Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1918, p. 6

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J v SIX y JP 1 I i AGP MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert WOMENS INSTITUTE The next regular meeting of the Mount Albert branch of the Wo mens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Val Brooks on Thursday Dec at 3 oclock As the Convention was postponed there will be no report and a dif ferent program will be prepared The proceeds from the sale of tickets for table runner do nated to the Red Cross by Miss Smith amounted to and not stated last week SCHOOL REPORT Mt Albert Continuation School November Form Stuart Rowland Milton ftibney Kenneth Stiver 60 Gordon Forrest Ross Velma Cain Form Olive Gladys Brooks Marion Stokes Stanley Cook and Mildred Dike 56 Viola Garnet Pegs Form I Rowland Rose Murray Stokes Kenneth 5i Baldwin Breezes Sharon son Remember the Social in Hie Methodist Church on Monday entertainments are the talk now Everyone is busy getting prepared We are sorry to know that Master Jim Cowieson is very sick with the flu There was a larger attendance than usual Sunday morning Rev John- officiating Mrs A Ramsay entertained a number of friends from Weston last Thursday League was well attended Sun day night Mr Melville was in he Choir A paper on Victory was very ably given by Mrs A went to 1 1 he West in August on an exten sive visit She has been un avoidably detained up to the pres ent day by an attack of the pre vailing We for her speedy recovery and return W miss her face much have good reports of her boys are a credit to their parents On Halloween they refused to join in the celebration of destroying their neighbors property They were brought up to do right When they were little shavers their mother would go to their room when they bad retired on Sunday evening and there had what may he termed mothers hour with her boys She would talk over the Sabbath School les son and about their duty as good boys to the community i Dec under the auspi ces of the Missionary Mrs short Refreshments of Beans and Pumpkin Pie will be served and a program consisting of so los duels contests and an old- fashioned spellingmatch will be enjoyed Everybody welcome Admission Proceeds in aid of League Missionary Fund Keep the date in mind and be sure to come The regular weekly meeting of the League was held on Monday poem by Miss Dorothy Ramsay Sharon Sunday School intend holding their annual Christmas Tree and Concert on Wednesday evening Dec Be sure to reserve the dale The program will consist of drills dialogue recitations chorus and a Panto- mine Ladies Aid will be held at the home of Mrs on Thurs day Dec All welcome evening at the Pastor in the M chair The service was in charge of the Christian Endeavor Of which Miss Milli Brooks is VicePresident The topic A Christians Ob ligations reference to the Com munity was taken by Miss Etta Will son The Scripture Lesson was read by Miss Winnie Little The Roll was called and a fair number answered their names The organist Miss Eileen Row land presided asusual at I he or gan The snow shovels had to come out from summer retreats on Sunday morning as we had quite a fall of snow was first to try a sleigh on Monday t but seems have been satisfied with making a record as we have seen none since We had very heavy thunder one evening last week which is generally accepted gj j Brown spent Sunday at home Mrs Parr visited her mother Mrs Thos Webster at last week Rev Black of Bradford will preach a victory on Sun day evening Dec in Sharon Methodist Church under the au spices of he League are all glad to know that Miss Daisy Ward is returning home after a lengthy visit at Blooming ton Miss It and Mrs Ander son are visiting fritmis in Sutton Mrs C also Mrs spent Monday Queensville On- Sunday Nov about S oclock in the morning Mr and Mrs Roy Cowieson were aroused by the guest in the spare bedroom calling that the house was on fire and by strenuous efforts they sav ed most of the furniture with the assistance of a few of the neigh bors which they reached by phone It is supposed to have caught Arc from the kitchen pipes The house which was the old John Homestead was burned to the ground The thunderstorm on Thurs day night of last week was quite a surprise a fall of snow on Dec 1st and sleighs are running since Wednesday And gentle words that mother would give To fit them to die and teach them to live That explains he secret Glory glory hallelujah I That about expressed my feelings when the Proclamation of Peace was sent flying over the wires And then a of quiet delight swept over my heart till I rejoiced aloud j think that all the carnage and Bradford Chairman of bloodshed was at an end The grand support given the Allies by President Wilson knocked the last pin from under Germany and the Kaiser President Wilsons port was most opportune for both the Allies and the l A And well he knew it for hes a shrewd Old coon The Kaiser has bitten the dust He is humbled The mercury disturbance was responsible for Saturdays snow fall We will have some few days of bright December at probably Mr Harry on the strength of the presentation of a dishVasher and farmerette Eve- Mr and Mrs Aaron aU tended the funeral of their grand children who were killed by a motor accident near Brampton last week Mrs Matthias Doan has return ed after spending the summer with her daughters Hamilton Splendid sermons last Sunday morning in the Methodist Church by Rev Lovering which were ap preciated by a good congregation The Anniversary Services are to take place in the Methodist Church on Sunday with special sermons by Rev Black of Dis trict A I hankoffering is being planned in of usual fowl supper It is expected that the will be held in January and practise has commenced with the children The Womens Missionary Auxiliary had a very impressive prayer service on Friday after noon which was well attended Byron Aylward arrived from England on Monday morning He appears to have completely recovered from his wounds serving with the Buffs Mr ami Mrs Fred Taylor have late f Witt Egypt a little property Harry will he the Khedive hoy Bully in Toronto Eyes Holland Landing The Methodist Ladies Aid will hold their Third Annual Talent the Cross Hall on as a Sign of still open her commencing at i admission fee I 1 sermon on Sunday morning lww llttftfllI J on Sunday morn Miss Leek Librarian is ing up a story hour on Saturdays for children whose parents are supporters of the Library Could not bo extnded to oilier children very useful Gifts for your friends Sale will be fol- lowed by a splendid supper and entertainment Small admission to supper ami program only Our hunters did only moderate ly well Doc Graham got a fine pair a buck and a doe magnificent bear Ive got a the light bad Im hoping to he and a great hatch to say hut more next so I enn with JasAOiiltcndon is jusl from an awful Tin flu for lh optica the little nets clever re They come few is are j in aid of Methodist Church I fund Rev Complaint residents are sub- services with so much it has very inspirin exchanged Rev Fox of Mr Fox gave a Missionary sermon there i We understand mere wen jahout seventy guests al the euchre last in aid of Anglican place- around abundance while are still on lions re al thai has taken little for reading A consign ment of new book came in week and are under I party at Mrs Seymour A carload r coke in week but is not much predated by some who invested church here in How is many of the can gn in ML Albert such short and Mrs Toronto guests Keswick and other places Are re- Wood last week ported having full supplies The Aid mcetJnc lasl That difficulties are ended week when coal is secured realized by a citizen recently She had cleaned out stove and in coal which was just starting up well when the upper and ash door wer both blown open lid brown off coal and flames thrown out to a distance of seven feet In trying to subdue and pick up burning coals her blind was badly burned The opening of the draft door seems to have diverted it up the pipes and after passing through lengths of pipe the stopper in opposite side of chimney was blown and to the farthest corner of the room and soot plen tifully besprinkled Several mi nor explosions here and elsewhere reported but chiefly in connection with bituminous coal This was good anthracite A sad death as result of flu occurred here recently Mrs Vm whose husband Overseas succumbed to heart fail ure brought on by epidemic De ceased had just been married a little over a year and leaves an infant of about two weeks Much sympathy felt for Mr Hod en on What will be sue a sad home coming Brown Hill Mailed loo Late for last sting begun large Mr or not week winter has he severe Tli Jasper of Mrs was largely attended and ladies are he eongmlulaled I the pbndid work they are I Sleigh bells will soon be luig The boys and girls are I ready making good use of their hand sleighs Tin- women arc all busy work ing for the coming Talent Sale Mr Mrs Piper who have j il refilling here for f In city on last Mrs fjunlly of Marsh relumed the cHy on Mr of Sunday In Town Ho not forget to pay your Taxes later limn the nth and receive your rent Oijim yM trip home fr see the arrival of a so oily to inn I CARD Mr Archie Smith on behalf of the parents brother to hank the kind friend for and sympathy during the of funeral of their dear son and brother nnd especially to the boy for the beautiful Wreath of flowerfc to lie very with the Utile giving him an entire wcl- I to his with rap Some around this berg to Mr Percy was busy wekiny household The social last the to ahead foi tin a of week a I off Cheerfulness is going great harvest of purchased here from There was a good attendance at the Womens Institute at Mrs Jacob last Wednesday af ternoon An excellent paper on Canada was given by Mrs It was very instructive and greatly appreciated Among the Christmas suggestions was one worthy of mention present ing a magazine or weekly paper which would be a constant re minder of the donor Tile box of clothing for the French children is nearly ready to ship The Cross lea under the auspices of the Ladies Aid was well attended Games were in dulged in by the young people in tlii evening Dont fongct the Presbyterian next after noon Thric gooil are to be sold besides useful Christmas articles A telegram was received on Wednesday of lasl week announc ing Ihe death of Mr John Henry Smith which occurred Moose Jaw Hospital tin result of the flu He has been homes lead ing Canuck for past eight nine years lie was bird son of Air Mrs John Smith of and clerked for Mr Frank Duncan in during Christmas I cade two yearn ago and also Keswick for one season H was a popular young man wherever he weni and death greatly la mented The funeral on Sunday afternoon was largely a I tended much sympathy being expressed for bereaved family Sharon and Farmers Club will hold I heir An nual Meeting in the Presbyterian at Monday feruoon Dee rlh at oclock Prominent speakers are expected In address the meeting The Ladies Aid of Presby terian Church will hold their Annual Bazaar Decem ber the I lib in the Hall Doors open oclock in he afternoon Tea and lee Cream served All welcome season fox mink skunk etc weUSf n Hill wedding bells pealed MnWoenI melodies the An- Welded to have a parly Thursday for the friends and neigh STRAY STEER from tie- of tier undersigned lot eon a Black and White Steer viUi v out of left Reward for Information leading to recovery HHAVKS Mount Albert payed From Lot In the Con of Whitchurch Heifer years old and one Black and While ttpring Calf Reward WOOD FOB hi acre Iota or more on Bon pasture ranch and ii Con Beat About acres of the beat wooded parts Sold ftppUcattton to v Davidson Mount Albert of the community is making ureal We are glad to see Mrs Moore Influenza Pilling is on record yet I no lo Sleeping offered for recovery Brandon Cedar Valley Albert Phone Came upon Lot in the 3rd Con of Kant about the middle of November Five Sheep Owner la requested lo prove property pay expenses and lake them away Queensville In selecting your reading Sun Farmers Weekly Is no other paper just II No increase in price Dollar per year sam ple copies will bo sent on request Address The Weekly Hun Toron to dollar Invested will bring yon handsome return Try It HOPE We were quite pleased with the sermon Mr Fox guv us on day Dont forget lo come to the Aid on Wednesday Dec We hop those who are selected to take their topics will be there Mr Will and Mis Maud look ten at Mr on Monday Mrs W and Miss had lea at Mr Stanley on Thursday Nearly everyone is busily on- gaged these days preparing for the entertainment to be hold at Hope on Dec There will also be a Tree und perhaps Santa will ho there Mrs and Mrs English spent Wednesday in Newmarket visiting Mrs Mr arid Mrs Ilnnlon sponl the weekend at Mr Fairbanks Mrs Mackfie of Hill spent a week at Mr Win Smiths Miss Maude spent a couple of days with Mrs Hall this week Miss Edna Smith spent a week at Richmond Hill Sorry to hear that some of Mr Churchs family has chicken pox Miss Doris on list Listen for the wedding hells on the fifth Sutton West A White Sewing Machine Demon stration Is now on at Hardware Special muslo on Satur day evening and everybody invited to enjoy School Reports S S No 1 King The following is the report of exams held in Oct and Nov Names in order of merit St TV Total Edna Or- 389 Beta Sister 356 Ernie Deavitl ah for 3 for Roy Deavit for I Jr Roy Ed Bliz zard in Willie West Bertha Buckles Clarence Hardy Harry Buckles French Fred Morning Jr Lome Orser In lcr Violet French Ethel French Cook Jr Evelyn Morn ing Best conduct Willie Best Conduct Willie Clarence Hardy Ma Teacher T M Duff 0-3- ELECTIONS IN ENGLAND for children and grownups TELFERS SODA CRACKERS have a real food value In soup and with cheese perfectly delicious Always fresh crisp clean and zing Packed in air tight packages Sold by all grocers they are The Buy Word for Biscuits London Dec i This was nomina tion candidates for parliament in coining election and among the surprises was the of an opponent Premier Lloyd at Carnarvon froni which district Lloyd George holds his seal is Austin editor of The Review and is standing on plank Of League of nations and the abolition of conscription Out members to he elected lo new parliament have al ready been returned unopposed coalition Unionists coajftion Lib erals 28 Sinn One Nationalist and one independent FACTS ABOUT RADIUM Mm urn Constipation is the archenemy of health Conquer this enemy and you rout a whole army physical foes including indigestion biliousness sick headache sleeplessness and nervous dyspep sia Pills have been a laxative for over sixty years They go straight to the cause of many ills and remove it They act promptly pleasantly and surely Contain no drug These timetested pills strengthen the stomach stimulate the liver and Relieve LID a Guinea a Bo St La end La Alining American metal and has a white met all lit lustre has been Isolated only once or Iwiee and few people have seen Radium i ordinarily obtained in the form of nails and usually so sold and used These salts are nil white or nearly white sub- whose appearance Is no more reiharkablc than thai of common sail or powder is found in nature in piari- lilies so exceedingly small that it is never vlsbile even when material is examined powerful micros cope Ordinarily radium ore carries it small fraction of a grain of ra dium per of material ami radium will nevfrr be found in large masses it Is formed by decay of uranium a process find is wonder fully slow and radium itself decays and changes oilier elements so rapidly thai it- is Impossible fur it to aiiumulafe in visihle masses nullum lulihrvils luinliicriionl Tubes con- from ir which ihr from lift in give Mini carry art fairly I In for f hoy films in Ihe way light nail pnn also In indenffficJ upon an An Army Cook Says of I to use any other kind of milk in my classes of instruction This strong endorsement of Klim is reiterated daily by thousands of women who use Klim daily in their homes They find lhat pas teurized separated milk in powder form is more con venient more economical and satisfactory for home use thin any other form of milk Get it from your Grocer in one and ten pound tins Use Modified Milk Powder for infant feeding Canada IiJ St Tin- DONT OVERLOOK THE QUALITY Boot and Shoe Store at Baldwin eases Ilcrtram -villi- flS Mil an auto ion Iff imkimk in ii nearly Wilson died of years reuse Injuries hit Mens- WojneirH Childrens Bonis and rihues always kepi in stock I lims I my continually moviiiK Is I pan- prices- and wi money can he saved This s ha successful for over four years and known I Live slvle Small prollls and Mens Tan Army Leather Boots to according to quality jhiVfc ami pel and SleS Mens Ton Army OvorFlubhors Low rates all tin i I in Ituhhers and Dry 111 a mi- and nil in Ijoods Sundries Ties Mud- CHARLES op Mrs was The lliTinan Meeker Owen Sound fatally hunted his catching fire he was playing iieai a fire London Dec Ilritnlii Prance and llnly have resolved In former Kaiser for his and will take delay Jo extradition from Holland Two men are dead and three others seriously injured as roHiill of a collision between two freight trains west of on Hie The damage is estimated ooooo hisitee Ariz Dee masked killed Collector Car los of Agnn Mexico and two of Ids wound ed a third and then escaped with hi gold last night Dec Tin dairy have all arrived for the Provincial Winter Then- ore dairy cat tle for test composed of IfOlstclna Jerseys ami In the poultry depart ment Is estimated that more than birds Will he Paris Deo Prance Ik freed from domination in chem icals and dye needs by the formation of a combine the Nation- ale dee do with a capital of forty million francs for the of all The Govern ment has ceded Its principal explosive plant erected for war Mike was walking through ceme tery with his friend Pal and reading the epitaphs Where do you think dcy bury do scoundrels There air best set o fellows thai ever read about In me Exchange Phono 21M4 Canada inli taken for BALDWIN rood lloant License No 8iilU Butter Papor Mood price nil Farm Produce Takon In Exchange HERMAN Manager A Cold Weather Necessity Send Your Batteries to Me for Winter If left In unused cars In cold they slowly dis charge and sulphate In condition they freeze readily and a frozen Battery Is usually ruined A Complete Stock of Battery Parts Is kept on hand and I maintain a Battery Ser vice Station for tWe repair and recharge of alt makes of Bat teries being Representative In for the well- known and popular and Distribut ors of the BATTERY Remember Batteries not In use depreciate very rapidly Their should be arranged Immediately A BRUELS Sutton West Is hereby given that Will iam of the City of Toronto In the County of York of Mcolionln will apply lo Parliament of Canada at ses sion thereof for bill of divorce from his wife Pearl of Brooklyn In State of Now York on the ground of adultery Dated at Toronto this day of December a D Rowan Jones Newman Vlolorla Street Toronto Solicitors for Applicant is thai both Winter of he City of In the County of York in the of Married Woman will to the Parliament of Canada M IB next session thereof for ft husband Dlvoroe from her Winters Of Toronto on the ground of Dated at Toronto this Novem ber Jones Newman Victoria St Solr for the Applicant X Our Is usoff fore 1007 Are Set give In a piece Sever An Fine left Chin f arc Ice 2 a BR Pro I SI and Trai OKRfWHIU

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