Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Aug 1918, p. 6

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J- it H f MOUNT ALBERT I- i if Mount Albert I I- I J The Missionary Auxiliary pi the Methodist Church will serve ice croam at the Farmers Club Room on Saturday afternoon and evening The household goods of Hie late Mrs will be sold at her late residence on Saturday Aug 2Uh at oclock pm See tills for list RED CROSS WORK Mrs Shields was the lucky winner of the centerpiece donated to the Red Cross the number being The ladies realized from the sale of tickets The box packed for the Red Cross this week continued dozen handkerchiefs per- property bags surgical jackets day shirts pairs of socks the whole valued at Besides this pairs of socks have been sent direct overseas to our boys Miss Hayes Class Mrs Grays Class and the Canucks contri buted the handkerchiefs and per gonal property bags The box of clothing for refugee children was also packed and sent away this week Good second hand clothing and some new all suit able for children comprised the contents Many thanks to those who took the time to make and fix up clothes for these needy little ones PERSONA Mrs and family of Toronto spent a few days at the home of Mr Ed Mr and Mrs Thos Graham were pleased to have visit them Elder Nelson and Mrs Kileley from Michigan and Mr and Mrs Brothers and daughter Gladys from West To ronto is over 10 years since Mr Kiteley was in this vicinity Off Leslie Oldham Mr Mr Allen Graham and Miss Graham spent at the home of their aunt Oldham of Bondhead Richmond Hill Miss of Can- were guests of Miss Bell over Sunday Rev Cook of Sharon occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian last Sunday Mr ami Mrs R of were of Mr Harper last Sunday The Misses Henderson of To ronto spent the weekend with Mrs W Stokes Mr ariQ Mrs Frank McDonald iand Mr and Mrs Keyes of Sut ton motored down on Sunday to Mr Rosss Dunn is spending a couple of weeks with friends in Gait Mrs J Cook and Mrs of were the guests of Mrs I Cook over Sunday Mrs J Elliott of Rapid City Man is visiting her sister Mrs A few of our citizens are squirming round suffering from twinges of rheumatism these last few days May he a sign that the war will soon be over I HOPE reshing is the order of the now The grain is a good and plentiful A load from King spent Sunday at Mr Goodes Miss Christie is visiting at Mr Baileys Mr Fletchers two little are spending part Of the holidays with their aunt Mrs The kiddies holidays are short School vill soon Mis Smith or Toronto spent weekend with Mrs English Mr and Mrs Hall spent Sun ovoning at Mr Longford and Mrs motored to Mr last Wednesday ft Misses Nellie and Eva Hodge spent the weekend under the parental roof Mrs Sam Arnold under the care Mr and Mrs took tea with Mr and Mrs Andrews Mrs St John of Toronto spent Sunday tier brothers Mr leys Mr and Mrs ol Toronto motored out to Mr on Saturday Maud visited Hall on Wednesday A White calf with a red cross on was born In the herd of Richard Garland recently The owner immedi ately turned it over to the lied society and the freak calf now coining money the Organization was raised day by having the calf on ex hibition in a tent farm of acres on Lot No and Con East all cleared and well always plenty of water two orchards and buildings Pronrielor on premises Queenwille PO JvHtit i A Baldwin Breezes The campers are getting rest less their day of grace is grow ing short TJiey are out fre quently for a jollygoround I often meet and have a gab with them Some amazing fine folks among them chock full of as a bug is of meal Jolly hap py girls I was taking in the beauties of an immensely hand some car and edged my way around to a nice little boy Well little man how are you I guess you dont know me Im Mr Owl A gentleman rose from his seat and remarked You are the Owl that writes for the Era paper I suppose Exactly so I plead guilty was the reply The days flit by like a shadow oer the heart With sorrow where all was de light The time has come when the campers have to pnrt Then my old camp ground good night v We are now verging on the very best season Two weeks more and September will usher in with rains gales warm and cool changes Gel ready for it Old Hands at the Business Aunt Elizabeth Mrs Joel Thompson of Brown Hill visited her sister Aunt Sally here last week and it fell to Uncle Johns ton Is lot to drive her home which he did gladly As they were passing by the icecream parlor Uncle looked longingly in and yielded wistfully to a great temptation Elizabeth posin we have some says he Say the word and the flies Im quite agreeable says An order was sent in and soon the venerable old couple were lux uriating in the toothsome mor sel They ate sparingly know ing octogenarians must not in dulge loo freely They then went on their way rejoicing Uncle Johnston is and Aunty E is Beat it who can I Frank is now dic ing many improvements about the grist mill chief of which will be a new foundation before put ting in the new flouring plant Mrs Sam Toronto is visiting friends in and about Baldwin r Mr and Mrs Clark and their little las sies were at Mill View Farm on Sunday Im always glad to see them Im of the opinion it will be a bard nut to crack to attempt to find a finer trio of young wo men than Mrs J Clark Tornlinson Mrs Angus Mc Millan Let tie Riddel and Mrs Frank Tornlinson Bessie Chap man I cant see a flaw in them They have a good name good dispositions and characters and delightful personalities and they had he good fortune to gel No partners starts thresh ing this week with a new thresh ing separator much lighter than the old one yet quite heavy enough for Ontario trade It is called Ontario I have great respect almost bordering on veneration for such ministers of the Gospel as P Fletcher Christian Church Manning Methodist Church and Mr Free Methodist for I believe they are in it not for self glorification or filthy lu cre but for the glory their Master and good of their fellow men but there are thousands who are after an easy berth and lots Of stamps They should be stripped of their borrowed plum age as the peacocks stripped the jackdaw that donned their feath ers The clergy and laborers in the Lords vineyard think they are worthy of their holidays One fat jolly chap who reminded me of Friar Tuck referred to in the Life of Robin Hood was Calling on friends near here He said laughingly I am having a darned good time The same chap once was asked if he know what kind of cake he was eating and replied I dont know if its devil cake or no but It tastes devilish good The good such chaplains do is small the harm they do is im mensely great Edward thinks his on acres are equal to last year He ought to pull out a cool Mrs Cringle some lime ago came into possession of a I huff cochin egg nine inches around longitudinally and seven inches laterally weight She secured the egg in North On tario Its some pumpkins or an are picking ripe strawberries Aug and more blooming pretty village would have a far aspect to strang ers If there were less flowers as large as a big sunflower on our streets Navigation after night without a light is hazardous for the Owl MADE IN CANADA EASTBOURNE MacNeii Mrs and Miss attended the Golf Tournament on Monday af ternoon Rev Dr Pigeon of Toronto was one of the interested visitors at the Eastbourne golf links on Monday Mrs Hales Mrs Long and Miss Dunbar of Toronto were among the many visitors at the Golf Tournament Monday and were the guests of Mrs Col H Williams for the afternoon Mrs John Webb and Miss Ada Webb of Toronto are visiting Mrs Rachel Miss Beatrice Morning of Bradford is spending Ibis week with Miss Goodwin Col Irving visited the Bonshaw recently Miss Ruth Blizzard is spending a few holidays in Toronto Mr Harry Mills and family spent Sunday with relatives in Miss Viola Manning of Toronto is holidaying with her aunt Mrs J H Proctor Mr Law of spent over Sunday with Mrs Frank Sisler Orchard Beach The entertainment of returjujd soldiers last Friday was a great success The weather was per fect and everything passed off Satisfactory Miss Mirnms of Toronto and a nice from Cleveland are visiting Mrs Yokes Mrs Jos of spent the weekend at Ingle- wood Miss Keith of Toronto spent the weekend with Miss The church was filled again last Sunday morning and Rov Dr Pigeon of Toronto preached a comforting and exceedingly inter esting sermon his subject being Eternal Life What is it The reality its present posses sion overflowing vitality ana mans instinctive loyalty to the unseen were all exemplified and illustrated Mr Milligan con tributed the solo which was also appreciated Miss Hunt sang with much expression at the even ing service Next Sunday Rev Dr P of Toronto will bo the preacher Miss McLean and Miss of two school teachers spent a week with the Misses Mann Rev John has con sented to preach at Belle Ewart next Sunday evening This was his first charge when he was a student pastor years ago and he will have a most cordial recep tion Keswick Holland Landing The Field Comforts Society held their annual meeting August and the report for the past year is as folows Number of boxes sent overseas including over Flannel shirts Socks Vermin shirts also wash clothshandker- etc VTrw Total amount of money in Expenditures were leaving a balance of on hand to date Secre taryMrs T The following new officers were appointed for the corning year President Mrs Walter Thomp son VicePresident Mrs Treasurer Mrs Vern Barker Secretary Mrs W T Winch Cor Secretary Mrs The Society hold their sewing meetings in the Hall at Bel- haven on Wednesday afternoon at p in All welcome no gold lace gold cm- broidery or gold thread worn by my civilian la Our old standby J with I Longhurst as assistant opened the threshing season at Mr Charlie OWeils last Monday afternoon Everything went along K and at quitting time Charlie viewed his large pile of golden grain with great pride and satisfaction Harvesting going if full swing Several will finish all hut buck wheat this week The hum of threshing machine follows Mr and Mrs who have spent summer here left for Hamilton to Spend some visiting their son who resides there Mrs W Taylor had visitors from over the Lake Sun day last Mr and Mrs John Taylor front Scott were- visiting in the neigh borhood last Sunday Miss of wa visiting friends in this neighbor hood last week What we would like to know is Where Ivan goes on Sunday evening Where oh where is our much talked of telephone line The poles are there but alas thats all yet Miss Woods of Toronto visited in our neighborhood this week Rumour says weddings are in prospect Hope she correct Several from bore attended Garden Party at Zephyr Friday and report a good time Tin Egypt Patriotic League will hold a grand Garden Party on Thursday evening Aug on Mr Jas lawn Tea vill be served from six till all are served after which an excel lent program will be rendered by following talent Mr Richard Soloist Sutton West Miss Reader Graduate Margaret Baton School Toronto Miss Jennie Soloist Zephyr Rev Speaker Leankdale Mrs Rov MacDonald If M Montgomery Reader Miss Lena Treloar Soloist Sut ton West and other local talent Sutton Orchestra will render sev eral selections during the even- A large attendance Is an Three men are dead and a fourth la dying In Bask as a result of drinking a We are grateful for the help which the Misses Wilson of Toronto rendered the Red Cross Aid selling Lemonade The Methodist Church held their Annual Garden Party on Friday evening the Inst and as usual the event was a decided success The weather was all that could be desired The sup per and refreshments were fine and the program was excellent Special mention should be made of the Methodist Choir Mr Sutherland of Sharon Misses May of Toronto and Mr of King who so kindly and ably assisted Re ceipts were over Manwarlng and Miss gruff have returned to Toronto after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs Taylor Walter and Willie are very lonesome Among those spending vaca tions in the village are Mrs Jas of Montreal with her sister at the Parsonage Mrs with her brother Mr Evans Mr Glover and Mrs McDonald with their mother Mrs W Glover and Mrs Smith Mrs Woods Mrs I Shields has returned to Toronto after spending sometime with her mother Mrs Salter Miss Keefer of King is keeping house for her aunt Mrs Thompson who is spending a couple of weeks In Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Swcezie After over three years of Red Cross work the women of the vil lage are working with more zeal than ever Since the beginning of heir fourth year June 1st they have succeeded rn raising over Two Hundred iloffars with their Garden Party Tag Day and sales of feeCream Credit must he Mrs who had charge of the Tags and Mrs in the feeCream Booth for he splendid way they conducted their campaign on Civic Holiday The- Officer of the Red Cross Aid for the present year are Mr W Wood VicePruidcnt Mrs I Secretary Mrs Treasurer Tate Captain fords house on the Bradford road is almost com pleted and he expects to move in shortly Mr and Mrs O Tate also Mr and Mrs It Goodwin and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Edward of King A number of the ladies of the village spent a very enjoyable day at Jacksons Point on Tuesday last The W A spent Wednesday with Mr Pippin Point Mrs and family who have spending the summer at Mr Pipers returned home to Toronto on Wednesday Mrs Hitching who has been visiting her sister Mrs Marsh returned to the city Tues day evening Mrs of Grove Monday and Tues day last with her mother Mrs M Mrs West of Toronto la visiting with Mrs p Wilson for a few days Mrs Scott and family who have spending a few weeks at their residence returned to the Wednesday Mrs Shrinks who bas been visiting her mother Mrs West returned to the city Tues day A number of the ladles of the W A spent Wednesday Rev Pippins Roches Point Mr Geo of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with his sis ler Miss Nellie Chapman of To ronto was hero a few days this week with Mrs Chapman Mrs Held of Montreal Is vis- Report of work as read at Red Cross meeting called last Tues day evening Boxes sent Red Cross Toronto 24 pr Sox Quilts day Shirts Sent to boys direct overseas enclosed in Club boxes pr Sox Box shipped Red Cross Head quarters this week contained 30 Spits Ambulance lbs Yarn being knit Boxes packed every month for boys overseas Total receipts Expenditures Concert receipts Grant from Council Ernest Morton Pres Mrs P McClellan Sec Franco July To the Ladies of the Keswick Home Club Your parcel I have just received For which I am extremelvpleased And I desire to thank you all For all its contents great and small It surely is a treat to see How well you all remember me And if the truth was to be told I prize these parcels more than gold I wish to thank you every one For such a kindness nobly done And many may your blessings be For your remembrances of me I beg to wish you all good health Joy happiness contentment wealth With best regards these lities I send And so my short epistle ends V Hayis 778765 A Coy 2nd Troops France FARM FOR acres more or less 80 acres cleared Lot Con Township alongside main road miles from Sutton Fair build ings ALSO A0RE8 More or acres clear balance good bush being Lot Con No buildings good water supply Excellent for pasturing Apply to DONALD CAMERON 39 Head St Hamilton Mr W Ha fie and daughter and Miss Bessie Mitchell have gone to visit Ids for a week or two Mrs Elliott Miss Iris Elliott Mr Roy Graham and Mr P Elliott were visiting at and Mrs Jewells over Sunday Mr W Elliott was visiting his brother Mr R Elliot I over Sunday Mrs 1 has returned home after nursing Mrs as well as visiting friends In Keswick Miss Dot Harper visiting her aunt Mrs J for a few days this week Miss Doris Ernes Is visiting in town l Mrs Jewell was visiting friends Toronto last week 1 wonder who the nine were that went to the Indians Camp at Roches Point and made the raid on baskets If every mind its flock It would have enough to do Keswick is doing a rushing business these days Our merchants are on the hop Nearly every house in the village and on the shore is filled with hoarders or summer visitors Farmers are busy bawling and threshing their grain and if the weath er will permit all the grain will be safely housed by Saturday Minister Is away on his holiday and the Presbyterian Min ister the pulpit for the next Iwo weeks Hope our people will no forge I these service Miss Morton Intends entertain ing Miss Glass Needless to a time is ahead for them W regret to say thai Rev P Fletcher is leaving here 1st of fiber report says he will lake up Provincial work Mrs Hose who has been away from here for about is visit ing her Mrs Crowder Mrs Patrick with Miss A visiting her children around here pass ed her and hale and hearty Mr and Joh were Visiting their daughter Mrs W Etavcaehoe own- the weekend Mr Alfred Motion who has been confined to home for over three years with a paralytic stroke had another bad on Monday and Is not expected to live many hours Mrs- Griffith of Wilfrid was Vlslllng her brother Mr Brown Hill Farmers pi this community are exceedingly busy these days drawing in the golden grain Quite a number wore out to Church on Sunday morning to hear Rev Lucks farewell sermon They bade Pastor Luck thanked him for his good service of two years He has been an in spiration here indeed Bart you have been faith ful over many things and you shall be ruler over many more Mr Harold Rose brakesman made a short visit hero this week to mother and a fow more Wedding bolls oh sweet wed ding bells ring I Pie Herbert is home again on harvest leave a relfof period indeed Tim is busy now wailing upon his mother who Is now quite ill Jack Frost Is making his nuul expedition through this burg now Ho has done some good work In the corn buckwheat etc A few folks around here Holt and intermediate points are set ting off for the Conference in this week and Sun day 26lli No doubt there will bo quite a large attendance Sleeping Beauty for whiskey Rln her brother Mr M Evans I Bra bring mulls Try one QueensviHe The regular meeting of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs John on Wednes day Ihe at Program by the girls and a paper by Mrs Come and help make underwear for the refugees children The threshers whistle can heard most every morning and harvest is over Withy some Others are- nearly through A large number of our vll- large gentlemen are lending a hand A good crowd out on Sunday at the Union Service at Presbyterian Church Next Sabbath it Will be the Meth odist Church Rev Atkinson will preach Mr J Powers and Mr Ceo Bond Of spent two or three days last week in the village Mr Bond was having his house Misses Gladys and Helen Flanagan are spending their holidays with rela tives In Newmarket Mr Ralph Hill started work on Mon day at the Newmarket Specially works to lake up draftsmans work We wish him success in his undertaking Mr Mackie has been delivering coal at most of our houses this sum mer so We wont freeze for awhile The W M met at Mrs Stephens on Tuesday and held a good meeting Mrs E Barker sister of Or Terry and her daughter K Smith of III are visiting at Dr- C A Terrys here Mrs and daughter of Chicago called on Mrs and Mrs on Saturday Cadet Angus who has been in hospital In Toronto with blood poison on face Is home on leave for a few days Misses Nell Smith and Mia spent the weekend In a lip down the St River Thousand Islands Mrs has returned from a 2 weeks trip out Bay Miss Lillian house of Preston was vlslllng her friend Ada Wright lasl week Mr and Mrs Purden of To ronto motored up on Saturday to her uncle Mr A returned on Tuesday evening from a visit to his brother at Severn Falls Mrs Matthias Doan left last week a visit with her daughters Mrs Morion and Mrs Teller Hamilton Pie and wife from Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Tickles friend Miss Vera Smith Mrs Foster anu her mother Mrs McConnell have returned after visiting relatives and friends In Bee ton and Bradford Reeve and Mrs and Miss Thompson of Manchester and Mrs Boys and two daughters of Port Perry attended the funeral a week ago last Tuesday of the late Miss Mattel llofborn of Sutton and visited at Mr ceo Thompsons Many school males who are scatter ed through the country will Miss Mabel second daughter of Mr ami Mrs Walker who live at Sutton who was buried here in Cemetery on Tuesday She has been a great sufferer for a long time and we could hardly wish her buck although we all liked tier pleasant ways and sympathize with the family In their loss Mr and Mrs Turner of lixbridge spent Sunday at Mr Walter We understand Miss Palmer one of our central girls has left us to Join the M Class Miss Alice Smith will take her place Poor but fishing is good sport Cadet Ralph was homo over the weekend Quite a number from here arc tak ing In the Chautauqua concerts Newmarket Mr and Mrs John Walsh Miss of Toronto and Mr of Bond Head visited over the weekend with Mrs Clayton Poster and Mrs Miss Beatrice William spent over Sunday In Newmarket with relatives Mrs Long of Toronto visited week with her sister Mrs Van Mrs and left on Saturday for Newmarket after spend ing a month here with tier sister Mrs Fred and other The Red Cross Society of Pres byterian Church held a good meeting at Mrs J Homers last week quill were done and a- good tea served Every lady turn out and como to these kind of and we are sure- if the officials can work to do il will get done Miss of Aurora visited her cousin Miss Beatrice Williams last Friday Our Masonic Lodge is booming now Several men are testing old goal Id like see old Kaicr Hill try it Sutton West Mr and Mrs Greenwood Sutton West announces engagement of their youngest daughter Maude to Mr Norman Boadvyaj of The marriage will lake place quietly in September Reeve of Sutton after a trip through the West says fairly good crops are be expected along main line of P Two Arraitt Mado Neil Sutherland a young man giving his address as Rose avenue Toron to was arretted by Detective Croome and Co Constable of Sut ton on Thursday afternoon lo answer to three charges of house breaking On the night of July the Jewellery store of VV A Dixon at Sutton was broken into snd good valued at taken nights later the Public school was visited and a quantity of scientific appantui stolen and on Saturday night the barber shop and tobacco store of Ihe village was robbed of a quantity of tobacco and a number of barber tools A young lad at Sutton was ar rested charged with the robberies and it is alleged that he to the police while he had been In the barbers shop he had nothing do with the other Iwo robberies He said that Sutherland and another young man were with him on Satur day night and when Sutherland was into custody last week police say thai they found some of the goods which had been taken from the two stores The third man Who was im plicated In Hie thefts is still wanted t OMIT THEM The lady who sat in was stout Her reason for seeing him was I Ml he might prescribe some treatment which would reduce tier flesh and after the doctor drew up ordering her to follow il report to him In a month At the end of that time she came back looking stouter than ever Tho physician was aghast Are you quite sure you ale what l ordered he asked Everything answered the pattern His brow wrinkled in And nothing else Nothing whatever doctor of course my regular meals peo Tho man who has piled UP a fortune never wasted any linn- wishing ho was rich Ottawa Aug on the part of an employee of w Grand Trunk Hallway Company applied a lighted match to a pool alcohol to see if it would burn responsible for the conflagration occurred on Thursday last and vrfPJJ out the freight sheds loaded and unloaded cars of the paoy with a total loss of fit I ran Ver tot Pat Fa A i v Two young men one a Sutton boy were jo Toronto by a Constable via Metropolitan on Monday morning and it is said that the York County police court lhat liny looked like a jewelers store in fact a replica of A Dixons store of Sutton Neil Sutherland and Charles Shepherd were charged with breaking into said store The articles exhib ited before Major in sisted of watches- microscopical instruments and various kinds of jewelry valued at cigars and candy from the store of Dun can King and Hares were mixed up In the charge AH the articles taken have been restored to their original owners and as a number of Sutton residents ap peared Oil behalf of the boys and gave them good characters sen tence will be suspended and the culprits will have topay all court costs and damages to Dixon and Kings goods Miss and Miss Helen gave a Jolly house party j at Jacksons Point one week i

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