Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1918, p. 8

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HE WOULD DIE Cooqaered and Restored His Health Life Around the Hub has The Womens Institute made arrangements with the Mac- ville Club to have present The Ministers Wifes New Bon net at the Music Hail here on Friday evening Sept com mencing at oclock The pro ceeds in aid of Soldiers Christ inas boxes This musical comedy has been given with great success at Macvilleand Bolton and should draw a full house MR ROBERT NEWTON little Bras I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years bad pain after eating belching gas constant headaches and did not sleep well at night I lost so much weight going from to that I became alarmed and saw several doctors who however did me no good a friend told me to try week there was improvement constipation was corrected and soon I was free of pain headaches and miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia I continued to take this splendid medicine and now I am well strong and rigorous ROBERT NEWTON a box 6 for trial size At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa HOUSE FOR SALE With all Modern Conveniences good locality excellent garden Enquire of Mis Haines Pros pect St or Haines Barber Newmarket FARM FOR SALE acres only one mile from acres under cul- to acres bush and pas ture Good buildings Apply to Box Newmarket TO RENT Store and Dwelling with gar den opposite Post Office For particulars apply to M Bos- well Newmarket or to W I Per kins Toronto HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT The Cedars Boarding and Rooming House Would lease for a term of years with or with out furniture Apply to MRS SCOTT The Cedars Victoria Ave cense Newmarket 30tf FARM FOR SALE Acres more or less rear end of lots and the sixth concession of Kris i Bank barn cement stabled driving house and out buildings wood frame house of eight rooms good cellar bard and soft water orchard creek crossing both lots further particulars apply Box ri Newmarket Post Office or Mrs Frank Weir p Ontario WW FARM FOR 8ALE Lot Con acres more or leys just mile- from Metropolitan By About acre under cultivation acres hardwood bush mostly maple ami beech the balance pasture and swamp land Hank barn pig pen good painted driv ing house Comfortable resi dence of ft rooms woodshed cellar and cement floor water good orchard and garden Apply J p SALE IN WELLINGTON CO One hundred acres County road excellent soil seventy acres meadow and grain balance pas ture and woodland maple elm and large balsam Level southern aspect No stones nor mustard Two miles from good town and High Pub lic School sixty rods house six rooms fairsized barn stone stabling apples well at and springwell in pas ture Will sacrifice above with grain crop for 0000 or accept property north of Toronto in pari payment Apply owner Schomberg A farm in County val ued at a house and lot at household goods and personal effects promissory notes mortgag S3 farm produce and in bonds make up the es tate of Richard Morris who died in on the 2nd of Aug last By a will made nine days before his death the testator left his house in house hold goods and lo his daughter Caroline Mor ris to his daughter Susan Mills to his daughter Ann Mills his Sarah Ann Elizabeth Clark and the residue in equal shares to his four laughters A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday Sept 11 at the home of Mr and Mrs of this place when their only daughter Mary became the bride of John A Forsyth son of Mr Forsyth The service was con ducted by Legate The bride was given away by her fa ther She looked charming in her wedding gown carrying a bouquet of roses The room was tastily decorated with flowers Many useful and valuable pres ents were given to the bride by friends and relatives After a rich repast of good tilings short speeches were given by Rev Leg ate I Forsyth McKewon W It Kindree of Toronto and the groom all of which added to the joys when the nuptial knot was tied The happy couple motored to Toronto On their return they will reside in their splendid home on concession of age creeps on vital force gradu ally decreases until when a man or woman is around the kidneys and bladder need assistance to keep them In perfect working order Rheumatism neuralgia and backache are common complaints of those get ting on in yean It seems to be the custom to expect these afflictions clode they are simply the inevitable results of old age and that there is no remedy for them There is a remedy Gin Pills and there are hundreds of people who can prove that the remedy ia good- Mr Frank a wellknown farmer of St Raphael was en abled to return to work at the age of 61 by the help of Gin Pills Mr writes hat he had suffered for years with in his back and sides until finally he was forced to quit work Gin Pills relieved him to such an extent that he now states he feels as strong at as he did at years Hugh of Lewis Core Road had a similar experience with Gin Pills In her letter to as she I am 51 years and the mother of children Five years ago was troubled with backache and dull pains across the abdomen I used a box of Gin Pills and feel so better that I will continue to use Gin Pills Testimonials such as these cannot be disregarded for the aged speak the truth It is foolish to suffer when yon dont have to Use Gin Pills and enjoy your latter years a box Sold by all dealers Sample free upon request to The National Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto Ontario address Inc Main Buffalo Cockerel Ella Aurora The hundred and fifty people who came out to the corn festival given by the Girls lied Cross So of Aurora at Bond hake Park last Wednesday evening had a delightful time despite the in clement weather aw the pro ceeds although below what was at first anticipated amounted to and were divided equally be tween the Red Cross Society and Hi- Soldiers Comforts At the meeting of the Girls Society held in their rooms in the Post Office plans were laid for a latent lea to he given in October Nursing Sister Mrs J Ward who has recently returned from service in France and Italy has kindly consented to address the Society School Gardens Contest IMC Aurora Armories was thronged With Gordon Beckett fames Cherry Will Kathleen Edna 9 Olive Sec 1 Charles Gordon Deckel Cherry Sloss Will Olive Agnes 10 Clarice Pec Conk 1 Mary Elmer Carl Black Dorothy Evans Sec lien I Dorothy Evans Mary Elmer Webb 10 12 IS I 12 Glass No Sec One Quart Evelyn Dion Hods Merchant Raymond Dion Kenneth ration Ceo Culling David Blackburn Bertram Wilson Geo Edwards Sec Sheaf 17 12 S Moss Marchanl parents and in- Friday night who were the first school garden exhibition and contest winch has ever been held in the lown were ninety entries for the garden contest and all the exhibits were of an excellent quality Mr T pre of the Ontario Societies acted as judge praised the children very highly on heir fine exhibits also ex plaining lo them the best vari- of fruils ami vegetables he growI in the district and giv ing them many useful hints the care of garden crops in era I I he potato exhibits were espe cially good specimens win ning Oral prize being almost per- in shape and quality he eleven offered in garden contest were won as follow Donald Hoy ton Hacking Mabel Cladys Tucker Angus i Jessie Marker llael Allen John u Violet Hillings Mis McDonald Ill the breadmaking contest Ilea Cook captured the first limes Mahel Crawford the sec ond and Kathleen third Raymond Dion Evelyn Dion Ceo Edwards Dudley Kenneth Ceo s till mm Wilson lass 3 Marqula Wheat One I I on ral es Dion Gilpin Walter Archibald Harry Wilson Jones Reginald Stanley Terry Earl Edwards Sec Sheaf I ffOnlOII loins wards Dion Stanley terry I loss Storey o Allen r Laura 2 I 13 12 14 23 II 2 fi 10 13 I Drayton poultry exhibit Murray Wood got first prize NOTICE is hereby given Mary Ann of the City of Toronto In the County of York in lb Province of married woinm will apply of at next from of Dated In Province of Ontario the day of IllKKMAS A MOSS Queen Street West a bill of divorce JaeobiScbelb on Hie Toronto Solicitors for A boy at Chapleau named Payne lost his life by elec trocution in trying to copy a stunt he had aean at the movies The Allien under Japanese hive put the and out of In the Omar province of Siberia Two thousand were Murray second and third The exhibition presided by Mr W Fleury of the Aurora Horticultural Society and was a decided success in way Oil Tapped In Mexico Mexico in the world with iis voiiiirful production of oil Thai country brought lo light a few ago an oil well having an capa city of barrels a day Another of these recent wells ha an estimated potential production of bar rels a day Others are considered ca pable of from 20000 to barrels of oil Wlonlpeg now has ho less one thousand capable women who have fitted for vork such in the Vaacs are now doing for the forcew such iuc Potatoes Green Mountain Arthur Evans 2 filina 21 toanStephQns4n 14 ileri Lynn t Clifford Walker Jim Class B Field Beans Lewis r- 3 Richard Jones j Vivian Donne Norman Icgge 21 Kenneth Gladys Burling 11 Bertram Wilson 8 Burling Class 6 Sweet Corn Golden Bantam Sec Six Ears S 1 Terry Roy Blackburn John Lewis It Arthur Fox Dorothy Ferguson Marion Alma Burling S See Sheaf Bruce I wis 3 Ernest Cook 11 11 11 12 It I RURAL SCHOOL FAIRS KING TOWN8HIP Class Barred Rocks Bert lack Davis Lewis Terry Carman Wilson Alma Burling Class 7 Mangels Yellow Leviathan i Joseph Win Ferguson Donald Gillies ttnuk Win Harold Davis Class 8 Turnips Cartera Walter Wilson 12 John Fa wee It 3 Cordon Davis Dudley a Aubrey Pratt Hazel Dove 7 Herbert Dolman Aubrey Gordon Class Beets Detroit Dark Red 14 22 r 4 1 Eileen Marshall Cordon Jones Madeline Wells Olive Hill fi Black Sarah Elmer a I A Class Carrots Chantenay 1 Webb Batempn 3 Gladys John Harmon times Archibald Mildred Walker 10 10 21 3 Ivan Duke 8 Carl Black Class Onions Yellow Globe Dan- Harry Wilson Boss Carlton Archibald Murray fi Beatrice Lewis 11 Howard Street 15 Gertie Burling Class 12 Parsnips Hollow Crown I a 1 Davis 2 Gould Laura Black 4 a Dora Wood Class Garden Mary David Blackburn Grace Ted Sutton l Florence Davis Violet Mary Hoover Noun in Dion 17 ii 1 A y 2 I 14 Asters Giant Comet Mary Hoover Marion llina Sea tun olive Sutton 11 lln Ferguson Class 1IS 8weet Peas Iforulliy ffnrnli Tarry Thelma Laura Davis t 10 1 14 Quit Laxatives Purges Try Tomorrow Feel Right I a with luxailvt 1 1 ami it lie ami liver and makes it why l you overcome your cot your In daily You can do if you ft of Natures Remedy Nil ami on each for or o Kit Tablet much morn than cause Thli rjtMh upon an vi an fellmlnaUvo organs the got nourlnhmenl from all t ul you a hearty Iho llvir regulates and tin Viholu body a out you will not to lake day An Nit tablet Will your body In condi tion and you can tw your heat Try Nature Remedy Nit and prove this It bent that you can oho and only 23C to but Natures Hern NIC Tablet In od arid by your J DrqQQlat Class phlox Lewis If claos 17 Collection of Woods 1 Hazel how Dove Class 18 Coltoctlon of Wood I Sent on IIiik Class 10 Collection of Insects 1 Norm i I Hurling Class 20 Collection Diseased Plants I Dove II Class Collection of Grasses Etc 1 Dove Class 22 Collection Native Woods 1 on J JennlngM Class 24 Collodion Pressed Leaves Wilson Alma Burling Charlie Class 20 Northern Spy Apples Waller WIIhoii J iAnrica J -TABLETS- Better tlMn Pilh I JET Drown Brown Norman Class Apples 1 Vivian Dudley 3 Gordon Dpivlfl Lyman it Collection I Fred Beth Davis a0j Bert Sutton H Eric JH Class 28 Small Table i J Dorothy Fox ii Violet West ii 12 10 ii ii 10 David Blackburn fteha Class Tomatoes Teller Burling Mildred Haines Dorothy Fox Class 30 Largest 8quash Edward Archibald Hela Bond Chapman May Hoover 1 Class 31 Spring Colt Heavy 13 15 10 2 1 Edward Archibald Walter Archibald Gordon Class 33 Calf Dairy 3 Dolson J James 10 Class 34 Caif Beef Breed Wilson 12 Cecil Dove 13 David Blackburn 12 A Bert 11 Class 35 Lamb 1 Douglas Beckett 3 SPECIALS For Pupil Showing in liandllng a Colt No For Pupil Showing Most Skill in Handling a Calf David Black burn S No For Pupil Showing Most Ski I in Handling a Lamb Douglas Deck- ell Class 38 Hammer Handle 1 Teller Burling Neil Kennedy 6 Lewis Class 37 Milk Stopl I fames ROOFING TWIN For M EXPERIENCE has shown that the best roofing for factories stores barns warehouses and railway buildings is Solid QoidF I lit i Class 38 Model of a Farm Gate I 3 Bertram Wilson 12 John Class 39 Nail Box Burling son Null Bold Kennedy Charlie Seal on Lewis It 19 Class Half Dozen Tea Biscuits Evelyn Glass Lorna Davis Marjory Belli Davis 10 Mount l Class 41 Loaf of Bread Evelyn Class Beatrice Lewis Ethel Dove Glass 12 Lunch Box Margaret Dorothy Pearl White Emily Class Throe Button Holes ftrina Mildred Haines 10 Class 44 HandMade Apron 10 Mabel West brook Mary Ho over Mount Class 45 Crochet Work Crela I I I ft n 3 1 I I 10 11 J I 2 Margaret Ball fi 3 Lewis 11 Beatrice Lewis Alice 11 Class Pair of Knit 8ocks 1 Webb Wllhclmlnn Alice Boys Public 1 Class 48 Girls Public 8peaking Vivian Olive Hill 10 Dorothy Class 40 Song Laura Black 2 Ltwls 3 Lnureuc Hague Class BohOOl Parade 1 2 Boy Winning Highest No I 1 I i it i Seal mi Girl Winning Hlghost No I Wllhclinlna 11 Bohool Winning No No Canadian Bankers CompotlHAn Calf 1 Cecil Dove Pig I Cecil SOFT BOILED 8HIRT8 She was a dear old lady she lived III llardscrablde and was a bit behind times Sin had been reading the in a city newspaper chance had brought her way she ASklll he husband is these here negligee shirts they talk Father being a man was occasion Dont you know what they be ho grinned Well you are a Neglige shirts aint so and choky as a boiled shirt I mean a regular stilrl A neg ligee shirt is something you might cull a softboiled Womens Home Companion President Wilson has signed the Joint resolution by empower ing him to establish prohibition zones around and munition plants Belleville Mr Bon- of this city In company with Basil today in capturing a In Mosquito Bay near this city which weighed pounds It was the finest specimen ever caught In these waters It gives long service and satisfaction roofs laid years ago are still in splendid order and the tough felt thor oughly saturated with natures own water proofingeverlasting asphalt gives unex celled protection from the weather is not affected by smoke or fumes and does not corrode It doea not require aa heavy support A3 slate Saves You Real Money Made with grey surface and with Red or Green crushed slate permanent colors Sold by hardware and lumber dealers Write for full information in men CANADA J You Our able at v We A T Dealer Newmarket EVES PHONE CAN NOW BE SEEN AT Delivery be given You Turn you will find Everybody thinks of when chewing Is mentioned This Is the result of years of effort to give mankind the benefits and enjoyment of this lowcost sweetmeat helps appetite and digestion allays thirst renews vigour ARCHIVES OF Sealed Kept riflht Car kts a I

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