Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1918, p. 3

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mm A O NT DAY 0 G T I I successful Box Social was Jin Tuesday evening The Pres ident Mr French took charge of 1 musical program cii tided an address by Rev Proceeds nearly Rev J Wood Pastor of he Methodist Church at Newmarket who dropped dead at the Parsonage on afternoon faxes are being paid at the a day this week The are saving the per discount Monday is the gel the advantage Willi tragical suddenness the Newmarket young men career of a prominent Methodist been nolifled to expect a Minister was terminated at the she colors any time short- Parsonage in Newmarket lasb i Monday afternoon Rev J- I Wood was in his usual health on Sunday and look an active part in all the services which marked junior Christian Endeavor Uni01 Anniversary of the opened for the morning attended to the usual house f the Church h ft at JO I lC wHn intention of lying down on a I lend A pro- Adams of and Mrs I A Wood of Montreal Following is a copy of a Reso lution passed by he Official Board of the Methodist Church in special The Quarterly Official and Trustee Boards of odist Church assembled in spe cial session have learned with deep regret of the decease of Rev William J Wood A B Minister of this Church for the Conference period from 1917 Mr Woods pleasing personality and high character won for him the affection of the congregation and the esteem of all classes of citizens while his pulpit and administrat ive duties were discharged with such ability and fidelity as rough and success The bereaved family are remem bered in sympathy and in fervent prayer for their con solation and support The of ficial members on their own be half and on behalf of all whom they are privileged to represent offer their tribute to the honor of a good and faithful servant of Jesus Christ Resolution moved by Mr C Spencer seconded by Mr J Porte and adopted unanimously Alfred Pasfor J P Blakely Oct a 1018 A Memorial Service is to he hold in Methodist Church Aurora V The Rev J Tueiv who has re signed his pastorate of the Pres byterian Church here left Wed nesday to take up his new at Chelsea Ont- memorial service for the boys of York County who have paid the supreme sacrifice in the war will be held in Trinity Church on Sun day next Officers and the Cadet Corps of the 127th Bali from To nill be am i AGENTS FOR BTTERIOK PATTERNS TON IK ALL GOOD COOKS USE BRUNTON8 BAKING POWDER S DRY GOODS will be conducted by the inlain of the battalion Many Lines for Much Less than we can buy them for anv il these will he derived meetings Com at lb couch and having a evftni when suddenly he remarked that Lodge evening the mem- Thorn Lodge No I leave the Metropolitan- by special car at fori On jai in company with Mi No Initiation I for the bene fit of members by Foral and All members n on hand Com Convenient Way rir- has received word liin postal notes can now be to ay Canadian or British soldier and payable at j ti field in France fiHt Mstoffices are handy to all lie front Iliis should be those the front The from loss in case tin- note not being received Should he a Montreal means of sending broke he fiH queer and in his attempt to move he collapsed on the floor Medical assistance was immediately phoned for but when the Or arrived life was Heart failure was pro nounced as the cause of death probably due to acute indigestion The news of his death caused emotion in the town and especially among his parishion ers with many of whom he con versed so cheerfully the previous day Deceased was born in whore his parents are both buried He entered the disi Ministry about years ago in the Montreal Conference His first charge was in Montreal following which he served in Ot tawa West Mount Smiths Kails and Newmarket Me served three years in Picton and was invited for a fourth year when the urgent call came from Newmarket which he graciously William Iras gone so swift so sure Into his rest eternal home Lord of heaven thou knowest Loving the way was his in roam Into Thy tender care his spirit fled All foil on earth suddenly ended Master Thou what is Jordan passed the crown ex tended un its Weary the body yields to lures claims Out of the dust the soul took night Oh Saviour- I hey who trust and walk with Thee Die sweetly resting in Thy purity York room who has suffered rather badly in last weeks casualty list three boys from there having been wounded Pie Jeffrey- Field Lome C Lee and went wild with joy when the good war news reached them Addresses were given by the clergy of the various churches a pub lic meeting in the Mechanics Hall was called by the Mayor when the whole town turned out to take part in the glad rejoicing A parade with a band in attendance a too look place The Aurora Branch of the Can adian Cross Society held their annual meeting Tuesday night in their clubroom over the post of fice The president Miss Eva Lemon who was reelected for another years office opened with a brief address about the work accomplished during the year af ter which reports were read by the secretary treasurer and con venors of the different commil lees and which showed a very satisfactory state of affairs Over 500 hospital supplies of all kinds have been made and sent to head quarters besides other work done in the way of raisin funds to carry was decided to send 50 stockings to the boys overseas On the Kith of the month Other officers appointed were Miss Marie 1st Miss Lulu Lepper 2nd Miss M Towns sec retary and Mrs Taylor convenor of overseas boxes Our Large Purchases of All of Dry Goods Enables us today Anticipate your wants and get Some of the Bargains at the Present Prices GROCERY TALK We have All the Substitutes used Instead of Flour at a little Lower Prtoes than usual TEAS AND COFFEES Art Our Specials which we are offering for about less per lb than they are usually sold for BOOTS SHOES The Price of Boots la again Upward Bound Our Large Stook gives you Protection on Price for some time to come EVERYTHING IN UPTODATE And the Workmanship on Every I Pair Guaranteed I I J ij For the Era FERTILIZERS FOR Now is the time for the farmer to plan his crop pings for and in doing at deride upon what ferllll- if any he purposes to use Last f I I Christian Sunday School accepted and was only nicely Although the weather last becoming acquainted with his ball ipcriioon was not very doing a good work viliiUAwe had a good attendance al our Service occupier and was cordially received by lie direr brethren of the ministry in the Town If was a man platform and gave ability very friendly and earnest in the spiritual uplift of Hi minimi Promotion Day The Primary scholars I the an interesting program Certificates Promotion were by the Pastor Itcgolar session and lesson next Sunday Let everyone be pi- nt as it will be the last fur our Com Pastor- A Division Court In the absence of Judge Coals- worth Irwin Esq Clerk spiritual church Ho leaves a widow two sons ami two daughters The eldest son Kenneth was a great favorite with the young men in where he enlisted in the artillery and is serving his King and Country in Prance The sympathy of the entire town poes out to the bereaved family Mr Benson Public School In spector of a warm per sonal friend rami here as soon Hi presided at the possible after informed Hie Court in Newmarket of tin- death of deceased and last Wednesday morning There I pro fee red assistance was not a very long list on the The funeral was announced to docket nor anything very lake place yesterday afternoon the public although j Private service at tin- Parsonage liiere wre a number of at conducted by lev specif and the various clients of Bradford Chairman the were presented by Messrs District Public service at I lie T 1 Woodcock Church i oclock and Davidson of ML by It J Simpson lb business was dis- President of Toronto Conference P about noon Endeavor The meeting on Tuesday even- a livewire one The I mi Lull Collins had Each convenor of com in if lees explained regard duly and gave from tin imw to make the Society i Catholic Church the day evening the So- the Methodist Church the Sunday be favored by having Officers and Teachers the Salvation Army die League Employees tivi in address The captain is of Leather Co Ilii School an speaker A Staff and Pupils Official Hoard Diamond Jubilee It was a great disoppoinlinonl that the weather was so uhpropi- last Sunday notwith standing this drawback the Anniversary of the Meltiodist Sunday School was attended with much success The Auditorium was very prettily and appropri ately decorated with flags flow ers ferns fruits and hunting The specially erected platform was nicely filled by the Junior girls and buys of Sunday School and also most of the Choir seals a the morning service and their as sisted by the pipe organ and S Orchestra was inspiring There was a fairly large congregation and the Pastor Hew J Wood took charge while he sermon was by Jos Odcry of Toron to a former pastor who deeply Interested both young and old taking as his text now Iby Creator in the days thy youth Title decorations in ibe Sunday School were lo the plat form ami the rear wall compris ing flowers fruits vegetables and vines together with an artistic miniature fence with moving gates The singing of entirely new music by the children sup ported by the Orchestra was most excellent There was a good attendance at Hie afternoon session the Superintendent Dr Wilkinson taking charge of the program and the Pastor leading in the opening prayer A spe cially interesting feature was- ho Promotion Exercises by the sev eral classes ouch pupil passing through Ibe gat- after receiving Quarterly Official of his or her diploma Jos Pile annua meeting of the Club will take place Hie home of the President Mis Armstrong on Wed nesday evening Oct Election of officers packing box es for overseas musical program All interested in Ibe welfare of the Soldiers are cordially invited spring there was considerable disap pointment among fanners especially those who had delayed placing their orders till a few weeks before the season opened as there was not only a shortage of material but trans- port lion facilities were such that quick deliveries could not be made There is no that conditions will be better noxtt spring and it therefore behooves farmer this fall to carefully consider Ids needs scan the prices and having made his selection place his orders stipula ting an early delivery Co opera is ordering may effect the saving of a considerable amount in purchasing and freight rates inning the last ten years there lias been considerable increase in the num ber of farmers in British Columbia i NEWMARKET Km TWO WEEKS SALE OF HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Hi Ontario and the Maritime Mr Wilson changed Webb Itcspclcr Mr of store and goods lias lo Mr for a acre farm New has ami brief addresses by resident The Pall- were brethren of Hie Minis try on the Bradford District Ma sons in procession and Masonic at he rave interment Vewmarlcej Cemetery Amon the floral tributes of are beautiful wreaths member or ibe Roman in Newmarket men Old III IS anticipated CoilIC a friend- Choir Concert rare treat in store for the Newmarket next night at Hie JMiurcb when the of the Memorial will give a number of eefMii4 commencing at It- directorship of Mr I The Choir will he id by Mi- Milled Low Soprano Sinclair Contralto Kathleen Violinist -eai- reserved Part of pro- Field Com- J ijiciety Postponed on account Of of Melhodlst Church the Newmarket Christian Church St Andrews Presbyterian Church Womens Class Methodist and many personal offerings Among the rot a lives and friends in attendance at the funeral were Mrs and Miss Atkins of King ston Row and Mrs Wood of Mr and Mrs A to Action On 2nd Pie J Lyon No who in Re Sak with the Matt killed In action In Trance where he had been in he trenches months Deceased was the won of Mr Lyon of and iOyisiiH tit Mr Chaw a brother of Mrs J igiff now reside- near Kill toil was formerly a of Newmarket and he at nephew of Mrs Michael iiodgina Newmarket Mr formerly resided in North Wis and went Went years ago old will remember the family Wrist Watches LADIES AND GENTS lo Gold and Nickel CLOCKS MANTEL CLOCKS FRENCH IVORY CLOCKS KITCHEN CLOpK8 CUT GLASS Em Mi bring rfUlU Try one WATERMAN FOUNTAIN KODAKS Atkinson Co Marriage I gave a fine address the on value of Mm Itible the helpfulness of prayer and ref erence the good work accom plished by the school in past years of Sunday School work were also given by Messrs Carlo L Atkinson and L Jackson Offer- ill in aid Hie Sunday School Aid and of the Methodist Church in Canada amounted to about SI Although llm rain was still pouring down al the time of the evening service I here was a fair congregation who listened with undivided attention to the mirahJc and soulstirring sermon Rev Jos which was delivered in his oldtime vigor and eloquence chose Dan iel as his theme and deducted many lessons Of value- the pure I life resisting temptation the I power of a purpose and the vivy- effect of the Divine touch n life If was certainly for old friends I hear his familiar voice and feel grasp Of bis friendly hand The singing was led by a flirts Choir and they did Splen didly strengthened by Hie Orchestra whose services throughout llie dav under leadership of Mr A were greatly appreciated The Pastor had charge of the service and it was with much thai he had to announce thai urogram for Monday evening fol lowing had in cancelled for Hie present owing the illness of no less than of the trainers and a number of the pupils who I were to take part Hog In reporled St Thomas and amounts to the value of already destroyed t sold his general store goods to Mr Thos Johnson and has moved hack I Wei land Killer Peter of sold Ills farm of Mr for 11000 PINK ORCHARD The Womens Institute will Iheiriegular monthly meet ing Hie home of Mrs Albert Lloyd on Thursday Oct instead of Wednesday at pm Papers will be given on Home and lirst Aid by Miss Hope and Patriotic Work by Mrs J Klin toff All ladies cor dially invited to attend There was a good attendance at Ihe social held at Mrs Shrop shires and everyone seemed have a good lime Mr Wright held the ticket entitling trim to the beautiful begonia The Institute realized in all to ward their Patriotic will be run dueled Pine Orchard next Sunday II a in by I of Rev Dr Watson late of Sandusky Ohio now of Toronto is expected to conduct service ill the lends Meeting here on Sunday Oct I lie will refer to the Children of Peace in his address cordially invited Provinces using fertilizers but un fortunately but a small percentage of thorn have any definite knowledge the profit that may have resulted their plication There will always be a degree of uncertainty as regards results from fertilizers chiefly owing lo fact that seasonal conditions can not bo predicted but with close observation from carefully planned work a very great knowledge may be gained as lo kind and amount of ferlilier which will prove profitable A series of adjacent plots on fairly uniform soil each with a different amount or combination of fertilizer and sown to the same crop furnishe the most reliable means of learning the most profitable application but if lime and labour do not permit of tie adoption of this plan a sirup of field well staked Should he left un fertilized and its yield against thai of a similar sized strip op the fertilized area 1roiii results so obtained tin- profit or loss from application of the fertilizer may readily obtained A savins lay he usually effected by buying fertilizer ingre dients nitrate Of soda Milphate of ammonia superphosphate basic slag than by purchasing really mixed ami tills course also fur nishes Cm I information for future obtainable in no other way Information ami advice regarding Ihe use of fertilizers will be gladly given as far as may be by Division of Chemistry Central rami Heavy Scotch Wool Hose Assorted Sizes Reg 50 for Heiyy Fleeced Hose Size to Reg for Ladies KnitWeil FleeceLined Hose Special pr Heavy Fall Lisle Hose Famous Mercury Brand Black Cream White Brown Special Big Range of Childrens 1 and 1 rib All Wool Hose Red Cream Black Brown Full Range of Ladles and Childrens Underwear Turnbulls Brand Price from 50c to f ore OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE PRESIDENT HAY GENERAL MANAGER HEAD OFFICE TORONTO A General Nanking Business Transacted Careful attention given to accounts ot Verchants Manufacturers and Farmers SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES SMYTH NEWMARKET BRANCH Branch also at Aurora Manag ye a a NOBLKTON IfiiiKl- Inr as a nurse In liaiiiiim at Hamilton ami niMOptllt will lit cllliltili oil at 10IO and I iliiif A IlifiilllK of will In- jo of 1 ami will of sinKiHK All an Soil liavi- ami of Mr It 1 The latter will dispose of his ami from store Tin rtjfiilar Institute will he hold Hall on Mrs lames of lias Hi farm from Mr It Stark of Union NO MAN NEED STAND WAITING hie of flii lIt nun of our limes said a few year there win more than take The youths Who are that falhei Mill KIM ml fathers hail a llllllll time than falls to would do will I refleei upon Hits The viy of present life for varied No yoiim man need stand idle walling O Live Stock Markets paid in 1 lop prices Hi is Kxlrn fleers and Choice and Common lows Choice Milkers Veals Calves Spring Lambs Yearling Lambs Sheep Medium Sheep Hogs off cars I 1200 LADIES AND GENTS COLD WEATHER IS COMING And Now is the Time to Buy your Winter Supply of Boots Shoes Rubbers and Clothing r Owing to Prices Increasing we are going to cut them down as Goods bought early in the season are coming In and we must make room for them Come in and look the Goods over Here are a few of the articles Cases of Ladles Rubbers Reg to for Wens Rubbers 1 Pairs Mens Laced Rubbers Red Soles Reg for Boys Rubbers Mens Boots Leather Lined Reg to for Mens Boots Soles Reg to 750 for 589 Mons Heavy Working Boots Reg for Mens Russian Calf Boots Reg to for 395 300 Pairs mens Fine Boots Reg to for Big Reduction In Boys Girls and Childrens Boots Pairs Ladles Black Calf Boots White Soles Reg 7 for 579 Ladles Fine Boots Reg for Pairs Ladles Boots Patent Leather Tops Reg for mens Panama Underwear Reg ea for mens Wool Undorwear Reg to for Mons Trousers Heavy Worsteds Serges Reg 450 for mens Heavy Top Shirts Reg for Ladles Silk Poplin Dresses Reg to for Ladles Silk Poplin Skirts Reg to for 160 Sweater Coats Wool Ladles and Mens Reg for Childrens Sweater Coats Reg for 1 if 1 A Three Doors of King George Hotel NEWMARKET Toronto Markets QUESTIONABLE Mother Raid Hobby n full week of I been n good hoy lately dear re plied Ids mother very very good hoy And do yon really trust me continued of mother Inisls tor Utile boy sin- mi- Hut Ho eliaslened was not I reilly really host me you know tie ex plained Yes I really really trust you nodded ids mot her Why do you lust hvaiise said his Into Ids and looking her in fare if you trust me like you say you do why do you on the Jam A woman seldom in her husband by the method i III do Turkeys lb Chickens lb Ducks 3o Kail Wheal bush Wheal bush New Oats Iiriiolhy May ton Mixed Hay ton Newmarket Markets KKS do lb Wheal bush New bush FLETCHERS ASTO Si- THE PROPER TIME The Time to increase your Protection and provide for your old ago Is when you are an In surable risk Next week you may not be The Mutual Life of Canada Gives you Assurance at FIRST COST FRED CH ANTLER Newmarket Out District Agent a I y V-

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