V i FORSALE A quantify of New Seed Wheat Dawsons Golden Chaff Ap ply lo Keswieklw WANTED TO RENT Small Farm acres cultivat ed Must have Good Buildings Apply Box Newmarket FOUND A ladys Hand Satchel was found in Newmarket a couple of weeks ago Owner may have same at Era Office by proving property and paying for this no- lice Teacher of Singing Studio Toronto Conservatory of Music Newmarket on Wednesdays HOUSE FOR SALE Red Cross Society The Newmarket Red Cross So ciety desires to take this method of expressing their most grateful thanks to the Orchard Beach As sociation for heir very generous donation of the pro ceeds of the Regatta Day which will be applied solely to the Pris oners of War Fund The Orchard Beach people con tributed to the French Flag Day so this makes toward patriotic work the past season besides the contribution of from the Canoe Drawing Or chard Beach cottagers also con tributed for he entertain ment of Soldiers the past season so that we may say thai they have done their duty to Hie full extent this year o Field and Soldiers Comforts rhe allies have succeeded so well in past month with their piercing operations that they have destroyed the efficiency of the previous German method of defence The enemy formerly held up an allied advance with machine gunners placed in shell- craters pillboxes and half ruined farms but the new allied artillery fire and the improved tanks have rendered this tactic The newest German plan is a return to the first scheme of holding the front line as strongly as possible and of limiting the depths of the dugouts so that the Mr Frank Kelsey of was in Town this week Mr Geo Phillips left this week spend the winter at Pas- sadena Miss Black spent a weeks New fork Sept News of the loss of the British steamship of the Canadiau Pa cific Railway Companys Steam ship Line reached New York to- day upon the arrival of travellers With all Modern Conveniences good locality excellent garden Enquire of Mrs K Haines Pros pect St or Haines Barber Newmarket FARM FOR acres only one mile from yn acres under cul tivation 10 acres bush and pas ture GihhI buildings Apply to Newmarket FALL TERM Every graduate and scores of under graduates of this year have secured positions and out of the last one hun dred and four applications for Office help we filled only nine Catalogue free Enter now W J ELLIOTT Principal A general meeting of the Field Comforts is called for Monday af ternoon at oclock sharp in the rooms to arrange for the work to ho taken up at the Fair It is urgently requested that all ladies of the town will come and help us in this work as need money for our hoy overseas to send comforts Will not every who can come and show their appreciation for our brave lads who have been lighting for so long for us and fake a share in I lie work we have on hand We need many more socks for our Oc tober shipment Miss Forsyth has a quantity of wool on hand now if our knitters will call for it vacation in Toronto and at her from England were passen gers on a British steamship arrived yesterday at an American Atlantic port Details of the disaster were not available but it was stated that it occurred four days ago when the was bound west ward after bringing a large num ber of troops to France The Canadian Pacific liner one of the largest and finest of her kind was in this port less than a month ago The report brought to the United States did not state CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO other bad spell on Sunday Mr and Mrs Milligan home near Barrie Miss Mae Stork spent the weekend in Toronto visiting Mr and Mrs Lome Cole Miss Evelyn Tolley of was the guest Of Miss Leila Manning over Sunday Mrt E Cane who has been German soldiers win be always near doing pretty well lately had the surface and therefore not taken prisoner as soon as they begin to emerge by the swiftly advancing al lies The net effect of these changes is increase the rate of German cas ualties The enemy however is con centrating artillery along the line to protect his infantry The capture by the British of 15- prisoners and guns in four weeks is announced by Field Marshall Haig in an order of the day Paris Sept There are three PRUNES Now that Fruit Is getting scarce there will be more- Dried Fruit used- We have Prunes at 12 and a lb spent the weekend with their married daughter in Toronto Mrs Henry Wright of spent last Monday the guest of Mrs Dr Wesley I the big steamship had been lor Mrs A J Rogers received I Pled sunk by shellAre or word that her nephew Bert Owens of has been wound- whether there had been any loss of life Presumably being on a Mrs J Wright and son postwar voyage and as a trans port she carried no passengers unless she was bringing back a PEA E finer in Peaches than what we have at 25- and per lb Donald of Detroit Mich spent German lines of defence behind the with relatives in I line the first closely par- I own it and the others providing for retreats along the fronts according lawa Monday night to take up im- outline of the German defence sys tem printed by the Matin today Amsterdam Sept Travelers ORANGES Nice Sweet Juicy nges at 30 and doz BANANAS at dozen business with the Trad- Hoard Mr McGeo and son of small number Of Canadian offi cers en route home to Canada on furlough or as invalids The Executive wish lo thank the and Charles Toronto officers of the Howling Club for so kindly offering them the priv ilege of serving luncheon at their tournament on Labor Day Pro ceeds Save your papers tie then up light in small bundles We hope to be able to make a collection in October TENDERS WANTED Tank for Industrial Home Sewerage Sealed leaders addressed to the engineers will be received up to Sept 20th for tin of a Sewerage Disposal Tank and Tile in connection with same Industrial Home Street Plans mil specification may be seen at Home or at the office of the engineers J Stewart In dustrial Hume Commissioners Iiiiis Loudon Ifertzberg Toronto St Toronto Out Our Toronto Letter told in a shop that his regiment had been annihilated near was sentenced to six years imprisonment in a fortress SAVE GASOLINE Production Beginning to Lag Be hind Demand ADJOURNED SALE OF LANDS TAXES As portions I he Town of Newmarket were not sold as previous ly advertised sale was adjourned until of Sept at p ai Council Chamber ami milieu is hereby given all persons Interested herein should gov ern bated pi 3rd P 1 ANDERSON Town Clerk BUILDINGS FOR The frame twostory tenement house with large Iwostory frame kitchen at rear as now creeled a lot No i West side Prospect Avenue Heavy frames excellent building ma- ferial Apply to K A WESTON FAIR Sept 13th and 1918 Friday and Saturday on Friday Finals on Saturday for Co 250000 given in Prizes I The Fair Is Bigger and Better than ever COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF allendanee for he two weeks of Ihe Fair was More than one hundred mothers whose sons have been killed in action were decorated with the medal of the Associated Kin one night last week In Bond Street Church Several barrels of whiskey labeled sauerkraut came through the Union Station from Montreal and caused the arrest of three men for a breach of the Ontario Act Detectives Ward Sul livan and Marshall followed the ex press wagon to Street west where tin- gallons were de livered A Koiofski of that address was arrested Peter admit ted police thai he sold liquor for lt and a gallon loseff Street was also arrested charged with bringing liquor into province At formal opening of the Crimi nal Sessions on Tuesday to with a list of eases fudge Winchester relieved farmers from service on petit jury and asked Hie Grand Jury to perform their duties expedi tiously so that the farmers who had been empaneled might relurn to their farms without delay Hi honor de plored Hie thai he calendar con tained eases of Indecent assault Joseph Miller age seven years was drowned at ihe foot of St at oclock Tuesday evening Along wllh another mall boy young Miller hail wandered from hi- home AhgllS Holland Landing was before he County Court on Tues day on a manufacturing li quor without licence The charge followed a raiii on Sweets premises by from state that men of spent two or lime the Ersatz Regiment who the last week with his sister other day refused depart for the front were shot At a tidier returning from the front Chicago spent two Or three days in town this week mid called on a few old friends Mrs Neil -Gough- and Miss Margaret of Winnipeg have been spending six weeks with Mrs Geo Wood Mrs Pierre of York is spending a month with her sister Mrs Roche at Orchard Beach Standard Miss Fisher of Orchard Beach Lake is visiting in town be guest of Mrs FJ Cornelius A Dyke has been supplying a Methodist circuit north of was calling on old friends in town this week Dr Victor Mrs and son of North To ronto spent the weekend with her parents Postmaster and Mrs Mr and Mrs and two children from were the guests of his cousin Mr A Cornell last Sunday Mr Bell son of Mr Walter motored them over Mrs and daugb- MACHINE SHOP New and StcondHand Machinery Wood Haws Mandrills Saw Mill and other Machinery in and will be sold cheap Kat of Bank of Toronto county poli- officers was re manded for Toronto ha- -i- cily The collections for Sailors Week by forty IhouBfind dollars The pro- patuidi in Ihe dlori of the mercantile marine was launch in city mil contributions The War now on at Hi great Incentive for future cultivation The shown fire revelation nt frowH Coal Company who re turned yesterday after a to the Pacific coast says that men are mi strike in violation ihe Act of agree ment and of promise to misidoner Armstrong do everything in their power maintain of oal during war They have also he acted against advice of district officers aged resled charged with house breaking arid theft At police station girl adniflled entering a on Park Avenue and DONT Buggy Bargains 2 Rubber Tire 2 Buggies with Tops Tire Open Buggy Mikado 1 Light Vagon with Top Good Work and Driver Enquire at Water one on Avenue I The police think that she has been implicated in about half a burglaries recently At one place Jewelry was stolen In a couple of Hi- houses Kir entered h changed her clothes for clothing found in bouse housing problem fuel and the price- of food were dis cussed it I en by the Central Coun cil of It at a In Hell on Mrs Annie dockland aged of Street eat was discovered the of her home early Wednesday morning Thomas Mr- Taylor of the proprietor of the West Lome shot and seriously wounded early llllfl morning by David Smith a porter the hotel who Immediately after wards endeavored take his own life cutting his throat and arteries In bis wrists viih a Jackknife and a por tion of a broken bottle Ottawa Sept Mr C Peterson Assistant Fuel Control ler has issued the following ap peal to the public to assist in the conservation of the gasoline sup ply The Fuel Controller has bad the question of regulating the use of gasoline under careful ana anxious investigation ever since bis appointment The position is briefly as follows Gasoline and other important are produced in the refining of crude Oil The residue is fuel oil which enters so largely into the marine war activities of the al lies Storage facilities for gas oline in America are limited Overproduction would therefore automatically refute the output of fuel Oil and vitally ne cessary substances gained through the refining process It is consequently a matter of the utmost importance lo preserve a proper balance between produc tion and consumption of gasoline Hitherto all overseas demands have been satisfactorily met so far as transportation was avail able and domestic demand has absorbed he balance and the liludc of the Fuel Controller has boon one of watchful waiting Big demand from Harvest Fields information however discloses the fact that produc tion is beginning to log behind the demand from all sources The requirements of ho Western har vest fields owing to the everin creasing use of mechanical mo tive power has been very large and the country is now face-to- face An actual gasoline shortage Whether or when pro duction will overtake this short age ii is difficult to gay but this is the period if the year when the consumption of gasoline is at its highest and increased domestic demands together with Ihe extensive overseas require ments have rendered necessary adequate safeguards against a possible serious Under the the Fuel Con- I roller appeals the people of Canada exorcise the most rigid economy in the consumption of gasoline such time as public is officially notified that no further exists for extraordinary economy This may be fee led in two directions First by eliminating eiilirely nil use of motor ears Secondly by the and handling of gasoline In lie is particularly re quested discontinue of motordriven vehicles on Sun days CONVOYED SHIP BY UBOAT Sept The Ameri can steamship formerly un der the Austrian- Hag was tor pedoed and sunk on Sept ap proximately miles off France as a result 0f an attack on a car go convoy The- crew was saved The steamship was struck at oclock in the morning A calm sea enabled all the crew of to escape They wore picked up by destroyers The submarine daringly look Up a position about yards from the starboard side of the convoy column and about an equal distance from the nearest destroyer and hied at the Dora which was heading a column of three vessels The lookout reported seeing a periscope Just after the wake of the torpedo was discovered but nothing more was seen of the submarine The torpedo struck aft throwing the cargo of army supplies as high as the must tops but only one member of the crew was hurl THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You car buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence We have a few DUTCH SETS left which we of fer at 15c lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we Try it PHONE US YOUR ORDER IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION I G PHONE 35 Zisl J MILLARD Nowadays it Is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR I Phones and The Cradle In North at residence loughby Reeve on Scot a son THE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World CHOCOLATES wife of Cadet Angus Cow- men weio killed in an Two aeroplane accidental on Wednesday ler Miss Dorothy of Pembroke were visiting for a few days with her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs J The Staff of Weston Pub lie School came here on Monday to personally lender their sym pathy Miss Kindergarten teacher oii the dcalb of her mother We wore pleased Mr Allan Town ley sou of the late I of Sutton in Band of the Highlanders Sharon last Saturday He was still piny cornel looking fine MVs John Jackson of Toron to is spending a few days at Majilcfon assisting care for her lirotherinIatf Mr Jack son who is con lined until a nurse can be se cured Miss Davison has been seriously ill for some lime and a specialist was called from Tcoiio lasl week for a consul tation with Ho- local physician senilis lo be very little improvement Mr Joseph ami Mi ami Mrs Iurdv if venhnrsf hn Mr Walter Sound Ihe rno- of J week and arc row with heir ill in Mr ami Mrs Stanley who miiir and weeks will M Park Ave running around I his section f country al- every day for home one day having vffiffl limit Mrs Lewis has rc- eivcd word thai her son Pie Ross of he was injured in skidding and running over his feet a broken ankle At present at report he Six knvc I a killed by tin- drop ping of tlllji Tie was Inicl at Vic toria mi relay a contract for twenty ships for tie iVineh crniiieiil anil iniUer vessel was Iroquois Kails Sept 1 known dead and probably several others whose bodies are still in the ruins is the death list of a disastrous lire whieli entirely gut ted Ihe Iroquois Falls Hotel hero early yesterday morning The loss is estimated at about At the lime of lire about people were in the build- Whitby As he result of an automobile smash near Pickering last Miss a young lady this town was very Seriously injured She was taken to a hospital in Toron to The accident was caused by the car was being driven by a novice at a very high rale of speed overturning into ditch when an attempt was made lo pass another car All the oc cupants were thrown clear except Miss Who was caught un derneath Ihc back of one of the seats and pinned to the ground King At on Aug to Mr and Mrs Orvillc King a daughter Gladys At on Sept to Mr and Mrs P a son Stlckland In Newmarket on of Sept to Mr and Mrs Frank Stick la no a son In Bradford on Sept I to Mr and Mrs a son The Altar PatonLewis At Parsonage of W Toronto and by Ihe same on Sep 3rd Miss Elizabeth Esther Lewis second daughter of Mr and Mrs 1- Lewis of Mr Win Pat- on eldest son Mri and Mrs John of Fergus KennodyRoadhouse On Mon day o at he Church of be by Rev Sex- Ill Stiles of Mr J of New market lo John M Ken nedy of Toronto MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phone No Store Phone No LATH CancBaycroft At in and doing fine miner- arc vs 5K mm tabernacle Toronto by Rev T W on I Mr Jack son of Mr and Mrs to Helena Mr of Tho Tomb Stickland- In on Sept Francis infant son of Mr and Mrs Frank Evans Officially reported killed in action somewhere in France Aug Slephen P third son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Ave in his on Sept Jay Wheeler aged years Grand y Killed in action on tin of Aug Lieut Fred randy dearly beloved son of Thomas and Mrs Newmarket aged years In Newmarket on Sat urday Sept Sarah Ursula Hauler dearly beloved wife John in her year At Toronto Sept T M in his year Funeral will take from his residence Aurora Friday after noon at to Aurora Cemetery Bropk Killed in action some where in France Sherman Brock son of Isaac Brock of aged years FLOORING LIME Our prices are right SHINGLES CEMENT Builders Hardware Screen Doors FLOUR FEED COAL and WOOD See our Canadian Twin Shingles w Phone Newmarket REIGN OF TERROR IN RUSSIA Attacked Emperors Family and Killed Them All But Do wag or Empress is Safe S J Road house Furniture Undertaking Mala St North Newmarket All Orders Receive Loudon Sept tally Express claims Unliable Information Ihe former empress of and her four by Tie paper prints the following TbO from i is Ibal tiii- and four ilniiKbters have boon by immediate family tie- lalfl lias exterminated dowiiger who lor Duke of has been Yalta whs by red who nf lie tin guards full until tie- were It is now imuerslood thai the dowager is safe r lo Kill ill Sailors Black fira fieri and Ices I liat Up- had steps to assist out r Russia ami her four daughters who had inAile appeals for their liberal Ion A later despatch from re ported assassination Alexandra and lor daughters bill Hits was doubted In Spain where King Alfonso had taken steps lb obtain their trans fer to Madrid where preparations were living made for their reception Stockholm Sep July and August were months of horror which mver will be forgotten by persons who watched Russias two great cities and Moscow pass thru mad at tempi the Bolshevik to shoot or Imprison all persons who disagree wild efforts control crumbling Kuropean Russia September probably will bo worse for the opposition parlies are gaining strength thru desperaljon The lives of the are and selfdefence i- forcing I bike up anus nil bless pirsciiliuii of Ihe called for he eiiinlerrevdiilion which the bourgeoisie by Hie luindnvls bus in lint will he In fiin is renili r Vanslay a own id Ih Volga miles norHi- eal was for I Hi mirth j reported have suffered III- sane- fate ha lieeil hi for hecause lie from in when- prisoners and Russians alik- war ran Is and red and women prisoners thru He- ir t such rcgiiiirity Hial pedestrians hardly Volley A HEROIC CORPORAL hie tin returning war In who arrived in Canada hi week was Corp Felix before he enlisted in be dinn army was worker in is MIS work Canadian Match a Russian by birth ami be tried tin dono by his alter lby Withdrew from the Konowal wears Cross for bravery be is credited days killing rnians in four 1 with a rifle and bayonet Ho raptured a machine gun and lo tier limns and in three days clean ed out three other nests singlehanded CASTOR I A Infants and Chlldrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Ma a hers ins Sept 5t 2 can til made Miss Be Fa weal stay dime and was Hani Miss char will Pen- keep IE A I pie Hug your give Fun 111 I at Scot of w adm a ins Jew late Wat mail hist was Mr hull Sim rein has date lias hftvi of I and side Sun who mar A Con Kinj a vi Boll ehe Dee bold left Kill SI New list of St I in fam was lie of rev conl wen in He the and one hum was any ask to lure Part he i