Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Nov 1918, p. 7

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Red Cross Owing to so much sickness llie regular meeting of the Society will not be held next Tuesday The annual meeting will take place on Monday Nov Make a note of the date Christian Endeavor A Christinas Shower for the hoys at the Front will be received at he meeting next Tuesday night- DINNER SETS W C T The Regular Monthly Meeting of the C T will be held Ion Tuesday the of Nov in the home of Mrs Neil Morton on loseph St commencing at 3 p A full attendance is are now showing in our Window Two Very Fine Quality as business of importance has China Tea Sets one pieces and Press Supt Pieces they are one now Pictures Wanted the Lines hard to get at number of framed Pictures have bcon donated to IheNewmar- Military Hospital to decorate the walls of the Recreation Room I here is still room for few more bright attractive lions to lake the attention of the patients St Pauls Church Services next Sunday as fol lows Morning Prayer and Holy Com munion at Sunday School at Evening worship at Brief lets The retail sale of gasoline on Sunday is prohibited All who own are asked to join the Parade in Newmarket on Saturday night Decorate There was a big crowd at the furniture sale in the Royal Hotel barbel shop last Saturday night Special car will leave Newmar ket for Sutton oclock on Saturday night Agriculture Aided By Victory Loan Wonderful Trade Expansion Due to Success of Can ada Loan Issues CHINA DINNER SETS 3 Very Nice Decorations The Quality is No and the Price is I Very Reasonable Fall Into the Habit Of meeting your friends Youngs Fair Others will at An Air Raid Hi Importer of and Fancy China A North Estate A and lot Roachs Point valued at household snoods buggy cutter and harness flew notes 00 oyer the town and dropped Victory soon rash and Loan Leaflets He came from in bonds and debentures Leasiqe Camp up St and mak1 eSlall Wood as fa W has Bradford farmer who died in reported that squadron Of Vovlh Gwillimb machines would be here but they have in an appearance yet AND RESTAURANT THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR SAVINGS I 3 for Centrally Located new store lookrf Ope inside and out The premises are com in twl ions and convenien ces uptodate But we miss Oct The deceased a life interest in his properly his widow On death is to he paid to each of his two- daughters and the residue in equal shares to bis four sous Returns Wanted Last Spring the Food Resources Since the war started Canadian agriculture has grown In Importance as a national industry More than erer it is a source of strength to the country The demand by Great Bri tain for food not only for sol diers but for her civilian population has opened a market of tremendous possibilities In our total agri cultural exports amounted to 000000 At the end of the ear of the total had jumped to This wonderful addition to the National wealth was to large ex- tent due to the Victory Loan of ft was so this way Great Britain found that owing to her vast expen- dltures on her army and navy and the necessity of giving monetary aid to some of her stricken Allies she J was no longer able to pay for her I purchases of food with ready cash i Rather than see our products lose a sure market the Dominion Govern- decided to advance such sums out of the proceeds of the Loan issues to pay for a good part of the food that was sent to Great Britain farmers had been asked to produce more food and they had responded with a will it was of course for the Government to see that the Increased production was marketed In this way Canadas entire export able surplus of wheat cheese bacon and other commodities was financed This year there will be for export possibly 100000000bushelsof wheat valued at If the pro ceeds of the Victory Loan meet the expectations of the Finance Minister a great part of this wheat will be financed by the Government The export of cheese will be over smfleof Mr Frank Dim distributed sheets SJSS can J who bad W Newmarket Ss call of his country and renort ascertain what was twelve months the Government has Hamilton a week ago last Mon day Frank was very popular and made a splendid of his business Hope be may be spared return home 2 Discount on Cash and Carry New Labor Organization GROCERIES On night leading em ployees if various factories FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE organized a Federal Labor Union Officers were elected for CONFECTIONARY OYSTERS Hi Full Winter Months we Hot Sottas I Hi inks as St near the Market MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM IN WHITCHURCH t en suing year ami a enthusi asm was manifested the splen did prospect ahead as was evi denced by I lie largo number of ap plications flowing in for mem bership Before many weeks have elapsed Newmarket will he very on the map as regards the organization of labor and swearshop methods will be thing Of the past The exodus tinier powers contained in a I of a good class of citizens from mortgage which will he produced own in search of heller con- si time ale there will be of- Mil ions will be given a for ale by Public Auction Coin Fred Smith Auctioneer the Hotel Newmarket on Saturday ihe nth of November IIK at forenoon the freehold properly namely be SO ailes more lining done In tin- way of In- Production These heels were lo be returned on the I si of November Will everybody l kind enough to attend lo this mailer at once and see thai heir I sheet gels into he hands of one so Ibal we may know how our people have re sponded the call of Ihe ermnenl in this respect The members of Committee arc Messrs it Hunter A J Jackson and A advanced nearly to finance exports of live stock products VICTORY LOAN AND CANADIAN INDUSTRIES Victory High bet man is bayonet With is no time to count the cost of Victory when hundreds of thousands of our own Canadian boys are charging full speed ahead with the Huns on the run This is no for loyal Canadians to slop and consider the ter rible price In blood and tears this war has already cost the world When the word gdes forth over there to CHARGE every on his toes straining every muscle eyes front up fixed to sweep the German hordes back out of Belgium France back ever back until they throw up their hands Kamerad I I on their cowardly lips Here in Canada when the word goes forth to LEND let us all be worthy of the gallant boys who have given up home and comfort and even life itself for the cause of Victory We at home must furnish the funds that will keep the victorious Canadian troops supplied with food and clothing with guns and am munition with tanks and shells and airplanes Victory is within our grasp Continue the great offensive and the War will be won Every dollar you have or can borrow is needed to bring back the boys VICTORIOUS Canada needs your money but Canada is willing to pay for the use of it Every dollar invested in Victory Bonds will be returned to you with interest Ml BUY VICTORY BONDS his space donated the Victory Loan MENS FURNISHINGS NEWMARKET I Brieflets Industrial livening Classes open week from Monthly of Great dun Monday Benefit and Bigger Work On a- llllle Weoks Will Follow This The Imperial Board re ceives advances of nearly I Christian Sunday School a month from the Dominion Government contained proof il He swore thai was for use as feed and he had no idea Hi a I would Spool Cotton Coals yds Voims Pair for Tie Hi It has received over In advances from the Dominion Gov- 1 and the Canadian banks It has placed 200 000 worth iris of war orders in Canada for the Brit- ish and other Allied Governments An advance of enabled it to give orders to Canadian The Late Mrs Osborne wooden ships To this Verv general is Program steej ships were added it ii Total value over ed dead of Mrs of enabled I The British captured Turks in Mesopotamia ihis week lloyoi I it when any one interferes inlhal yon And We Dont Blame You looking through Fair Anyone would me is I and South from Vivian There nil hi IM and i apply j of he town after I I Sole Newmarket I HIGHLANDS OF CANADA of the Red Deer and the OPEN SEASONS Tew day- illness Iliere are no children The remains were tak en to on for burial The following day Mr J I Weir lifde hi after an illness of one week And on Moil- day passed away A many have been afflicted hundred easis having been in have been nearly las week a bright young woman in Hie prime of life I seven years of eon- j bliss and counting on in- joy in the home on the arrival of heir Ural child while stricken with influenza lh- little hoy was horn and in her weakened condition her strength was overcome by the disease the lime of her death her bus- 1 band was down with pneumonia I following hi influenza and other members or I he Osborne family Also Mrs Osbornes mother Mrs Trent of Toronto was ill wilii flu ami assistance si all of Toronto 1 1 who was in Army service died of only a few previous The look place Friday from dnee Mr Osborne SI Johns which was with a audienee w the Board to begin manufacture of airplanes in Canada have been built to date of a value of Between and 300000-peo- ple are working in Canada on war orders obtained through the Board It has of war orders In sight for 1919 To carry out Ihjs program will require millions in advances which I must come from the Victory ing up Graded work among I lie younger scholars should not miss any Last Sunday V Hall supplied OUr church pulpit was ami gave us a short interesting talk Next Sunday we expect Percy Fletcher to address us- Coin A SOLDIER AT HOME Canadas Victory it asking for These dollars are needed to win the war You must do your share in providing In them by buying as many Victory her parents who for- esided Newmarket one brother ami one sisler survive Father lie ma Tin No- 1 farmer- in have eeajied from effects and Ill doctor ban sled but fortunately DEER 1 appears to be on the wane Mb inclusive in MOOSE November 1st to venial inclusive me I til- Northern Mrs including l children on and be were verv and ouUi Miss Im Railway I and for lb J Bonds as ever you can Invent every dollar you have in them Borrow to buy more Your money will be absolutely safe The security is the finest the world It is all Canada In addi tion you will be paid per cent j on your money the money you will be lending to your country to protect your borne your safely your free- your family and yourself Did you ever hear of a safer Investment plan or one so supremely advan tageously to Investor Never on your life Never in your life Then do your share Sacrifice Hock snug the re- I something anything everything after which inter- Victory Bonds Be a e in SI Johns I homo Act at once BUY The pallbearers League Rev will address the League on Monday evening come and bring your friends An interesting musical program is being prepared A special collection will lie taken in aid of boxes for the hoys overseas Lei freely as possible so that our boy- MVer will feel llial mark el League has forgotten Ibis Fop some il may be I heir flrsl away from Hour own fireside For others il their second third or fourth and surely we who have so many comforts win do our give 111 lillle In Ihose who have none If i is iiilpossihje In gel evening any mi Ihe will hi li Ibrniigh week oshawas population is now an increase of over last year She is getting Hie City mark Of 10000 FALL TERM and Charles St Toronto Every graduate and scores under graduates of this year have cured positions and out of the last one hun dred and four applications for Office help we filled only nine Catfilcgue free Enter now J Principal f re- ium il Fred Waller IN Inlll- iwnj ilriOHrnKraiil Smllj fi I hduison Our Toronto Letter with the crosses row on row That mark our place and in The larks bravely singing fly Scarce heard fill OH Inlow Christian Church II ill had Wc lh0 dead Short days ago ihe to Manitoba open season for from October to inclusive particulars apply Wand Trunk Ticket wt Agent Toronto SALiiftAITH Depot Agent num vi I en me trained fr who hall and WO very line to visit sermons were ol and Methodist Church HPTown AND GRANITE fin evening lal It J Simpson resident of To Conference and A IllaeJi iAiinvinnti j iriel met some twenty orj more of the Official in chooUronni hen and had a here was a splen eimfironnlUtn in Hie evening ministerial supply for hi- I did whn we had a few remarks our A who has rlurn former home in iri o s liked him much iijoynll IriemKhip of wjre We lived felt dawn Raw Minuet glow Loved and were loved and now we lie In Holds Take up our quarrel with foe To you from falling hands we throw torch lie you to lift it high If ye break faith with who die We shall not though pop plea blow In Flanders Buy Victory Honda film year rendered vacant by ileal of the Wood A number of I I make il for his removal noon Ihe family Iheir only her a- preparations were Your Thousand Victory Will and in Kindi of Cemetery Work Promptly Attended to di and before whore OF BUILDING Cut to Order MEMORIAL TABLET8 A number of available eery- Were named but J lo prevailed that won til be more I have one person of if bat 1 St At- win dieumn i waheuam i j Monday Buy aa or of or of wheat or steel helmets or pairs of soldiers socks or lbs of high or lbs of cheese or or revolver cult rid il Ihe mill Toronto for month Vovember of appointment will be Ilw Dr was year on I ill and advisable few Sundays for was passed FOR CHURCHES Dr and Dr Williamson for their pulpit service he p month The following were appointed a look Mom I king body wilii any in MOSS tor Importer of foreign and Domestic AMD MARBLES in Place Near flTR Depot i for Ohio wmarket re success are Sunday ood looked we are have lev p of To formerly of Keswick Chris will us for boll ami nventnK fiervleea lie I on old friend of our and J boy Co You are sure of a and of did sermon Com pulpit for Conference year Davie Wilkinson receiving am and pm thine tuiiadu on the of Victory wanted must be The all the Ik rubod Buy Victory THE BLAME THAT BELONQG TO YOU The world admires one who Is ready blame wlthh tiiin You may in folalliiK off tin rcsponslf oiito KHilh body or but you Jose the respect of ttinc whom yon are trying to convince You do i thing I stand up and The fault wis mine I tin lb only one 1 Buy Victory a Ititlssiaii mi when stepped from a train Monday looked if bad for heavy wiylii class It was round she was four tins of alcohol seven flasks of whiskey two of whiskey am rubber Ihfilfir Ill the Police she was lined and or mouths for stuff Anna arrested at the Union Station had concealed un der of whiskey in a hoiWater bottle and four gallons of alcohol She lined Illld Siiim a foreigner who was Iuuglit by a al liiiiptinij I kiss a iKaiusl her wish in a dooi- was lined Sal and costs or lOOlllhs maximum pen ally for disorderly The of soldiers is in for a real deal of which ap pear- to laid ill J he door of the Military at Ottawa Im- Ihe two weeks end ill last Monday I here was an of ill deaths a day in the trily were buried here lasl Monday line hundred a lid re- lurnid invalided soldiers arrived home from overseas service on Tuesday night A IO II I a Hums- and were af lo slaliiHi to Hie war of unlawfully caused I wo barrels of joy to e sent jo him from Montreal Then when he learned the were wise he cleared out and has not been interviewed by Hie police since lames Aril dr Holland illfe was lined and in coil police court for 1 living in his possession a Plant of wash or wort As the sun of life sinks toward the west Life has been said to consist of a constant succession of breakdowns and repairs In old age the former predominate The body machine more or less worn out Diges tion is less perfect elimination of waste is increased in quantity but reduced in efficiency constipation is particularly Con stipation iiicmis more than mere failure of the bowels to move regularly mill thoroughly It meatus of the contents of the Intestine Increased fermentation nutrefiiction tl germ action the production of irritat ing ami poisonous substances that are absorbed into thchloofl ami carried all over the body This is nhvays serious in it is especially dangerous Constipation cannot be cureil drills at any Age It is especially harmful lo an to pills ami similar strong purges in order to force the bowels to act the Nil Treatment for not only safe it in every way efficient Is not a docs not act like any drug Nil help nature to reestablish easy t thorough bowel evacuation as regular as clockwork and keeps perfectly moist intes tinal waste makes it easy for intestinal to net from overwork absorbs poisons ami carries out of body Gel from jour ami lake it according Wa JO la the Mojo Trade Vol may j 1 Send for Samples of Literature CHARLES GYDE SON PO Box Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CITY Regular as Clockwork 1 yg i I I MSA J a

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