Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 Sep 1919, p. 2

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J wvv v 1 A- NT FRIDAY SEPT The Adlet words or under fop and for each additional word One cent per word for each subsequent If not paid when ordered will be charged for booing- ale Span Heavy Work Hones A Hunt Sharon For 3wio Cattle for Sale About head of year olds good J Cooney Street Apply Editorial Notes I Newmarket would make a splendid location for the manufacture of Elec tric Supplies for which there seems to be an unlimited market Why not start a local company Ed fit 31 I Mis I Mr Towi I j TO I if I l I To Rent Six Rooms Main Ten Dollars Yearly lease Box The Era it For Sal Houses on Niagara emidelached Brick Veneer Apply to Percy Watson At the Newmarket Meeting last Sat urday Mr Hartley proved him self to be a fluent interesting and forceful speaker and his address showed that be is a well informed and capable Leader In all probability he will become Premier of Ontario before many more months have passed by- Lost A pig medium die of next month King sized due mid- Reward Geo 3w34 Rooms for Fiat 331 RentPrivate family Box Newmarket To Rent A acres must growing elation farm not less than be suitable for Not more than miles from Era Office Wanted To buy or at ast rooms with large John Davidson Box 5 Comer Queen and Ml modern conveniences Zurbrigg 30 No definite information lias yet been given concerning the date of the next elections but a broad hint as given by Hon McGarry Treasurer when he spoke a Conservative Convention at Paris last Saturday He said the elections lvould he early before the snow flies That means that the Liberals lf North York should get busy at once if they expect to elect their candidate House for Ave In good repair market The work of the enumerators in preparing voters lists for the prohi bition referendum has disclosed there are at least more women voters than men in the province of Ontario Approximately persons are entitled to a vote which is an increase of about since the last election It is esti mated that it will cost the province about to hold the referen dum Chevrolet Touring Car for sale has run one thousand mile- W For Sale or to Rent fi jafe est Niagara town DISTRICT The death of Hon Frank Cochrane which occurred at Ottawa on Monday muming removes another prominent Conservative from public service Cochrane who was Minister of Mr Rail- CO Newma Wanted to in the of Newmarket Price from two to four thousand to car floe school and Possession wanted dive Pros distance full particulars anted this fall No Port Perry Land in Manitoba black loam with a never failing but acres for A Half Section of sal Choice good buildings and wptl All broke ap ply to Elihu Hall Prospect per Price down BRADFORD FAIR and West Gwilllm- Date of Fair Saturday and Monday and 1 CARD OF THANKS The A irket to thank and the donation of nnHc of rag fund SecyTras SALE FARM FOR The property of late lane one hundred more or tew Township on Second Con- north half of lot fiood stables and well also lir arid in house tain- pine spruce light limber as well as hard wood nl pasture For further particulars apply to way and Canals in the Borden Govern ment from life Cabinet to make room for a Liberal in Hie tnion Gov- since thai lime has been chairman of the Government Railway Board He was a man of great nat ural ability and held in high esteem ail his colleagues The Legislative Assembly of On tario has been dissolved and a General Election will lake place on Monday the twentieth day of October the day fixed for the Referendum of the On tario Temperance Act Nominations will lake place one week earlier The Government has adopted this course in order to elicit the largest possible vote on both to avoid unneces sary expenditure and disturbance of business and to enable the people to exercise their constitutional rights and powers All over the Province Liberalism is experiencing a great revival While the War was on party spirit was nilnaled as much as possible in order to promote success to our arms The Government and Conscription issues split the Liberal parly and in the Provincial Legislature an exten sion of its term was arranged al though many Liberals were opposed to it at he lime on the ground that It was an infringement on I lie rights of the people Hut these tilings are now past new Leaders have been appointed and a spirit of harmony is prevailing between the men who separated in augurs well for the future of Liberalism Two new factors pre sent themselves in the coming Pro vincial elections which will make the very uncertain the p anil the women vole A nered fight Is on in North York vole for the Liberal candidal is as in the interests of the farmers a vote- for the Willie Liberal farmers vote against their parly Not many Conservatives would Comments of Exchanges MRS ELLEN WOODS It No Sunderland Victoria Brock Ill No FOR SALE OR RENT The Cedar- Boarding House furnished Ions coal in Apply to A HOWARD The Victor and Room- About ix Would lease Renfrew form of the contains prohibition pi It Looks Bad Mercury Fanners of very commendable their temperance policy does seem business Official piper The to be office allowed Of their Farmers Hun la Ave NEWMARKET AND AURORA BRANCH which accepts and publishes without any explanation display advertis ing of the Citizens Liberty League which league we will venture to say docs include farmers in lis eh tire membership Our Toronto Letter Official Tag Say Friday Sept 1919 An opportunity for the with sudden fit of an ger over an argument in the ingroom of the house at St Andrew street on Tuesday nhl Fred Hanson aged is alleged to have drawn a knife from his pocket and fatally slabbed a com panion Win Hansen Fred is hold on a charge of murder John Walsh Logan am of j If working for ONTARIO ELECTIONS OCT 20 OUR SOCIETY COLUMN Mrs Geo Wood is Hamilton for a few days visiting Mrs Mackenzie has gone lo visit In and Peru Mr of Toronto gave the Era a call yesterday while visiting the Fair Mrs Wright of a couple of days this A Cornell spent week with Mrs fj3 Septimus Mackenzie Peru Indiana paid a visit to Mr and Mrs Denne Mr and son of spent the weekend with Mr and- Mrs Lyson Denne Mr and Mrs Wake Howard of Ottawa were guests of Mr and Mrs W over Sunday After a delightful visit of six weeks Mr and Mrs Jos Rogers have left for their home in Alberta Mr Jos dropped off here for a few days on his way from To ronto to his home in and visited his brother Mrs Davidson and daughters are moving their millinery stock next week Alton where they will continue business Mr Fred M Hughes of Toronto visited the Fair yesterday He join ed the 2201h here and has been back from overseas over a year Mr Arthur Everest has sufficient ly recovered from the effects of the to return to a Hydro Power Plant in the north country Mr and Mrs Day and family Mr and Mrs A Hamilton and family were visiting with Mr and Mrs Thompson of Stroud on Sunday Liberal Candidate for North York Respectfully solicits the support of all Electors In his campaign for better Government in this Province Mr Tom Kok of In Town last Saturday sonic of his old friends years since he first left was Chicago and called on It is iO Newmarket Mrs T W of To ronto was a judge on Fancy Work at Hie Fair on Wednesday and was the guest of Mrs Hewitt while in Town Mrs Alfred Manning of Hamilton is the guest of Mrs She expects to visit a couple of weeks with other section relatives and friends in this THE NEWMARKET COUNTY FAIR Buildings and Grounds Present Great Activity Exhibits not But as Numerous as Formerly Fine in Quality FLOWERS FRUITS FLAGS AND FLARING TION8 MAIN BUILDING VERY ATTRACTIVE to show her gratitude lo the turned Heroes Newmarket The w v A need your help and they need it badly Help to make your local branch the moat the County There a only way do it OUR OBJECTIVE 52000 f Our ibjict To secure fund for furnishing our hall and provide arnuse- for coming winter To make the v A a good place to in evening and TO LOCAL VETERANS To Help our Local Veterans In Heed The Boys Will Appreciate Your Wiling in a Qenerotlty There is no doubt of apprecla- Do not any doubt of your gri I VE Mftfcc the Proud of Their Town GIVE the make the Proud of Their Q A I v Committee Stewart on a small cut east of Hie in Toronto Hay tripped over apiece of limber on- the pier foil into the water and was drowned The city council vote 100000 for extension of the iiloor St oar line to road and 4000 for and of a homo for delin quent boys Ivo fire were blown off a ladder by a high press re and injiifed a valuable lain fire ran away and were drownHi in the and SIiO000 was done following a fire early warehouse on Two score firemen were in eoiislanl from falling wires and look their in their hands in thi- when floors and tin build erahhif The Barrister 8ollelor Etc Mir hi the Life Bank la Monday iifid Phone j Mouse fiepl farmer- north of of I it for the erec- project is the first tij n of n I Ik ereetiin any I iriJKulioii projects oal under the Alberta Irrigation district but v ill he fallowed by I lie ereC lion of a number of largo and of the Fair got off a good on Wednesday ihanks to the for as everybody knows in Agricultural Pair to he a success must have fine things dif- fTnl since I War instead of that which was so prominent or fifteen years ago people of appear hi so busy ordinary of life Hint is no desire do anylhfng Ihal require effort hence there ire many lines hi which Is very Utile com pel I Hon This I- particularly in Dairy Ladles Fancy Work find Pine Arts Notwithstanding these defects the Main Building is filled to overflowing what Is lacking in products of the field Is made up in manufacturers The Field Comforts occupy fonmr position In the South West Comer and as usual their lunch is well patronized They have music on either side Mr of Aurora with his pianos and gramo phones and Mr of Newmarket with a fine display of musical In struments Tllfl very fine display of work lone by the Soldiers of Newmarket Military Hospital shows what men are doing in Ihefr spare Urn and we are pleased learn per of men who are thus engaged re cover from Mr P of Newmarket makes a fine display of household utensils and adjoining him the Stone Wellington Nursery under man age men I of Mr Morion make evergreen produce a cheerful and ftlfraetfve spot leave order fr On the north side of the huilding Mr 1 of Newmarket uptodate furniture the Piano CO help I provide music and the Renfrew Pur Co show something new for this Fair Mr of Newmarket shown many samples of the articles he leads hi the trade the Happy Home Mfg comes next and linn the Nation display of Flowers Mid Fruits occupies the en I Ire centre and are rnncli heller he from Mich ilrv slimmer but the of of York The ground fl are ant rrvf Fide and evepv dr Hie ihe of IIkkc who want to have a good the Then there the fine exhibit and vehicles by Mr exhibit of new im I IIA4I speeding events were Well filled for yesterday and It greater The arc no prospe The provid on Hi The entries for horses and I up former years but Ms are good for sheep Newmarket Hand which d music yesterday will also he grounds Drills Maces the also proved very iu- speeding events today will Continue much interest i good of Ladle Childrens Work in hui lie is far short of other years Following are prize winners some of the Ladies Plain Work Km or Floor Mrs Hug Mrs A Graham 2 Mrs Sweater Mrs S Mrs Miss Aicuuclfcon Miss Fisher ftoueh Cover Miss McGulchen l Mrs Kersey Apron and Cap Miss Fisher Mrs A Graham Co lion machine made Mrs Kersey Miss Fisher laundry t pes Mrs A Gra ham French Hem on Table Linen Mrs A Graham Miss On garment Miss Miss Fisher Buttonholes tailored Miss Fisher Suit House Dross No Entry Quilt whiteMrs Uriah Young Quill pieced Mrs Fred Mrs I Young Quilt Applique Mrs Kusey Quill A VMrs Kclsoy J Gardner Slippers Crochets- Miss l ii Fisher Miss Slippers Knit Fisher Miss Knitted Gloves Mrs Monies Ladles Work Balkan Mrs Fisher M I ami Fisher Mrs i Punch Won Mrs Mount Molhck I Fihbor Mrs F Do Pari Kersey Knot- Miss C iioBrfrt Mrs Mela Lehman Mrs Vern Cane and I heir mother Mrs are spending a week or ten days at the formers cottage at Laky With profound regret word was received yesterday Mrs Lark In wife of Mr J Larkln Park Ave who was visiting in Colorado died with flu on Wednesday Mrs Elizabeth Hart announces the engage mnt of her daughter Mabel Jackson to Mr Norton Hill son of Mrs Mary Hill Newmarket The marriage will take plate about the I5lh of Mrs Cane entertained her Sunday School Class at her residence on Friday evening of last week- There were about present and a very enjoyable time is reported The ladies appreciate very much Ihe kindness of Mrs Cane who is such a delightful hostess and devoted teacher Davidson Leader Mr ami Mrs Garrett spent part of Thursday and- Friday at guests of Mr and Mrs Lundy They were accompanied on re turn motor trip by the Misses Annie and Dorothy Lundy of Newmarket who have been visiting their brother in Hie district The Misses Lundy returned to on Tuesday Mr J llrocklchand arrived home from France last week where he has hern engaged for over ft year with the Friends War Victims Relief work After remaining home for a week he left for Haverford College Philadelphia lo resume his studies He has already there three years and Itlla Mute Is using his scholarship which he won at last examination He expects to graduate at end of this with his IL A THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A MOTOR IF DE8IRED Attended to at raoldonoa J Phonos 17 arid The Cradle Hamilton on Tuesday Sept ICth lo Mr and Mrs- Will Hamilton Haven- shoe a daughter Hospital To ronto Thursday Sept IS to Mr and Mrs W late of Jacksons Point son both doing well Homer In and Mrs Oliver In Mr and King Frank sept Hone Mhd r a to Mr Ncwmarkt Mrs Geo I Sep Oliver laughter to a dangli- Tomb Gray On Thursday Sept at General Hospital Toronto pen CO Gray of Mary Itennlc At Sharon Sept wife of William year Aon ttotopSBi Mrs Miss on Tues day Sept kins Leggu dcally beloved wife 1 Larkln Newmarket The Man is invariably particular about his overcoat He wants it cut after a certain model that appeals to him he wants it to fit properly he wants a material that suits his taste and that will give him satisfactory service L AILEYTRIMBLE Limited MASTER CLOTHES BUILDERS TORONTO have i- thoroughly skilled organization who know how to make you the kind of overcoat you will be proud to wear Their range of new woolens is of the high quality that on in a fine assortment of weaves and colors Whether you need a new overcoat a suii or both you will well to pay us a visit and let us know what the foremost Carucn designer have produced for your approval J Drug Sundries Stationery Chocolates Arisen Cameras Photo Supplies VICT Masters A S Voice Records J Druggist MAIN STREET House Phone No and Chemist No i Dont put off the purchase of a New Edison for money reasons Though we are no an instalment house we are ready to meet you hall way We are glad to arrange payments to suit your convenience THU PHONOGRAPH a The art of the New Edi son is too important to you to Mr Edison and to ourselves to allow money matters to interfere with your of it en- Come in and tell us what is on your mind terms J Newmarket In Ough in loving memory of Albert who September riol forgot Ion Wife and Family S J Purnltnre Undertaking Main St North AH Orders

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