Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1918, p. 8

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S- I FRIDAY AUG s A CRIPPLE FOR THREE YEARS Helpless In Bed With Rheumatism Ho Took FRUITATIVES Life Around the Hub THE JOY OF 0THERH00D USE A OTR1U0 RAM Mr Johnston was thoj guest of Miss Grace Sunday for tea Came to this Woman after Miss Veda was visiting Takuig Lydia E in Schomberg last Sunday Miss Gertrude of New- Vegetable Compound to market was the of Miss Restore Her Health ALEXANDER MUNRO No Lome Oat three years I was confined to bed with Rheumatism Daring that time I had treatment a number of doctors and tried nearif I saw advertised to cure Rheumatism without receiving any benefit I decided to try Fruit-a- Before I had used half a box I noticed an improvement the pain was not so severe and the swelling started to go down taking this fruit me- dttre improving all the time and now I can walk about Iwo miles and do light the place ALEXANDER a box for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Limited Ottawa Pearl Kcefer over Sunday Mr Leonard Black spent Sun day at the lake Mr and Mrs Harry Mills spent Sunday with the parents Mr and Mrs Senas Black Miss Dora Doane spent a day last week with her sister Mrs Dunning in Newmarket is visiting Miss Webster Miss Elizabeth Draper enter tained her Miss one day last week What was wrong with horse Sunday evening Stop look listen and wall for he date of ice cream social Soldier Boy Schomberg A quiet but pretty wedding was EUensbarg Wash After was married was not well long time and a good deal of the time was not able to go about Our greatest desire to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town with a bottle of Lydia E Pink- hams Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it It brought relief from my troubles I improved in health so I could do my housework we now have a little one all of which I owe to E Vegetable Compound Mrs S No Wash There are women everywhere who long for children In their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of tome functional disorder which in most cases would readily yield to Lydia Vegetable Compound Such women should cot give up hope until they have given this wonderful by the Rev I at medicine a trial and for special advice write Lydia E Medicine Co Lynn Mass The result of years FARM FOR SALE Acres more or less rear end of lot and in the sixth concession of Sank tarn cement stables driving house and out buildings good frame house of eight rooms good cellar hard and soft water I orchard creek crossing both lots further particulars apply Box Newmarket Office or Mrs Prank Weir P Ontario FOR SALE IN WELLINGTON CO One hundred acres County road excellent soil seventy acres meadow and grain balance pas ture and woodland maple elm and large balsam Level southern aspect No stones nor mustard Two miles from good town and High School Pub lic School rods Brickclad house six rooms fairsized barn stone stabling apples well at house and springwell in pas ture ill sacrifice above with grain crop for or accept property north Of Toronto in part payment Apply owner J DALES Drayton NOTICE is hereby given that Lillian North formerly Lillian Thompson of the City of Toron to In the County of York and Province Of Ontario married wo man will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from husband Frank North of the City of Toronto in the County of York and Province Of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and cru elty Dated at Toronto this day of June A Lillian North by her Solicitors Godfrey Toronto the mansp Bradford on Saturday August when Sarah only daughter of Mr and Mrs experience is at your service Mac Sturgeon Bradford became Hie bride of Atkinson oldest son of Mr and Mrs Sol Atkinson of The bride looked charm ing in a beautiful rich niggerbrown mescaline silk dress and while hat Miss Atkinson sister Of the as bride maid looked very be coming in nijrtrerbruwn silk crepe Willi while hat Mr Sturgeon brother Hie bride assist ed groom After l lit- ceremony the wedding group mid showers of proceeded to home he bride where a dainty breakfast served After partaking of the bountiful repast the young couple left for new home Mr and Mr- Atkinson have the wishes for a and prosperous sailing tie sea of matrimony his death while carrying a comrade from field has also been received of death Of Cadet of Air Puree who was killed in an ieiilnl in England was well known In Aurora while member of the staff of the Rank of to 90 per cent cent of the water Suppose in gallons per ihe spring feel Multiply ALGONQUIN PARK THE CONSTANT CALL for well trained stenographers and office assistants prompts us to continue our work through the months Enter any time Shaws Business Schools Toronto catalogue Pros FALL TERM and Charles Toronto Opens 8ept 3rd Gives strictly class training for Choice Business Positions Our courses are In Canada Demtmd for Out Grad uates five times Our supply Write for Catalogue J ELLIOTT Principal BOILER REPAIRER Roller Repairer can he Bent out to repair your Boiler or bring Boiler to Shop particulars apply to Newmarket DfllVE Orchard Beach Mr was here Halifax or a day or two last week Miss Watson of Toronto spent a week with Miss Thomson Mr J of Bronte spent two or three days last week at Villa The Lawrence family eight number motored up from Toron to on Sunday and spent Ihe day with Mr family Mrs Ironside of wood was guest of Mrs startup for a few days Mr and Mrs Likens and Miss Likens Toronto were quests of Mr and Mrs Thomson for weekend Ahoul two Boy Scouts of Newmarket are tamping at Ken nedy for a of weeks are in charge of Scout Mas- Hawkins and eidit for their lihaviour They are having a pi end id lime The Liiriily who properly at ItMIos Point haw added a soli no lo equipment and lake daily trips points on the Lake it is the largest around this season at Union I Church last Sunday the Itev brother of Mr reruns mi at Island drove lie is an expupil of High School and delivered a very thoughtful scriiiiMi on the need of Divine aid in tin- midst of temptation and no lift- need failure except by careless ness of ones Own volition Next Sunday will he the closing service of he season in the Bum mer 1 It of Toronto is expected to preach The services throiighmit season have better lended than and of a very spiritual order Miss pave a parly for people On the Reach last which was most heartily enjoyed A number of summer visitors intend close their next Tuesday for- the season Mrs Startup afternoon lea on In niipinlnted with the Indies on tin- The Algonquin park of reserve of nearly thousand square miles it is mi the very ridjre of the famed Highlands of its altitude above sea level average feet while some of lakes in lie- Park are feel alOve the sea lis tonic air fillers through millions acres of pine anil balsam ami spruce The fragrant bush through which roads and trails are constantly being extended treefringed lakes only lay sportive trout or swish of the paddle the seron- Hie impressiviness and of it all combine in- visitor under the spell of his wonderful nat ural domain flic park makes an especially strong appeal the fisherman and canoeist There are more than lakes in the park and the excellence of the sport draws anglers from every part Dominion and from every Stale in Among Ihe special varieties to he enught are he genuine square- railed brook trout the black bass of small mouthed variety ranging from half a pound to four pounds and the blackspotted salmon or its near relative the grey trout The accommodation in park Is such most varied can he pleased There are hotels In cluding ihe wellknown Highland Inn for those who want to be in wilderness enjoy all the comforts of service and social companion hip There are lop cabin camps Camp ami Iomforlahly ami ideal fur parties The park is easily accessible by Trunk Railway all of Canada hundred miles north of Toronto and one hundred and miles Ottawa reservations at tin- IHghlaiid Inn J lamp and Camp apply to Miss Manager Algonquin Park Ontario For mure detailed information maps routes etc or call on Horning A GOLD MEDAL FOR Cincinnati authority tells how to dry up any corn or callus so It lifts right off Aug have suffered consider- losses In the present drive Incudlng several officer In prisoners alone i capture of one officer and four of fin Austrian battery i a the presence of artillery on Western front AURORA i Mr received Word on Wednesday that his son J A Smith Ihe Services had been admitted to the Australian General Rospiiai on Suffering from the chest This Ik ihe second lime Pie Smith has been Last week Mr and motored to to spend a few days with their daughter Mrs wife of Rev formerly Of Aurora While walking from one room to another Mrs Mill- slipped and fell upon her Side the bone She was taken to the and Hospital in and In now doing an can be expected The Aurora Town Ih at for Gilbert A Cray the news of whose death of wounds was received here Sunday lie was a and Mm Cray of The North Street He enlisted In the war with the band of the Battalion and went to the front Being returned home after some months of he later Joined the band of the and when that bat talion vsh disbanded he was drafted Into the Field Ambulance Corps He received the wounds that caused cornpostered men and wo men need suffer no longer Wear the shoes that nearly killed you before Hays this Cincinnati au thority because a fow drops of applied directly on a tender aching corn stops sore ness at onco and soon the oorn loosens so It can bo lifted out root and all without a hit of pain A quarter of an ounce of freeone coata very little at any store but is sufficient to take off every hard or soft corn or callus This should be tried as It is inexpensive and Is said not to inflame or oven Irritate the surrounding tissue or skin If your wife high heels she will glad to know of this The Province of Quebec has lost one of her most distinguish ed jurists by the death early Sunday morning of Hon Sir Horace Chief fee of the Kings Bench Sir Horace was sixtyone years old Hamilton John Mil ler of a returned sol dier was and severely wounded In the head by his wife at an early hour this morning Miller It believed has a chance of recovery but Dr Morton says he will certainly lose the sight of the left eye and possibly may be totally blind from the result of the bullet wound The shooting look place the home of hit fatherinlaw James His wife who fired the shot while temporarily deranged com ml lied suicide by throwing herself In the creek i Now Recognized As the Cheapest Power for Pumping When and How it Is Used Complete Information Given Tubercular Copts a Menace to Health How Tubercular Test Made Why Pays Farmer to Test Cattle and to Discard Reactors j Contributed by Ontario of Agriculture Toronto HERE conditions are suit able for an hydraulic ram It Is without question the cheapest and most satis factory method of pumping water It has one drawback It wastes far more water than It pumps to the buildings and hence can only be In stalled where the supply is from to twenty times as great as required at the buildings The efficiency of the ram is Ie it uses Q in energy of foiling the spring minute ami mil to the ram is these together ana then take 66 per cent of the product and we have the energy available for driving water to the buildings Energy in this case 65100 footgallons Now- divide this by the height of the buildings above the ram and we have the number of gallons the rain will deliver per at the buildings If for example the height Is then Number of allocs per minute 325 divided gallon which Is of supplied by the supposed Numbci Ions per day x 24 1400 about barrels I Consequently live feet of head and 325 feet of lift ram will deliver at the buildings of the in the spring The quantity that will be delivered with other heads lifts and springflows may be calculated in a similar way Generally speaking it is found that for each feet of lift there should be one fool of head but there Is a limit it is seldom advisable to In stall rams where the head Is less than say two feet although they have been known to work with as little as inches The length of drive pipe should not be less than threequar ters of the vertical lift to the build ings nor less than times the fall from the spring to the ram It may however be longer but seldom ex ceeds 50 and feet might be taken as an extreme length for sizes of ram suitable for farm conditions If too long a drive pipe be used the extra friction in it prevents the water from striking as heavily or as fre quently as with a drive pipe just the right length The cost of installing a ram Is not great For the smallest size of ram it will run in the neighborhood of to and about extra for each hundred feet between the spring and the ram Thus If they were feet apart the total cost would bo from to but If 200 feet then from to and other distances In proportion The largest size of standard ram can be Installed at about 100 If the ram and pump are feet apart and if 200 feet apart It Gra ham O- A College Guelph Tuberculosis In Cattle One reason why farmers shotId have their cattle tested for tuberculosis Is the financial loss which they suffer by having tubercular animals in their herds As ho disease is at slow In development and does not induce sudden death like anthrax black teg or hog cholera the farmer docs not rcallzo the loss that he endures by having tuberculosis in his herd until or more animals develop the dis ease In an advanced degree and die or arc slaughtered when they are at seen to be rotten with the dis ease Such animals will have had the disease a long time without It being suspected and will have been giving off in their milk saliva and drop pings numbers of tuberculosis bacilli this way he bacilli spread around the food water and atmosphere in the stable get con taminated with them and oilier mem bers of the herd contract the disease from these contaminated materials The tuberculin test will indicate whether or not an animal Is tuber cular long before any clinical symp toms are visible thus enabling one to deal with such an animal before it becomes a dangerous spreader of tho disease When an animal Is shown to be tubercular It should not be allowed to mix with the rest of the herd When cattle are purchased to add to herd It should he only when sub ject to the tuberculin teat as cattle may have every visible Indication of good health and yet be tubercular the disease not yet having developed to an advanced It Is thereto strongly recom mended that farmers 1st Have their herds tested for tuberculosis with tuberculin teat 2nd That they slaughter tho ani mals that have disease an ad vanced degree That they separate tho cattle that react lo the test from which do not react 4th That they remove from tubercular mothers as soon as dropped and feed them on milk from healthy cows or on their mothers milk after It has been properly pas teurized Ie after It has been heated to dog P tor half an hour That they apply the tuber culin test to every new of cattle that are to bo placed In tho clean herd That herd be tested with tuberculin annually Obtaining Tuberculin the Teat Tho manufacture and supply of tuberculin Is kept under Dom inion Government control It la re quired that a veterinarian be em ployed by farmer to make the teat Prof Dan Jones Ontario Agricultural Great damage has been caus ed by continuous rains and floods in the country around Cra cow and vast areas of OConnor in reply to a recent address forwarded to President Wilson by Carson charges that It was Kir Edward Carsons rchol movement which precipitated war In German mind ho miscalculation that England would be loo embarrassed by the lister rebellion to enter a war Open Ne NEXT i Sat TCW JACK FARM help is Scarce but this condition can be relieved to a marked degree by using machines that accomplish more work in a given time with less man power Why should the fanner cling to horses a slow expensive means of power when every other business is adopting the truck and thereby reducing the cost of hauling speeding up deliveries and saving for human needs the food that thehorses would otherwise consume The motor driven truck can work constantly at maximum load under the burning summer sun or in the coldest weather Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working it eats only while in actual use and when the days work is done it very little attention and leaves you free for other Chores about the place Then it can be housed in one- quarter the space of the horses wagon and harness it replaces It is a mistaken idea that a truck is useful only for driving upon paved roads The Ford can be driven all over the farm and used for hauling grain potatoes fruit roots fertilizer wood stock milk or any other product The speed it travels the time it saves and its low upkeep cost appeal very strongly to all users of the Ford Truck If you need help order your Ford One Ton Truck today rdbjtil to frsx except frucfc and THE UNIVERSAL CAR OneTon Truck Runabout Touring Coupe Sedan Ford N ROBERTSON Ford Dealer NEWMARKET Dear Sir I dont Detroit Before Chen work I of fear But ont After my fli ease of It has I havo meU and I there successfully no waste body should or firm found TH PHONE 28 Canton Ohio had a million and a half dollar lire Sunday Knglnnd grain crop this year will he the biggest since A good way to respect peo ple is not to be intimately ac quainted with Ihpm Two allied air squadrons at tacked Constantinople on Wed nesday night Seven fishing boats have just been sunk by one submarine near the coast of Holland Three of them were of Dutch registry Franco Auk South of Ihe Scarp Canadians driving along the road have ground ami added more Germans to prisoners iiv lodays lighting Sir ike Ihe of he Scotia Coal Company Syd ney have lie I led by the geiu prill superintendent slating thai if four deputies who were cause of the strike wished lliey remain in the union Oil Willi on board went unround in Thunder Hay Saturday ami in have I a unable In release Half dozen linen were parted ye in efforts the vessel Keep did do needed sewing Ho hoys are far away Ho- bills home If heres still a Ihrmiftli do Id rlolhes shining liirn obi suit mil ill Ho- no home Farm Laborers Wanted Plus half a cent per mile beyond Returning half a cent per mile to Winnipeg plus Comfortable Trains Lunch Service at moderate Special for and SCCUle by Excurlon Date from Newmarket Aug By regular trains connect with No from Toronto 10 p m For Information ON Agent Newmarket Special Train or write General Passenger Kins St Toronto IM Fo to pi Busir Bank by At HarvttUiV Wo A CHEERING VISION If fellows who get leave of ami mine home from training camps for day or two or a week were not differentiated by their uniforms they be apart by way themselves Voir would know a if he dress- peacock blue by full ell est and his buck and the way be steps nut And the J astonishing part is that it lakes so little time to work change A few weeks ago he was like the other slouching stooping walking Willi his hands in bis pockets bis And now look at him The soldier boy Is in one way cheering vision lie proves that all those Ugly slouching awkward feeble youths that swarm our city streets ore quite unnecessary He holds before the nine hundred and nine tynine the image Of what lliey may be -pODO- PAY A8 YOU QO Pay us you go Is a good mot to for young folks to make their own Dont run up big debts to bo discharged Dont ac cept other klndnessos and and fancy that some time futuro is soon enough to begin to mako returns A or a thank you will go a little way toward lightening your obligations and If you keep your eyes opon you will see chances of roturnlng favors in coin Do not bo con tent to receive without giving Pay us you go 1 Keep In mind as the longest- lasting confection you can buy Send to the boys at the front J War Time Economy in Sweetmeats a of will glue you several days enjoyment Its an investment In benefit as well as pleasure for it helps teeth breath appetite digestion CHEW AFTER MEAL The Flavour Lasts ij cJ Car

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