GUARANTEED CLOCKS to 2500 and we are Right to make Good Hero OUR GUARANTEE WATSONS mm Leading County Paper well a the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paidin advance G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor OUT PREPAY J U 5T H 9 VOL No Copies each Its Great Fun THE owner of even a email yard or front yard happiest hours of the Jay those spent in cultivating flowers For a surprisingly small sum you a little gem of a garden seed cost next to nothing and upp the necessary Gardening for a few dollars THE whelming character of our triumph Never in our his- Dishonour j From London Observer lhft of the influence of The is The has victory been tain iruU ffij TO and W part of the German Fleet Paints Enamels STAINS VARNISHES FOR EVERY PURPOSE Will You Accept Our A Joke on Furniture Polishing We of cur the correct and We feel will dunk for yog how it is the It It A cloth a few of on din kxtjx nd chair crtihkfmt pmhtfjed with a DRY cloth uyouMvt a of a lesrrt so leht and J will re quire if you do Adzing with a in you u starter- in i so as never has been so in a fell ambition nurtured S has perished in J did not crush the sea an enemy nation so comprehensible is that any ft should be found to suggest W lhe British naval officers have a feeling of secret admiration for von anil his accomplices- In country the honour of an officer and a gentleman is one AMERICAN Three Ages of Man- From London Times Lieut Commander and Of all incomprehensible things concerning the week at Sea pa- rehensible thing he events of last rt in on of I oven Bank Money Orders I For settling small accounts where it is not desirable to pay by cheque many Business Houses as well as Individuals regularly use the Bank Money Orders issued by The Bank of Montreal and the thing- the terms are changeable Military honour to the Prussian is a thing apart Fidelity to the pledged word which is the es sence the British gentlemans creed has no part in it Hon our von neuter to hand his ships in surrender Honour did not forbid him break the solemn undertaking of those under whose commission he was supposed to act Con trast he action of the Russian- when the Diana was interned at Saigon after the action of July When he Diana had been officially disarmed says Lieut in the captain handed to the a nominal list of the officers and men actu ally on hoard the ship on which was declared that the prisoners named therein would no longer take pari in he war a declaration was synonymous with being a prisoner on parole The position of the was analogous Bui interpreta tion was different And yet the Germans affecf to regard- the Russians as barbarians I Well the German navy has Pushed and the mushroom menace has vanished for ever Britain as Carthage and Germany at Rome believed his lory would repeal itself that naMon Ira build and the They forgot two things first rtfi or our lives whereas Oar tradition from their and We want wait was siiu more the ceaseless vigil our squadrons and flotillas in the North Sea Looking back it is hard to realist for how short a time the seapower of Germany was form idable It is but twenty years since the old Dents oh land crawl ed pill to China With Prince it is but fifteen since Lord Fisher began to swing our naval front from south to east to meet it is but ten since eight and we wont In battle cry of those who realised what supremacy at spa meant L Britain and how near had come the most formidable challenge it had ever known History records no other so rapid rise and fall the midst of our thankfulness and rejoicing at a Great Deliverance- we can afford feel sorrow at the ignominy of the end In China and elsewhere the German ships and ours were chummy ships We had sympathy with the desire of the Germans to possess a navy worthy of their position Even after it became patent that there was a deliberate intention to challenge our position there was no feeling among our officers and men other than respect for a prospective foe believed to be chivalrous and worthy of our steel And that Germans away from this poison of Prus sian militarism might have been so is shown by the career of thai very gallant gentleman Count von Spec in whom alone of all the German commanders we encount ered dwelt the true spirit of knighthood of the sea For the rest who remained within touch with Berlin and inbihed he spirit in which Germany fought the war gunshyness passed into devilry devilry into mutiny mu tiny led to shame and shame an ignominious end J Ross Manager Newmarket Branch ancestors OVER a MILLION DOLLARS UNCLAIMED In BANKS SOUTH END LUMBER YARD and the Jflfi beginning of They were Everything which science ruthless Hundreds of Accounts Exist Without Claimants 111 theirs a nation in faro lain res- son- out sat- you only tin rew Fresh Car Just Arrived W PEARSON Cor Church and Giles John Murphy ti BANK MONEY by A sale and cheap way of remitting money Bank Money Orders When sending even small amounts always safe guard yourself by having a Bank Money Order receipt This Bank issues money orders payable in almost toy part of the world Ask at our nearest branch SOI Jo a military ay he vital difference pledge from our victory able by mechanical position could give them was lie whole resources of in ambition in tireless were lavished on the at- tempi tewmji from a- the seamariners f on our merchant seamen and our fish ermen occupied their business in No more military properties could defeat their sense and Vet German hid for the supremacy the sea Jul most formidable we have attempted to create a Louis wo cases run so closely Parallel thai there can be little loubt took for his model The deve lopment of colonies and the entile marine pari passu with navy common hod desire of thai ennobled merchants to trade forfeiting heir status was analogous to honours bestowed on Ttallin and other financiers and f Germany mil failure attended both and for same reason that seasupremacy is a natural prowl and attends not upon the will of There is this difference however If failed nevertheless left the French Navy a Branch Aurora Branch R Reynolds Manager A O Murray Manager u to flo to the try on PHONE Let us make you In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AUTO Service- A BOYD Prop on Phne 172 Promptly to able and chivalrous force which for years contested with us the mastery of the season on no un equal terms The whole scheme of collapsed like a house of cards at the first shock of conflict with a real maritime nation submarine- cam paign placed us in real jeopardy but the submarine campaign promised nothing for the future It was purely destructive and Us very success had success been obtained would have debarred Germany from any future upon the water The sinking of the German ships by their own crews Is an annoying Incident because we were trustees for the Alliance and our honour Is deeply yolved in proving but full and public inquiry that no negligence on our part contributed give the Germans opportunity for treachery Hut It lessens not in the slightest degree the ovcr- February i4 J the in the of Montreal in the Quebec metropolis turned up ac count fit one John Blair and charged a cheque drawn by hint leaving a of That must have been an unlucky for Blair for the bank never heard from him again and It recorded whether he simply grow tired of living In Montreal and depart ed or was suddenly stricken per manent loss of memory While in gone and his bones an dust for these many years It would not he correct to nay that be Is forgotten His neglect to claim tbe 72 balance led to the opening of a new account that lias entailed more bookkeeping ban all ramlfieallons of the Standard Oil Ills ghost has hovered over expended bank clerks for nearly a hundred years gasping figure figure Into their ears until their nerves blew up and ten nis scores for the next afternoon were simply wrecked The problem no doubt he sol ved easily by the bank if had been In a by himself Rut other got the habit of leaving their money In the bank In J Alli son also wandered away leaving a bal ance of to his credit and In due time this was added to the unclaimed account In the last years this ac count in Hank of Montreal alone has grown to considerably over Other hanks as they came Into existence bad the same experience and today Hie total sum left unclaim ed with Canadian banks Is over a mill ion dollars In course of time the Government at Ottawa became aware of ail this money In the possession of the hanks and II passed a law railing upon banks turn into the federal treasury all balances remaining unclaimed after a period of five years Even since that date the government has printed periodically a record of those balances This record In the form of a blue book now contains thousands of names and runs into hundreds of pages Anyone Who can establish adequate claims are being continually made at Ottawa ami Slims paid out but the account keeps on mounting up If the government decided to allow Interest on this money total now would be re presented hi a row of figures resemb ling a young war debt John Blair of leaving his In the bank In could have put it Into a mortgage or bond returning five per cent pounded annually and provided a great gnindcblld In of Commander Towers were enter tained by the American Luncheon Club in London at the Savoy Ho tel yesterday when a large com of Americans and others assembled to greet The chairman of the day Mr Francis Powell spoke of the guests as descendants of Fathers who after a journey through the air of 330Q miles had landed at Plymouth Harbour which centuries ago- the Pilgrim Father themselves had sailed results of the expedition be believed would do much to develop aviation in both countries Read A who was loudly cheered said lhat when they landed at Lisbon the language difficulty arose and limy had trouble in trying to thank their Portuguese hosts for bought they were say ing Laughter In France difficulty again occurred as personally he spoke French only when he lost his temper Laughter But i England they fot at homo lie did not know many in that were citizens of the United States and how many Britishers but he knew that it did much matter Cheers As far as he could make out they were all alike He proposed a toast The Eng lishspeaking best race on the face of the earth Cheers The toast was drunk with en thusiasm Commander Towers said that as commander of the Division which division had been sadly in this At lantic effort of theirs bo express the thanks of all for the most hearty reception that England had given to them The newspapers he remarked had run away them on this flight was undertaken as a naval operation but considerably more had been made of it They had instructions to put a seaplane across the Atlantic The Secre tary of the Navy approved he general plans and gave them a free hand Lieut- Commander Head and his crew accomplished a wonderful flight but ac complished it because they hail absolute backing of Cheers He hoped they had been successful in the purposes for which the flight was under taken One was to prove to the world and to heir own navy in particular for there were scep tics ip it that the seaplane had The Hostilities of Peace Their commanders had spoken well of the Englishspeaking races and he noticed that his Majesty the King graciously said that Americans spoke the language of Shakespeare and Milton Well we do partly proceeded the speaker I We have taken great liberties with it In our relentless country we live in a series of rushes that sounds like the infant Moses 50 VV I From Era July arrived The other was to forge one more link between he English speaking nations of the world Loud Tommies In the Garden of Eden com for tie sum Mr Patrick Murphy one of the of American speakers in an amusing speech said thai before the lunch he had been speaking to Commander Head about the hospitality of the English speaking races That hospitality would never be ex hausted but Commander Head might lie It was a short road from hospitality to the hospital Laughter The news nowadays was so ex traordinary that wo had lost the capacity for surprise The most unusual things had become usual We met so men that they became com mon just as in heaven an angel was nobody in public Laughter Why even the sacred places in Scripture wave treated with light familiarity They had read of Australian soldiers bathing and disporting themselves in the Sea of Galilee The British Army went into Mesopotamia and British Tommies were strolling in the Harden of Eden never giv ing a that unfortunate affair of the apple Laughter When the British Army entered Nazareth one of the American Western papers announced it wilh all the naked force of novel ty In large letters across the page were these words British Take Christ Home Town Laughter Germany has gained half of by murder and rob bery said Mr Murphy Having exhausted herself then with tears In her eyes she asked for cessation of hostilities on the ground of humanity laugh ter and the world said Ex hausted cruelly Is not humanity is tbe psychological stale of mind of the celebrated so we have a compressed form of thought We have many phrases that not only would astonish Shakespeare and Milton but the words themselves would be very astonished at the use to which they were put The two Englishspeaking na tions proceeded Mr Murphy were confronted with the of peace Things did not seem to be going along as quietly as when we were at war Laugh ter and Cheers In America he continued we have the ashes of Monroe Doctrine and Great Britain has the Emerald Isle Laughter On our borders we have Mexico that wonderful country where every now peace breaks out Laughter Now if Great Britain would only take over Mexico we could do very well with Ireland laughter and cheers for many of our largest cities are already accustomed to Hibernian Home Every one of us wishes to make the best arrangement of his life In his youth he is con fronted with two alternatives matrimony and celibacy He learns that matrimony has its thorns and ceiibacy has no roses Laughter So the question is whether it is belter to be incon venienced one way or another Bui he finds as he goes through life thai matrimony is the more popular for it wilh matrimony as il is with good mustard people praise wilh tears in their eyes Laughter Some very improper person has advanced a theory thai people are either youn and innocent or old and virtuous Laughter So that proves that there arc three periods of flhc first is when we are very young and we think of the indiscreet things we arc able to do it hat is the age of innocence The second is when we are older and we are able to do the things we thought of when we were young The third is when we are very old and we arc looking back on the things that wo were able to do when younger and regret our In ability to recommence Thiiit is the age of virtue Laugh ter It is said that virtue like the owl dwells in ruins It is about that period that old men give young men good advice when they arc no longer able to set a bad example Laughter The Flying Dutchman Mr Murphy referred to exKaiser as playing the role of the Flying Dutchman Now vanished and forlorn he was a mental replica of the man on whose monument was inscribed these words I was well I wanted to be better Here I am Party of around Lake an Sch001 made and to the Council for the levy of for school purposes The Government grant for the Com mon School thl year Is Mr Geo Wallace barber has a new add In this weeks paper The President and Directors of the Northern- Hallway with a friends had an excursion SImcoe yesterday Messrs William Spence Go have opened a More in Newmarket for mil linery mantels and dressmaking Messrs Anderson Soules an nounces the launching of a new steam- boat at Fergus Point tomorrow lAn Influential was held at this week to consider the- extension of the Northern Railway to The Post Office at Aurora was burglarized on the in gold and bills were McClurcs store at Holland Landing- was burglarized on 3i650 was stolen In cash together with provisions Holland Landing and Sutton played cricket on the grounds of the former on Tuesday the Landing winning by runs The Clerk of Newmarket gives not ice that all births marriages and deaths must be registered within days j The English Church i v v at Sharon Is to be opened for worship on Sunday next v- 25 YEARS AGO From Era July 1894 Following are the names of the bus iness men who signed the Saturday Early Closing Agreement Roche Co J Davidson If E A Hughes Tor Jobbing House Montgomery A Smith Stewart A Robertson J Geo Little Mutch A J Wallace G A Hodge Co J A Allan Starr Manning J Atkinson Stuart Scott D M Campbell las Kelman Mrs A J T Perkins Dcnnc Jos Meads Tomb In Newmarket July Ar chibald Campbell in his year In Newmarket July 24 lb Anna Met calfe In her year Maud Wallace Is visiting in Miss of Buffalo is visiting her mother here Miss Ethel Hunter Is visiting friends In Aurora Mr Frank of Montreal is home on a two weeks vacation Mr Harry Lowe loft for Ottawa to fill a situation Mr Isaac Silver is taking a holiday at Ml Clements Michigan Dr A Greenwood left on Mon day Algoma Mr Frank of spent Sunday with Ids parents here Miss Bolton of Toronto Is visiting her grandfather Squire Bolton Mr Alex Millard and wife of Toron to were home over Sunday Mr Bert Gardner Is rusticating at Mrs Haines of Boston Is home on account of her Ill ness Mr I Lawrie is rep real alive of J S3 I the at Chatham Grand an allusion to prohibition Mr Murphy said the Scriptural injunction was that Man cannot live by bread alone he would die of thirst There were many public men in America who did not cure for so they look it away from those who did Morality is the attitude we sometimes assume towards It is easy resist temptation when is offered by the wrong person or at an incon venient time Laughter Liquor has more enemies- in public and more friends in private than anything else Writers claim it stimulntes the imagination If that is Irueand liquors is banned that will be a great blow women for it is noticed that the womens best is a mans Laughter We poor denizens of the A which is now the United States Amendments we come across the Atlantic said Mr Murphy in conclusion not in ho pyrotechnic way that flight commanders do but we can at least cross the Atlantic for an annual FALL A young girl offered for adoption near Niagara Kails se cured over sixty applications Looks as if thorn is a great de to have children by proxy than to raise a family of ones own For Infants Children f In For Over Years of Rev O Hunter of Indianapolis Is spending his summer holidays here Mr Charles flight of Chicago is here on a two weeks vacation Mrs Martin and children have returned from Toronto after three weeks vacation Mrs Love of Is spend ing a couple of weeks with Mrs Chas Morrison Messrs Jim and Charles Montgomery wheeled to Jacksons Point on Sunday Dr A Hunter wife and daugh ter of Pal lis Texas arc here on a visit Mr If Munroe has accepted a position in a bank In Bowling Mo The Newmarket Cheese Factory has distributed anions the farmers here for the month of July The Curfew Is now rung at o clock each evening and the stored are to close at ever Saturday com mencing the 4th of August QIRL8 I LEMON 8KIN WHITENRR How to a lo tion for a few oonta Sept Sept Sept A Bolton Bradford 4 Oct MA Toronto criminal who having murdered his father and mother asked the clemency of the Court on lhe ground that he was an orphan Laughter The were a wonderful They reminded one of the snored apes in India which been worshipped so long that they had to believe in their own divinity It Is very damaging to the character of to be always surrounded with the Yes yes chorus and William suffered from what might be called the of supremacy Sept Sep A Oct Sept Oct Sept Sept A Oct 7 A A Auk Weston Sept A Oct A it Zephyr Sept 30 You have ten days or ten dollars said the Magistrate Be and make up your mind about If its all the same to you replied the prisoner I Ill have the money yor honor The Juice of two fresh lemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard makes a whole pint the most remarkable lemon at about coat one must pay for a small jar of ordinary cold creams Care must be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine so no lemon pulp gets in them this lotion will keep fresh for months- Every woman know that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles and tan and is the ideal skirt softener whiten and Just try It I Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a pint of this sweetly fragrant lem on lotion and massage it dally into face neck arms anQ hands j Zru jfeiS5S A- 4- C T S ii v5ksV mm Sra iT 4SS3 iM s KKr mm ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO J icy i -s- S2T y J sf 9 feftr Mi wWf5ft5 5ISV