Calves Medium fommon Chive Lamb Yearlings Sheep Hog off cars i 1325 1025 I an 2200 1200 a You Just Try NR For That Indigestion Get your organs of di gestion assimilation and elimination working in harmony and watch your trouble disappear does it or money back A One Day Test Proves NR Best only partly digest food wo eat In lntostlnca food la mixed with bile from liver It mutt be plain to any who that liver and bowel work In harmony if troubles lire to be avoided or overcome fact also explains why iBUfferorn from more or leas from and conotipa- If you are of the many un fortunate who cannot eat without Buffering afterward If you constipated have spell con ted tongue bad breath varLiblo are nervous losing and feet your henlth away thin and get a box of Remedy lfeblet Tight today and taking It It ft trial for a week or two and Just how much better you feel- how quickly your bowels will become as regular an clock work how your coated tongue clear up and your good oldtime Dp petite returns how food will digest ami how energy and ginger revive Juat try it You tnko no risk whatever for Remedy Nit ltf only 2Go a box enough to twentyfive daya and It must help and benefit you to your entire or returned Five boxes used every one million Nit Tablets are by people every day Mat proof of Its merits Nature- Remedy In best and- thing you take for constipation Indigent Ion and similar complaints It sold guar and recommended by Qj vV fiw J mm t ARCHIVES OF ONTARl TORONTO