mWPmmmm TTj J VST IT H i1 i i Each Your and Constant Doting Try own Pool and assimilation mean a roorlr nourished body and low vitality- Poor elimination means clogged bowels fermentation faction and the formation of poisonous which are absorbed by the blood and carded through the body The result Is weakness headaches coated tongue Inactive liver bilious attacks loss of energy nerv ousness poor appetite Impoverished blood sallow completion pimples skin and often times serious ill ness Ordinary laxatives purges and oils calomel and the like may relieve for a few hours but real lasting benefit can only com through use of medicine that tones up and strengthens the digestive Well as iiJj llv Organs Get a box of Natures Remedy Tablets and take one Cablet oath nlsbt for a week- Relief will follow the very first dose but a fev days will elurse before you feel and tunic the fullest benefit When you get straightened out and feel Just right again you need not take medicine day ah occasional Tablet will then keep your system In good condition and you will always feel your best Remember keeping well is easier and cheaper than getting well Natures Remedy CNR Tablets are sold guaranteed and recommended by your druggist J Druqqist Muddy Wafer Better than Pills GET For Liver Ills 25c BOX I Hi i I J ill Wilson Star There is no nightmare disturb the politicians for the political mud- water in when they are now wading in is the real thing Republicans and Dem ocrats they have succeeded in stirring up political mess through which none of them can j see There is not a single well J defined issue in prospect for the coming presidential election A Misleading Subterfuge Action Free Press Electors generally both men and women are now gelling a very intelligent understanding of the Referen dum ballot and he significance of the Tour questions Few in dexed are there who are desirous of bringing back con- or of haying any part in legalizing a bottle by I Government dealers without res- train in our midst The only possible way to avoid a recur- i rence of the evils of traffic in KIDNEYS contain all the good of Gin without any of the alcohol Restore the kidneys to nor- action Relieve pain AND FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25th AND backache Joints tone in bladder bring in Gel box day Al told on moneyback on request Ca DI- 1 rat Will M T O THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between NT E T O T R I CHICAGO Unexcelled Dining Car Service Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Train Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or Horning District Passenger Agent Toronto J Y Phone tipTown Asjenl intoxicating liquors is to place a cross opposite each of the four questions in the No column on the ballot Voting thus on quest- ion one means to retain the prince of WAfeES sure of prohibition enacted by the Ontario Temperance Act now in force Voting to i Edmonton two means that we are aver- ST GREETED IN EDMONTON Sept cheering thousands out to welcome lo bringing back I beer and putting t on sale by morning rain his plan of dsposal When theness Prince of Wales arrived in cross is placed in the No col- Edmonton oclock his morning umn opposite question three it This afternoon he laid the corner- registers a protest against re- j Mhe V A Memorial Hall t va THURSDAY SEPT if i in i MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDERS the Postmaster General will be re ceived Ottawa unlll noon on Fri day the October 1919 fur the conveyance of Ills Majestys Stalls on four years twenty four limes per week on the route and Aurora and Railway Station from Ihe J st January Printed notices containing further Information as conditions of pro posed may be Seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained al the Office Kettleby and at office of Office Inspector Toronto A Office Inspector Post Office Inspectors Office Toronto September opening the barrooms in stand ard hotels for the sale of intox icating beer A cross in the column opposite question three in whisky brandy gin and intox icating beers is desired The in certain advertise ments to vote for be repeal of be Ontario Temperance Act so that beers may be freely In all is an unfair and misleading subterfuge The Ontario Temperance Act now per mits the free sate of light non- intoxicating beers To repeal would bring back intoxicating beers and and all the at tendant evils Has Been Long In Coming London Advert izer It and presented medals to a number of veterans This evening he attended a ball in the Parliament Buildings given by the LieutenantGovernor for which more than invitations were Is sued Escorted In by Airplane The city of Edmonton was first to greet the Prince when he opened his eyes this the LeDuc district 20 miles from Edmonton Captain Wilfrid May I rose from he stubble field and circled about Royal train in his plane the of Edmonton lie flew very low for the first thousand yards close to the train rising only when he came to fences and trees His clean ex pert handling of his plane was the talk it the train during the hour In which he escorted Royal party Provincial Capital r School Childrens Parade Drills Sports and Singing Competitions Big and Better Midway Shows IN THE HORSE RING SPEEDING pace pace or or trot trot Purse Purse i 200 100 The cheerful hum of Captain Mays taken the Government three and propeller was the prelude to the great a half years to take Ihe first roar of welcome which went up from finite step toward regulating the t fciii lb il RUTLEDQES SHOP Newmarket FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Blower Corn Culling Hand- Feed Waterloo with blower Light Portable Traction Home fi in Rubber Proprietor Shop East of Bank of Toronto THE OLD RELIABLE NURSERIES The greatest demand for Nursery in years Markets Hi di and open for Canadian Fruit I Largest list of Fruit Ornamen tal of commodities which lias now done in fixing the price of sugar Inquiries have been held commissions have been ap pointed and have served Inves tigations have been made but the result so far as the consumer was concerned was nil Even the board of commerce has been slow to get lo work The act creating this board was passed at the last session of- wlifn the Government made a pre tense of rushing the measure through but it is only weeks since the board was con stMuled In fact it is not permanently organized for one of the in embers is serving in a temp orary capacity Threeyears and a half ago when Mr OConnor look up the under the direction of minister of labor there was 1 promise of action and the lie were led lo believe thai re lief would forthcoming O Connor withdrew when he found that his hands were tied Then Hendersons investigation and reports Following this a commission was which went as far as Winnipeg banded in elaborate reports of the coat of and profiteering A re port was then presented Ly the Nicholson parliamentary com mittee following which came the industrial relations committee which loured Lite country from one end oth er held hearings in many cities and received reports condit ions addition lo all this Me Fall of the department of labor made detailed survey of the of living resulting in many reports and representations lo the Government Is it any wonder that he tin thousands of throats when the Royal party finally stepped Into the city of Edmonton to receive the loyal greeting of the Edmonton people HOW PROVIDE FREE NITROGEN TO SOIL For many centurJes it was consid ered thai the growth of legumes rather than Impoverished the soil Increasing the yield of subsequent crops of grain roots etc but the nite knowledge of fact and how- It was brought about dales back hut a few years and must be regarded as most important discovery in agri cultural science of the nineteenth cen tury The means by which the legumes are to appropriate Ihe free nltro- gen of the air may be briefly stated as follows There are certain- micro- organisms or bacteria present in the soil which are able when attached to the roots of the growing legume lo utilize nitrogen of air between the particles of the soil and to pass on In some organized form host plant enriching its tis sues of root stern and leaves The attachment and growth of cause the formation of nodules Or on the roots of the and these nodules swarming their countless inhabitants are to he found in sizes varying from that of a pins head to lltd of a or larger and frequently scattered in large numbers over the roots of dan I FRIDAY SEPT i Freeforall Purse 225 pace or trot Brass Band in Attendance Both 200 Purse Days Grand Parade of Prize Winning Live Stock Friday CH HIGH CLASS CONCERTS AND ENTERTAINMENTS IN TOWN HALL Thursday and Friday Evenings Plan of Hall open at 730 Monday Evening at Broughtons Drug Store Of Nova reach Seed Potatoes etc grown In I mm Stone Wellington Established TORONTO ONTARIO Enquire of Morton Local Agent was received less suspicion All ligations had been made with the peoples money for the benefit of the people but with out effect The new board lias Started with promise action and it will nave to make lis action speedy to satisfy the voters I Now Mrs Kelly what ay a hOUCe do you think Im running fiurej if cant ate what the tit do they kin go hungry ii taught many a nun how he cant a a f A Wiuii drawing in ill loch a farmer of the accident ran over bis fouryearold son instantly killing him I Dr Charles St Thomas Killed afternoon in an auto accident five miles out on road in General in a critical con dition and her life ib a result of Ihe accident and of brother of the deceased me in wreck receiviri a dislocated and a badly face The accident happen ed at track when an automobile a number of employee the Company of this city plung ed at riiit angles the car driven by Doth cars wore wrecked the CUpanls about the A cornfield at the corner Intervened causing drivers of the cars lose sight of each other ftoth were a is thai Spot las apple crop will two million barrel year Half the of Moose- horn Manitoba miles north west of Winnipeg was destroyed by fire with an estimated loss of The cause of the is believed have been the explosion of a gasoline lamp En the local creamery plant Sudbury Sept I2Mrs Keeteh wife of a board of corn- j Jeweller at the was instanly with more or j killed yesterday afternoon when these auto driven by Or Jones of failed itself after turning sharply on to a bridge near that village and plunged into a ravine Its much easier for a mer chant to a business than is to one eourtesy add failure to adjust er rors with customers is the sure PRIZES 100 60 40 THURSDAY SEPT 26 1 Open to Clubs from the Counties of York Slmcoe and Ontario Entries to be made with the Chairman of Cornmlttee Mr S Cody Newmarket not later than six oclock p Sept 23rd Posi tions drawn ten oolock a Only bona fide amateur players resident of the Municipality from Club enters allowed to compete Professional Umpire Prize Lists on J PROCTOR Applications to KEITH Secretary Newmarket President At Co HIS OPINION They were talking about that cry Man Only those who have been aroused from midnight slumber on board ship can comprehend lis meaning snld a seasoned traveller The sudden alarm ihe and horror Oh yes they can I replied lame shoemaker who had no repute as a traveller I heard once when I wasnt on a ship and I realized the horror of it more than anyone else j You couldnt I said the great traveller contemptuously And Ihe assembled company skied with him lo man hut I could persisted the co lder You see I was man who mi overboard I Workmen of the Nova Scotia ship building plant at New Glasgow S have gone on strike for an eighthour day A coal train was ditched and foul cars badly smashed when a P freight train left the tracks near Fire completely destroyed stable No 5 the Halifax Exhibition grounds tons of hay and a car load of oats THE OF THE TRADE IN failure eventually no il mi 3 speed at time of the accident I road pie buy the stores reputation When they buy goods It can be either lasting or of shortlife duration Kept The Hoard of Commerce directors ac cepted a tentative offer of the Northern Navigation company to moor one of its large passenger steamers al the foot of street for the vlnler as a hotel boat The plan was conceived in effort to relieve Detroits hotel congestion Mew York Sept With more than GO injured and the damage already done at from to 1 weary firefighters tonight still vere fighting a threat of further explosions of oil tanks at the noetic of the fire Which practically wiped oul Hie Stone and Fleming Companys plant In Long Island City Children FOR FLETCHERS RI A Red Clover seed will be very scarce and high in price Fanners every where should be interested in the situation of small Heeds The price of sweet clover and timothy seed win he relatively high wllh red fiCC what Toledo market one of the main world markets quotes on Aug for December deliveries for red clover J0 for for timothy per bushel It seems too bad this year nee cattle eating off fair lo good red clover seed prospects in Central and Eastern Ontario sure there Is little or no seed in the second growth clover he- fore turning stock in Eliminate as far as possible Ihe weed seed danger by cutting pulling or picking them out of the seed crop when prac tical Dont cut the- killed out or thin spots where foxtail ragweed mustard and other weeds common and noxious arc most prevalent Thresh a lot of the hay which ma tured seed and In many cases alslke and red clover seed as throughout Eastern ami Northern On tario where grew like a weed this year The fodder will not he Injured for feeding and good money may he made from Ihe sale of the seed as well Where oxeye daisy Is a prevalent weed do not thresh out seed Most other weed seeds be separated The Ontario Department of Agricul ture will send free of charge on ap plication experts to fit ordinary threshing machines for threshing the small seeds find will locale where butlers are available Sudbury Griffith aged while papering in her home bore fell backwards off a his eve nine and broke neck Several acres of wooded ground have been purchased at for a- Methodist Park A floor scrubbing machine driven by a motor has been in- Mailed In the New York depot at Rochester it saves from may Owen Sound heal Brace- bridge lo in an A A junior semifinal game at last Thursday t Rome Sept Several vil lages in the province of Siena were severely shaken Friday night by an earthquake Houses collapsed or were badly damaged One persoih is dead and several are reported injured Mi St as Alcohol Say It in Any and All a am five six hours each cleaning the night in 30 ounces of alcohol will kill a full- grown healthy man within ten hours Taken smaller but repeated doses alcohol lets him live longer but gets him in the end All alcoholic beverages are poison slow or swift Medical science has established that alcohol is a poison and a narcotic chemically related to ether and chloroform and not a stimulant A man was once brought out of ether who had taken eight ounces and a man was once brought out of chloroform who had taken ounces but no man ever reviv ed who swallowed five ounces of alcohol at a single dose The unconsciousness or coma produced by alcohol if not broken Within ten or twelve hours is followed by practically certain death Alcohol as medicine has been expelled from copocia by the American Medical Association IE POISON the A Alcohol in Makes it Poison HE beer of the ballot contains alcohol by over twice as strong as the beer of the Ontario Temperance Act 250 Proof Spirits The Beer of the Ballot is intoxicating Three glasses of the Beer of the Ballotcontains as much alcohol as a glass of whiskey When you are asked are you in favor of beer containing 251 alco hol by weight in shops bars or anywhere else vote No out y y0Ul your country for the God intended by booze ballot after each question with an under the or your vote will be to column o JOHN Committee A J ANDREWS GRANT teeChair man Serttary Toronto I i f 5 warn CT vy I 1 tX V mm j jv j SSSS ii y- rfsprx v TORONTO S9E iar rr sB A