Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1918, p. 6

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NEWMARKET NT DAY OCT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert Mrs the condition or the weather Saturday for other reasons the last day Fair was very sHmly attended The number of ticket sold at the station here was smallest for great many years The many friend of Miss Mary Kighltey will he pleased to hear that she is progressing very fa vorably and hopes to be up again shortly after several weeks in bed Hod Cross for Sept amounted to and will those who always re member il please accept the thanks of those who have in Charge Also do not forget the j sewing to be done Baldwin Breezes Farmers are almost in de spair Buckwheat harvesting Queensville The S of the Presbyterian Church will he held at the home of giving an unusual deal of j Mrs on Thursday rouble It means the loss of J afternoon at A special program is being arranged All welcome The Rally Hay Service was much MAO POWDER CONTAINS NO ALUM MADE IN Holland Landing Mrs Marker is visiting friends in the city Mrs John Little is very low at this writing Mr Geo Duple visited his sister r A An epidemic Grippe or Mrgi miles on Monday similar has certainly Oliver and Stanley are havoc Hie health of lh people of town during home from school caring for colds Sorry to hear Mrs Little is no a I least half What about the war Im very sanguine about the reliahil- joyed last Sabbath morning The ad- ily of the rumors of peace Uncle dress by the pastor was both practical Sam is giving the Germans whatj and Inspiring and the singing gave the drum a deal of I Miss Clark presided at the piano and I a solo There is a Green Hill Far Some time ago in conversation Away by Jennie was wilh Uncle Johnston he was rein- on his school days Only The Atkinson is four of his schoolmates are liv ing His teacher was ley who passed in his accounts on Island where he re sided some years in his younger days Mr was well known in Newmarket pleased Uncle to hear of his teacher of seventy years ago On Friday Mr and Mrs John Stephens of Mount Pleasant gave Uncle Johnston a call Mr Ste phens is one of the surviving mates They had an en joyable time recalling old limes Mr is slowly past week or so here scarcely a family in town or vi cinity but has one or more mem- proving from hers ick All the teachers and Hi- are both far beyond eighty years but remarkably hale and active and gentlemen injuries which 117 majority of the pupils are Cook near place will lake Rev sick and school is closed uniiu Sunday with Mr Atkinson And we are called to And when our lime shall come dear John lending the meeting of Synod in To ronto libs Rad colds have grip J on our citizens A number of houses have one find pome two and three hid can hardly blame it to lark as everyone seems lo have a little coal or wood A fair sample of what may be ex- peeled when the rigid time comes was manifested on Sunday afternoon when a message from Toronto declared Hie war ended and the Kaiser dethroned but one Utile fellow says Othey havent killed the Kaiser yet is bard say what a Cop would have done hail he been the south end Rev II Covering has been asked preach Anniversary Sermons next f Sunday at Rev Jos How About Your next Tuesday The also a victim so no week winter is Harry Bell spent a few days J hope theyll lay us where we J news Toronto last week played Mrs spenl Sun- seventy years ago day with friends hi Hamilton ITEMS- PlCKliP The prevailing influenza has Ml Albert in earnest and the homes in which there are not one or more ill arc the ion The two rooms of the High School have been closed owing to the of the teachers and on Tuesday of this week the form of the Public School had to Close for same reason while several pupils of Jr room arc ill Great prevailed on Sunday when a telephone ease the news of the proposals for an whirl by many was taken as a virtual laying down of arms but Mondays papers brought disappointments as it was seen to be the old trick to Mrs got a sudden call to Toronto on Sunday Mrs is spending a few days in Newmarket Bis things doing in the Methodisl The school referred to was Glovers Corners al loc building demolished syne I remember it well I see Hie- scribe is Church ibis coining Sunday Special trying to put me in the shade with and Thanksgiving services I a raspberry lale On Saturday and p in new lime Rev j evening we supped on slrawber- ha pier of Stroud will officiate al both fresh picked and cream meetings Kwrybody should come I donated for our delectation by ut and hear bright young man one make his mark in the Church in days to come lie is a Hi will I Mrs garden where as Geneva says they promise bloom till he snow flies I though I tin- the choir Special offering had gone into oblivion not will be lakiii both services This been a very prosperous year therefore lei us cometo the fi-rvjc- thankful so Come lo Baldwin and see Dr Jos Vanderberg is doing a great business here When lie came to I own business was poop Ve are hoping lo raise fur is booming Toe is a on Ibis worth League October friendship mid its Obliga tions Speaker Harry Reader Ruth Richardson Our Work in China Speaker Laura Thompson Reader Huntley Old Testament Preachers Speaker Viola Hill Reader Edith Smith The Dominion and Provinces How Governed Speaker Violet Thompson Milne support Our Hone- Church lever physician lie can We are sorry to report that Walter has been dentally killed in France There is to a special Thanksgiving Service at Hope on Sunday A i thai nothinKl j inni nave will be taken soxsome prepared animosity we lpm I strike and can do The Choir will render special Monday evening Hi at the whole yet s While we must deprecate undue not J end is vciniij5 obi i imiy rcnovaie me wimie system gain time in w sickly set of harness and put War Lecture by Rev It Car- il in applepie working order Ho a l Mr ran heal heel boots that have to on should and hear this their sole Try and see for a last and fopmerly or Ml Albert dam word that son Mr and Mrs IHilay in Toronto Percy who and it ami family j ilii lias been on nick a speedy some thoroughly believe wickedesl hole mi the face of Dominion may explain why il is attractive Our postmaster If ill Mrs J wmi wmubd born and na wish a speedy recovery den look the for W known a liked Mrs I 2wK will bo in Christ 0cL word I hounds will soon make welkin brothel dangerously omii away north They are music Quite a number around here are sick with had colds We are of opinion that war bread is responsible for On tarios epidemic of with its trail of ills Miss Mackie spent over Sunday with Miss Maud Mr Stanley Boyd is on sick list Twenty boxes for were packed Mrs last Thursday Mrs Woodcock of wounded Next Sunday Union Services will be in the Church am and in al pm Wlv not train funeral ban for home ROACHS POINT louden look the for car- ML Albert was with us and gave some good information Dont Ihe next Ladies Aid al Mrs Halls on Oct 17 There will be a short in evening consisting a debate with leaders Miss ami Miss MacPhaiJ Rally Day will be held at mi Mr Wood Si known r-si- for the winter as Ihey are in so many places more epenallv a- the iii has now no settled Pallor Rev who filled tbaric for some month- to Smiths 1 i Two families arc leaving our village this week thai of all ended on Monday HEIFER Strayed from Lot Con Knsl a small Red Yearling Heifer with star ill fore- Hayes for Tnronlo and Roy and spot on flank Sorry leading to her recovery lose both j will be suitably rewarded Please Somo fire an open write lo warm Tall because of do- fliunl dor last week hope JU bey are due for il be a boon Only WANTED see our little lOvifiS Where of The real Miopia v ml smaller ones season is to get an ready far Hip weal her plans and particulars may be I musical trio Mrs lis Hip mail had fob for years and no reasonable in all that Miss Jewell is holiday- in in Mistress fell sick All in a merry lime came alone And flxPd lip real fine Madam she got well And bounced upon her And said Mrs Mosaic J feid good as wheal of Mill View lias been confined hor armlacouche for so Mrs Jos her daughter and babies aw here managing the domestic in We are ever delighted hand once mora I like the but dont want any Dutchman has much to be be- cold and MANUFACTURE OF GAS A GREAT in Secretary Bradford J MAKSII Holland Landing P flavor in j who have COLT ASTRAY for lb on from Lot Con and industrial about of f I a Dark hay Mare yearling been I white feet In the din iriw Sharon O lighting and may NOTICE TO FARMERS have and were Tlie Cider Mill will be running exhibition In ed The rseareh council Friday for the rem lo I season Price per gal Tuesdays Thursdays and of the tor mtir experlxnnis ibis whiter near TwiniV million tonn of fitrcv annually lot waste iter- With Hi of It In on and half hour to produce to farm house reader WATSON MARLBORO POULTRY Must bell to make room a number of Choice Yearling While cider made of prefer it lo the Dutch pro- duet My mamma could make it to heal nil America I mean it I was much grieved read of the departure of my oldtime hum Albert He was a fine man in his youth I havent noon him for year Brown Hill Autumn bus approached The Of our trees will noon be leaf- Hose home afler a in Toron to lbs Khaki suit fit properly i wonder bow the qui Our dcalorH have Sutton West Ton lab for last week a very wedding look plain Knox Presbyterian Church Sutton on Wednesday 2nd Pearl of Mrs Ino Allen was to lo Sherman lirovvn sun of lirowii The wedding was solemnized by Rev A Hamilton A The looked charming in her travelling of broadcloth trimmed with plunked otter She wore a very minx Utile hat of sand velvet I rimmed with veil lo she carried a beautiful bou quet of pale pink roses Mr ami Mrs Brown lfi for Toron to and many Sutton friends in every School Reports YOUVE got it every humqn being is born with it your large intestine or colon It is a large tube a reservoir or sewer intended to collect waste matter and remove it from the body Plug it waste neglect it and youre sick on your feet The waste matter stagnates under goes decay fermentation and germ action Dan gerous poisons are produced that can easily be absorbed and carried all over the body Allow constipation to become established and you are liableto become definitely and miserably sick and not on your feet either You have broken Natures laws Better be kind to her Keep the danger zone clean with a regular bowel movement and Na ture thank you and pay you back in gold coin health good nature and a feeling of eager ness for your daily task A large proportion of almost every form of sickness is caused or made worse by the poisons produced as a result of constipation has the approval of established medical practice because it does not upset the system as do pills castor oil and purgative mineral waters salts etc It softens the contents of the colon making them easy for the intestinal muscles to move at regular hours Dont fight Nature Help her is health insurance for tens of thousands of American families today Sold at drug stores everywhere Warning only in seated hollies bear ing the Trade Murk on You may a from substitutes Send Samples of Literature CHARLES GYDE SON PO Box Montreal CANADIAN SELLING AGENTS FOR Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL CO NEW JERSEY VORK CITY V I A Clockwork miss- home and love and tin Iioine with a mother in it is rich comforts and i water nil the time can you never lo he your I host who love you When mans wife keeps him hi i water nil the lime can you found i anil tome ami hl superintendent von will to rnlso your salary because you have have happy memoirs when you Mm you know nor Hun look hack in the ycnrs Hint JUST FOR FUN iniw smoke kill know fur II- alive FOR and in ih- local Hock Pullets also and from my heavy laying s Report of U 8 No Whitchurch and East for Winnie Megan llrccslln 124 III marks ohlainalili- lains Wall I60 Marlon Wlddl field John nun liniKhurst Alex Wall HI HO Class Jr marks obtainable Ida flab- 318 liustaf IIIkks Albert 207 Carl Frank Primer marks obtainable Ida Wall Ted Hale Wilkinson PiiniT A In order of merit Tommy iongburst Stewart Wall Mary Wilkinson llonfce llruru Wlddl field Teacher Wills -train- Kwea and Ewe inclndiii some thorough bred Oxfords Price reasonable Baldwin P that will improve your It A PUTNAM CARD OF toll Up hi I how that luxiirioyfl astM of Ihe Ihe other test I went over by tin way FARM FOR acres more or lens a hPclle home on Mr and family Lot Con couple of to thank the ami fori Township alongside main their and sympathy during from Button DONALD Head St Hamilton the d death of their beloved and North Oct I I d AT HOME young people are not with home and its ur- if money not very plenty pleasores simple and life is free from excitement tbey are often anxious lo got away and try now scenes loo Often they find fault with at home and give pain to those who are spending their lives to The day when fellows father j nerve them Fathers and supply with and what their children clothes are his palmy and day J Bleeping Beauty coining so you I was obliged lit wait at a way station says a traveller so fell to talking with Ihe young man who acted as agent If was a bright stirring follow evident- 1 ly hound on in the employ- which lie had chosen His first service had been in bis homo town and this was his earliest ex- I away So you are really your own man now and are free from home I restraint I iW to try him Yes ho answered hut am not over well pleased with It used In il would ho line in a boarding house and eat course dinners and have a hitch key but I would gladly all and limes more for the Ihlngs home Wo not have much money to spend but mother put something into her cooking I dont at hoarding houses money does not buy from lauudrymen the careful darning mother gave my clothes- have a pleasant room pictures and all that nut I would rather have my mothers face Look here Here Is a teller giving me an appointment a largo rise in pay My greatest picas- in good luck has always been at home and now Im a hundred off I know of course il is right bat I should push oul for myself I could not possibly have earned a living at home hut I wish I had seen how good homo was when was there ami had never found fault with The youth was now obliged to flag a train and left mo but bis words keep coming up wish I had seen how home was and had found fault with moth- Selected When- Dreams Come T rue We are Window China Tea one Piec among the I any Price CHINA 3 Very I Quality Is Very Reason AND IMPERII 80ME Dlscoui FRESH MILK We can sale dclivere used Can with Co n fee I etc Restaurant an Dots ford Wicker condition Newmarket sou Just A Hay a Also fc Try our Pj for FLOUR 1 Prompt Doll T I When dreams come true we always say well have this luxury and that comfort and be able to enjoy the concerts and operas and music of the greatest artists The ANT brines the music of all the best artists into your own home la records no matter what make Has the Universal Tone Arm can be adjusted to play any disc record and play it Another feature is the beauty of the cabinet Each under the direction of master workmen The is by the excellence of its construction and the Add to these two features the third o economy in buying ana has made possible the realization of your dreams The is made in seven different styles Fumed Oak and Mahogany Ask your dealer to demonstrate ims w instrument to you LOCAL E NOTTINGHAM NEWMARKET ONT SALES LIMITED I i Horn OPE DEER Nov her MOOSE No vombcr of Iricts of north tin Moose i5 to any Agonl or to net GAMja none y OF IS 11 J County Ontarjo Ihoroo wife of Toronto Province of at ihe of A DAVID A Mil Ha ARCHIVES OF

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