Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1918, p. 5

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J if A rift a- Farmers of Canada Have Much at Stake In the Victory Loan Money From Loan Needed to Finance Exports of Farm Products to Britain The Canadian farmer stands ig gain or lose much through the suc cess or failure of the Victory Loan He is much more dependent on it for the ready sale of his products than has generally been realized Some there are even today who fail grasp the facts of the situation It is a mistaken idea that all a farmer has to do these days is to raise grain cattle hogs or produce cheese butter or eggs and he is sure to find a ready market at high cash prices A keen demand for these MR J GUNDY Vicechairman of the Dominion Victory Loan Committee and a strong loader in the campaign products of course exists and Great Britain will lake all of them that Canada bus to spare but the de mands of the war have been so heavy thai she cannot pay cash for ail these things She must have credit It is here that the Dominion Govern ment in and provides the cash obtaining the necessary funds through the Victory Loan The farmer should be as enthus iastic Victory Loan cam paign as any other class If it is not a decided success they stand to lose heavily Hut if they subscribe to It liberally and endeavor to get others to do so complete success is assured MOKE VICTORY BONDS IKAIKIK KM Saskatchewan i which Is al most i iu rely agricultural pro vince tuts given lead to fin of I Dominion to tin nop failure In the the allot ment for tin Province In the Vic tory Loan drive- was placed at Recently those In charge of tin- provincial organ 1- ibl tlnii they would of gelling less than 1SONDS OR BONDAGE Canadians at Home Must Do Their Utmost it or inill to Demonstrate That tin Spirit of I fie Over There- at Home L at home do their utmost in I Victory Loan drive for boys in France are looking on bra- fellows the pride of the a who have carried all before during the last three months not he disappointed In at home It must be demon strated to that the spirit ex hibited hi the front line is to be found also on the home front InM no problem confronting Canada today or likely to confront her future which Canadians cannot solve if they put their minds to There is do task for them too difficult But while everybody be there Is no use talking about it unless the Victory Loan Is PJt over ft will be for It must be yon VICTOR I call is now Double up to be doing It Why they The cause Is worth 4jiMlng up for Besides It would Impossible to gel a better lureat- Its better than the were offered for their Fourth Utterly bonds only per nt whereas ours carry So doubling up is the correct thing Is patriotic and also good business Double up TO SAVE SEED CORN Straw May be Used Much More Freely for Idle Horses Victory Loan Sole Topic for Canadians During Next 10 Days WHEAT FIELD DRAINAGE Surface Drainage oi Vaue in Growing Winter Wheat Turkey Surrenders London Oct 31 Turkey is- out of the war She has surrender ed unconditionally and the last of her army lighting on the Tigris has surrendered to the al lied forces Several days ago captured at was released as a guarantee that Turkey meant bus iness when she asked for an ar mistice which was signed today One of the terms of her capitula tion is thai the- Dardanelles be free for- the passage of allied war ships and it is probable that a fleet already has passed through in the Black Sea An armistice between the allies ami Turkey was signed today at on the Island of in lie Aegean Sea CO LIMITED V Vegetable and Root Crops Grown This Summer Must Be Carefully Stored to Prevent Loss Proper Temperature Checks Decay Sand Will Ensure Firm Vegetables Contributed by Ontario Department of Toronto year 1917 provided both In the United States and in Ontario conditions very un favorable the production of good seed corn Excess oi ture in the crop was followed by freezing and these conditions result ed in one of the worst seed coin years In a generation As a result of this much of the seed corn sown in Ontario in was to say the least I of varieties that were late in A very high percentage of this corn which will be used for seed next year now contains a large amount of moisture To make this corn of the greatest value for seed purposes it To This All Other Features Kllnf Responsible- for Great Losses Among Plum and Cherry of the War Must be Com pletely Subordinated The Victory Loan must monopolize the attention of Canadians during the next ten days There will be lots of time after the campaign to speculate on the prospect of peace In the meantime the call comes to all Carry on The people In the rural districts especially should realize this- Canadians at home must take their cue from When he says Let up they may be justified in doing so But while the men are overseas the need for supplies will continue Bear in mind also that Canadas war expense will not cease at the moment when the soldiers lay down their arms A long time must elapse before the boys overseas can be should be harvested if possible be- 1 brought back Probably of fore dried Maturity is one of the essentials in Tour country needn your help to meet Mr rjfcy ft uncial to a possible our affairs Met on- There sane way to either kind of crisis In taking you discharge your duly your country and to yourself Take it today Bonds all you can TO CANADA them have judges say gone thai over they and good cannot be the meantime they must he kept Be it also remembered that large proportion of the Victory money will go to finance the sale Canadian products abroad The farm er Is dependent on it for the sale his wheat beef pork butter cheese and eggs to Great Britain So if the Canadian Army is to be maintained and the farmers manu facturers mechanics generally are to be kept busy the wanted must be raised BUY VICTORY BONDS Victory Loan Promotes the Farmers Interests producing good seed corn but no less brought home under months In important is the thorough drying of the seed It is not even necessary for- corn to be frozen to lose some of its vital ity it will deteriorate at ordinary temperatures if not well dried When freezing occurs greater loss in viial- is experienced Corn which Is har vested with an excess of moisture should be dried as rapidly as pos sible as this removes the danger of Injury from moulding fermenting and freezing In the process of dry ing a free circulation of air should be provided and if necessary arti ficial heat used Seed corn can hi most readily dried when in the ear Where the corn is well matured and is grown in large quantities the coincrib provides one of the most satisfactory drying mediums as it supplies the best of air circulation along with protection against storms vermin A post in which a number of nail are driven at an angle of fortyfive degrees and the ears stuck on the protruding ends provides a good me dium for drying seed corn ears These posts with a platform at the base may be readily removed to places where artificial heat can be used If neces sary Where relatively small amounts seed corn are used selected ears may be hung up to dry in the attic kitch en furnace room Corn which has been thoroughly matured and thoroughly dried gives the highest percentage and most vig orous germination but seen corn Which has reached the dough or firm dough sialic of maturity when har vested if well dried usually makes good seed When thoroughly dried and surrounded by dry atmosphere von zero weather will not injure the germination of seed corn Prof J Squirrel I Ontario Agricultural College Cue ph leg- Cuelph The Victory Loan and the Farm go together Canadas surplus farm pro ducts could not be sold without the Victory Loan If surplus could not be sold prices In the home market would go to pieces It Is one thing to raise farm products but it Is another thing to sell them for cash A large proportion of Cana dian farm products could not be hold for cash if It were not for the Victory Loan The fanner who Invests In Victory thus helps to pro his own Growers How It Can be Con trolled With Least Expense Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture Toronto are used to re- move excess water of soils due to violent showers or the rapid melting of snow and are con sequently often almost as imp on tiledrained land as on that which has no artificial drainage These drains often prevent the gullying out or the washing away of soil and soil fertility j Good surface drains will lessen considerably amount of winter wheat drowned out or winter killed These injurious effects are largely caused through water stand ing on frozen Wheal ground In the spring Were this water removed by surface drains reason for Reav ing so often seen in wheat fields in me early spring would be largely removed These drains are a too in that the removal of surface water enables the land lo warm up more quickly and the plants to start growth in ihe spring Surface drains should follow the natural low levels in the wheat field and be made before the season closes in fall They are easily run out with ordinary long or the swivel plough and generally do not require to be more than one furrow wide anil one furrow deep Where there is considerable in the field and consequently greater danger of land beins gullied out care should be tak en thai drains are not made too nar row The rounding of the edges at the lop and of the bottom of surface drains will facilitate the flow of water by removing danger of blocking Iron loose pieces of earth Intersection should be well made avoid pages In drainage system Heavy clay soils are usually more the use of surface drains than art lighter soils Prof J Ontario Agricultural College Burn Water Instead of Coal Order of Ontario Fuel Adminis tration The who keeps his money hoarded up at home is worse than the slacker who dodges military service Put your dollars to work for your Country at a fair remuneration for every days work that they do The great Victory Loan will enable you to keep your dollars rolling and thus bear their share of Canadas burden BUY VICTORY BONDS I a i romper a recommended by Ontario Fuel Administration which The Dane ions United NEWMARKET is Hip lure or the degree of heal which science agrees man is his best Temperature recommended for sleeping rooms F or less Make water warm you instead of lniriHiiLnn excessive annum of coal to do it is the advice of Ihe Ontario Fuel Administration in at How fire You Willing to Loan For the of Your Freedom TO VOUK Straw for Idle Straw is a feed very high in fibre and Ihe horses syseui is not suited to the liberal use of this roughage it js not a feed lor horse at haul work but during Ihe winter months may be used advantage Where hay is scanrc and particularly If a little grain is fed along with it It Is Just a question whether it is more economical to feed good bay and no grain than it Is to feed a percentage of Straw and a ration of crushed Only clean bright straw should be lined for and one or two feeds per day replacing hay should be found advantageous under certain circumstances We have seen horses wintered in good condition on oat Straw and light grain ration MANY From the farms of Canada sands of young Canadians have gout overseas These hoys have acquit led themselves splendidly Now when the call conns foi army and keep the busi ness of he Dominion going on a war basis Ihe people In the bonus which these boys have gone will no be lacking Liberty Loan Set Canadians High Mark The United Slates did ho well In the recent Fourth Liberty Loan cam paign that Canada in Justice her- self must do unusually well in the present drive oi she will Buffer by the contrast The Americans started out with 000 as their objective If They actually raised hay were available for a light feed once a day the other two feeds could be composed of swaw and lens grain would be required than where the entire roughage ration was straw Oat straw makes the feed bar ley straw coming second and wheat and rye straw lust A few roots may be used to good advantage with the straw and under no circumstance is It good policy to winter borsefl on straw without supplementing with at least one or two light feedn of outs per day- Prof Wade Toole Ontario Agricultural College The number of subscribers is placed at 21000000 or one for every of population To do as well as this Car a da must raise over If se cures the same percentage of sub scribers to the population instead of having she will have As can readily he rea lized Canadians have their work cut out bill they are equal to It Hints on Harvesting Knot crops should before the weather and disagreeable In HAS COMMUNITY AN WITH See to it that your community gels Honor Flag gets it at once What more see that It gets a few be taken up on It An Honor Flag la but Crowns are better It Is Oops becomes too the fail if in any quantity It Is Blow work at any time and becomes much more so under damp conditions Lift the roots with a digging fork and twist off the tops putting them In piles and cover ing with the top If a large area Ik to be lifted and one Is expert with a sharp hoe he can quickly re move the but they will not keep quite an well The roots should he ploughed out throwing them as much as possible on the top Dins with Blalted aides and bottom should be used for where possible as this gives the roots a chance lo sweat If the storage room temperature- Is above HO degrees F cover them with Carrots should not be deeper than two feet in a bin others may be four feet Where cellar storage la not available should be three feet wide two or three feet high and of any length the pile north and where and have them on well drained ground Put a layer of Straw on he I and cover first with straw six lnch- deep then Six Inches earth and a frost gets cover with strawy manure Have ventilation every or feet as all roots sweat In storage These may be tilled witii straw during cold periods All roots should be as free from dirt as possible when put In storage It Is often advisable to leave a days In small piles bo that at Bee lifting any adhering will be re moved A A Ontario Vegetable Specialist fine thing to reach the objective set but It Is much belter to go beyond It Dont rest until you see that Honor Flag flying In your district When It Is hoisted you will think so much of It that you will insist on a few Crowns placed there DUTY expects every to do bin or her duty In this cam paign billion dollars must bo raised there are only ten days to do It In can and Thought Of failure can- not be tolerated The least that those who at home can do to buy all the Victory they can and Induce other to do BACK UP HOYS DOUBLE UP Double Is now the popular slo gan Is the campaign Throughout Dominion It Is sweeping In a way that bids fair to accomplish surpris ing things It Is the spirit that wins for It is the spirit that characterises boys at the front Double up The cause is a good one la worth dollar we can lend How can you answer this question Only by imagining for a moment that you were about to lose that freedom that upon Dry air or may feci itinisl Iho willingness to loan depended your ien and the lives of your family There a T To Cure Knot Disease No other cause not even winter killing has destroyed and Is destroy ing so many cherry and plum trees In this province as the Black Knot disease This statement true of the province as a whole is not true of ihe Niagara District nor any other district where plum an cherry trees are carefully pruned sprayed year The disease is not Caused by although these are often found ir the knots but it Is caused by a fun gus which attacks the branches and even the trunks of the trees and causes black knotlike swell In gi usually ahout three inclitr Ion a about half an inch ill thickness though the swellings are much shorter and often again very much longer longest ones usually be ing found on the larger branch New knots first are brownish in stead ol black the blackness coming with age The disease will in Home confine to cherry trees tt attack the plums In other cases It will attack plums and not cher ries but more commonly boil attacked Control Measures In ordei control thoroughly it is helpful to know that it is spread means of liny spores which act as seeds and are blown by tin- wind from tree to tree These spores are formed on the There are ijinlii of iii each year during spring usually In March and and the second 111 hue spring usually lie latter part of May and all June Therefore to control ihe dis ease the step lo take Is lo cut down all dead and dying trees and remove all knots on other tiers cul ling in each case about iJMIiei below the knot so as to be sure tie infected area is removed Knii occur on llie very large on the trunk may be by means of a chisel a very knife and chisel An Inch leas of the bark on each side should possible be taken with the knots All pi Whether of dead lis lug wood should be burned at once otherwise the spores v ill loiui them and spread from them very Important ami pruning Warm days and the lives of your family be but one would give you possess For years the Allies have fought a coins fight for freedom and money has paid for it Your money has helped to pay for Canadas share in this wonderful l struggle against the forces of oppression ending A hygrometer as Ann it ho Last year people in Canada loaned their money to Canada to protect their per cenl hah if is above per cent Give the air a drink pan Instead of Off Evaporation from skin one Susceptible fin far and other disease respiratory organs As much if not more attention should he paid to Ihe v a should home The urjres every householder to follow simple rules homes and firesides against the ruthless stove have boiling always if by warm air writer retainer in of he furnace is bouse is healed by a pan of water or a on lop hotair always of well filled Place wafer near the in cases where steam or hot systems are employed pro- yule humidifiers or pans Of waler for every The average mom mnv Wafer per lav advance of the enemies of civilization Today Canada asks her people for a great enthusiastic response to THE VICTORY LOAN OF Three Doors South of King George Hotel NEWMARKET r T-f- i III to do tills out before tlnio after the leaves are off arc excellent for the purpose no conditions Ihe knots be on the trees unlit as late as February In do not overlook any wild cherries thai may be Infested or near the orchard The next la spray the with either limesulphur wash Bordeaux mixture so thai the that come from a distance In early or luto spring may not pel a to germinate Three sprayings should be given the Hist a few days before the buds burnt the second about a week after blossoms full third about two weeks later or before the earliest cherries begin to ripen Arsenate of lead should be added to each of the last two applications lo kill the Plum to keep the cherries free from maggot The llincsulphur for should be In about one gal lon to fifteen twenty gallons water and for the second and third one gallon about forty gallons water Bordeaux for application should be composed four pound of Milestone and four pounds of stone or pounds of ruled lime to forty gallons of water arsenate of lead should be strength of two and a half of the form liquid or ba powder form is lined It requires several years an orchard of Kipv Caesar USA Provincial WILL REOPEN I KINO GEORGE SCHOOL NEWMARKET ON Monday Nov the AT BIGHT OCLOCK THE FOLLOWING COURSES WILL BR TAUGHT ENGLISH GRAMMAR and MATHEMATICS BOOKKEEPING TYPEWRITING and SHORTHAND MECHANICAL DRAWING DRESSMAKING and MILLINERY FOR MEN AND BOYS WOMEN AND GIRLS this Mb led The llf pour I forty amount if PROM TO IF you Want to increase your efficiency now Is the time for you to begin IF you have no money Just remember that we do not want your money but wish to enable you to earn more money for yourself and family IF you would like a better position than you now hold NOW Is the time to get yourself ready for holding It when the offer comes IF you spend your evenings aimlessly what will It profit you You cannot afford to do so and fall Application Cards may bo from any inoinbtr tin Ad visory Board or Mr A llorneil Applications will be received up Monday Nov A Fee of 100 must bo paid with application admission each I W Advirforv Hoard of Technical School r J WATSON M A Secretary J Wedlock Jackson J llaivey lane and Doyle nv ml I AT I I- i O wiaiXujif

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