Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1918, p. 6

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v si I A i J I i iiipfp T V H AGP MOUNT ALBERT pi a Sam Mount Albert The heaviest downpour of rain for a number of years visited tins vicinity on Friday evening Stones and gravel were washed out of the streets and strewn over lawns and sidewalks and many holes were made in the roads Mr Smart has purchased Mrs A Hunters house wes of the tracks OUR SCHOOL The Continuation and Public Schools reopen on Tuesday Sept 3rd A new staff of teachers has been appointed Miss Mabel Campbell of Perth is principal of the Continuation School and Miss Hazel of as assistant Miss Bessie Brown of is princi pal the Public School and Miss Ethel Robertson of Whitby as as sistant Keswick PERSONAL Mrs McMoran and family of Ottawa have been visiting at the home of her cousin Mrs Ira ion Mrs Win Andrews and son of Toronto spent a few days at the home of Mr Ira Morton Mrs Geo and Master of Owen Sound have been visiting her sister Mrs J Cook Miss Cook has return ed from a visit with her aunt Mrs at Miss Dorothy Hunter of Wet land visiting friends in town for a few days Miss of Toronto spent last week at the homo of her uncle Mr Hayes Mrs and children of Toronto are at the home of Mrs Wilfred Dike Mr Hayes spent the weekend at his home in town Miss Mary has left to attend Business College in To ronto Miss Olive Ougli of Toronto spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs Thos Mr and Mrs Geo and family of Toronto have been vis iting friends in town and vicinity Misses and Mildred are vis ili ny the home of Mrs Brooks The severe electric storm of Friday last the worst of the sea son left streets and lawns in a sad condition here The gravel from the Main Street was wash ed down on those running west and also of those not included in the good roads system and over flowing the ditches left a heavy deposit on sidewalks and was even carried on lo lawns leaving deposits upwards of a fool in thickness and many feel long on some of these It will take a lot of work to remove it and it spoil- the looks of lawns as well as the edges of the mower knives En Cutting Many cellars even on high lands were flooded To the South the village it was even worse and deep ditches were overflowed and grain left in deep water There are several eases of sick ness around A attendance at market this week and fair prices Large quantities of potatoes are being shipped from here Mr W received word Tuesday that his son Reg inald had been shot in the head and was in Hospital bill no de tailed account given Much sympathy is fell for Mr and Mrs It sure has been very lively around Lodge this sum mer Mrs Davison has had a friend from Portland Ore vis iting her a Mrs High and also a Mrs of Buf falo Both arc school friends of Mrs Davison Miss held two dances last week for Mrs Davisons guests which were very much enjoyed by those present Horace sure likes red- haired girls He- proved it Sat urday Nuff said Clad lo sec J is off the sick list Mrs J Davison spent a couple of days in the city last week with her two friends Pecker Sharon All eyes are turned towards the re opening Temple on Satur day of next week The has been removed from Its old site and placed on cement foundation in front Of the Tempi A Band Stand has been erected feet square to ac commodate the Hand of the Highlander of Toronto under Sgl The painters are now al the work and a transformation is going on noted speakers are promised for the opening as well as the Band pro gram A big crowd is anticipated The Township East School Kail Fair is to take place on the Temple Grounds of Friday the nth of Sept and the kiddies are all gelling ready for it The spoils commence at School Parade al one oclock exhibits open lo the public at 2j0 and Speaking Contest at i oclock Everybody is to join the children in making it a day of de light to bring a full basket This is the second lime for- Reg to he sufficiently in jured for Hospital treatment be sides several minor injuries His brother Hoy has been equally unfortunate and is still under going I real men I here in Canada These boys have sure ly done their bit Word was re ceived also of the death of three men known to many here- Mr Brooks of Zeph yr nephew of Messrs Val and Chan Brooks here Mr Stiver of Toronto grandson of Mr Jen nings a former resident and an other whose name I have not heard Mr and Mr- Mann of Keswick are visiting friends here at present Miss Bee look returned on Monday from a visit with friends near The of Ihe Presbyteri an Church are anticipating a treat at their monthly meeting on at Mrs vheii it expected Mrs of Hnionvllle wil address Ihe meeting She is to be a most interesting speaker Ah an invitation has been extended to the of the Methodist Church there will probably be a large crowd Commencing next Sunday the of the Presbyterian Church has been held at 11 am for summer months vill go back to regular afternoon hour and the church service will drop back to am Rev Ream of Toronto will occupy the Methodist pulpit here morning and evening next Bun- day 9 Ore Brown Hill The hum of the threshing ma chine seems to bring the thought us Now ushering into autumn again We arc very sorry to learn that Mrs Percy Willsoii is very ill with pneumonia We are looking for her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Herb Crittenden and son drove to Baldwin on Sat urday to see relatives and also to introduce their little son to the fold en glows Well I suppose next Sabbath Sept 1st am our new Pastor will occupy the pulpit here lo preach the gospel Ill tell you more about it in next weeks issue The campers are whizzing back to the at Toronto drives cease Wonder what equivocal per sons around this berg have been making up sort of rhymes lately Of course some people seem to be sort of a raucous nature at large Ye know such bright oc currences remind mo of the Talkative Tortoise story He could not keep his jib closed long enough for- his friends to carry him through the skies from the place of bondage to the land of liberty When the tortoise open ed mouth lo speak he lost hold of his grasp Down came the tortoise and instant death was his doom Farmers around here say the grain is turning out quite hope so Potato buying lias t fashionable here in Brown Hill again Our buyer is a whirl wind loo Look for a cool spell shortly say we are now On the borders I of September Then a little bright fire will he just Jake Our town will sigh for grief when Annie goes Oh Madam May come home again wont you Homebody Is looking for reluc tant persons I urn afraid en counters vill occur shortly Faithfulness brings success bo I must extend my thanks Lots to tell but crowd ed Bleeping Beauty l FOR BALE Breeding Yearling and Lambs Apply to OLIVER WACO Mount Albert Queensville met on Thursday at Ihe Manse and packed two of the best Bales in history of the Auxiliary for the Medical Missionary Hospital and School and Home for children at Manitoba Mrs Rev Atkinson addressed the at St Andrews Presbyterian Church King Mr and Mrs Huntley motored with the Rev and Mrs Atkinson also Miss Jean to the Government Experimental at Vineland a week ago and re port a splendid trip Gunner Cecil Foster from Petawawa Gamp and lady friend from Toronto spent part of last week his par ents here Eddie of Newmarket spent a few days with old friends in Mrs has returned from Halifax after a visit with her daughter Mrs Stairs Mr and Mrs McNabb and daughter of Penetang visited last week with her sister Mrs J J Terry Mrs A Wait has returned after spending two weeks with Mr Waits near Buffalo worth League September Claims of the Church Speaker Mrs Rev Header Phyllis Porter What the League can do for Missions Speaker Hubert Knights ReaderEdith Palmer Old Testament Law Books Speaker Mrs Frank Milne Reader Walter Hose 22 The Rights and Duties of Citizens Speaker Rati Reader Mac 29 Speaker Mrs J Header Ross ZION CORNERS Miss Daisy Stevenson has been spending a week at Mr Whiles Miss Vera Watson spent the week end at Mr J Wilkinsons Quite a number spent Sunday at Corners Mr and Mrs John were al her home Mr Speck also Mr Waller Smith and family and Mr Chas Smith and family Miss Lena Wass has just returned home after spending three weeks at Mr Peter J wonder what Ernie used the flashlight for as it was moonlight Quite a number out church Sun day night The sermon Was delivered by Rev Woodward Wedding bells will soon ring Hark Listen Dont forget the Quarterly Meeting at the Mcnnonite Church on Sept Come and hear a good sermon Mrs Connell spent over Sun day her cousin Miss Velrna Miss Lena Wa- is spending iltys with her cousin Kallileen Srnilh at Newmarket I wonder who and wore going visit on Sunday The regular girls looked lonesome Miss Kathleen Smith of Newmarket spent over Sunday with her aunt Mr- The Ladies Aid of Bethel Meth odist held a business meeting in Hie Bel lie I on Thursday last and decided to have a Harvest Home in the Church a littti- later on morning and evening conduct ed an outside speaker and a special ThankOffering lo be asked for Then on following Monday even ing they Intend having a concert in the church given chiefly by outside talent Look for the date later on Mrs Emerson served Ice cream and cake to the ladies present al meeting which was thoroughly enjoyed by all The Officers are Mrs Emerson President Mrs Win and Mrs Pollard VieePreshlenls Mrs Frank Treasurer and Mrs Win I Winch Secretary Sunday School was enter tained on Sunday last by instructive drawings and addresses A solo was sung by Mrs Mr had his Sun day School Class of young men and another class of boys and their teacher lo his home on Saturday evening A very pleasant evening was spent lots of fun Ice cream cake and tarts were served Field Comforts Society lots of sewing and yarn on hand and hold their meetings In Hall commencing at two oclock and closing at five oclock Ladles try and spare one afternoon a week to for the who are fighting for you Mrs Is visiting In Toronto IhlH week There are two threshing machines busy around here Articles and Baking for the Soldiers Boxes Fund will be held on Saturday August 31st at Mrs Win Remember the date On Wednesday of last week the members of Womens Auxiliary of Christ Church Holland Landing spent the afternoon at the Rectory The Harvest Services of Christ Church Roches Point Sunday next September 1st will be as follows Holy Communion a m and Morning Prayer with special music al 1 a m Come ye thankful people tome 1 Baldwin Breezes Mrs A is re joicing over the recovery of her lost luggage was found hid ing under some other luggage at The got a red hot hustle on when a suit for damages was looming up on the horizon Our local threshers Messrs and Tomlin- are making things hum and they should make a big hum con sidering their fee a day- Both their outfits are in fine trim and they make the boys warm to keep them humming tried his new machine last week A break occurred necessitating sending to the firm for repairs Mr Will Curtis of New Hamburg one of the princi pals and an assistant came in a ear ail in good trim Mr Curtis of Keltleby makes a line separator which is known as Ontario They will likely lake a leading place among separators The Owl enjoyed fresh straw berries to top off his supper on Aug They were grown in a Baldwin garden An endeavor was made to prevent I hem bear ing The bloom was picked off the young plants that they might grow more thrifty but it is hard against nature especial when it is interfering the procreation of species Were gelling nigh to a com bination of a Mercury and Venus period not always he most pleas ant weather Sept 1st ushers I hern in When Fair barn came here two of his boys came with him They are showing up well just the kind we need boys know their place and mind their own business Miss Tomlinson is pre paring to at tend Newmarket High School is one of our very smartest lassies Few can surpass her as a housekeeper and for her age I defy you beat her making broad A Baldwin Feline This wonderful cat is Dame delight It can siur it can dance from morning ill night It mounts up lo your shoulder And thence to the head And curls up serenely As on a soft bed A snowy white cat of the softest of down Makes it the boss cat of big Bald win town its frolics and gambols and plays on Ihe chaff Are so comic and smart Twould make a dog laugh It plays with its black tail in frolicsome glee I cant help hill laugh you beauty see It is polled and nursed by young and by old And so on and so forth and my tale it is told In fact it is such a kilty I feel it my duly lo ditty I a vara I smart little sing it this W p Fletcher bade adieu lo- his Baldwin friends on Sunday evening His reasons for leaving are perfectly valid but no reflections arc cast on Baldwin He will occasionally come again Harvest is winding Up both ends guess no one was rash enough turn their cattle in Some said they would Reports from over the sea say that a Baldwin hoy has been missing since Aug Prob ably in the enemys hands was in town Mon day AT any other time than this the heroism of the men of the Merchant Marine would fill the news- papers As it is you simply read so many tons shipping sunk submarines Yet from the few words you read you must picture scores of scenes like the illustra tion 15000 men of this service not officially recognized the governments have suffered death in order that soldiers munitions and food may cross the ocean Remember their widows of of by J DIN and orphans dependent for life generosity itself on your As each day sees new victims of the more and more mouths wait to be fed widows and orphans who cannot look to governments for relief They shall not want Say this in the only way that counts by your contribution WE MUST listen to the call that comes from the deep Remember the Remember Captain Remember the 176 vessels lost together with all trace of crew and cargo Remember the 15000 men of the Merchant Marine who have already made the supreme sacrifice I Remember the widows and orphans 1 In Dim Good ranging I Very to fo porcelain Pattern A Suit IMF 80M I 2 FRESH Wc sale d used with etc Reataui S SEPTEMBER lit TO 7th INCLUSIVE Ontarios objective 1000000 Ontario has never failed CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE Sir John Eaton Chalrmin THE NAVY LEAGUE OF CANADA Cotnmodor Jarvit Ontario 34 Street Toronto it POINT FARM TO RENT farm of acres on Lot No and Con East llrnbury all cleared and well fenced plenty of water two orchards and good buildings Proprietor on premises JOHN GREENWOOD PO The following have been to Red Irons Headquarter To ronto dozen dozen Pairs of dozen Tow els Sets Cotton Combinations Six boxes were sent to our boys overseas ihln month On the Civic Holiday at Links the ladles of Eastbourne sold refreshments for the benefit of the local Cross Auxiliary realiz ing oyer expenses Half of Ibis amount goes to the general fund and the other half to the Soldiers Our very hearty thanks on behalf the cause to all who as sisted A Sale of of Holland Landing Mr and Mrs of this Vil lage attended the funeral of his only brother John of Gilford last week also their daughter Mr Arthur Edwards accompanied I hem Mrs of vllle spent Sunday her brother Mr and Mr and Mrs of Markharn village Our Inspector Is quite busy I believe he should serve- every person alike Mrs J Clarko and MIssK Alexandria of Ottawa have boon their vaoatlon with Mrs Ruby Morning Mr McCarnan apont the at homo Mrs West of Toronto Is spending vacation with Mrs P Wilson who is residing In Miss Parsons house for the summer months i Word was received here last week that Wilmot Hunt West was wounded in the wrist Mrs also re- has shrapnel wounds word that her husband Mr Me Vicar and family al so friends who have been here lefl on Monday after a months much enjoyed holiday Mr I and family of Oak spent Sunday un der the parental roof Mr Arthur had the mis fortune to run a naif in his foot and is laid up Miss Stewart is visiting- at Mrs A- couple of houses were Searched last Saturday for goods taken out of Goodwins store We hear the military officers were busy at the south end on Saturday midnight Two Of our hoys Have themselves by going to Toronto military Why did the others not Sutton West Mr and Mrs John cel ebrated the diamond anniversary of their wedding on Aug at their home Sutton West Mr and Mrs Munro came to Canada from Scotland In years ago They sailed from on the sailboat sailing seven weeks and four days on the ocean and land ing at Quebec From Quebec they came by way of the Great to Toronto by rail to and then by stage to By faith Mr and Mrs Munro are Presbyterians that llrnc was no Presby terian Church in Sutton and they drove in the wagon lo Vir ginia to hear Dr Watson who corno from once a month and spoko In the old house Later he lo Hall Sutton other Sunday afternoon and contlnuod this until the present Presby terian Church was built Prior of the Church In communicants drove t in the waggon to take communion Mr and Mrs Mun have a family of seven child ren The funeral look place on Wed nesday Sutton will have the Township in Ihis section of country this year and if the weather proves favorable it will be he best vet The four girls and three boys will spare no pains lo make it a the family circle still being un broken by death the farmers have been looking for was a fourcy linder Tractor W J Kay Agent of Sutton unloaded one of the Harris real tractors on Monday morning and has it run ning on Win farm Vir ginia Farmers will do well see it work An Old and respected resident of passed away on Monday Mr Wm He was about years of age anil has been blind for several years great success Many special prizes are offered making tractive for exhibitors Prize Lists will be in the hands of Secretary Mr J Kay for distribution on Saturday morning Call and gel is on the I Mb September Copenhagen Aug by lhal during Iisl the bodies of no have been washed ashore western coast of Jutland FARM FOR ALE acres more or loss acres cleared Lot Con Township alongside main road J miles from Sutton Fair build ings 100 AORE8 More or loss acres clear balance good bush being Lot It Con No buildings good water supply Excellent for pasturing Apply to DONALD CAMERON 39 Head St 4w39 Hamilton I I HE SAVE No of la rear pare lite tit May Co pi may In 3rd New audi such then Tow I 1

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