Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1918, p. 7

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CHINA OUR LOCAL N Official Casualties Wounded A Aurora j a n NEWMARKET A LEADER IN PATRIOTIC WORK AND THE FIRST MUNICIPALITY IN CANADA TO I CONS ID EH REPATRIATION BrfeMets While working at Canes Xmas will soon be with us Mr Lloyd had part of Our Assortment of Fancy China I thumb cut Off his left hand is very good and complete many lns week useful and ornamental- pieces for convenience we have tables at Friends Church and OUR HANGING AND PARLOR LAMPS Are Very Nice and Ornamental See Them in Our Window J ftlagnetio AfterDinner Speeches by Trooper J On There will no service in the Friends Church next Sunday ev- as Rev Harry Parry tor is to attend Quarterly Meeting fol Godfrey Or Abbott and Hon E J Davis Building The spacious diningroom of piness or misery of the soldier King George Hotel was never when ho returns home eminent intends to establish La- DINNER SETS Coming Back Again make a Special Effort to T Met st Church has certainly give you the Best Possible Value by oratory since in a Porcelain Last Piece for W have I was no exception Rev J Several Patterns to choose from presented his subjects in CHINA DINNER SETS such a fascinating manner that the Another Extra Good Bargain of were t enraptured and Fine Quality Pieces 3 Dec- ime WflS We are orations at Only a few Sets leased to state he is to return again preach more prettily decorated than last Wednesday evening when a ca pacity crowd of business men attended the Board of Trade which was the first affair jof the kind since the beginning or the War when the superior cui sine for which this is noted was again demonstrated to the satisfaction of the every epi curean left Sunday and will CHINA TEA SETS Pieces Fine Quality English China from up OUR CUT GLASS IS FINE I morning and evening We advise the people Newmarket and vicinity not lose opportunity of hearing such an cinqmnl divine Importer of Staple Fancy China Bureaus and will do every thing in Its power to get the sol dier a job The citizens are inclined lo give the soldiers the preference but their duty doesnt end there Ho must not be dis charged because he does not fill the bill ye must encouraged to continue even at a loss to the employer because his future de pends upon keeping him employ- Tlie artistic and mottoes here and there around Canadian patriotism wall courtf not help but at- cooperation on the part tract attention and indicated that of the people The soldier is a WANTED Practical Pencil Maker One competent to layout equip and organize a High Grade Pencil Fac tory as a new depart ment In a well establish ed business In England This a splendid oppor tunity for the right man Your application will not be allowed to Jeopardize present position Ad dress Pencil Maker J J Gibbons Ltd Wellington Toronto Methodist Church j Rev Black of Bradford presided at the Official Board Meeting on Tuesday evening a large attend ant of the members being pres ent Nothing definite was decided upon regarding the pulpit supply and temporary arrangements were left in the hands of the Chairman i Of Conference and Hon distinguished J Davis fiance Hie lo A delegation from the Gym Club presented a copy of Constitution and ByLaws and asked for the use of the Gym j The Board consented to bear the expense of light heat and water but the Club to arrange for carclaking and other expenses Messrs Manning and were appointed to repre sent the Board and exercise an oversight Other matters were discussed and the Board adjourned The Newest Necklets and Pendants Solid Gold Si to 2000 Roll ed Plate to at Watsons Jewelry Store AMD IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK Christmas weeks from Wed nesday King Council meets at on Saturday Union prayer service in Friends Church last night Householders having a morning appetizer cleaning off the sidewalks SOME WAR SAVINGS 3 for 2 Discount on Cash and Carry FRESH MILK CREAM AND CONFECTIONARY I for Hi- I all a if I Winter Month we PS Ilol Sodas Stew fc Oca ill and Drinks as St near the Market Ml SOUTH END AND Christian Sunday School We are having splendid attend ances each service last Sabbath there being recorded Good interest is also being shown by each class We expect to go for ward under the leadership of our new pastor Hall who was present last Sunday and ad dressed the school A business meeting was afterwards held good reports showing from all branches The annual Christmas Tree and will he held Monday evening Dec and a good time is promised With the pastor as teacher a Mens Class to be started Sunday afternoon at Tin the men All fending arc cordially invited Come you will he hoped the STORE will hack on the job am bring a one as wall organization complete future good limns Ho- Mid Com JUST ARRIVED I Solid Gold Rings IM- in 95000 Iwdiy Store iJ Watsons Cars of Hay at per ton BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND I Prompt Delivery Phone 00 MS A 1 the Committee was imbued with confidence for future activity Some of them were gather This Town is what we make il Newmarket the Grow ing Town CoOperation and Unity Now for a Greater New market After doing justice lo the boun teous repast Mr Hunter President of the Board of Trade called upon the gathering to hon or the King which was most heartily responded to Before introducing the speak ers the Chairman stated that there were questions of both and national concern that should command the attention Of the business people of the Town but this evening having present men from a matters would have to give place to Canadian Reconstruction and Development and he hoped that the same spirit of Patriotism manifested by the people Newmarket ever since the War commenced would still prevail We must show our ap preciation of the men who have overseas and be ready for the influx of emigrants which is sure to come this country as soon as things settle down in the old land l was with much pleasure that ho called upon to give an address on Re patriation of the Soldiers received a hearty ovation and delivered a most admirable address Because of his own experience in the Boor War he was able to diagnose the situation from the viewpoint of the returned soldier and demon strated it in a most superior manner He said The prob lems of the War are not over and it is of supreme importance that the people of Canada realize them This is the first opportunity that I have had to place the subject before the public and knowing as I do of your loyalty and patriotism in Newmarket there is no other body of men to whom I would pre fer to develop my ideas You have shown that whatever you want to do will yield to united effort and Never in history has demobilization been shown to be absorbed in practical life per cent of Crimean Veterans ended their lives in the Work Houses After the Civil War of the states the evidence indisputable that- the soldiers of the lid not coalesce This is the direct of tin of flic soldiers lo thcii What is he cause of ity of lie soldier to coalesce and where is the source of troub le then proceed ed to compare civilian life with Hie soldiers and very suc cinctly explained how lack of re sponsibility destroys decision and Among fhe statements he mnde were these Solf interest the basis of all action but military training destroys all self interest The soldier has learn to forget all about himself and bus nothing to think about except to obey I lie command to go forward H provided with what he what he when he when sleeps br eve have to think bigger and better man gone to the War for has service country I his fflMEffi THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE T A L T T D T A Q Di Car Bleeping on night Trains Parlor Cars on principal Day rains Pull information from any nand Trunk Ticket Agent or Homing District Passenger Depot Agent Agent ilioie OpTown Agent Moving to copy tine following from the Reformer of Nov Rev Hall after a residence in of about years most of which time was spent as pas tor of the Christian Church and the past three or four years as for the On tario County Childrens Aid Soci ety moved with his family to Newmarket Tuesday of this week where he has accepted the pas torate of the Christian Church Since coining lo he and his family have made a host of friends who see them leave with much regret while wishing them the greatest success in their new Held One son Cameron the only one old enough to go has been overseas the beginning of the war be remember ed by in touch with the High School that he von the Senior Championship at the field day Sports held there shortly before lie enlisted and was an allround Rev Mr Hall by his kindly manner broad Interest In humanity and the good work he has accomplished in and out of the pulpit has for him the highest respect In this commun ity Commendation was heaped upon biro at the annual meeting of the Childrens Aid Society when be completed the duties of his position there and he leaves an enviable record behind him in family the Whit For than a pair of Glass es T rt Watson Graduate Optician is wears eats and does not about his Government takes care of them he does not have lo think about anything In dividuality is destroyed If he goes off on leave for two weeks if lakes six weeks when he returns lo gel him ready to go over the top He must lose himself again He has become a per cent soldier When Pull To- taken part in big events of history and with the community spirit He will be better because of the discipline under which he has been trained but as already ex plained he is unfilled for civilian life and will be restless on his job For its size Canada has the greatest army of any nation in the world of which we may be justly proud and with an intelli gent understanding of lh sol diers position when he returns Canadians will treat them in a sympathetic manner and restore them to their former manhood Dr Abbott of Toronto on be ing introduced remarked that he Canadians had been in the Front Line Trenches abroad and now it is our turn to get into the Front Line Trenches a homo He said Newmarket helped to make the Army the success that it was now we look lo you to win the fight at home Your patriotic organization has compelled men to get together and they have learned to respect one another Work for a common purpose and think in terms of the community rather than individually and you will accomplish much This War will make the English speak ing world a unit Newmarket is to be congratulated on taking the first step effect of- your four years of patriotic work means much for the welfare of your town With such workers that you have you cannot fail in any proposition that is worthy There are three things we have to do in Canada we have to reconstruct our thinking People used to say that our country was going lo the dogs that the young men lacked the spirit of their fathers but they did not know The most prominent men of the United States are fulsome of their praise because of the quality of our Canadian army We must put a different value on the ma terial we have to make a big na tion The calibre of Canadian manhood is as good as the world can produce It slopped the Germans from getting to Calais It held the line when all military calculations wis absolutely impossible and adding undying glory to the name of Canada We must think in terms of great deeds 2nd we men of Canada can lake off our hats to the wo men They foiled suffered and saved for the boys over there in a manner that shows the pos sibilities of th womanhood of the country are beyond imagination The industrial service was mar vellous The wives of soldiers and girls with brains from the wealthy families enabled to accomplish who was considered in nit utter impossibility Where educated women a single problem of morals entered into situation The women paid the price anil the men of Canada today must pay the price for I sake of fu ture Ani big problems can be solved by the people of Canada and the one before us now is Ihc Returned soldier Newmarket started right keep- up Let there be a rivalry tin good works try to bent another in solving this problem and you will have a Newmarket Hon J Davis called upon said We did realize four years ago what we Could do Our Volunteer was not J I v e re- cm is a for the the soldiers turns to civil life he still thinks himself per cent fit but of course he is He has learn lifes responsibilities over again to think for himself but he has lost the power and the re sult is that there is igreat need of sympathy and on the part of employers to get back to civilian life problem of education so as to regain their manhood which they had to lose to serve the country and liberty and freedom It has taken two three or four years to make soldiers of the men and When they return we cannot ex pect Ihem to become individual workers again without patience porseverenco and sympathy on the part of employers of labor When the Canadian people understand they help Mr J Godfrey of Toronto was the next speaker and ho re marked that tho address we had Just listened to was the most thoughtful that could he delivered on the subject The speaker has passed through it all and con quered almost superhuman dif ficulties This great question of demobilization he is en tirely psychological and on lis treatment depends either the hap- exceeded by any Town in the Pro vince of Ontario in proportion to population our equipment for I he two raised in the County our lied Cross work for both Canadians and British the money contributed through tho Field Comforts our efforts in the War Loans and donations to the Military Hospital all show what astonishing results can ac complished when we are abso lutely united Tim Canadians abroad havowoii glory and that will never bo effaced in the history of the country This is a great asset In the futuro of our Dominion This of do mobilization must bo taken ltd of by our people In a manner that will assist in develop ment of our natural resources Mr Davis paid a groat compli ment lo Ho said I never heard more logical and clear cut address Mr Davis said that scores of men had left their works and they told every of them that their pluces would be ready for thorn when they return ed No matter what condi tions of trade wore Ihoy wore pre pared to give the men every con sideration soldiers have their troubles Ho a conversation that ho bad with ono recently Ho hoped that every where an atmosphere would pre vail lo make men fool forlnble when Ihoy FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Emphatic Examples of Cash Buying and Cash Selling a Showing of the most Suits for Men at a fraction of Real Value A Purchase made by Mr A for Spot Cash makes It possible for me to give you these Remarkable Values this week Come expecting to find everything just as advertised You wont be Disappointed I REMEMBER ALWAYS Your Moneys Worth or Your Money Back We never consider your Money ours until Fully Satisfied Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth up to Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth up to Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth Mens and Young Mens Suits and Overcoats Worth 25 Saturday Saturday Saturday 1800 Saturday 2000 Boys Bloomer Suits For Ages 16 to years in Brown and Grey Mixed Tweeds Scotch Effects Elegantly Finished Tailoring and Materials of the Very Best Extra Special 745 1075 IT I X I BIG FURNISHING l WASHABLE CAPE in All Shades TAN CAPE GLOVES Lined and Unllned ALL KINDS OF KNITTED GLOVES When you want Drugs you wont find them in a Hardware Store If you want the Correct Styles in Furnishings go to a Store devoting all Its Time and Ability to that particular line We are MATTERS FURNI8HER8 I We always keep In what is New and in Styles No Firm keeps more thoroughly In touch with Prevailing Fashions MEN8 HIGH CLASS NECKWEAR AND KNITTED NECK 8CARFS ALL KIND8 OF SUGGESTIONS STANFIELDS EXTRA HEAVY ALL WOOL RIBBED UNDERWEAR PENMAN8 ALL WOOL COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Saturday we pass Into stock 10 Dozen VERY LATE8T HAT8 1919 Blocks in Every Proper Shade and Shape King and 350 400 up Young Mens FINE SHOES Very Newest Lasts Black Brown and Mahogany 500 to Heavy Working Boots 295 to 400 anus due tto i at The Clothier Hatter and Haberdasher OLD IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING NEWMARKET remarked thai it manufacturers generally get the grip hat Mr Davis has Canada will go over th top effort Mr P Pearson in rising to move a vote of thanks to speakers to an incident that occurred years ago when he remarked that the indomitable spirit of the pioneers of Canada was a guarantee of future nation al greatness Those present were indeed favored by excel lent addresses of the evening Mayor seconded mo tion and took occasion to refer lo the people the United States in recognizing the part Great Britain had played in the War by setting apart Friday Saturday and Sun day to declare their gratitude motion was Carried with applause acknowledged the vote and slated that it was a pe culiar satisfaction to launch the subject of demobilization and re patriation lo of New market Chairman proposed that a Committee on Repatriation ap pointed suggestion of Mr that the Council of the Board of Trade lako up matter was ac cepted While on his feet ho hoped this would he tho first of a of such gatherings coming winter as we host Town In tho Dominion of Canada ami by pulling together wo can to make it so gathering broke up about midnight by singing National Anthem HANDS TO IN GOLD HURON ST NEWMARKET If You Want a Good Loaf of Bread Try our T IT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION WHEREVER TE8TED I Dry Hardwood Slabs on Hand Prices Right OLIVER 8TRI0TLV Give Us DIKE a Call Paris Dec have begun restitutions have de livered to Allies francs gold which came from the Russian treasury The French have recover ed a rich collection of art works by Dclatur a famous etcher from St and painting by token from at Valenciennes of the returned masterpieces Is esti mated at francs JOIN AND AFRICA London Deo airplane already has begun- its task of forming a link between African and countries where rail way communication is as yot non existent or not of the best On MnjorGoneral of the Royal Air Force Marlon of same service and Ross Smith with two mechanics from Cairo and arrived at Dam ascus distant same afternoon The next day they left at o clock in morning and flow to Bagdad 450 distant reach ing there at in afternoon of I In days airmen visited three countries Egypt Syria and Mesopotamia and linked up the two great Asiatic expeditionary forces of British DIVISION His Honor Judge Denton presided Division Court here on Tuesday The only case that took up any con siderable time was vs James This case was tried before a Jury The plaintiff for for alleged damage caused to his property through the negligence of the defendant In permit ting his cows to trespass upon the lands of the plaintiff The defenoe claimed that the fence between the lands of the two parties had been taken down by the plaintiffs agent In order to haul fertilizer to the plain tiffs land and that the fence had been afterwards put up by lho plaintiff not In a way to stop cattle from breaking through Tho Jury gave a verdict for the defendant and dismis sed the casowith costs Hill Liberal Montreal In the of Spanish Influenza had 185000 oases not cod

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