Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Nov 1918, p. 10

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i ft WOMANS NERVES Around the Hub I I Stouffville By E Vegetable Compound I INFLUENZA I a Y Goluma v- which- for reaspns is not now very often honored either at royal tables or NOT UNDERSTOOD til i THESE ARE FAMILY TIMES Mary Elizabeth passed away on Sunday Oct at the age of years Death came Winona Minn I suffered for mow afM of over two years than a year from nervousness was Darkey was a daughter of bo bad not w re5t night late Jacob and lie awake and all her life on the old home- get bo nervous I on of Whitchurch would have to get active member of the up and walk around f Baptist Church nd in the would be all tired was held esteem by out I read about a Cargo number in this locality E j She is survived by one brother Vegetable Com- George and one sister Mrs A of Bellies da Interment was made at Dixons Hill My nervousness soon left me I sleep ley- well and feel fine in the morning and to do my work I gladly recom mend Lydia Pinkbams Vegetable Compound to make weak nerves strong Mrs Albbbt Sultze St Winona Minn How often do we hear the expression among women am so nervous I can- sot sleep or it as though I fly women should profit by Mrs experience and this famous root and herb remedy E Vegetable Com- a trial For forty yean it has been overcom- lag each serious conditions as -plree- inflammation ulceration periodic pains backache lines and nervous prostration of women and is now considered the stan dard remedy for such ailments Aurora i Not understood move along and family lies and interests pervade asunder everything It is a time when the Thousands of Cases Reported With Many Deaths REUT Furnace Light Apply Electric l37 r Newmarket HOUSE RENT On Queen Newmarket Ap ply K ROBERTSON Water Newmarket TO ET ami Dwelling with opposite Pbsl Office For particulars apply lo M Bos- well Newmarket of I Per kins Ave Toronto HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT Cedar and Rooming House lease for term of years wib Apply lo scorr The Cedars Victoria Ave Lie Newmarket 3011 FARM FOR SALE 20H or Was fKtir end lots and in sixth of Bank barn stabled driviin good frini of pood cellar hard and soft water I orchard crossing both further Newmarket Office or Mr Prank Weir P FARMS FOR SALE Acres lifrijury All Large Barn Pins ijss Hay Pork vjiU trow mi and Acres Ml Pall Barn lions innt Pram Mouse vit Till iil adjoining was would II Will iv tern lo mjfk A wii BO Acres fJorKia All i Stone Mo Pall A miles An Parrt Acres ijooi it Willi lion 1 Water ship ping a 320 Acres ikitrh vaj on only for two years balance in four it I liter I per acre Royal Scarlet Chapter of East will attend Di vine service in the English Church on Sunday evening Nov I7lh when companion Rev P will speak Mrs Lehman St received a cable from her husband saying his brother Harry bad been killed in Oct Harry Lehman went to France in with the Ball from Moose Jaw Sask but was later transfer red the Boll He was born near Falls- He went with his parents in years ago and was a tinsmith by trade There are three other brothers overseas David with the George and Marshall with These soldiers are nephews of Mis Whitchurch Their mother live in Arthur Wmisteel of the Leather Co Ltd Aurora is claiming an injunction restraining the company from carrying of the unissued capital stock of the company also asks for an order lo prohibit the com pany holding meetings of the hoard for the purpose of allotting shares or relieving the plaintiff from his office as secretarytreasurer of com pany Mr also seeks for a declaration thai sale of shares made on October by lie company is fraudulent ami void He for damages amounting 100000 and for Hie appointment of a receiver of assets of the said company To CO o YYS The ban has been lifted ami all churches services today Public and High Schools resumed on Monday Win Dunning a farmer al south end of the town fell out of an apple lighted with bis hack across a f caiih rnys showed Ihal several joints of his backbone are misplaced Me will have remain in bod three weeks A disease known as black quarter which became serious in York farms cough stock- in- with cattle from he West has been stamped out by f ji suspected rat Three cows at farm died f 11- THOSE WHO ARE MOST SUSCEPTIBLE TO IT Tho Woodorful Fruit Medicine the Power To Disease The epidemic of Spanish which played such havoc in Europe has reached this continent Thou sands of cases of the strange malady appeared and many deaths are already reported SurgeonGeneral Blue of the United States Public Health Service having stated that Spanish Influenza will probably spread all over the country in sir weeks Practically every ship which touclres jaur shores from abroad brings those infected with the disease Blue urges that the individual take all the tions he can against contracting the disease by care and personal hygiene Plenty of exercise should be taken the diet should be regulated etc Spanish Influenza affects most severely elderly persons and others whose powers of resistance are weakened by illness work or worry especially those who are rundown or not feeling up to the mark The really great danger from the disease is not so much in the disease itself as that it often develops into What Sveryone needs now is general tonic like Tins fruit medicine is not It bodybuilder a J a a power hi protecting against the ravages of disease fruit a lives regulates the kidneys bowels causing organs eliminate waste regularly and naturally as nature intended Fruitatives keeps the skin active and purities and enriches the blood Fruitatives tones up and strengthens the organs of digestion insuring food being properly digested and assimilated Everyone can take ordinary pre cautions avoid crowded places and use Fruitatives regularly to insure sound digestion lo keep the bowels and kidneys regular and the whole system in the possible condition Then wo are safe from disease Fruitatives is sofd by dealers everywhere at a box 6 for trial size or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Ont Our paths grow wider as the value of The Youths Companion seasons J the doubly- appreciated Along the years we marvel and we wonder Why life is life And then we fall asleep Not understood serves ALL every aire because f has nothing to do with years and the paper appeals to the enthusiastic with ideals Editorial Page Is for fullfledged and the Family Page Boys Not understood we gather false and Special lures ah hands The hug them closer rtanjon a servant a story- years go by informer a physician and Till virtues often seem to us transgressions tbinffsbul it- furnishesthem And thus men rise and fall and live and die Not understood Not understood How trifles often change us The thouphtie- sentence or the fancied slight Destroy loner ft friendship and estrange us And on our souls there falls a freeziix blight understood How many cheerless lonely hearts are aching For lack of sympathy AD day by day Flow many cheerless lonely hearts are breaking How many noble spirits pass away understood Hi could a i men lile Hearer Or harshly they cannot see that could nearer One another theyd lie nearer Thee a The brightest the surest and most periodical and known as for over ninety years The family favorite in homes that make America what it is today Although worth much more Ihe paper Is year Dont miss Grace Richmonds great serial Anne Exeter chapters be ginning Dec The following special offer is made to new subscribers The Youths Companion Is sues of I All the remaining weekly Of The Companion Home Calendar All Ihe above fur or you may include i Magazine fasljlon I niuiihcrs All for only The I WO Magazines may he sent j aratc addresses if desired TUB YOUTHS Commonwealth Ay St Paul SI Boston Mass New Received at this Office I issues How Is Your Culebra Cut j And uiidRrHiooiJ fBoslon ipi KEEPING AHEAD DISAGREEING HARMONIOUSLY 1 Ml ease Annua w drive lo ftvvy he in the Vie lory Sunday morning Alex Sandy was foil ml in bed at hi- in si previous he down for hi- paper after reading if re I J red in his usual health WAR NEWS GERMANY BREAKING DOWN 300000 Capture London Nov into Hie enemy along a liille front tin more ten Ihousand and hundred i Three and mil less nuns had I fiplurwj Hi- Italian iiiiohS before la in efferl oclock Ibis aflirnion Tli If- Included dl he offensive int you dreadfully worried how youll get along these tinier of ami uncertain- put the question o a poor working woman She shook her head as she wiped her water wrinkled hands Xo maam cant honestly say I in she confessed There was a hint of a winkle in her bright eyes Von sue Ive work enough to lake all my lime what I have lo spend abed and asleep And thai work keeps mo so steady on llm jump thai it keeps me about a jump ahead of worry I tloi laugh catching Keeping a jump ahead of worry by keeping busy with something worlh while is a splendid idea to have in mind Worry is a waste of needed vital mental and nervous force If is It is least that we sjnak of certain people as d when we mean Ihal they As a mailer of wo people agree in The best and most loyal differ in opinions and the very differ ence may he a bond of closer union there are other people to whom fact another dis agrees hem is always a challenge They look on thiir choice of a presidential candidate or a physician I heir preference as literature or act are of course the right ones Whoever disa- wilh them is wrong and must he wrong is and 1ioni to llielr lull prisonjrs in of 11k- iplur ins in IJh- i hi i MAKING NEWSPRINT FROM SUBSTITUTES The In paper was in and lllgeaiiily shown in he of iraw her humble he I re of in- in Worlds Work A ago slocks 1 vial down The waste paper has re- I I in of Ions leled month Many now Tin- number i lnoo Were flu from iinnaii morale and mailpower ui lie seriously impaired by blows of In the is IIkIiI- irn Willi Ihe Mcflia hi have OS a war trophy one of he cannon taken from lh enemy Ihe of Amiens in which the Coun ty o Ontario played an part Ilia MM ynej per of paper wild w Willi and have been on per composed of it are now with HOUSES FOR SALE from lie- i and even Ave Svii room ni hoped ran lie diluents FOR SALE fdork l Bilious Take NR Tonight Ramady is Bailor arid Calomal Cleans Out Stop Guaranlaad rebellion against things as permits or plans them a doubt of His power ami wisdom and good ness u it nut of your life if you are one of worrying kind by place so full of faith and hope prayer and h our Keep ahead Of it if il In dug fool- by steady applica tion sonic needful work No ore able or be idle in days world needs work II can- pel well with ml worry in line your whatever you are madi In sec lhat he is be process of ft tin other mistaken indi vidual which has resulted in mak ing disagreement a for Have your own opinions and have ones An opinion thai can be swayed like a reed by every blows is unfiling less Mill In expect every one roe you h not evpn wish hem lo Differences of opiiuon help keep things inji just as differences in Ihe fit various strata of help make tin- current on which our Ih The Panama Canal is a clear passageway as far as the Cut But Gold Hill has a way of slipping into the cut And until dredges can clear the channel the industrial schedule of the world is out of gear about your own canal intestinal canal clear passageway as far as the Urge iuteatine There if y become constipated is allowed to stagnate It becomes dry undergoes abnormal mentation and putrefaction Germ activity is increased Your whole system is out of Result the production poisonous which are into your blood and carried all over your body liable to produce disease anywhere The longer such stagnation is allowed to exist the harder it is to clean out the canal of human disease originates in the Cut If engineers tried to blast out the slide from Cut they would have more slides to cone wilh If you blast it accumulated waste from your Cut with pills salts or purges you will increase your constipation and next time you will have to tike stronger medicine in a larger You cant dredge your canal Yon can clean it out softens the mass and supplies the intestinal canal with sufficient moisture to replace deficient mucus It cause- the obstructive waste matter to pass gently out of your sys tem at a regular hour absorbing and removing the poisons as it goes regularly keeps the traffic of your mind and body operating on schedule You admire the Panama Canal system Why not safe guard your own Your druggist ha 1 JO it only in bottles hearing the Trade Mirk lasit on Von may from Send for Samples of Literature CHARLES GYDE SON PO Box Montreal Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CITY Regular as Clockwork viinrsilf In fori lln I I I I ball irdwiMid mil l MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM IN WHITCHURCH in which will at lime -il- will be firrd fur by Auction by Auelfoiieor at lh Kit- an lb- fit nutter oclock forenoon thr freehold properly namely ol iJt No on tin- Con of the Town Mi or Whit church Co of property an old frame house und barn The soft loam and the if ftltliatfld about 1 from Vivian There in a second on Hie For particular and conditions of sale apply to Vetidorft si ill Hi- of of ImusI be for if lift tunny would no ASBESTOS jh a lirraic il has tin both and i flax on which filler nor inn has any exists all over llic world in in and of This quality from Canada and ho and white dial it fan in to heavy cloth without titty made use of it in their il could be uveal purifier it are In ma jority f to no pinion to obtain or until caosi corrected Remedy Nil Tablets in compound acts on liven una to healthy hurmonlouH of tin Of lion- it promptly and mildly and Id ftllflitcul or t Jlut Hint In not nil Natures Remedy UtfOn this Improving Of dlvation from llio IiNhmI Iff nrJcJicd Vitality and the vIijIit you your body In Chi condition not take day an Kit Tablet occasionally when mid you your Itirncrrnbcr kccpltiK well and than well Oct ft of Remedy Nit Tablota and try Mid Kuarantacd and recommended by J Patterson Buy Victory pond ll for an I lump linf- Willi Z dial will wurrlPM or afoul in Hn- AFRAID OF AIR RAIDS In lli iviiiing rtorff ami Ililkmiliuyii In liavi a With arrival Dr -Niiwlnf- him forget a mniiifiif aliiiil In his I ami him I from a bad has a ureal of being caudal ill an air mid I is a him any plan- is in hc llMIMl likly In- by Mil riuiil In r paiuiol Imagine morr ulh I to be a bouse when by airmen A nil has- expressed the wish big by Till at one time every week whirvir was In receive full from in normally rein I lug in the Hlaliif ho for the On line the Kaiser forenoon in rood reports filing the paper from him in fine exelaim- Oh people I If The repealed Ihe rci mark ho me of the ami ftliOlll it was prinlerl in a So cialist paper in Cologne he prisoned and fin down Ihe slory was no the direct of lie thai Cologne last May when the troops fired on lle riolers Killing half a dozen Thorn is no doubt from all hoard that fhe Kaiser has keenly foil losHof Germanys col onies colonies a lOftBl Ih drunk every night he Kaisers From il to have for ho moment fainniiH Tub I Children FOR FLETCHERS A R A was iin- Closed The Ames rtailyjm lory Si inlhr Que entirely to fij Capacity per day Shoes for Canadas Workers the si OK this company has studied needs n in lines of industry The conditions under which shoes are worn dillVr widely and no single type of shoe will all of them Ames shoes for fanners lumbermen miners mechanics etc are the result of special effort to produce exactly the type of shoe which will give the longest possible service together with the great est comfort to each class We a re able to do this because of pin- large output and the fact that A A shoes are sold in sections of Canatlar not merely locally ltis worth remembering that there is an A H shoe for every purpose for men women and children Incidentally A il shoes bear the Union Label which is a guarantee of the best factory condi tions and the highest standards of workmanship J I liilliliiiMiiiiili ii I- 1 J

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