Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Oct 1918, p. 1

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The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance TERMS per annum in advance when not ao paid to United States in advance only SEE US TODAY And You Will TOMORROW I T Watson Graduate Optician Ti V I AM JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT iplV VOL No 37 Single Copies 5c Vim I nut light your Furnace for another Month if you use one of Our Coal Oil Heaters They will make any room very comfort able very small cost The belter Stove is the Florence Automatic Blue Flame Wickless You can boil water and do any light cook- tog I taken the Agency for The Enterprise High Oven Ran a little better than anything yet shown See it on dis play in nr South Window ELECTRIC IRONS HEATERS BULBS 25 40 Watt THE HARDWARE THE PAINT STORE FOR GOOD PAINTS VARNISH V PHONE 28 THANKSGIVING about the house Ann exclaimed WW grown with and of at beds But how i V I I think she about the same I She cant gel out of doors hut she walk about the house a lit- I lie hit Im slaying home from weary of limb and i- school this session and helping- i BANK YEARS The Farmer and His Bank should be on intimate and friendly terms They can be mutually helpful The Bank of Montreal is J always glad to give to its j customers the benefit of its financial experience and knowledge G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch your years and come As hack to Walking through the and fading wood So lightly your feet When all you knew of lift was Ami all of Sweet And ever looking hack youthful loves enchanting track Taste the ripe fruits from Hie orchard bough Drink from the well more Breathe fragrance from tie crowded mows Willi fresh sweet clover running I count Ihetreasiire at your feel of silver rye and golden wheal sit beside the hearth a train Whose circle once was glad ami gay And if from out the precious chain Some shining links have dropped away Then guard with tender heart and hand The remnant of thy household band near the board with plenty spread And if in the accustomed place Von see be fathers reverent head Or mothers patient loving face your life may have of ill Thank Hod are left you I her with the housework Just V SOUTH END LUMBER YARD Carters WILCOX BRICK JUST ARRIVED PEARSON Cor Church and Wm Giles John Murphy and Leslie Shier THE WM CANE SONS CO LIMITED AM IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER LDING I come right into her room j be mighty gladto see you Mary observed as she opened a hall door- Why itsAnn and Im so glad to sop you I was begin ning that you had for gotten all about me my dear Forgive me for not rising hot well enough to get out of my morning Mrs smiling up at her hearty young guest all flushed from walk through brisk morning air Im afraid I havent been very neighborly Ann replied regret fully as she accepted a chair be side her hostess hut Ive been very busy full with my music lessons and flowers and some reading lint Im sorry to find you ill Had I known that you were not well I would have come or not WeU I didnt want to trouble you with an old ladys ailment- Mr replied gently Tell me about your flowers Did they bloom successfully This is I be first Thanksgiving in many a year that I had chrysan themums for my dinner table It hardly seems like Thanksgiving without them But and I have had In up our idea of Thanksgiving for Aon Phoebe my old cook is in bed with rheumatism and theres only little Mary In prepare lie dinner well have to a as we do every day without flowers or or jel lies or any of the lovely we used have But my dear you were music cs- Flow I have to hear yon sing and play The little hasnt opened since you were here last Do sing me some of the old favor ites Ann fell a lump rise in Iter its she looked Ihe faded little old gentlewoman and lis tened what she was saying So sin- made no reply lo her By llansMu save to grant it Quickly she in fnWM liilb- organ praised he lid ami presently ft l i a wn of an old which she at I firsl a brokenly In I a flee a golden allium d I whiU I wan to skip lbHe This followed I wo i I lis like I Jo Jimi fcw wan a chid I eel like HI t and and I gil tired This is loo a day spend a particle it Winter will soon be here all I lie peaceful aiilumu will be Sri I m going lu make this line sheeJoeljhJVhMirar weather and pi lor a long But let lake lookl Ami hone your stand in loneliness may clasp brothers hand And id aha mi sisters lender kiss Though wiih n friend nor lover nigh The is ill ymr for friends your life has known every dear day The blessed past is safe alone inil gives but does nut take lie safely keeps IIS Hie lieiure that We love AN UNEXPECTED THANKSGIV ING GUEST MP S Harkec Who Collapsed on street in lost week on his way to ho Methodist General Conference clock on the high mantel shelf fupl thai il lime for start as she was she tad been lliinkiug and no When she had an affect innate e I e my riowers j I she cut lhei pn a Moulding and aside Trim in Pine Cypress Ash and Oak and Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Doors ami Window frames boors In Pino Fir Ash or Oak at prices that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial Dane Sons Go Limited NEWMARKET TORONTO OF ftfcts it Farmers Bualnoss careful attention Safe Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parties convenience ii afforded Savings Small or large sums may he deposited and inter en I paid on balan ces Wvymrcet Branch A LltTER Manager Thanksgiving and Ill all lo wear The re an- just enough for a In carry II fool ball and Ihe din ner int house Ann her mined lial ami liffflll coal and mil doors At Ihe jrardcu she slopped to admire gulden illld while which glistened in mellow sun She had raised these flowers giv ing every care and alleii- and now their beauty her There were not many of Ihem hardly more than an arm Till bill were large arid fullblown and beautiful My youll with Ihe football yatne and afterwards to Ihe din ner and youll he as pretty as any flowers IIomc Ann- exclaimed happily as she skipped away down I lie narrow road which was car- willi fading leaves In her enjoymenl of the brisk weather pedestrian did realize how far she had tome from home until she lo a clearing in woodland ami recognized a lillle dullbrown Collate by I lie roadside Why old Mrs collate and Ive come two and a half miles exlaimcd surprisedly And Ive come Tar Ill slop ami see how dear old lady i- Im afraid I have liol been very neighborly lately In fact I seen her this fall In answer Tales knock at the door little Mary Lee Mrs Iandchlld and sole came to Wheres irrandmother Mary Ann lit III red anxiously I expected to find her out in the yard work will her she always had such pretty chrysanthemums at Thanksgiving lime Yes bill shes been so much this fall that she hasnt been able lend her flowers and there you see little jrirl replied I hadnl now SCO thai there tire no flowers he kitchen Mm surprise Tor your grandma a surprise ami you must a until evervlhii- over earlv he oruin and a and nice ami my beautiful lo the and were dinner in your honor little tiilwin alone me help ady in another part of lei inner musf surprise was air Mary but her eyes hlK and pros and tears of gratitude shone lashes Ann Tate honied away down road il was a sacrifice giv ing up football ami the Jnniv t Itut her place could be no would suffer The loo how she had dreamed flowers which she would carry to ihe game and dinner I vision of yes faded face thoughts of selfish and the I he Miss ale and her maid arrived dull brown collage which entered through the kilehen door she and Ihe were very busy Ml Hie mid adjoining din ing room The Hamilton Times day Ocl says overlook a prominent and very nightly esteemed citizen with great suddenness this morning Mr John Harked the wellknown westend mer chant in company with a friend bulb of whom were delegates to the Methodist General Conference in First Methodist Church had reached church corner on the way to the conference when Mr Hacker suddenly turned faint and collapsed before his friend could summon help An ambulance was quickly summoned and re storatives were applied Dr and Dr Roberts were al his side in a few minutes Be fore the ambulance reached the hospital Mr Marker expired- Mr Marker was horn at Water- down and was 53 years of age fie came to this city just years ago and for thirteen years had carried on a dry goods busi ness at Main St West corner of Locke where he also lived lie was- best known in Metho dist Church circles and was greatly beloved for his sterling character his splendid enthusi asm and ability lie was a member a trustee and mem ber of hoard of ion Tabernacle and for years had been superintendent of the Sun day Seined lie was a member of Laymens Association of Conference n member the Laymens Missionary As socio I ion and of several other church organizations He was nlso a member ofCrown Council It of King City Court A ami Strain conn Howling As sociation lie is survived by his widow and it sister Mrs 1 Andrews of Current and four brothers George of Octroi Wil liam of Manic David of and Joseph of Toronto Ml doesnt suspect one IJMIe whispered as she came out of Ihe room She cant hear us from En there and shes been a nap Hut if ready now Mil go roll her in in her easy chair Yes everythings ready Ann replied viewing with satisfac tion beautiful table with Its snowy set in Hue old china and the golden and while lllling all vase in center Dinners ready gramlma Continued on Page Hamilton Herald says Mr Marker was a most active member of ion Tabernacle was of he Sunday School and- greatly loved by the children tie was one of ihe most generous men in and a great help to the pastor and all hal his place can never be Oiled He was mem ber of the official and trustee hoards ami was on the mission- devoting nearly nil his lime to church work is thought thai extra work thai Mr llnrker volunteered to do during the conference may helped Id hasten his death Deceased was joking the break fnsl table ami ale hearty as ijmiuI Al the ratal in omen J be was caught in he arms of Miller of loii a Newmarket hoy who was billeted al home for the Con ference ami who was walking by side Ilr never spoke again or gained Adams of Saskatoon an old friend who was also his guesl was only a few sleps in front of and both rendered immediate assistance obtaining medical help Mr John Marker was brought in the home of his par ents King filly ami started in business as a chore boy and elerfc for the late 1 Stokes King Oily After serving for some three years he Came to New market as a clerk In the store of laic From here lie moved to Toronto some lb years ago arid it was while employed with Ihe T Baton Co thai he married Missfiara lack- son daughter of Mr Jack son of Newmarket was during period Unit he was honored with the of St Methodist Sunday School for years which posi tion he resigned on account of accepting a situation in as innmiger for the Stanley Mills Store During the six years that he was in their em ploy he was sent to England on two or three occasions as buyer for the firm Twelve years ago an opening occurred to go into business for himself and his attractive windows and tidy store together with his integrity and business methods brought him continued success Shortly after removing to Hamilton he was appointed Su perintendent or ion Tabernacle Sunday School and was just Completing his year in that honorable capacity when the came for him to enter into his eternal reward The General Conference of the Methodist Church in Canada in In Hamilton by resolu tion adopted by unanimous vole directed thai a Idler be sent by the Secretary to Mrs Marker expressing its very deep Sympa thy in her sudden which letter stales thai the ference was greatly moved by the deafli of their much arid highly esteemed brother With deepest fervor the Conference united in prayer led by Hew Adams that the comfort of God he vouched to his loving and devoted companion in tills darkest hour of broken heart J eil sorrow also decided to he represented by a delegation at the funeral The funeral service look place in Tabernacle at oclock on afternoon at reiUest of Trustees and Officials and although notice was very shorl he church was filled with a very sympathetic audience The pallbearers chosen by the Laymens Association of General Conference were Messrs Fred Mann Samuel Carter P Moore It Colback and M P Shells The denominational honors could be conferred upon any man were accorded the deceased ill solemn and im pressive service in ion Taber nacle when Ihe following look pact Hew Dr Superin tendent of the Methodist Church in Canada and President- of Ihe General Conference T Al bert Moore Secretary of General Conference Rev Presi dent of 1 in i 1 1 Conference Rev Ilollinrake of Hamilton Itev I the Chair man of the Mr 1 President of Laymen- Association of Gen- Conference and Adams of Saskatoon a warm per sonal friend Many winds of preeialion Of Ihe pure life ami beautiful ha racier of deceased were spoken A choir voices led singing and many a silent tear was dropped as the people passed and a look face of one beloved by young and old The motor cortege then pro- to the It depol and remains wore brought New market fur interment New market Cemetery on Saturday af ternoon must handsome floral tributes from the Hoard of ion Tabernacle Officers and Teachers of Sunday School St Methodist s Toronto the Mouse Association of Hamil ton and lle Hoy a I Templars of Hamilton there were some personal and family recognitions of loving sympathy The service New- eke I was ii resi dence of his brotherinlaw Jackson by Hew J Wood Pastor of the Methodist Church Mrs and Mr I LaSalle rendered two beau I duels Pilot Me ami One Sweetly Solemn Tin- pallbearers were Messes Hi Kerr Geo 1 lriil and A A mem- tiers of lle Official Hoard of ion Chureh at Hamilton The following relatives am friends from a attended service AGO ar id From Era Oct 1868 J P P Hon J Mc- P Amos Wright P P P Col Toronto Mr J K McDonald Co Treasurer and oth er distinguished gentlemen at tended the Fair in Newmarket this week on the second day The following took part in the Fair Concert on Tuesday evening Mrs Miss Hunter Miss Miss Miss Miss Hacked Mrs ami Miss James Mr James Mr Geo Monkman Mr Will Collins and a couple of pupils of music class Miss Sarah and Miss Jackson Married ML Albert by IL Sept Terry lo Miss Catharine Guif- both of Fast Al Pine Orchard by llainer Watson of Whitchurch to Miss Elizabeth of Pine Orchard Oct II lev II John A James of to Miss Johnston of Whitchurch the Manse Newmarket by John Brown on Oct Lewis P AC mil age of Whitchurch Miss Isabella of Tecum- Tp Al the same lime and place by the same Isaac P of Whitchurch to Miss Marion Web ster of Kine St Pauls Church by Rev Canon Ramsay on Rob ert Si ret Ion of lo Miss of Newmarket St Pauls Church Newmar ket on Oct- by Key Canon Ramsay Tims Gill ion to Miss Susan both if Hast limbury At residence of Mr Win Lukes by Rev A ChamberM on Oct IL 11 Simpson lo Miss Lavinia all of New market Markets and butter 25 Al I jy Mr Geo Marker Detroit Mich Mr Marker Mr and Mrs Joe Marker Toronto Mr and Mrs Jos Marker Ave Toronlo Mr Hoy Andrews Toronto Mr David SharpeHamillon Mr and Mrs I Rev and Mrs Mr Jackson Toronlo Mr and Mrs My Hawkins Toron lo Mr A Wright Tor Mr and Mrs Auro ra 25 YEARS AGO From Era Fylo Oct 20 Dr Campbell Deputy Reeve Woodcock and Andy Robertson are taking in Ihe Worlds Fair Dr returned from Chicago on Tuesday Mr of Montreal is here on a Mis ami daughlei- Miss Ansel are spending a coup le if weeks at Slouffville Mr Samuel Kenton of Florida is visiting his cousin Mrs Canton Mr Herbert Lewis of Toronlo is spending a week with his mother Mr A I loan f Sharon Milne of and Mr Wal ler have gone o Manitoba a hunting expedition The Paisley hotel Shrub moii ill was destroyed by ire on jnt Mr Ily while shing a nn fSorliam SI fell off the roof and was nearly killed Newmarket Citizens is engaged for Bradford Fair The Altar Al Spruce Grove Oct by Rev McKay An drew It Mackenzie to Minnie Warren both of Mir A ML Mr of Place Miss Shepjiurd of Holland Landing Markets i butter an Damascus the of has A Hen by More than Im were taken prisoners Hid I Mus- of the Co while friiii lasl spring a leak and Hie members the crew were taken off and landed safely on the nrsr The barges were being towed King ston by He- also of the was loaded LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN this lotion cheaply for your face nock arms and hands I Al the cost of a small jar ordinary cold cream one can pre- pare a full quarter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin soft ener and complexion by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle con taining three ounces of orchard white Care should be taken lo strain juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gels in then this lotion will keep fresh for months Every woman knows that lemon is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles and tan and is the ideal skin softener while nor and Just try it Get three ounces a thousand tuns of coal for Mont real The barge with mishap orchard white any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this swoolly fragrant lem on lotion and massago daily into the face nock arms and hands It is marvellous lo Smooth en rough red hands miles off the docks and About miles out of Oswego Children dry ran a I mm jOaa 1 a I J Pi IB I

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