Mount Albert i 4 CAMERA FOUND Between Sharon and Holt Owner can have same on appli cation lo J Holt and paying f ad THE CEMETERY Remember the decoration day of the Mount Albert Cemetery on Sunday next at pm All are invited There will be short ad dresses by the resident ministers and others A collection will be taken at the gale PROMOTED Mr Byron who enlisted with the machine gun section of the 37th about three years ago has received his commission as lieutenant He has since passed his medical examination for the Royal Air Service PICNIC The Union Sunday School Pic nic to Jacksons Point on Thurs day was a success in every way Ample motor accommodation was provided for all the day was ideal as regard weather conditions and all spent a most enjoyable day RED CROSS WORK All ladies are asked to remem ber the shower for refugee child ren in France Just imagine over of lhese children to provide for and every little bit helps A number of people have sent in their donation and as each lady is asked for only one garment it is not much to do Of course they can bring more if feel so disposed Keswick Mrarid Mrs Win Marritt and Miss Joy have returned from their Sutton West to Hamilton and Niagara for over years can Folio I I Falls Coming I F E Luke Opt D 167 Yonge St Torontos able op- be consulted about your eyes for glasses at A Dixons Jew- Mr Fletcher is leaving the Keswick Christian Church and Store Sutton West feel sincere regret day July Dont miss the Frank Bain loud to me and if he is mending Frank Watson harness or something of that sort Jr I to Sr I Flossie Foster Tread to Queensville PERSONAL Marr was in town on Sunday calling on old friends Mrs who was badly in jured by a fall last winter re turned to town on Monday She is only partially recovered Mr Jacob Cook and Mr of motored out Tor a visit to his cousin Mr J KiKhtley Millie Brooks was taken to the hospital in Toronto Mon day where she underwent an op eration for appendicitis She is reported to be progressing favor ably Mrs John Moore paid a visit to friends in Sutton and Canning- Ion Inst week Mrs Moore of Ash worth was in town on a visit to her parent- Mr ami Mrs Robt John ston Some people motoring from Barrie on Sunday were stranded in town until early Monday when a car came to take them home their own being left for repairs HOPE Cold still Mrs is spending days Mill Mr Mrs The July meeting of the will be held at the home of Mrs Charlie Watson Sharon on Thursday afternoon at halfpast two Special music in charge of Miss Waton Sharon and a spe cial program is being prepared All ladies aid girls welcome Preparatory service in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening at pm Communion Sabbath morning at am Atkinson Mrs Atkinson and Jean accompanied by Mr and Mrs Laws motored to Vineland on Monday visit Edith who is in the National Service Camp there The rain on Tuesday was very welcome as the prospects are for berries and the crops in general needed it Mrs left on Tuesday for to visit her son Dr Geo Mrs Watson Wright is visiting relatives in Mr and Mrs W Kavanagh accompanied by Mr and Mrs Norman Smith attended the fu neral at Mdiland of their son-in- law on Wed nesday Miss Bertie of Toronto came up to attend the garden party last Friday Miss Cora Johnston of Orillia home with her aunt Mrs for her holidays Mr W Hi 1 1 aby who was turned down as unlit for a soldier in the West last fall was accepted and donned He is now at Ni agara Nearlyall our will he gone this fall J Lewis has received worn that their son Jack Lewis of the Can M G Co is in hospital with a M bul let wound in the shoulder Jack enlisted in the Halt in To ronto three years ago and baa seen most of the struggle along hat region Mr and Mrs Watson of and Mr Barker of Saskatchewan spent Sunday at Mr A Putnams Mr Jas of visited Mr Williams on Sunday Rev and Mrs Lovcring are vis it in- Mr Lover mother many his departure He and Mrs chance Fletcher have done a good work j during Iheir stay in Keswick Mr Harry visited his sister Mrs Marritt Sunday An O S Athletic Meet has been arranged for by Mr Roy Ian for the of July at Jack sons Point All Soldiers of the Soil are welcome Miss Mary Sheppard left for on Tuesday We hope she will have a splendid lime for she has worked hard all year Council A meeting of the above council was held at on Marjorie West Hon Joe Morton Horner Lambert Primer to Jr J Eleanor Margaret Laura Horner Jr Primer to Sr Primer Ar thur West Elsie West Fred West Gerald Watson HOW JOE BECAME A LEADER mil Mrs to Sunday Mr Miss has gone for weeks visit Mr spent Sunday Jng at Mr Preliy small Choir Sunday Mr and Mrs spent in the City Mr lias been quite ill hut is able to he around again An auto skidded ami ran into lie fonre near Mr David borne No serious damage was done if he fence hadnt slopped it it would have Into the creek as it is a very marrow and dangerous road around that bend Mr is building a cement bouse for tils chickens They worth caring for as all poultry ducts are high these days a r pro- Orchard Splendid congregations at the Church last Sunday and the ser mons were greatly appreciated Mrs MacNeill presided at the organ Next Sunday Rev Balfour of Toronto will be the preacher Mr and Mrs Brooks Mrs and Mr G D Wark of were guests at Ingle- wood last Saturday afternoon Two boys riding a bicycle drawn by a horse were enjoying the ex perience when another boy fright- Mr and Mrs and family also Mrs Foster and son of Toronto were Hie gnosis of Mr and Mrs A Grose Monday Mr- and Mrs of spent Sunday at the home of Mr Cole Glad see the Misses in our again Mr and Mrs J Hirst of Jersey spent Sunday at the home of Mr A King Mr and Mrs and family of spent Sunday at Mr Manills Oh yes Mary is here again Mr and Mrs York Mrs J Stone- house and Squire also Mrs J Comer motored Aurora one day week I if the hoys on horse hack enjoyed I he lance I he garden party Mr and Mrs M and family also I In Misses Mahoney and Mr Ralph Henry motored to Niagara on Sunday How is the boathouse getting along Miss Rosy spent Sunday Mr Kings on the fifth Mr and Mrs Stick wood and family of spent Sunday at the home of Mr It looks good see driving Ins girl around Me is so graceful Mr and Mrs King of Raven- shoe Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Marritt Some of our farmers hoys are going In the to work What can a farmers hoy do Such boys as these the railed Union should look after Mr and Mrs J A Marritl and little Phyllis spent Sunday under the par ental roof at Mr and Mrs Robert and her mother also her sister Mary and Annie motored o Sutton one day this Mr A has a new addition his house a chimney Mrs Marritt and children of also Miss Susie Council were visiting relatives here one day last week Whats the south of the Post Office Milfonl Lightning Rug day July at pRV Members all present Minutes of former meeting read and adopted The following payments were ordered W Oliver brushing and on con ExpressHerald printing George labor on side- road 18 and Jos Ryan gravelling on and IS Lake gravel and labor JnO Snooks Donald gravel- Municipal World supplies S Comer railing on 3rd con A bylaw providing for trimming culling down removing or any tree growing upon the highways when deemed for public improvement or safety of ravel was introduced by the reeve and passed afler which Coun cil adjourned to at on Saturday August at 2 pm when rales for current year will be levied Harriot Smith 100 School Reports 8ohool Report of No 1 EG Present standing according to merit Roy Jr Hannah Roy Ed Blizzard Jr Jennie West Bertha Buckles IF Ruby Lane French Harry Buckles Jr Lome French Ha Sister First Irene Morning Primer Evelyn Morning Cook Dorcas Watson Tom Walson Ruth Morning George Dorothy French- Willie Cleland Teacher Willie Violet Mailed Too Late for Lasl Week Miss Helen of Brant- ford spent the weekend with Mr Main and mother Thursday evening the Gleaners Glass of the Christian Sunday School gathered for their monthly meeting at the home Of Mr Willoughby at Island Grove and all report a good time A young from our burg went to the city to spend the weekend and when ho got there he was homesick for mother and came hack on the next car Never mind youll do better next time Mr and Mrs Angus King and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs A Marritt the horse and its sudden Sorry to hear that Monro Mann start threw the boys off the bike very ill with quinsy but hope 8 8 No 3 EA8T The following are he promotion re sults in Kathleen Honors Donald Smith Mabel Martin Smith Jr Hi Willie Andrews Honors Beatrice Honors Roy Freddie Andrews Charlie Money Ir ving SI a ley Willie Sr Torn Watts Irani Dorothy Smith Jr May Marlin Freddie ton I Wright MrMillan Wilson Nellie ritte Primary Beatrice Morritte Frank PINE ORCHARD 8CHOOL Holland Landing Mr spent Sunday with his and family al their summer home a few days her woollier fray In visiting her Aunt Mrs foray the Mian Klrby end Master Ralph Robin have returned home after upend tnf a will Mr Bell Thompson had a over weekend The Congress on Saturday tht controversy over the guaranteed price of wtieat by approving a price of NOTICE DAYS Monday and Friday During July and Aug until daw grain cornea in in A TWO FOR GO acres North Went quarter of In Con East all cleared and well fenced Well with plenty of water Or- chard and larKeIiarn Land in cultivation three fields down acres South Half of Lot la Con M cleared and fenced House and Barn Basement fitted with first- class Corn Silo 30 by lit feet two wells and Orchard Will sell both together or sep arate on terms Apply lo the premises GREENWOOD and cut one of thorn badly besides breaking the bicycle Boys arc always up lo some kind of excite- but this might easily have been more serious Miss Baldwin Mr and Mrs Marrow and Miss Beatrice Mar row of Toronto were guests at Linden Cottage for the week end Mr Ireland of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr Elliott The MIhscs Oliver of Almonte are visiors at the Oliver cottage also Miss Hewitt of New market was a guest over Sunday A load of furniture etc arriv ed at Mr new house on Monday Little Miss Ruth Kinley of New market spent a couple of days this week with her school churn Beryl Jackson Miss Norma Lee had a friend with her from the city this week Over people greatly enjoyed the hospitality of Mr and Mrs Startup last Saturday night games dancing and refresh ments Marrow and llaisht have sold to Mr of Toronto who took possession on Wednesday A lot of youngsters had a great at little Miss birthday party on Monday afternoon The cold wet weather Is not very agreeable to summer campers Nashville At least one hundred persons most of them negroes were killed and as many more Injured a score seriously In a headon collision today between Iwo passenger trains five miles from this City Children FOR he will soon be around again Mr Mrs- A Wilson also Helen spent the weekend with her mother Mrs I Mr and Mrs spent a day in the city lasl week Mr Mann and Mr P merson spent dny in this week Mr is certainly looking up in the world when lie can afford a chauffeur in war time Miss Merna of Toron to and Mrs A of spent the weekend with relatives here Mr A J Brown of Newmarket was the weekend guest of his sister Mrs A coat of paint made difference in the looks of Mr Mr spent the holi day In city Mr George and lady friend Miss spent the holiday with his slater Mrs Mr Mr Milton Hamilton and of spent Sunday with her rnotQr Mrs J Morton Mr arid Mrs A and Constance of Toronto are spending a few days with Mr Mrs A Marritt We are sorry to lose two of our old citizens Mr and Mrs Ira Morton who have to the city to hope yon dont have to walk the Red Cross meeting this week Ben Miss Clara Morris spent the weekend with relatives here Clara Hall Marjorie Itiihirisnn lie perl of Promotion Kxamlnatlon Names in order of merit Sr Ill to Jr Skinner Marjorie Donald Jr III III May Hose Hon ors field Mux Johnson Florence Stanley Robinson II lo Jr III Annie Skinner Johnson Walter Eva Walker Walker Sheridan Norman HI Abe Skinner Walter Hosier Hopper Alma Poole Slierhln First Ron Jr Minnie Honors Viola Johnson Hon ors Duncan Vera Oakley Jordon nice Poole EGYPT Report of Promotions Names in order of merit Sr IV George Mati Jr Jessie McMillan III Herman Stevenson Hon Crittenden Hon Fred Tom ONeill Taylor Park Station Jewell Jr ill Keetch Gladys Dorothy Howard Watt Crawford Hon Wilfred Stevenson Rye John ONeill Jr Lloyd Smith Elsie Hon Fiorina Crittenden Hon Muriel Hon Gordon Stevenson Hon Verna Hon Willie park Murray Stevenson Hurley Winnie Station Maurice Crit tenden Murray Corner Willie Crawford John Alrd CrydcrrnaO Jake Taylor Primer A Winnie Lil lian Pork Jessie Lee Arthur Jean Harvey King Cora Stat ion ONeill I Anderson Teacher Report Wo The earlier part of the day had been delightful but about three oclock the clouds had begun to gal her and by fiyo they were black and menacing It was a relief to Joe when the last fork- of hay went into the barn He clapped the horses on their moist flanks Good work he said pleasantly Even if the faithful animals did not under stand praise Joe argued that no harm was done by praising them As he came out of the barn he saw an automobile turning up the driveway and instead of going to the house he stood awaiting its coming He had no doubt as to what lie occupants wanted shel ter from the rain that was a by now and supper in all probability There was always enough at the farmhouse fo one or- two extra All that was ne cessary was to pull up more chairs to the tabic The occupants of the oar prov ed to be a man and woman both In their forties Joe judged from a hasty glance The face of the woman drew his and held It The dust of the journey which showed plainly on her silk wrap seemed have spared her face There was a luminous quality in it which seemed set it apart from any face he had even seen He looking at her so ontly that started when companion spoke It seems we are going to be caught in a bad storm Could you give us supper then put us up for the night if it proves too bad for us to go on I guess mother can took after you alright Joe assured them Such requests were not unusual The farm was isolated but If attracted motorists looking for supper or sleeping accommo dation where the neighboring farms only attracted one- Joe knew why and took a natural pride in the fact that the well painted house with the vines shading the piazza and its flow er beds visible from the road should vouch even to the casual passerby of the comfort lo he found within Mrs came at her sons call and took charge of the wo man while Joe showed the- man a shed in which he shelter his automobile- The rain came New- as left the build ing and they ran for the house Tint hardly were on the porch before the water descended In sheets you wont go on to night said Ft wouldnt he safe after such a rain as this Its likely to wash out regular gullies in the road to say nothing the chance of skidding No fancy we are fixed for the night the stranger replied A whiff of Mrs Butt in supper came through the open window and he seemed well satisfied with the prospect My name Is he went on feeling In pocket for a card Im connected with Ihe English partment at the University Mrs had hasty toilet and was sitting In living room of farmhouse when her husband and Joo en tered The- charm the boy hod fell in her fnce was- Intensified now that ho saw her in this fa miliar setting Her dark hair curled slightly and was ably gray Her face was rather thin and pale yet though I lack ed the charm of and coloring It Was a face that would have attracted Others as well as the young farmer was a wonderful vivacity about it a glowing lifo It seemed to Joe that it made a spot of light In the room Mrs supper had been ready when lie strangers arriv ed She opened another can of fruit put on a dish of another kind of pickles called them to the table Joe was proud of his mothers cooking and ap petites these chance gueats confirmed his feeling of compla cency Ho listened with a of satisfaction to the pounding of the rain upon the roof He could have found In his heart to wish for a premature equinox lal storm several davs in dura tion Your living room was some thing of surprise to mo Mrs Mrs said in her melodious voice My Hus band and I are very fond of these little trips and very often wo stop for the night some even when no storm Is threatening Hut I think saw so many books in farm house before Joe looked gratified Mrs I see that someone is musical too saiij Mrs She glanced at Joe and her expres sion of pleased approval warmed his heart I play a little but its Joe who is the musician saul Joes proud mother He plays the violin and mandolin and he sings very nice ly I can play the piano enough to pick out his accompaniments Are the other young men in the community interested in books and music asked Mrs this time of Joe di rectly Joe shook his head de cidedly Not a great deal I suppose most of them know there were such writers as Dickens and Scott but thats all they could tell you about them Joe fell complacent He knew he was a rather superior young farmer People had told him so and his own observation confirm ed this judgment His crops were as successful as any in the coun ty A large city produce com pany contracted with him for all his eggs and chickens He was making money but along with this he was interested in the and artistic life Joe basked mentally in the of approval he fancied ho saw in the beautiful ladys eyes He showed her his herbarium after supper delighted to find she shared his liking for botany And then as he reached the end of his collection she looked up at him This home ought to be of helpfulness she said thoughtfully You ought to be able to in teres I these other youp men in something more than the things you mention Dan shook bis head Oh it is no use The boys around here are a poor lot I dont mean theyre so bad you know but they dont care a snap things hat mean so much to me What have you done to awak en their interest Joe stared the vivid earnest face with a feeling of discom fiture did not occur to him answer anything but the exact truth Why I dont know that Ive done anything But you should you know Mrs answered earnest ly Your point of view is so A FORTUNATE Mary Whilten came to the house with a white drawn face If no use S Either there is no God or He is cruel or helpless el Jacks lost his money every that new mi in cent of it hi lliai corporation she sobbed and just when we were beginning enjoy life Its cruel thats ml there is to it Yes it is hard Mary I know how you were enjoying success But I wouldnt blame it on God But couldnt He have prevent edit if He wanted to she asked Yes I suppose He could have replied the minister But what sort of world would this be if God brought us out of our mistakes without making us feel the pen ally of them Should we ever learn anything Should we ever grow up No Mary there is all a great comfort i in a world where water drowns cold bite ami fire burns Theres nothing capricious in that sort world If a man invests his money unwisely be pays the ally no matter how wellmeaning he was about it if that werent so the world would be cruel am capricious Wo should never know how lo lake it Besides Mary Im not sure thai a blessing in disguise What do you mean she ask- incredulously I mean said old minis that I have noticed that yon and Jack have been getting worldly since he made his money You have lost Erin on spiritual things I was mud more worried about that than I am over the loss of your money Were not in the world to make money principally although Lord never said anything a rich man merely because he was rich We are here grow a soul If we can do both and good If cant wed bet- let the money go God isnt nearly as interested in having us rich as He is in having us saved You and Jack with your money gone remind me of a man in one my early parishes in California He and his family had been out a miserable existence for years prospecting and mining for gold At when were all on the verge of starvation a terrible calamity befell them a different that it puts a certain flood washed his responsibility upon you You should be a leader dont you see Rut Im only one and cant doanything you know Thats a big mistake One can win one and there are two to join forces and to win another is still easier Hut dont know how to be gin they would resent it Of course you would need to be tactful said Mrs Arent any of musical Couldnt yon organize them in a little orchestra or something of that kind Joe hesitated He remember ed that did play a flute after a fashion and Han Howard owned a bass violin and had a rudimentary idea how to useit The astonishing Mrs was broaching another idea Again her personal charm forced him to listen Youre so inter ested in books I almost believe youre the very one to help me in carrying out a scheme of mine A nephew of our lived with us a few years He was a delicate lad and we knew we couldnt keep him with us long but those few years arc such a lovely memory We have quite a number of Ralphs books fifty or sixty They are all boys books though not juvenile all There are stories and works in elementary science stories of inventions history all of them interesting If I should send you a box of them would you be willing lo act as keep them mov ing among the fellows here To be able to help Mrs Lock- wood was an honor li which ho could not be indifferent Bed time comes early in a farmhouse but that night sat up late talking over plans He picked out the halfdozen boys lo form his orchestra ami outlined a plan for distributing books before he went upstairs As he lay more wakeful than was usual after a hard days work and a long evening he realized that a big change had como into his life His satisfaction En his own superiority was over Now his business was to help others to measure up to his standards Ho gave the past the trlbilte of a little sigh and found himself eagerly facing the future which would domand the best of him And so became a leader away and wrecked it beyond repair But when in despair he returned to old site he found that on the very ground where the ramshackle house once stood the flood had uncovered a vein of gold that proved to he one of the richest mines in the country That I feel is what is going to happen you and Jack You were being overcome by what Christ called the deceit fulness of riches I believe you will yet look on this as a crowning mer cy Coil didnt send financial failure But if youll do a litllo prospecting on Hie spot where the event happened I know youll 11 nd a rich mine that your wealth was burying beyond discovery A noted humorous lecturer who was Invited to deliver an address to an audience of convicts in a Weston pen- noticed that the auditors laughed heartily but did net applaud the lecture the warden Institution ventured an apology They didnt seem very appreciative did they he naked I thought they seemed to enjoy very Much tin lecturer Bill they might have clapped a lit- marked instead with Iheir lie the warden r of Just then folded Well well the lecturer I noticed that they sat with their hands folded but I thought were all manacled worth in lliV Mr Gladstone the weekend will bis parents here WrlgM Marion What Is the attraction up norlh of Keswick Misses and Mona Ernes are Visiting relatives hero Huntley Hoy Bain Hoc Jr to Helen Kan Hon Mabel Terry Willie Hollar lln smiled Hooks are greatest pleasure she replied There is much time for read ing on a farm during winter months that books and magazines seem almost as Important as fuel When I am sowing reads out A submarine was attacked off east coast of England on July fi by five enemy seaplanes which dropped bombs directed machine gun fire at the boat One officer and five men were killed The slightly damaged was towed back to her harbor Washington July While the Senate was debating ques tion of nationwide prohibition the Fuel Administration his af ternoon announced the adoption of a conservation plan whioh would stop the supply of fuol to brewers probably within months and thus end the production of beer after that July Playing Our Pari Home Speaker Klva Eve Missionary Movements Speaker Milne Header Virla Robertson The Bible and the Spade Speaker Wright Header Beatrice Thompson The Young Pal Speaker Hillary Stephens Header GNR Tourist Sleeping Gars mean Comfort to the Traveller The Inleilot nd with highly la with tSAt HPJJ cock compaction fl to lessen room and kitchenette with epplunees or lietty ppectted ate the fitcUii Ijle occupy the Dtolof occupy these iac KfttBE bate Tot onto Monday Wednesday and Friday Winnipeg andpoiots west I DIP In Ob Good ranging Very to pattern A J Suit mo I each IMF SOME FRESH We sale used Co etc Restaur r Bob NOT Lillian to in man of Car her City York a the city Dated of 3m22 Th an us En Si C HE I Si Promp With planus Ian eft several enemy a I j J J