Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Oct 1918, p. 1

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rfc Store li she us TODAY The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance TERMS per annum in advance when not so paid to United- States in advance only And You Will SEE BETTER TOMORROW I TCWatson Graduate Optician Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT Single Copies eaon VOL No on Potter Mrs Dove Pumpkin Son P Mrs- Poller Mrs Dove need not light your Furnace for another Month if you use one Oil Heaters They will make any room very comfort able very small cost The better Stove is the Florence Automatic Blue Flame Wickless You can boil water and do any light cook ing Wo taken Agency for The Enterprise High Oven Ran II i- play little boiler than anything yet shown See ii on Window ELECTRIC IRONS HEATERS TOASTTRS BULBS 25 Watt BINNS THE PAINT STORE FOR GOOD PAINTS VARNISH PHONE 28 Stella Mar Dr Hal Time ESTABLISHED OVER ECONOMY The man and the woman who practice a wise economy and deposit savings in a Savings Account regularly are helping to win the war as well as making more secure their own financial position G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch -1- SOUTH END LUMBER YARD PEOPLE BURN BITUMINOUS COAL wt my Pay Two Prices for Wood A TON OF OUR SOFT COAL FOR COOK STOVE FURNACE OR HEATER P W PEARSON Cor Church and Sts Carters Wm Giles John Murphy and Leslie Shier THE CANE SONS CO LIMITED AND IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER LDING Such us Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim in Pino Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material nit w61l kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Mows and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir or Oak Sold at prices trut will Interest you Kindly give us a trial The Wm Dane Sons Go Limited NEWMARKET I Ti INCORPORATED BANK TORONTO OF Farmers given careful attention Notes discounted Loans made to rJnHrif responsible parties Manning convenience is afforded Savings Depositors Small or large sums may deposited and interest pair on balan ces market Branch A M LI8TER Manager I Steve Time HORSES Heavy Draft Team Joel Hughes Elijah Wray J Barton brood marc Win Coon Frank Woods entire Walter Potter gelding or filly Kelso uni son gelding or filly spring cult or Win on Agricultural Team las Sloan A Bennett John brood mare W Lind say Jyeaiold or filly A Bennett yearold gelding or Elijah 1yearold gelding or filly Kelso spring rod or Kelso Godson Lindsay agricultural mare W Lindsay General ti Hughes brood mare Unlit- well- Carriage Single driver Win Hammond Downey Miss Elsie Stevenson brood mare I W Lindsay 3yearold yoarold A Atkinson spring colt or filly W Linusay Roadster- Team Harvey Hall Geo single driver bands over 11 Fair Thus Hall single driver under bands Hast ings Hiram Potter Win Hammond brood mare Caldwell 2-year- old W 1yearold Hanson spring coll or filly Caldwell Ponies bands and under Harold Davis Blackburn bands and under J Barton Specials Best draft mare or ling Lynd Elijah best registered Clydesdale mare best delivery horse W Downey Wm Hammond best gents luriKiut Hastings Hiram Poller light horse Sam Hast ings Harvey Hastings lady driver open Miss Myrtle Mrs Hastings Mrs lady driver unmarried Miss Cora Miss Adair CATTLE Durham Cow W 1 ray yearl ing heifer W L bull call 1 Wray W It Dove heifer rail I an I Ialmer Bros lk all prizes awarded this class John took all I he prizes awarded in his class tirade dairy breed John took alt Mi- prize awarded in I Ills class Fat Wil liam ray Bros herd Palmer Bros Special 1 ram l Ivehue W I Jo ley sbrariing ram J ram lamb I W W Dow ney 1 ewe lamb Downey M J M 1 Blackburn all the prizes awarded in tins class pen si Tims Bliiek- swim WhiJe siw pig Waiichope Yorkshire While Sow pig I and W Downey Berkshire Hoar pig W Haw kins sow pig 1 and J W Haw kins lauiworlb W Hawkins look alt the prizes awarded in this Specials- liejjl registered hoar Hawkins bed registered sow W Hawkins Boys and exhibil Purebred or grade calf J Wm Crane Harold Davis purebred or grade pigs Wesley Cooper Wm crane Toulouse geese Brown a Ben nett Rouen ducks J V ducks J- Indian ducks Bernard dansf Cock I and J Lawrh A Hon cockerel I and a Son pullet I and Son Silver- spangled HamburghCock Son ben A Sou cockerel A Son pullet Lawrie V Son any vfliiely Cock Son ben A Son cock erel A Son pullet Son Rhode Island Reds- Cork Son Hold Wallace Son flock Law rie Son Kllely hen and A Son pullet Kilely Black Cock it Wallace ben It Wallace Barred Plymouth Hocks- Cock Wallace Kitely ben It Wallace L ly cockerel I and a Wallace pullet Wallace Kilelv While Rocks Cock II Kitely hen I and cockerel and Son pullet I and Lawrie A Son Buff Plymouth Hocks Cock 1 and A Son ben and Lawrie A Son- cock erel and A Son pullet I and A Son Light Bra hma A Son ben I and A Son Lawrie A Son pullet A Sou Buff Cochins Cork I and A Son hen I and Lawrie 2 3 faeo Lawrie A Son Wallace cockerel A Son Ri Wallace pullet I and Lawrie A Son While Leghorns Cock Lawrie A Son hen A Son cockerel and Ai Son pullet Lawrie A Sou Buff Leghorns Cock J V Lawrie A Son hen Lawrie A Son J V cockerel Ft Wallace Lawrie A Son pullet and A Son Goldlaced Cock and 2 Lawrie A Son ben I ami Law ftSon cockerel I and A Son Mottled Hen rie A Son cockerel Lawrie A Son pullet Lawrie A Son Blue sians Cue A Son ben I anil A Son cockerel I and A Sun I ami Lawrie A Son White A Son hen A Son cockerel Wallace Son pullet I and It Wallace Silver Campihrs Cockerel I and A Sun pullet A Son Orpingtons Cock I and 2 A Son ben I and Lawrie A Son Buff Or ping I Oils Cock A Sou Ronald Kay ben Lawrie A Son Wallace cockerel A Son Brown pullet Brown W Cooper Homer pigeons Bernard Sutton fan tails Bernard Sutton Blackburn common Blackburn Sutton Best cock Hiram Kitely best ben A Son CHAIN AM SEEDS White wheat J King goose wheal spring wheal Wau- chope black oats white oats C clover seed sped Palmer Bros yellow corn W Robinson white corn C 1 V Roots and Vegetables Collodion of vegetables v Skin ner V Cbilds collection of po tatoes W Potatoes Wonder C Irish Delaware Plunked KloplianL c C Karl of Vermont C Kiirly any oilier kind Phiiikel Swede Turnips C Slone Turnips Long Car rols c Short Carrots Adair II Table W liniihison Parsnips Cordon Brown I lobe Mangels 1 King Bed Klleley Yellow Phinkel Loim Itlootl Heels Chas Plnnkel W Shorl iJeels 1 Lhild- W Sugar Heels Jumbo heels Win IJriflin Yellow W Ithldnsoii Common Pumpkins C p tiordon Fred Skinner Skinner Plunked Squash C Plunk- el K lied Onions C W White unions J v chflils Sutton 1 V Child Peppers Drown Skinner 1 Childs iiry Wm W Citron- Plnnkel ii Kilel citrons Hops Win Bean Cauliflower VL llspln of W 1 V Childs Fruit Plant Display of Potted Plants Robinson Hanging Basket and M W Robinson Fuchsia W M Asparagus Fern M W Rob inson Mrs Wiii Fern any other kind W Robinson Be gonia Hex Mrs Cooper Mrs Davis Rob inson Geranium fancy color Robinson House Hose Mrs Fred Skinner M W Robinson Robinson I and Bouquet Robinson Mrs A I Lloyd W Poller Culberl A Lloyd Kim Northern Spy Brown It Baldwin A Lloyd re I fan I of A Lloyd Brown reliant Coldeii liussill A L Lloyd Fred Leonard linxbury llusscl A Wngrnr A L Ihyd Palmer Maun Lloyd Wes ley Cooper Alexandria 1 IL Atkin son Leonnnl Maidens si Lawrence Win Palmer Fred Leonard Wesley Cooper Winter Pear Wal ler Puller Wesley Cooper Fell A Lloyd K Crab Apples A Maple Syrup W Cooper Col ce ll op of Winter Apples A Lloyd of Canned Mrs Win Collection of Canned Pick les Mrs Win Br Ion MlK Cooper Catsup Mrs c Verner Mrs ileal Display of Frail Haw anil Canned liar if Northern Spy Apples A I Dairy Five I lb rolls or idler Mr W Hove Mrs Mrs 1 It Atkinson roll of Bolter Mrs II Atkinson Mrs Hove Lily Palmer lbs Crock Bolter Mrs W Dove Mrs Waller Potter Mrs Rolls Mrs W Hove Crock of Butler Mrs Wm Mrs Waller Poller of Baking Mrs C Ver Mrs Home Made Bread War Flour Mrs Walter Pol ler Mrs Mrs Hove Homo Made Bread Flour Mrs Walter Poller Mrs Dove Cake Mrs Walter Pot ter Mrs W Mrs Ceo Ver Layer Cake Mrs Walter Potter Mrs Johnny Cake Mrs 1 It Atkinson Mrs H W Dove Biscuits Mrs 1 Atkinson Mrs Potter Huns Mrs Mrs Dove Rolls Mrs Win Muffins Mrs Verner Mrs Dove Oatmeal Cookies Mrs Win Mrs J Atkinson Any Oilier Kind of Cook ies Mrs W Dove Mrs Win Tarts Mrs Win Mrs It W Hove Apple Pie Mrs W Ladies Work Ornamental Embroidery Silk on Linen Miss Mrs Silk on Flannel Mrs Graham Mrs Bulgarian Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey Miss Henry Miss Fisher French Fisher Mrs Kersey Miss Mrs Mount Mrs llaisl Miss Fish er Roman Cut Work Miss Miss Fisher Punched Miss Fisher Miss Wallacldnn Miss Miss Luce Ballenlierg Mrs Duchess Miss Miss Hen ry Mrs Kersey Miss jCuIeheoii Netting or Mrs Miss MeCutelieon Irish Cm- Miss Miss Fisher Point Miss Mrs Kersey Crochet and Fancy Braid Miss Me Cutelieon Miss Henry- Set Mrs Miss Billot Table Cloth and Napkins Miss Mrs Graham Fancy Apron Mrs Miss Baby Pillow Miss Mrs Babys or Childs Dress Miss Mrs Baby Carriage Robe Miss Mrs Buffet or Dresser Scarf Miss Miss Henry Collar and Cuff Set Miss McCrl- Miss Collar and Cuff Set CroNieled Miss Mrs Kersey Croihel Corset Cover Yoke Mrs Miss Fisher Crochet Doilies Miss MeCutelieon Miss Fish er Croc he I Centrepiece Miss Me Mrs Kersey Crochet Pin cushion Ms Graham Miss Fisher Coronation Braid Work Miss Henry Mrs Kersey Centre piece while linen Mrs Miss MeCulchcon Embroidered Ceillre- colored linen Mrs Miss Henry Find Drawn Work Miss Mrs Kersey Italian Drawn Work Mrs Haisl Mrs Kersey Fancy Pincushion or Shopping Bag Miss Miss Fisher Fan cy Work Bag Mrs llaisl Miss Filet Net and Work Mr- Haisl Mrs Kersey Five oclock Tea cloth embroidered while Miss Fisher Miss Five oclock Tea Cloth any oilier kind Miss Mrs Hemstitching Mrs Miss Me Handkerchiefs Miss VlrCulrJicon Mrs fancy Mrs Miss Pincushion Miss Miss Fisher Mrs Mrs Table Mais Miss Henry Mis- Table Run ner Mis Henry Miss Fislier Tailing Miss Fisher Miss Tea Cnsey Miss Henry Mrs Towels and Mrs Miss Henry Towels any other Mrs Miss Tray and Carving Cloths luoldireilj Miss Henry Miss MeCul- Pillow Case- li Fisher Mis- Henry Server or Tray Mrs Haisl Snfn Pillow Miss Henry Miss Child I Sofa Pillow in ilk Mrs Ilall Work led pcilinl Henry Mrs Kersey Cushion or Taldi Cover Mrs Kersey Apron Miss Fish er Mr- Graham Baby- Miss Fisher Criefe Bedspread Miss I Mrs Bed- spread Mr- Miss Knitted Bedspread MIS Kersey Miss MiH Mi McCulclieoil Miss Silk lies Miss Ladles tinhrwear inailiine- Miss Mis Ladies band made Henry Ladys Slmwl Miss Me Mrs Ci Ladys Shawl Miss Miss Fisher Knit Ladys Slippers Miss Henry Mrs Gents Uppers Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey Mrs Patch work Quill cotton Mrs Ker sey Mrs II Patchwork Quill silk Mrs Kersey Patchwork Quill Woollen Mrs Pearson Mrs Kr- Hooked Rag Miss Henry Fine Woollen Socks Miss Fisher Henry Coarse Woollen Soeks Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey Woollen Stockings Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey Fine Woollen Mills Miss Henry Mrs Kersey Coarse Woollen Milts Miss Fisher Mrs Kersey Fancy Ladys Mills Miss Mrs Gra ham Plain Ladys Mitts Mrs Gra ham Miss McCulcheiil Soldiers Socks Mrs Graham Mrs Kersey Soldiers Mrs Graham Mans Shirt Mrs Kersey Mrs Hals Sweater Mrs Miss Fisher Knit PullOver Mrs Miss Kl- liott New Work by Lady over Mrs Kersey Mrs Fisher Darning on Wool Stocking Miss Fisher Miss Darning on Coll on Slocking Mrs Graham Miss Fishery Patch on old garment Miss Fisher Miss MeCut elieon Bcttonholcs Mrs Graham Miss open to Within a Radi us of Five Miles of Fancy Apron Mrs Pearson Mrs Davis Crochet Centrepiece Mrs Pearson Mrs Center piece Mrs Davis Mrs II Corset Cover Yoke Mrs Davis Mrs Collection of Crochet Work Mrs Lloyd Mrs Pearson Tailing Mrs Pearson Mrs A Lloyd Fancy Towels Mrs Davis Pillow Cases Mrs Marcbant Mrs Sofa Cushion Mrs Pearson Mrs J Atkinson Fancy Handkerchiefs Mrs C Davis Mrs E Pearson Doil ies MrsML Mrs A L Lloyd Table Runner Miss Adair Mrs Pearson Soldiers Socks Mrs Davis Mrs A Lloyd Tray Cloths Mrs Babys Jacket Miss Adair Amateur Ten pieces Work Mrs Davis of Ladies Fine Arts Painting portrait or Miss Mercer Mrs Painting scenery Miss Bailey Mrs Painting any other subject Miss Mercer Mrs Water Color portrait or figure Mrs Miss Mercer Color scrnery Mrs Pearson Miss Mer cer Color I any other subject Miss Mercer Mrs Painting on glass or china Mrs Haisl Mrs Pearson Painting on plush or velvet Miss Mercer Mrs llaisl n or Mrs Miss Mercer Painting on Satin or Silk Mrs Miss Mercer Painting on Boiling Cloth Mis Miss Mercer Pen cil Drawing Mrs llaisl Miss Mercer Crayon Drawing Mrs Miss Bailey Indian Ink Willi Brush Miss Mercer Mrs Graham Pen and Ink Miss Bailey Mrs Graham Rural Leather Work Kersey Miss Mercer Burnt Velvet Mis W Poller Pearson Collection of amateur Miss Henry Miss Bailey Cushion slenrilled Mrs Miss Hammered or Pierced Mrs Mrs Ker sey tail PRODIGAL WASTE By Big Earners War Prosperity has Led to Injudicious Spending I Side by side with a good deal of thrift 1 1 to is a good deal of Ihiifl- lessness among us just now In writers immediate neighborhood in the end of Toronto and no doubt it is the sane- in oilier places un til rift is as much in evidence as is surprising thai should he Hie case in tins neighborhood for Is one in which only the year before In year of Hie war the people very many of them experienced pinch of dire poverty Work was scarce Many who had houses could not keep up the or pay the due on Many who lived in rented houses not pay rent although this was only and live years ago many of people who suffer ed in I have already forgo He that they went hungry and in cases almost starving i dont realize that I hen was may be again believe think that Ilii present for wage are ipille iliiihiMiil last forever Bought Two Cars is a rase a cer tain man who four or live years auo tacked fond ami all Hie licrpssiiries is today making Ids money at munitions not pulling by cent In lie- three years and more Which lie Iocs been working mimffions he has himself ears His lirsl ear 11 SI loll if Hi- ave lie tiling r When was all In lie an other Ids in in will cadge for for hi- Ills children dilillsl Now when I J rati is foi many women whose Imsbaiids e making big money are cine of in same so in love with line dollies ibid was war- a dies- when scrubbing floor low husband g ids present week bib had bad more a week along on saved as she admits and If man was nit fa all roil Id have to show as reMillnlll from their present would lie a ipmn- liiy of clothes their Earnings Mail are literally up llieir big earnings One thai I will give for a leg of lamb for Sunday dinner The father work for his lunch sliced ham at a store for which a big is paid The hill- serves says could no hegin afford expensive food consume In large War- 1 line prosperity is Just giving Ihem a guild for a lime of lean years dial may lie nil end in the cases nienllonou mill they are typical of very many In this one neighborhood no provision whatever Is being made for AGO From Era Oot 30 1868 Mr Geo has gone lo New York for medical advice and the deputy Division Court Clerk Mr John Cook will have charge during his absence Married By Rev Hamilton on Oct Mr David Little to Miss Agnes Hamilton all of Kasl On Oct by C Mr Jacob Rose In Miss Mary Swales both of Whitchurch At the Manse Newmarket by Rev John Brown on Oct Mr Donald Campbell lo Miss Margaret both of Newmarket Markets Eggs ir Butter Pol too bush 25 YEARS re From Era Nov 3rd 1893 Mr John is to city Miss Corn gave a Hal loween Party In her schoolmates Mr Norton is- back from innlpeg Mr is visiting his in Detroit Mr Sutherland of Wind sor is visiting here Mr J A Cody of was bore completing be sale tff his farm in King lo Mr Levi Watson Mr A Davidson Public School Inspector is away on his honeymoon Mr and Mrs Peter Brown of Whitchurch bad a culler ride last Sunday morning the of season Mr John ester and daughter of Idaho have been visaing in for past two weeks Rev J Viekery Mr 1 s Green and Mrs Penrose took pari at a meeting at Richmond Hill last week The College of Pharmacy team from Toronto bad a tussle with Newmarket Football Team On Saturday and came mil second Score Toronto I New market Newmarket Team Kb Lloyd Doyle Irvine Clark Richardson and Montgomery In the Church on Wednesday owning Rev J Smith a former pastor gave a u California- J Hell presided The Altar- by Hooker Darkey of Whit church lo Miss Miller of On Nov nil by Rev Jos Mr John II Hnrnetl of Miss a Williams of New market Kugs I Duller Potato- bap Pork Chickens doe a HIS MIND EASED before Till fill I il Id of re lief Than pill I lie ivasofinhh Iluffalo Hi Australian ha Ml passed a mi lellers and newspapers ion rd iiireil o jts a Foster was killed Saturday in when an iuihiiiiobfle lie was driving turned turtle KseajniiK after in prison camps by daring leap from a train Pie arrived a Ian At lantic port on Ills way to Vancouver I GIRLS I ITS YOUR THAT Until February next for purposes will be admitted free of duly when Imparled by flile residents of The new irl in printing office had Jusl commenced lo learn the busi ness when an elderly gentleman walked up to her and said I would like gel copies of your paper for a week bark She replied Auntie has one loo you bad belter try por ous plasters You can just across street For Infanta and In Um For ii Always bears of Women pay too much heed to their faco Instead of their Watch your atop I A brisk lively step is what charms more than a lovely skin but your high heels have caused corns and you limp a little Thais bad girls you know il Corns destroy beauty besides corns very easy lo remove Hid your of every corn by asking at any drug store for a quarter of an ounco of freezone This will cost but is suffi cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet A few drops applied directly upon a lender touchy corn re lieves the soreness and soon entire corn root and nil lifts out without pain This freezone is a gummy sub stance which dries instantly ana simply up the corn with out inflaming or oven irritating the surrounding skin must keep in mind create a step which enhances her attract iveness-

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