Wo aave Them from to WATSONS Jewelry The Leading County Paper as well as the No en out of York unless paid in JACKSON Editor Proprietor i NEWMARKET ONT FRIDAY NOV 8T11 Single Copies VOL No i THE LITTLE L0VERLAD idler ft COMPLETE SURRENDER OF TwiKY Hi Hostilities between the al- lies and Turkey shall cease the armistice from noon This is a war to end war and s6 a man may be thoroughly logical sad granted by he allied powers to day the of October 0 HOUSEHOLD Or pet I hay- a little toddling grandchild on farm out west today whose fattier s stricken with a gunshot wound in the two weeks ago I say to r that on my soul and conscience I support this conscription hill he- It is part of the necessary machinery which will save that a horn Canuck and thousands of others like him from going lied occupation of the Bo- are nob pensionable father ami his are going at the present time- I for service only J M dark P in the House of Commons Turkey follows The oien and Ih access to lh of the waS he and you sir Black Sea I W 9 J Sf fitters Meat 1900 WASHING MACHINE DU8TBANE BIS8EL8 SWEEPERS HIGH STANDARD PAINTS ELECTRTC IRONS STOVER TOASTERS AIR WARMERS BATH ROOM LIQUID VENEER O CEDAR POLISHES 2nd The positions of all mine pensions are awarded only in fields torpedo tubes and cases of disablement due to a obstructions Turkish wound or disease occurring on j waters are to be indicated and resulting from or aggravated assistance given to sweep or service remove hern as may be re- Disablement is estimated only quired the effect it may have upon 3rd All available information soldiers capacity for or- concerning mines in the work That he cannot Black Sea is to he communis return to his former does not entitle him to a 111 All allied prisoners of war I higher pension than the extent collected in Constantinople- his disabilityivarrants and handed over if soldier is disabled that ally to the allies j Immediate demobilization of ordinary he the Turkish army except such Total Disability Pension troops as are required which has been fixed at on the frontiers and I month for the maintenance of in- disablcjpumt a Wringers tenia order The of effectives and I heir dispo sition to be determined later by the allies after consultation with the Turkish Government diers capacity ordinary work is receives a percentage of the Total Dis ability pension equal to his handicap Electric Irons The surrender of all war This percentage has been most vessels in Turkish waters or carefully and thoroughly work- waters occupied by Turkey for every disability and These ships will be interned it is as accurate and fair as it in such Turkish port or ports j possible to make it as may be directed except such The earnings a man may be small vessels as are required capable making or the for police and similar pur- amount of his prewar in Turkish territorial will not in any way affect S Kitchen Vacuum water allies to have lite right to occupy any strategic points I In amount of pension award ed The extent of his disability is alone considered BANK- OFMONTREA OVER BUY VICTORY BONDS It is the duty of every Cana dian to buy Victory Bonds to the extent of his or her ability Those who intend to invest can obtain full information with regard to the denominations of bonds terms of payment etc at any branch of The Bank of Montreal in the event any situation Widows of sailors or soldiers who have died are entitled pension so long as they do remarry arising which threatens the security of the allies Hill lvtA use by allied ships of all ports and anchorages now Child in I occupation and de nial of their use by the enemy Similar conditions are to ren if sailors or soldiers are entitled pension Up to I lie age of sixteen if buys or seventeen if girls ply to Turkish mercantile Pension is only granted to the III FriCtMCiTHCAL shipping in Turkish for the purpose of trade and fine of life army Allied occupation of the Taurus uunel system parents of a sailor or soldier when he was I heir main sup port previous lo bis death Staled simply a pension is an award of a monthly or animal sum money made by a tilth withdrawal f try to a soldier or sailor in eon- Turkish troops from northern of the lie has Persia to behind Hie piewar frontier already has been Or dered and will he carried out suffered during his service Or the widow children or other per ns dependent on a decreased lib A pari of Transcaucasia soldier or sailor oil account of his Ross Manager Newmarket Branch w Even at favorite a sacrifice luxury it Canadian of comfort some is the Duty of regardless of station to very age sex or BUY VICTORY BONDS P W PEARSON B font The least WE can do is to LEND our to Canada at interest upon the best of security that the world may be made free for all time from the menace of War and BUY VICTORY BONDS Branch F A LI8TER Manager already has been ordered he evacuated by Turkish troops The remainder he evacuat ed if required by allies af ter they liHVe studied the nation Mb Wireless telegraph and cable stations be controlled by In allien Turkish messages lie Prohibition the any naval or commercial material I Facilities are In he given for the purchase of coal oil fuel and naval material from Turkish sources after the of the country have been met None of I he above materials are lo he ex ported I5lh The surrender of all Tuik- olliceir in and lo the nearest Kalian garrison lo slop supplies and ion these Of- Heels if they do not obey the order to surrender The surrender all gar risons in Assir Syria and Mesopotamia he nearest allied and withdrawal Of Turkish troops from except hose necessary maintain order a- will be de termined under clause six The use of all ships and repair facilities all Turkish porls and arsenals 18th The surrender of all ports having been killed in action or having died as Ihc result of his service Pensions for members of I lie Canadian forces are awarded un der regulations adopted by the in Council and are administered by the hoard of pension The Board of Pension Commissioners has no power alter regu lations in any way whatsoever the of Militia and defence has a special department handling 1 1 estates of all men who die ill service Slims by the Invalided Soldiers ouiioission lo these men will lie dispersed under the Debts ami the rejiilaf ions under if in repard to Hi is should he addressed to ihe Director of Military Department of Militia and Defence Buy Victory Bonds Canadians Would be Released What the Conclusion of an Arm istice With Would Mean Shall II have in he fought all over again In a dozen of years or so Shall it have to be fought by men They am toddlers today you know Shall it have to he said that the blood and tears That the sorrow ami strife and pain Were the price of a dozen or so of years Heed the voire slain Full many a mothers loverlad All Stark anil still we lie And many a mothers loverlad Whs and proud to lie To die that in the coming years A newborn world might say Cone they are gone woes fears The wars of yesterday Hill by words are bailies won However brave and fair He who would stop headlong Htm Men ami men now must spare lie who would break the Prussian yoke Musi break Ihe Prussian might To save the little little folk That fill your heart The lillle little loverlad Thill Steals your heart away Take herd lake heed for he loverlad Thai sleeps so sound today Take heed lake heed for bird That set of sun For not by wish honeyed word Shall victory be won And if It be not won today By wishes Nay by men What of morrow Who ran say War cornel not again Ami what of little loverlad Thai cuddles close and sweet The little laughing loverlad Thai plays about your feet by a wish shall foe demy Or Teuton decline Your men and Mill more men slay No vietry ye might have had Will guard days lo he save tin- little The little little lover bless the A Ugh ing loverlad That shelters al your knee For it be fought all over again in a dozen years or so The world hath a need of men They are toddlers I you know must never he said hat the blood and tears That sorrow and strife and pain Were price of a dozen or so of years Keep faith keep fnllli wllh he slain From Era 13 Rev Canon Ramsay lectured be fore the Mechanics Institute last Friday night on Germany intro ducing pleasing incidents of travel scenery customs cities arid castles along the shores of the Rhine Mr Shields of Ml Albert advertises opening of a big general store Married Nov by Rev AB Chambers Mr John Mayes of Me- to Mrs Elizabeth Norton of Newmarket Buy Victory Bonds 25 From Era Sept 1893 Accidentally omitted he proper week FRENCH FARMERETTES S SCHOOLS OF CANADA BV WAR MEMORIAL Ottawa Nov The coil- elusion an between allies ami the Cen tral Iuwers WOllld likely the release of Canadians held ns An f- Womens Section Office of Director of Public Information Quillet President of Agricultural Syndicate of A urn I unite to help wrote early as I Dili concern- i Ihe I A ll Happily in our misfulune we V I I bad women Rich and poof Old and young all gave a hand with energy and courage Wo men born in luxury educated in convents women occupied only pianos and hats the calif their country showed what was realty in lliern They became farmers rose al live in the morning went into the dairies anil stables lolled and struggled for the farmers life is a daily lie incapable the drunkard and lie They faced besides Ihe additional disabilities caused by war con- ditioHs and heavy taxation of all articles necessary to ihe product- 1 iveness of the earth and feeding of animals Canada loves to tell of her girl heroes of pioneer day- gen eral inns and even centuries some of the present war farmerette heroines of will ho re membered Among these is girl of fourteen living amies in Loire iter moth er was dead and she was Villi The biggest crowd ever in Newmarket attended the Reform Picnic on Tuesday at Williams Grove Three arches Main St and Ihe decorations of the own were immense Seven Bras Hands present Hon Wil frid and Mrs were the guests honor Speech- by Laurier J Davis J Hardy Whip Sutherland anil Sir IVoans little boy was nearly killed Wednesday in a runaway Mr David Lloyd and Sheriff are Worlds Fair Rev J preached- in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday Mr Watson and bride are here from Windsor spend the Mr John Stringer of Chatham and Mr Frank Wesley Graven- hurst are visiting jii Hie Royal The Club had a tourna ment here mi Wednesday Ox bridge and Aurora teams contest ed Newmarket The Sftrnia Sept Rev royd Mr Wal fion In of On Sept by Mr Cbas Witloiigtiby lo Miss Mabel Morion both r Norih The Tomb In Whitchurch Sept wife of Frank in her year In Newmarket Sept James Nelson in his year In Sept Peter Prosper of Rider of Newmarket in bis nd year o o o PRISONERS CANNON Allies Have Taken In Addition 38622 Machine Guns on the Western Front Since July 16th km It lit Jl ft Pari- Snfce llo great offensive began on the western front on July last allied armies have captured prisoners including officers as well 17 cannon machine gnus and The allies during month of October nap lured Ifl83ii A oners inrludiiiL fficer as well as cannon machine guns and 1103 mine Hi rowers Buy Victory Bonds The Midland smelter has resumed operations after being closed down live years The Owen Sound Sun has bought out Ihe Times and be amalgamation took place last j Iop lite SI or i irnnmioH I Ihal l Plvily i who I nnrfr i V T v liMi mill if any howl is cry ml I help lo Sim v Aw- rf i W VM Of trli rfiPit When you buy a Victory Bond it as if you put a gun to your shoulder arid fired a round into the Hun armies BUY VICTORY BONDS is be attached lo the vctory of III order HAVE LOST safeguard allied This he fur London wild all aid for this purpose THIS YEAH Turkish prisoner ore losses since Jan hi f iiiil reload or 0000 Ifcli civilian a llf from esponftilil Up rill these war has luid a heavy hand and among the ruins of P subscribing a I prisoners military age is to be Jrd An obligation oil part of- Turkey cense all with powers C WILLIS the guns operating July the have a I bird Buy Victory Bonds While pulling up window in ease of disorder In Ihe Miss Annie six villayds ihc had Iho mis for ties reserve themselves ho fund to fall and break her occupy any part of bone their beloved bodies Ibey have Caiaii Carson and planted vegetables over the gftinc ami fishery and downtrodden Held deposited rainbow have guide i recently plough mid sow lie crops That irotil or in lOlOnnd goes on and in good condition They yet the farmerette is mentioned in three to in Canada as mora or less of a V anil will Wen be about in I What a con- weight lb 1 fl fi FOR FLETCHERS meadows of Canada and lorn fields if Franco I Bui surd lb on line The crash occurred when the train ahead said have been in charge of a green molorman jumped track at a switch and another train running ill same direction plunged into he rear ears lust at six oclock Monday ev ening Montgomery was severely burned about face and head when the gasoline he was into the lank of his truck hack of J If store tire from a nearby lamp and blazed up- Mr Montgomery delivers goods for Ihe J Wil son and preparing his regular Tuesday trip lo Long ford lie owes his life he prompt response of those who heard his calls The lire was smothered and the lunale man taken to tbe Hospital where Ihc latest report says be is recovering e of ranee run is recovering spirit that wo- Q A QRI A en in both lands Ihe same A l