Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1918, p. 7

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hall local news PINNER SETS Dinner Sets we offer Extra Good Value In Sets ranging In price from fop a Very Nice Whit and Gold to for a fine quality of Semi- porcelain Set of a Nice Border pattern A Large Selection of Plain and Fancy Jugs In Variety of Colors to Suit most Everyone Johns Church A special contribution for fuel for the church was asked last Sabbath morning and 205 were placed upon the plates This will be considerably increased this wee A car of coal has been ordered in Toronto and is promised to be here by Saturday Coal is a very scarce article and prom ises are like pie crust made to be broken However Father Wedlock is assured that the coal will come Most Provoking Boys who have a tendency to be destructive of other peoples property should be punished During the holidays two large panes of glass in the High School were pierced with stones from Just as clean as WELL DONE SAYS TAFT TO CANADA Former President Pays Tribute to Dominions Record In War Far more effective than Sticky Fly Catchers Clean to handle Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere if hit by a bullet The glass alone Tea Pots In Plain and Nicely Decorated Styles from Bo to each ft fired from a cost for each pane to say nothing about the trouble of removing the putty to put in the new glass Hoys who are guilty of doing this thing should be soundly warmed where nature pro vided Importer of and Fancy China AND RESTAURANT IN THE IMPERIAL BANK BLOCK SOME WAR SAVINGS I Discount on Cash and Carry GROCERIES FRESH MILK CREAM AND CHEESE Methodist Sunday School The attendance is increasing each Sunday now and we hope ev ery member will be out next Sun day so that we may get back to our regular members Arrange ments are being made for our Sixtieth Anniversary to be held on Oct There will be special services all day and a TeaMeet ing on the evening of the Further particulars later and in the meantime wo wish to have ah previous attendance records broken Come and help us Com Brleflets One day last week Mr Joe Rob inson had the end of his thumb taken off at the Specialty How would it be if the Board of Trade got together and made some suggestions about the Fair Perhaps some united ac tion would be very beneficial into By only Firemens When sound on Practice the Fire Alarm Monday evening can supply Ice Cream at whole sale delivered taking back all not used Can also supply Garden Parties with Confectionery Soft Drinks Cones tic Restaurant and Soda Fountain Always Open I Bolsford St near the Market SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STORE Whistle at seven oclock many people were start led until it was discovered that was only a call to practice However She Fire me responded and made a test of the hose Again on Tuesday just before noon the whistle sounded for the down town district but this time it was the Fire Inspector- from Toronto who wanted see for himself bow the Firemen would respond to the alarm He catch either them or the engineer napping and the water mains got a good clean out Five streams were kept going for some minutes along Main street the pressure being maintained at pounds which was considered very satisfactory The Inspector also made a tour of the Town and tested all the hydrants so that his report is a very important one On it will rest the rating the Town will gel from the Underwriters in the mailer of insurance Change of Time A new Time Table came effect on the Metropolitan yesterday morning The changes are north of Newmarket Cars for the North leave New market at and 12 am 5 and pm Going South they leave Sutton at and am and and pm The Winter Time Table will go into effect about the of October Womens Institute The August Meeting of the Wo mens institute at the home of Mrs Fred Dawson was well at tended and those who went were well repaid by enjoying a profit able afternoon Mrs Smiths paper on the CoOperation of Parent and Pupil brought out a splendid discussion which may result in adding of Domestic Sci ence Music and other accom plishments to the Syllabus of the Country School The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Geo A on Thursday Sept at pm Everybody is expected to answer to the Call The Choice WarTime Dish at our Home or a quotation from their favorite author All are wel come Sec Just Arrived a Car of Hay and Straw Also Shavings at per bale for Bedding Try our Purina Scratch Feed for Laying Hens NOTHING TO EQUAL IT FLOUR A SPECIALTY Successor to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phone TERMS IN WAR TIME Dont hoard Money use It to secure an Endowment In the Mutual Life of Canada By means of this Policy you save Money INVENT MONEY AND PROTECT YOUR HOME Fred Chantler Rep re con tail T 205 Christian School We cot off a start last Sun day there being a splendid attendance and fine manifest ed In all departments The ser vices are now at P M Come and spend an hour with us Sabbath afternoon is Mission ary and very should be present Mrs Rev P Fletcher of Toronto will give an address on Missions of Our Denomination She Is an excellent speaker and we all know more about Missions so plan to be present Visitors in- Remember Rally Day Sept week from Sunday Come this day if not any oilier lime in the whole year be a big day rations under way for a program with new features it will he Enlistment Day department to represent a branch of the Military Keep Hie afternoon In mind will be In Church Auditorium Our aim is Our mono Tor Bigger anil Com Presentation On Wednesday evening Sept about 35 of the Sunday School Teachers and Officers and he Choir members gathered to gether at the home of Mrs Harry to do honor to Miss Thomas on the occasion of her approaching marriage Dur ing course of the evening a brief was read by I he Su perintendent and a beautiful ma hogany mantle clock presented on behalf of- the Sunday School The Indies of the Sunday School and Choir also gave her a com plete kitchen shower Miss Thomas was more thai delighted and surprised and responded to the presentation in a few chosen words Lunch was serv ed at the close and a very en joyable lime was spent by all Death of Mrs John Currey Willi we record he demise of Mrs John Currey which v urrd Saturday even- lay after an Illness which confined her In bed only weeks A woman of energy excellent judgment III all mailer- of domestic economy mother Indeed to the lioilMhold arid a friend to all In need Kim will be greatly missed in both Hie Farewell to Rov Q Ryerson Last Wednesday evening the congregation of Si Pauls Invit ed Key and Mrs at tend a social evening in Hie School Room which was in the nature a farewell Mr was in charge at the parish six months and his work was very much appre ciated by Ho Parish Dr Clark presided on program were the fol lowing Instrumental Mr Williams Sob Mr Instrumental Mr Solo Presentation by Mr Ross of a purse of gold to Mr In reply Mr spoke very feelingly of he kindness he bad received while in Rev T then spoke in bis usual pleasant way and was glad meet Mr wio did such good work while he away Refresh inenls were then served Odd Save the King The DEER HIGHLANDS OF ONTARIO CANADA Homo of tho Red Deer and the OPEN November to Novem ber 1 MOOSE November 1st Jo inclusive In of he Northern Dig it ft Ontario including and the territory north and south of the Can adian lover nine Railway from the Quebec Manitoba boundary open season for is from October 1st to November inclusive Im- further particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket or to Horning Iricl Agent Toronto I Agent Phone io Agent In in- and is over Mr and Mrs moved to Newmarket from the farm in Cwlllimbury and have been Indenllfbd with nearly all public mo mods ami church sine The lw oil- daughter have grown Up here and laken part in the and lif Town- iilll tiring law at Hanover Mr on the Homestead Mi he awl Ills now All were at hone- their dvobd molher and alonr with Mr ibe heart fell in Ihelr deep bereavement The in which the deceased wan was manifest by tie- in the Philadelphia Ledger Howard former President of the United Stales pays the following tribute to Can adas war effort Canadas record is made though not completed Nothing she can do in the future will detract from her great past in this world struggle She has shown herself a true daughter of Britain She has spared neither sons nor treasure to help her Alma Mater to save the world The purpose of Canada during the four years of war has been to maintain at the front a military establishment of troops which constitute a corps with its necessary auxiliaries Of these there are four of various sorts of troops mostly infantry in number and totalling men Then there are the corps troops mostly ar tillery numbering 1 and operating with the corps and sometimes independent of it is a cavalry brigade of 3000 men making a lighting force of Thirtylive thousand men make up the line of communication and auxiliary units They are woodr men railway conductors and op erators often under fire salvage units and other bodies promoting the health and efficiency of the lighting force This army ag gregating 125000 men is the mil itary establishment on the front which it is the business and pose of the Canadian Government to maintain in the war It was not in full strength in France till he late summer of Wast age of men was constant and the deilciencies created must be sup plied For Ibis purpose there was first an advanced base of troops in France In the Spring of 1018 Ibis nearly trained men ready be incorporated in be fight ing body Then was an in Britain This was a large organization for lie raining and equipment of troops sent from Canada and for maintenance of hospitals and establishment In the hospitals of Ibis echelon were from to wounded all the time Then there was a home eehelon in Canada whore men were partly trained and sent over Total Sent 394244 The total number of men for the Canadian Expeditionary Force sent overseas on July during the four years since the beginning of the war was men in in in in and in to July 1st There are now in Canada awaiting transportation troops This force been re to keep up the strength of the military establishment of men at the front of whom arc lighting What has become of the nearly troops sent overseas in four years They have suffer ed or about per cent of the whole overseas force Of Ihese were Captured There were I wounded who did not die Some of them including also the medically unlit were re turned to Canada as capable of no furl her Those who died of disease were only less than two per thousand in a year This is remarkable In Die hie physical condi tion of the Canadian soldier and the healthy regime and med ical care he has had Those killed in action were 27 who died of won- i ft and those who were missing a total of men dying from thi bailie were or between ten ami eleven per cent lb- wind- oversea- force ami a very much larger percentage of hose actually exposed the emys lire during the four years Tin- casualties in and 1915 and lliose in wore propor tionately much less than hose in ami when I he losses by among at front have reached a heartrend ing percentage The diminution in the rate for seems to give reason believe that the pres- methods of offence and mi beautiful floral which tie from the and among which were Aid of the Methodist Church of field Hoard of the Methodist Chimin of Newmar ket and tie- Board of of wan an a-tivi- OflheLadi Aid arid and Mr Is the recording ftlCW- ard of the Official Church Hoard Tier funeral took place at he on afiernoon by Hew J Wood pastor of i islhled by ltev and Addison of Toronto former also leler Ad and wax largely A quartette from the Church Choir led ftlnn cemetery In I men I at Motor business people of and elsewhere have demonstrated Interest In Me- Creal Coimly Fair in by a very liberal r- as will be by Ihe of on page of Ibis issue of to lie and generally of the Town md do Ihelr part No mailer bow lie- iiuivplrm If have not Hie Of the people the Pair will Im a failure iMiuioi run lblf but if everybody a little is wonderful how much can be This annual is one tf be f the Town Help I boost A ball guiie Toronto vs is one of the of Ihc 2nd The on second of the Mr will be a me All To ronto latent under the direct lob of Mr Spain re served at U rough Idas store SI Pauls Dramatic Club will put on tbc for third night and Will doubt be a The Club ban made an enviable rOpUlullOII and will do all power to sustain it The play Is entitled The Arrival of Seats reserved at Drug lore Prize on application Secretary Mr Keith are lives been avoid So costly in and that Hie troops trained more skilfully to unnecessary exposure for Casualties We may hope that with the in creasing advantage in number of the allied forces and a unity of command our American armies may not suffer as grievously as Hie brave Canadians did in those awful crises when the desperate struggle of inadequate forces only could save tin day- Subtract ing from he total number sent overseas dead those unlit for further service and captured we have left in round numbers men more than are constantly in hog in and France One hundred and fifty thousand are in the military establishments and advanced base in France and the remainder more than are In the Canadian echelon in Britain Canadas contribution in her expeditionary force up to dale and including those ready sail is troops addition there is a home force of 11000 an aerial force of 13000 and many auxiliaries not counted in Ibe ex peditionary force which would in crease her contribution certainly Canada has a popu lation Of persons This Is six and fourtenths of the i 1 A By the United States Military Service Con vention Regulations approved by the Gover- norinCouncil on 20th August 1918 MALE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES IN CANADA WITHIN THE AGES for the time being SPECIFIED BY THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES prescribing com pulsory military service except those who have diplomatic exemption ARE MADE SUBJECT AND LIABLE TO MILITARY SERVICE IN CANADA AND BECOME ENTITLED TO EXEMPTION OR DIS CHARGE THEREFROM UNDER THE CANADIAN LAWS AND REGULATIONS The regulations governing this liability are published in the Canada Gazette Extra of 21st August 1918 copy whereof may be obtained upon application through the post to the Director of the Military Service Branch of the Department of Justice at Ottawa UNITED STATES CITIZENS of the description aforesaid who were IN CANADA ON 30th JULY 1918 HAVE SIXTY DAYS FROM THAT DATE within which TO EXERCISE AN OPTION TO ENLIST or enroll IN THE FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES or TO RETURN to the United States and THOSE WHO for any reason SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME LIABLE TO MILITARY SERVICE IN CANADA HAVE THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE of the accruing OF SUCH LIABILITY within which to exercise the like option It stipulated by the Convention also that certificates of diplomatic exemption may be granted within the optional periods aforesaid EVERY CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES TO WHOM THE REGULATIONS APPLY is required to REPORT TO THE REGIS TRAR under the Military Service Act FOR THE province or DISTRICT WITHIN WHICH he is in the manner by the regulations prescribed WITHIN TEN DAYS AFTER THE EXPIRY OF HIS OPTIONAL PERIOD and will be SUBJECT TO PENALTIES IF without reasonable excuse HE FAIL SO TO REPORT For the information of those whom it may concern Sections 3 and 4 defining the requirements of registration with which it will be necessary strictly to comply axe set out substantially as follows REGULATIONS LAWS of the UNITED STATES prescribing compulsory military service not including those who have diplomatic exemption WITH IN TEN DAYS AFTER THE EXPIRY OF THE TIME LIMITED BY THE CONVEN TION within which the Government of the United States may issue him a certificate of diplomatic exemption SHALL TRULY RE PORT TO THE REGISTRAR BY REGIS TERED POST and in writing which is plainly legible his name in full his occupation and the date of his birth stating also whether he is single married or a widower and if the latter whether he has a child living also if married the date of his marriage and stating moreover his place of residence and usual post office address in Canada and if he reside within a city or place where the streets and dwellings are named and numbered the name and number of his street and dwelling or if he reside in another place the lot and concession number section township range and meri dian or other definite description whereby his place of residence may be located having regard to the custom of the locality in which he lives and IF WITHOUT REASONABLE EXCUSE HE NEGLECT OR FAIL TO AN OFFENCE AND SHALL BE LIABLE UPON SUMMARY CONVICTION to a penalty hot EXCEEDING FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS AND TO IMPRISONMENT for any term not exceeding six months and moreover he shall incur A PENALTY OF FOR EACH DAY after the time when or within which he should have registered during which he shall continue to be unregis tered EVERY UNITED STATES CITIZEN WHO HAS DIPLOMATIC EXEMPTION although not otherwise subject to these regulations SHALL WITHIN TEN DAYS after the granting of the same truly REPORT TO THE REGISTRAR in like manner and with the same particulars as required by the last preceding section and in addition he shall embody in his report a true and complete statement of the particulars of his certificate of diplomatic exemption NEGLECT OK FAILURE without reasonable excuse to comply with the requirements of tins section SHALL CONSTITUTE AN OFFENCE PUNISH ABLE IN THE MANNER AND BY THE PENALTIES provided in the last preceding section ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH population a military effort which if we were equal it would require us to create an ar my of men Canadas outlay for the war has been SI and her to tal indebtedness now is about In addition to this voluntary war organizations in cluding the Canada Patriotic Fund whoso object is lo give as sistance dependent relatives of Canadians in active service the Canadian Bed Cross Ihe lied Cross he Belgian the mid as sociations for similar purposes have raised by private lion When we circumstances her graphical remoteness we may emphasis with grat itude Well done Canadians I you are a people and you may proudly who world land are anionic saving the Mi CLOSE NORTH SEA TO BEAT UBOAT8 London Sept 10 That the cannot he completely fealed and that the destruction of shipping must continue unless lie North Sen including the iiliuial walirs of neutral nations is entirely closed and controlled by the allies is lie contention of Archibald Kurd naval expert in The Mr remarks lhat notwith standing that the submarines are being held with greater success ban before Ions of shipping are being sunk au- Only four small neutral stales lie declared stand Iween lb allies and Ihe measures which could presumably be taken to defeaf piracy once and for all This is a mailer for consider ation whether the do not demand thai the North Sea be closed no being left ex cept such as we can absolutely control At any rale the experi ment surely he hied the neutral nations of northern be rationed in accordance with some scheme which would save them from starvation Un less tills is the world apparently stand by more or less Impotent while the de struction of tonnage Washington Sept 1 can troops have landed angel to assist ihe forces there in then reeslahlish order in northern Russia ftt allied campaign In SIX DAYS IN THE BIG TENT BECAUSE OF ITS PREMIER POSITION PHONOGRAPHS THE NEW EDISON Tho Phonograph With a Soul HAS BEEN SELECTED TO RECREATE THE MUSICAL PROGRAM AT THE IN NEWMARKET Lot It bo a duty of tho wook for you to attend this Wonderful Eduoatlonal THE CHAUTAUQUA Let It bo a further duty to soo and hoar Greatest Invention of Thomas A Edison THE NEW EDISON PHONOGRAPH THE NEW EDISON Will bo Usod Dally at tho JUNIOR CHAUTAUQUA from am to 12 It will also provide a Spooial Concert on tho last ovonlng of tho CHAUTAUQUA at which Wlllard Osborno Phonomonal Young Violinist will play In unison with NEW EDISON Phonograph It will bo shown that Thomas A Edisons in vention actually recreates and so truthfully that no human ear can dctoct a shado of difforonco between artists and tho NEW EDISON RECREATION TRULY AN OPPORTUNITY NOT TO BE MISSED I J R BROUGHTON Now Edison Dealer Tho Now Edison Model at Chautauqua Is from our Rogular Stock The Pandora Brings Relief You wont know the relief in store for you and the new pleasure in life too until you have a Pandora range set up in your kitchen oven ther mometer on the- oven door that banishes the guess from your iug a hundred con veniences in cooking and kitchen work all combined in one range the Pandora FOR SALE BY A ALLAN CO Toronto Montreal Hamilton Canary Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver irt a i A I C T ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO

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