NEWMARKETS FRIDAY SEPT V AGF MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert COAT LOST Between Sharon and Mount Al bert on Sept a gray dress overcoat Reward on returning same 10 Brook Mount Al bert or the printing office THE CEMETERY Mount Albert has every reason to be proud Of its wellkept cem etery Just at present it is beautiful and well worth any per sons time to go and visit it It is certainly a credit to the com- Queensville PERSONAL Mrs Bales nee Miss Hooper a former teacher in our Continu ation School of Pasadena Cat was in town recently on a visit lo Mrs J B Paisley Mr and Mrs Hayes spent the greater part of last week friends in Toronto Mr and Mrs Brace of Ham ilton were visitors at the home of Mr Watts over the week Roy Gray has returned from his vacation and took the services in the church last Sun day Mr and Mrs Anderson nee Miss Lola Sliver of Elgin Man arc visiting relatives around town Mrs Will Hopkins of is visiting at the home uncle Mr Ross A number from this took in the Exhibition last week Mrs Russell has her sister-in- law and children from Edmon ton for a few weeks visit Mr and Mrs- Willhee have received word from their son Reg of the who was listed as wounded about a month ago Fortunately it was not as serious as was feared He was struck in the head by a machine gun bullet in and Midland of her vicinity oo Brown Hill The service here on Sunday morning was well attended Ex cellent conduct and devotion throughout the whole service while our new minister Rev formerly of delivered a straight up and down sermon for every hu man being He spoke from Acts Text What wilt thou have me do I believe there will be some sifting done shortly Inferior seed will accumulate and yield nothing our good farmers around these parts cut their buckwheat a few days ago I sup pose Jack Frost hastens the season on Mr Moore took a business trip lo the city last Saturday There was a big lime out here at tin- service on Sunday night Mr look charge Mr Albert was un fortunate enough to meet with a runaway last Friday night He was thrown out of the rig He go off lucky indeed Just a mark- on bis forehead and a snaking up but serious We are very pleased lo learn that Mrs perry is re covering from her Ion illness Quite a number from here and intermediate points took in the meeting at Swamp on Sun day pm Rev A Sims ronlo look e barge service He principally spoke on a portion of the Revelation Period Mr Sims is an excellent oldlime preacher Potato buying is getting lo lift nolle a magnJJireiil operation in this Well wonder if all the alive Tortoise are hope so and I dont follow such ft purpose to have diabolical tecurrenres ban- Services hi Hi ft school house on the is on yet Farewell Sleeping Beauty Too Late for Last Week We are having lovely weather nuv Threshing is be order of the day Mr and Mrs Arthur Edwards visited at his brothers on Sun day last I wonder why the black horse comes to the Fifth so often Our soldier hoy Mr Chesley Sweet was the guest of his cous in Miss Laura Sweet on Sunday Wonder what Arthur will do since Violets leaving this burg set an aeroplane and follow Mr Welch is all through harvest and has got his thresh ing all done Thompson and friend from this are doing quite a business selling apples the few girls at the shore Mr and Mrs Samuel were borne at her fathers on Sunday the fellow that forgot to put the under the horses tail the other night Mr Anirus Sweet was at Mr Andy Thompsons on Sunday Blue Eyes Too Lale for Last Week A Quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs John Wellington Havens hoe when their second daughter Myrtle was united holy bonds of to iordon son of Mr and Mrs Jos of Holt Rev If officiated The bride locked dainty in a Unarming gown of white silk with pearl trim mings wearing silk embroidered veil caught with orange blos soms and carried a bouquet of white sweet peas After ihc we din- breakfast Mr and Mrs left by motor for Toronto and other points the bride wear ing a ravelling suit of nigger brown satin The of Mr and Mrs J was the scene of a pleasant event when guests num bering about one hundred gath ered I he esteem in which I he young couple were held They were recipients of many beau and us rul gifts Lunch was in a very dainty man ner and was in complete order with Fond Board Music was rendered by the splendid tal ent which was present and was certainly enjoyed by all Toward midnight the guests left wishing the bride and groom all happiness and prosperity their new home at Ravenhoc where will reside- Art Did someone mention corn- roasts They surely must have bad reference to Ihe one to be held home of Mr Seymour on Wednesday Sept The Ep worth League expects ev eryone who enjoys a good time to be present at pm Mr and Mrs J Moore also J Miss Kathleen spent part of last Toronto with their daughter Mrs Sydney Thompson and al tended the Ex Mr Fred Kavanagh is back from the West after an absence of two years Mrs has returned from where she spent the summer Everybody is talking about School Fair at Sharon on Friday Mrs Byron Aylwanl of Toronto is visiting Mrs A letter from Byron states that he is doing nicely He was severely wounded in the hip while in action in France Mrs J Norns is in Buffalo visit ing her sisterinlaw Mrs Miner Miss Ida left on Tuesday to visit her brother Mr Winnipeg- Miss Alice Smith lias gone lo Sud bury visit her brother Jesse Mr ami Mrs J Lewis attended he wedding of their daughter in To ronto on Tuesday of last week The bride was dressed in pale peach crepe trimmed with brown velvet and hat to match The attendants were iiss Flossie Lewis of the brides sister and Mr- Homer Brown of Toronto A recep tion was held at new home Sherwood Ave Toronto Immediately after the ceremony only the imme diate relatives of both parlies being present The nuptial couple will he At Home after Sept Talk- spun KKKKeswick Beautiful Keswick I Youre the only TTTTown That we adore When the sun shines on next Saturday the fair well be wending our Where Why in The Public Fair on the Everyone come going to have a time of your life Miss Lelia Morton has return ed from the city Miss Leila and Mr Raymond spent the weekend in Mr Preston Kettle is spending a few days in Keswick He seems to be having quite an interest ing lime too Where does Franklin go when Church is out Does he go away down the street or straight off bed Mr Squire spent the weekend in the city Mr and Mrs Davidson return ed from the city after a short vis it to the Ex The Christian Endeavor has opened up again for a fresh year Everyone welcome The Library they have under their care is open to the public That is why it was brought Keswick- Now make use of it Mr and Mrs Angus have baby boy Congratulations from Keswick The Keswick home club met as usual on Wednesday afternoon they packed six boxes this week besides having their usual business meeting Mr Henry has returned from Ex hibition with his horses pulled another prize on his driver making two prizes for her and bringing the tola Mr Bond Of Guelph tins been j Threshing seems be the rage now visiting friends here lately Miss Kathleen Sturgeon of Forest is visiting her cousin Mrs 1 Mrs and Lizzie Turner got back from Ihc West last Thursday evening and report that some crops are fine especially of Mr Palsy Mr W I and bride spent Sunday with her parents here Our new teachers Miss Clark Of Pie ton and Miss Melba Terry appear have made quite a stir among a have toe mark child now Miss Flossie Lewis of spending a week at home Jack Meyers Foster are home from Camp on Short leave- The Sharon and Farm ers Club will meel in Presbyter ian Mall on Monday Sept P M Toronto is and Cecil Sharon i EGYPT it FOR A and seven small pigs Ap ply to Goodwin Holt CARD OF Mr Andrew L if Sharon wishes to express bis apprecia tion to the neighbors and friends for their and sympathy in connection with the illness and death of ills beloved vife Hannah and also to the employees of the Metropolitan for their beautiful have two Spring Ram Lambs left and one twoyearold Pure bred Oxford Downs HORACE Keswick Out FOR ding Yearling Ewes and Lambs Apply to OLIVER WAGQ Mount Albert Cock bum com menced duties at her school at Brae on Tuesday Mr J no met a very painful accident on he CN section last week while loading rails one fell on his fool it so badly he was taken to Dr Cody in ML Albert If will be lime before he will be able to resume work Official notice was received by Mrs last week that her son was wounded and badly passed went over with the North Ontario Halt and has proven himself a good sol dier and we all sincerely hope that this his casually will not he serious Miss Bessie left for last Monday where she has been engaged to teach the hopefuls for a year Sir Wilfred is High School and Flossie Kidded and Bertha Sutton High School The section is well pleased with the way Miss Harries is handling our school She also In working up an interest in the School Fair I Last Saturday afternoon the Union of this place and Baldwin Christian held their picnic at the lake The rain rather spoiled the afternoon but everyone made the best of and said a little welling all in the game Mrs Bailey and Mrs fas returned borne from Saturday morning Do not forget to come and have a cup of lea with the Ladles Patriotic League op school grounds the day of the School Fair Sept Proceeds of booth will go toward packing box es for our soldier boys Hurrah for Sharon I The Tern- pic will soon be finished The Ladies Aid intend renovat ing the Methodist Church Ope rations will begin in a week or two Mr Frank Tate happened be home last Sunday Mr M A is on Grand Jury this week- threshing is the leading indus try just now Mr outfit is doing splendid work The yield of grain is excellent some of the oats yielding per acre The opening of York Pioneers Park and Museum was a huge success A large number of relies are already in the Temple That interest in the old his toric building is fast returning is an undoubted fact The old tim ers hearts will indeed be defied on of this month when they will heboid the illuniination of the newly deco rated Temple A Concert will he given evening by Mr Mr Wilton Mar- rill and Mr Morton were fit it on Monday while on Tuesday Mr mas Draper Mr John and the Hurst hoys had granaries filled all with radius of a mile Our Bank Manager seems rather lonely of late see hell be off for the city soon Mr a student oc cupied the Christian pulpit Sunday acceptably The many friends of Rev add Mrs Fletcher met their home previous to moving to Toronto and presented them a purse It was asked of them that they pur chase a cabinet of silver for Mrs Fletcher and a Chesterfield for Mr Kiel her Mas anyone room in their ear There are a of pupils go over to the fair Saturday Miss Robinson will ell you who you may have pleasure of taking HOPE Prices IEATHER is scarce and is growing scarcer A large part of the available supply must be used for soldiers boots Importations have prac tically ceased and we are forced to depend upon the limited quantity of materials produced in Canada The cost of everything which goes into a pair of shoes is high and is going higher Workmen by the thousands have joined the colors and labor is increasingly hard to get It is not merely a matter of high prices but of producing enough good quality shoes to go around These conditions are beyond the control of any man or any group of men They fall on all alike No one is exempt neither the manufacturer the dealer nor the consumer You must pay more today for shoes of the same quality than you did a year ago Next Spring prices will be higher still These are hard facts They will not yield to argument They cannot be glossed over We cannot change them much as we would wish to do so But you as a wearer of shoes can help to relieve them if you will exercise prudence and good judgment in purchasing See that you get real value for your money Spend enough to get it but spend nothing for frills See that the manufacturers trademark is stamped upon the shoes you buy High prices are a temptation to reduce the quality in order to make the price seem low But no manufacturer will stamp his trademark upon a product which he is ashamed to acknowledge Remember this and look for the trademark It is your best assurance of real value for your money in Dl Good ranging Very to Patter A Us Suit Tea Decor cacti I j AMES Shoemakers to the Nation LIMITED ST JOHN TORONTO I EXPERIMENTS AND TESTS I Pioneers in whiclr some Hie most prominent in In country will he of day gelling Ihisy for to as nurse know Si will he very lonely Ramsay is us flying visit We tiw tile the About present The High fancier gave grand selections All out for 21st Illumination for tile Hand Bays We are lu say that of our residents a away last will be nilBjed In the church There- were bomb I rib lea given in reftpeotr Mr fillroyH gave a wreath Mrs Rev Cook beautiful Kprny from her and a Innilsonie from her We nil have for In- bereaved The is turning very makes anyone think that pear On Monday c men work- ins on road i large Kim tree which hollow toil fit Honey Have yon go I your ye A lailies have five quarts weiMI The next Ladies Aid Will tc held home of Mr ami Mrs Wilfred Thursday HUM Come bring friends a attended rOMyptn- of I fie Temple Sharon nrday lie and will likely Iolleelhm In hue Mrs fiall Miss Maud illri spent ay Mch Mr ami and at Mr ilail- s ROACHS POINT The lYtdCrivs will be held after On- at run last ivfnlcrs at Mrs William meet ings have hem he hi Hie ah Mr- Hubert when- every ntforl The annual report of m in ion Farms for Hie year ending March is a document of sonic pages containing mai ler well worth studying by pro gressive fanners It describes and coaciuly the and tests have place at every and stalina which practically all Ihe seeing thai every province is Just as Hi I- to Dot a branch of agricul ture itmfeall with so there is not a and of will eh have pot in the of production by improved meth ods In former years the has given in tend volumes and contained accounts of the dial have made during lluryoaror that werir fill in writ- leu by profession I experts of the experimental farm sysleirc hut in bulletin form of the years the and farms and stations dif ferent pails of the eon try The Report as lias been said will well repay slimy he hail free application the iin of in FREE sale used with etc Real are to given ami I In been hi it- aim fake part I tea nerv ed the- assisting in tile- work of or Mrs niusr when a box of rubber ring for fruit Jars was opened uracil a womans illi her eyes hlootU after FOR and Lot with frame fitihln in Mount Albert east of Power House Black other fruit ply Sutton West For Holt I COAT LOST and Mount Albert on August a rain coat vith and Bilk handkerchief in pockets PI oiler will he rewarded on reluming snYe to Planer Mount Albert ivoi2 Mrs Harry Taylor and little son of Canning ton have returned to their home after visiting for two weeks with friends at Button West Pour firms at Montreal signed an agreement for the duration of war guaranteeing that ship construction shall be uninterrupted by any labor tea trio biography of that heroic mis sionary Mary Altogether it was very nappy afternoon We are grateful to Mis for Help ing in every way most for helping us to wiary not in of me sunnier lor I Ms iiUiKih September again toilers wetv hoi overseas NORTH 9 Mr Wilson his farm now by Win to Mr Drowning of town left bint week to resume her duties as teacher In Durham Co School opened last week with a good attendance having Mlna fcuiff of lamphellford Out as teacher A number from this In the last week Although the weather was rather uncertain It did not prevent them all from enjoying a good time Miss Alleen Is spending an extended vacation with relatives In Toronto Miss Sara Millard spent a couple of days In town last week Mr and Mrs Janes of visited at Mr Frank Bisters on Sunday last Many from this vicinity attended the reopenlng of the Temple at Sharon last Saturday Mr Harry Mills spent Monday tils home near Aurora FARM FOR 8ALE 100 acres more or less acres eared Lot Con Township alongside main road miles from Sutton Fair build ings ALSO ACRES More or less acres clear balance good bush being Lot Con No buildings good wafer supply Excellent pasturing Apply to DONALD CAMERON Head St Hamilton I A trained nurse pronounced polsoni phenol New York Sept I llon has been detained that Miss Wanda a Telegraph Company operator who was taken Into custody hero today lias transmitted directly to the German im portant information regarding toil I I Mo a ships obtained from cablegrams and telegrams which passed through her to a tonight liylederal officials I f TO SHOW THE LINING Tin 1st hi turncoat look it rise one he first Dukes of Save in Hie Ids lay I contending houses if and He found II necessary lo Leniporize unit fall in power most likely distress him the success of arms against oat Thus he was si of in obliged io change sides hat he humorously had a cool fash ioned that was on one side and white on oilier and that might be- Indifferently worn either side out taking Spanish duke wore lie blue side Of his coat out but tie turned the white side out Ihe white was the badge foir French whuu taking sides with the Preach If sum this practice of turning his coat lie came to he familiarly called Knioianmd Hie- There ore a goodly of people in the world who ought he turn coats arc those who always wear the out and do nothing hut complain of having the blues What a favor the habitually blue people would confer upon themselves and their associates If they would turn the blue side In and the white sunshiny side out at least once in a while I Surely everybody in this great wide beautiful wonderful world has a white sunshiny side that could be easily found if everybody would count many blessings and see what God hath done All of us are familiar With the truism Every cloud has a silver linifiL- A few days ago among a number of sentence sermons I found same thought beauti fully expressed In a verse It Is a real memory gem and I want pass on for benefit of those who may not have seen It This Is the bit of verse and Fowler Felkln Is Us author The Inner side of every cloud Is bright and shilling 1 therefore turn my clouds about- And always wear them Inside out To show the lining None of us care free some one leas well Every substantial grief has twenty shadows and mis of Minn are shadows your own making Let us dodge shadows by refusing l wear the blue cloudy side mil Let us endeavor to be turncoats of the right kind by turn ing our griefs about And always wear life m inside out To the lining Pcterboru Sept Commission has noti fied the of its intention lo spend in the erection at Falls of a power plant that will produce from to work will L Pr with horsepower this Get Your to Shape Do By IN Many ailments are caused by stomach weakness Faulty digestion leads to biliousness sick headache dizziness sallow skin and eruptions Maintain a healthy condition of the stomach and you will get rid of the chief cause of your sufferings Do not neglect the laws of health Keep stomach liver and bowels in order by timely use of N Ph I Hut Dl StJa of la Wcdl to J Pi t