Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1918, p. 5

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ESTABLISHMENT flyLi2htrnPenTiT9pfn British Aviators Fly from Cairo to Karabhi 2648 Mires in Production Nearly 36 Hours JCniise Symptoms anil Cure of Ring- London Dec norm Explained As It Is Verj era general officer Contagious the stockman Must commanding the Royal Air Forces Take Great Precautions to in East accompanied Ross Smith har arrived Karachi on the Baluchistan border and in conference with the Government of India regard ing the establishment of an aerial INASMUCH V Irene Plimpton Hoyt It was only a group of children Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto OSTLY everybody Is keeping poultry wants to route and service India I get eggs in winter These two aviators have juUj ally speaking the number completed a flight from eggs gradually goes down from Karachi a distance j to week from September to miles hours actual flight j and a slow but time Their route from Cairo increase April Ragged dirty forlorn Who had stayed from the slums of the city That glorious springtime morn was by way of Damascus Bagdad Bandar Abbas and Karachi Tile machine Utilized for this purpose had previously been flown from England to Egypt and took an active part in the final operations against the Turks on Palestine front In its latest flight no effort was made against time for pur poses Gen will continue his journey by ai to Delhi A No tramp of marching armies banners flaming far A lamp within a stable And in the sky a slur FIVE CAN TALK ON ONE WIRE New Telephone Invention glad- Their hymns of peace and To earth the angels taught Their Gloria in Excels is To earth the Drought When in the lowly manger The holy mother maid In lender adoration Babe of laid Horn lowly in the darkness And none so as he The little children of the His very own shall he No rush of hostile armies But just the huddling sheep The an gel singing of the Christ And all the world asleep No flame of conquering banners No legions sent afar A lamp within a stable And in the sky a star Margaret Christmas Washington Dec Post masterGeneral Burleson today made public a letter from Theo dore Vail president of the American Telegraph and Tele phone Co announcing the inven tion and development by the tech nical staff of the Bell system of a practical system of multiplex telephony and telegraphy By the use of which it is now possible to increase the message- carrying capacity of long tele phone and telegraph wires With this new system said Mr letter four telephone conversations over one pair of wires are simultaneously carried on in addition to he telephone conversation provided by the or dinary methods Thus over a single pair of wires a total of five telephone conversations are sim ultaneously operated each giving service as good as that provided by the circuit working in the or dinary way and May- which In Ontario are the best months for egg productions It Is unusual and in most cases very unwise to publish figures in re gard to experiments until the ma terial has been very thoroughly test ed but in this particular case con sidering the high cost of feeds and the general scarcity of new laid eggs we are giving the figures on a rather short test of but four weeks dura tion The results appear bo be gen erally true in all pens tested and are In accord with results obtained else where The Increase in egg yield has been obtained by the use of electrjc lights or prolonging the day The facta of the matterappear to be that a hens crop is too small a reservoir to hold sufficient feed for the long A hen to lay must a surplus of feed over and above that required for body maintenance In these particular trials the re sults of which are given below the lights were turned on at dusk and were turned off at nine oclock at night The birds get their first feed In the morning at seven oclock and a few dull mornings require lights for about one hour The usual feed of grain given at about four to five oclock in the after noon is missed or only a handful or two of grain is given to twentyfive birds simply to keep them moving a little The full feed is given at about eight oclock The following results have been secured It was only a- bush of lilacs Colorful fragrant In the near ofa princely mansion At the end of a quaint old street But it tempted the little wanderers Whose hearts for beauty were starved they sought to reach the blossoms From the ironfence richly carved was only a harsh word spoken But it filled their hearts with fear And they fled like frightened rabbits Back to the tenement drear And met inks lie who made the Should refuse a blossom wild That mightwith its beauty and fra grance Have comforted a little child God- help us to share the blessings i That fill our Uvea to the brim For when we have done it unto the least We have done it unto Htm Herald is Opening Day I OF THE NOW FAMOUS White Progressive Club need The Worlds Best placed within reach Home Machine of every Twentyfive cents- Is all you Come and let us tell you about It Do your part by doing your own sew ing We are making It possible for every woman to have the best practise real economy and sew under the pleasantest conditions BUY SEW PAY 25c 75c WAR COINCIDENCES Which are Queerer Than Anything In Fiction ORDERS TO KILL ALL BOARD ON lis CI CO ii in to A great deal of emphasis is put and properly on early Christ mas buying The tendency of some shoppers to put off making any purchases till late in Decem ber has made Christmas a day to be dreaded by thousands of em ployee- in the big city stores year Christmas shopping be gins a little earlier than the year before and the terrible rush tin last ten days before Christmas is thereby avoided But early buying is not the only way of saving llic time and spar ing the temper of girl behind the counter One great help is to know what you when you start out You should do the most lanlparl of your Christmas shop- at home Decide before start out whni you waul to purchase ami look for thai The people who wander vaguely through shops trying to gel ideas from crowded counters are hope less limewasters and of other people- lime as well as their own Christmas Jokes Yes Christmas coming is near at hand If you are go ing to do anything for anybody dont delay A Christmas goose The turkey that thought be was safe because he escaped Thanksgiving time Be patient with the merchants arid clerks during the holidays and dp not do your Christmas shopping surly No great composer lias ever set the Christmas shopping rush to music There is art opportunity for some genius ac quire either fame or the foolish house How the High Command Tried to Head off the German Revolu tion Rotterdam Dee Docu ments which reveal for the first time the desperate attempt the high military authorities in Ber lin made to frustrate the German revolution have come into the bands of the Telegraphs Berlin correspondent ft appears that he greatest efforts were directed toward preventing sailors who mutinied at Kiel and and who killed their officers from reaching Berlin An attempt was made to cut off all railway muriication between the north west and Berlin hut this failed as indeed did all the forts of the Kaisers military authorities To what length the Berlin com mand was prepared to go is shown by orders sent to Hi offi cer commanding at i though it was known that some of the revolting sailors were travel ling on ordinary trains on which were many women and children order was given derail the trains and fire them with ma guns until il was evident lial not a human being remained alive in the ears On receiving this barbaric or der the officer commanding collapsed and was car ried away unconscious rip one military on the spot would undertake carry out the orderso trains with their in- as well as revolutionary passengers passed through unin terrupted Berlin rt in to I- V a a S 5i rt o OX u a a p arc many people keeping poultry who have no electric llghta Pair to good results have been se cured elsewhere by using ordinary ham lanterns The danger of when lanterns is materially in- creased We have not tested those as yet but hope to have them under way soon For electric lighting we use three ordinary bulbs for a pen of one hundred birds or one light In a twentyfive bird pen Pro It Graham A College Why You Hang Stockings There a story from Italy which sonic suppose to be the be ginning of the Christmas stock ing Year ago good old HI Nicholas of Padua used lo throw knitted purses with money in OBEYED ORDERS A to them In at the windows of the poor These knitted purses were not unlike a stocking without a foot and later became the custom of the people to hang this knitted sack just inside the win dow that Nicholas might put something he paused When these purses went out of use stockings were substituted In the Northern part of Italy it was a Utile chilly to leave the windows open and the stockings were hung by the mantel place so that they might be filled by chimney aged of Windsor lost bis balance while washing windows at the Ford aid fell Urn storeys lo the fatal results Was overhand doll whose arm had come off exposing stuffing You dear good obedient dolly knew I had told you to chew your food hie but I didnt think you would chew it so fine as On two charges of having an illicit still and making whiskey Moore a farmer near was fined and costs The new elevator at the head of be bay at Mfllajid was put Into operation last week and ev erything was found to run very satisfactorily The machinery Is operated by electricity It Is expected that a million and a half more bushels of grain will be taken care of in elevators there ban ever before An overdose of whiskey as medicine was the cause of a Mid land boy to lose control of his bead and heels at the same lime By the stopping of his heels his head went through a window When the bill was set tled and the magistrates require ments adjusted there wasnt much left of Brest Dec It Pleading the privilege and selfdetermination leading negroes of the United States will ask the Peace Conference to turn hack to native con trol the colonies la Africa for national organization by those now there and by other negroes who wish to live under a by and of their race In land Ringworm Ringworm Is a contagious disease to which all of animals and are subject Calves and young appear to be more susceptible to the trouble than other animals but no age ren ders an animal Immune It is purely a skin disease and Is due to the presence of a vegetable parasite which Is readily capable being con veyed from one animal to another by direct contact the hands the at tendant palls stable utensils cloth ing harness saddles blankets the contact of one animal with the stalls etc aTected animals etc In like manner currycombs brushes rub bing cloths etc that are used on affected animals of any Class If used on other animals become a fertile cause of infection Symptoms While any part 0 the animal may be the seal of the dis ease the skin around the eyes and of the face and on the neck and back appears to be the favorite scat The first symptom shown Is usual ly an Itchiness which Is followed by a slight form of eruption which Soon aEBumethe appearance of little yel lowish scales of a circular form the mass scales forming a circular space hence the term ringworm A var iable number of these circular patches may be noticed different parts of the body Treatment It Is necessary hut great care be taken to avoid the con veyance of the virus trap the dis eased to healthy Wheie Is well to remove all animals to 1 The premises should be disinfected byi thorough ly and dusting then a borough coat of an insecti cide a per cent of one of lh tar antiseptics or carbolic acid or a of hot wash with per cent carbolic treatment consists In mois tening the with warm water and soap or oll removing them In order to enpone the unprotected surfaces of the affected ureas An Insecticide us tun- Iodine should be applied once or twice dally until cured J Ontario Agricultural College The war has brought to light so many surprising and almost incredi ble coincidences that were it not for the absolute authenticity of the re cords one might readily be excused J showing a little doubt on the truth of these statements It is to the Army that we are in debted for the majority of these re cords of inexplicable vagaries of Kate Before the war two members of the Liverpool Police Force had sous who grew up together as close friends and playmates Reaching manhood one of these hoys emigrated to Canada and the other to Australia When war was dcojared each of them joined a Colonial unit in his adopted country and in due course reached the West ern Front took part in several big bat tles in France and had many narrow escapes from death Then both soldiers were admit ted into hospital and sent to England and after years of separation they found themselves in beds side by side in a military hospital at Oxford Another hospital supplies us with a most remarkable and almost incred ible story At Chichester hospital a boy was brought in suffering from Injuries caused by a motor accident was placed the next bed lo a wounded Colonial soldier As the boy begat to pet better the two grew friendly and day the soldier ask ed the lad his name When he was old he exclaimed Why thats the name which was written on first egg I received at the Dardanelles from among those seal out from At the relatives of four men who had distinguished themselves at the Front were called at public pre sentation these brave men During the ceremony it was stated that the four men had been friends had all on Hie same day also hough In different ways anil had all been killed on ihe same day Two other named after not seeing each other for a number of years unexpectedly found themselves face to face at the War Office had off from France at the some line had arrived in London by Hie same train on the same day ami had both been sen for In lo he offered commissions a v Ami I p SEVEN REASONS WHY SHOULD JOIN Because the White is made by a big established dlan United States Factory Because no better machine Is made There xe satisfied users of the While all over the world Because you get guaranteed quality backed by Because first cost IS so low Because the Club Payments are easily made Because prices will be higher after the Club- close Because this opportunity may not come if- 1 THE 8PEOIAL CLUB PRICES are permitted by the this Sain only Vou have any White at Specially DONT DELAY Only Machines Only BO open When this number are enrolled no more the Special Club Prices Remember the tak of this offer is limited ACT NOW PREMIUM REFUNDS 10c An additional feat White Progressive Club is this opportunity to Special Discount on each final payment you make v due COME IN SEE THE s t T T BLIZZARD Agent Newmarket And have us Explain the Plan Dec 19 A POINTS FOB PROHIBITION rat hole In dump Sunday uses up shipping or sixty In connection with proposed new system oft the Orillia town council bus appointed A York do us Fire destroyed the banns of Harry Bradford week including some buggies and The origin of the Ire Is unknown A Mount Forest La The saloon is wbges in- Hilly equal to a fleet ships Breweries and saloons use more COOl ban ah schools ami churches combined thousand workmen are killed or Injured ever year as a result of drink Brewers use sixtyfour million pounds of year and yet you arc short sugar Your factory your church your school had close up for lack of fuel but the breweries and saloons stay ed open According lo 00 Pennsylvania coal operators prohibition would Increase annual of coal nearly seventy million tons Food Controller Hoover Brewers now use tfiOOOOO bushels of grain per month This would make rive million loaves of bread a day John Mitchell A P I and United Mine Workers of America says In labor can be traced back some con- flection with the saloon Editorial In the Unionist leading Labor organ of Chicago Prohibi tion Is not the temperance question It is the labor the fuel the food question and Mm lliewar Hundreds of ro kept constantly busy hauling of cars of coal and supplies to the brewers At same time farm era grain rots In Ihe bins and on the Hide- track for lark of ears and engines Packages to the boys over there are prevented from shipped while the use millions of Ions of whipping BOX OF CANDY 1 Iter Thanks much candy You know I have tooth Almost every dls- of organized for swee ENGLISH AS WROTE IT Extracts from letters received in the Quartermaster Generals Office Allotment Branch Aint got no book turning and am writing for inflammation Just a line to let you know am widow and four children He was deducted into the military surface I have a tour- months old baby and he Is my only support Aldne woman and depen dent When you took my husband you took the best man t had As I need his assistance to keep me inclosed Caring to my which I havent walked In 3 months from a broken leg which Is No Your relationship to him An swer I am still his believed wife Your kind Sit or She I enclose lovingly yours in service in Armory And he was my best supporter Please send me a wifes form We have another war baby In our house How much more do I gel Please correct my name and could not go and would not go under consumed name if I dont gel money soon will have to lead an immortal life Please send back my marriage cer tificate soon baby hasnt ealen thing for three days Both Of our old and poor Dear Air Wilson I lyivc already written to Headquarters and re ceived no reply and now if I dont get one from you am going to write to Uncle Sun himself You have changed my little buy a girl Will make any difference You asked for my allotment num ber I have boys and girls I Ills wife ami his only air tnlied Slates paper GETTING EVEN IF ITS AN Then you know Its I a I anv- Made aim i ASK ABOUT THI8 PRODUCT If- You Wish TORONTO OFFIOE Adelaide Local Agent Era Office Newmarket At mi i CANE S0NS CO LIMI AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRE88ED LUMBER riic fie Ion of the friend who Is to mrciipy the seel in railway train that one has really secured as an seat for ones self sometimes works and doesnt a passenger hurrying along the platform just before the train started flung himself Upon a Bent that was already occupied by a Gladstone bag That seat Is taken snapped old gentleman my has Kept It with his bog indeed said the wily passenger affably then Ill occupy it till he comes Of the friend never came and therefore Just as the twin was moving out of the station the wily passenger seized the bag and deliber ately threw It out the window What are you doing with that bag sir thundered the old gentleman furiously J Anything the matter inquired the other calmly you dont want your friend lose Ills hag do you J LITERAL Poole the Russian expert at a meeting In Troy The Bolsheviks are applying the Germans the Tolnlolan of lance to but they are fol lowing Tolstoi too literally To be literal Is lobe ludicrous Its IJkc the ease of the brake man who was the ropes on a first 1 I rip Ill yell out the names of the sta tions his said to him and you listen and then yell the same at your end So the train started off and when the first stop came the veteran at the front of the car yelled tola I Such as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pino Cypress Ash and Oak and Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or Oak at prices that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial mm WE MARKET a J THE and then Hie now nan To the Ream not A ir ARCHIVES OF ONTARK

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