j NEWMARKET ONT OUR LOCAL Silk Motor Caps all Colors S3 and Caps 75 50 Mens Oxford Shoes 6 and Reg for Saturday New Wall Paper arriving something special at and Bought below todays value Dan ford Roche Co harvest Helpers In Classifying the Registration Cards for North York it has been ascertained that no less than men in this Riding are willing assist the farmers Those who short of help should make plication 10 Reeve Keith New market so as to make the most convenient distribution This is a splendid response and shows that people generally are ready to do their bit toward winning War The responsibility is not altogether upon those who have gone Front The Presbyterian Church was fllled to overflowing at the Union Service last Sunday morning This is Orangemans Day Mr J Moss of the North York Works erected a fine monument in Queensyille Ceme tery last week to the memory of he late League Firemens Practice The Hose Companies luTrttd oat in good force to practice oh Monday night The hose were laid down Lot Street and the water pressure turned on The practice was satisfactory but belter time can be made with further practice Red Cross Flag Day Meet the young ladies with a smile when they want to tag you on- Saturday This is a very small thing compared with the hardships and privations French refugees have suffered for the cause of Freedom Freely ye have received of the good things of life freely give The heroism of the French in saving Verdun from the hands of Germany was manifested in the sacrifice of her richest blood that flowed like water and she has proved her self an Ally worthy of our miration but her people are in dire need and they ask us- to share our abundance of wealth Show your sympathy by your generosity and let it be worthy of the Town you live in Picnic to Wilcox Lake I Hurrah for the Annual Excur sion and Picnic of the Newmar ket Christian Sunday School next Wednesday July Where to Why just down there to Wilcox Lake that beautiful little picnic ground Special car leaves at pm and runs directly out to the lake returning leaves the Park at Will Stay Another Month V Dr C A Terry who has mdved to will keep his New market Office open till the middle of August He has so much work promised that he cannot get away sooner Brief let The domestic water was turn ed into the new Watson Block on Wednesday The hay crop around here is gen erally light The corporation scythe is doing good work on the back streets Not much progress on the wiring contract at the Town Hall Some of these nights it will be wanted but can not be used Annual Collection Miss Lillian Kellett deaconess made her annual collection for the Upper Canada Tract Society in Town this week and received a generous response She in forms us that shortly after her visit here last year the Society made a donation of a Library of 54 books to the Newmarket Mil itary Hospital for the use of the Soldiers and Nurses Total- Collections this week were 53350 Orchard V I BUTTERICX The July meeting of Wo- PATTERNS mens Institute takes place next Wednesday at the home of Shropshire A treat is in store for all the ladies who attend The Misses Toole of Newmarket have promised to tell something about their trip to the Southern States last Winter and give some of their experiences Mrs Ash- ton Lloyd is also to give a paper on Desserts for Summer Days ALL COOKS POWDER held a picnic at Bond Lake last You are invited to come along as afternoon everyone is assured of a good French Flag tj IS Day in Newmarket has become collector that was have this summer There quantity of pis feed of the gar- Newmarket llll s people is do not know how to here and Kft rid f it Caution Sou of he kids about town are going to gel themselves and their parents into serious trouble some if these days Several street lamps have been broken lately stones shied at them A more serious charge stands somebody apparently no small kid either that of steal ing a lamp from the socket near Eagle Hotel These things cannot he allowed go unpunish ed in interest of ho communi ty The habit grows and if not checked something more serious going to happen Parents should I ion their hoys this ma Iter The scholars of the school arc requested to come to the rooms next Tuesday evening at to secure their tickets A fine program of sports is be ing arranged water events includ ed Wilcox Lake has good facilities for picnic purposes pavilion booth hot and cold water etc good boating and safe bathing for children Remember its next Wednesday Corn Produce the ordinary market last Saturday Buyers commenced by offering for butler and eggs lull the price soon went Up to i3c As high as was paid for but ter for The ruling prices were as follows llittr 3 to i3 to Potatoes SI per ha Chickens lb Strawberries box Gooseberries toe box Chicken Thlercs Or Webb Dr Hull and Mr Ger mane all report the loss of a number of young chickens that disappeared during the hours of darkness About oclock Tuesday morning Mr J ft was awakened by a neighbor as the hens were making considerable commotion in his chicken In vestigation followed None were missing fortunately The conclusion reached is thai either cats or rats are veiling the several chicken houses for repast OAK RIDGES A wedding of interest many friends took piece at St Johns Church Oak Ridges on July when Gladys B A only daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry of Jeffersoo was married to Percy Clinton Hill eldest son of Mr and Mrs David Hill of Richmond Hill The rector Rev P officiat ed and Mr Fletcher of Toronto pre side at the organ The lovely old parish church was decked with flow ers by members of the congregation The bride wore a short girlish frock of cream silk voile with touches of Venetian lace over the palest pink and a picture hat A lule scarf caught at ends with lace completed the costume She carried an ivory prayerbook but on leaving he church after the service picked up a sheaf of roses Instead of a recep tion following ceremony a cheque Will be sent to a war fund to com memorate the happy event and one of the bridegrooms presents to his bride was a life membership to the Cana dian Red Cross Mr and Mrs Hill for a trip through Western Can ada latter travelling in a tailor- made- suit of darkest khaki with amethyst sailor hat and parasol to match They will lake up house in after September Full Stock of our advice lo This Season BUY EARLY as many Lines cannot be repeated at any Price and many other Lines on future delivery will be advanc ed In Price from to shoe Many Lines of 8hoes at Old Prices Some Lines of Up-to- Date we are showing aro not seen outside of the Best Toronto Stores The Workmanship of Every Pair Guaranteed Dont get worried about the shortage of Sugar The best Information we can get Is that there will be as much Sugar this year as last but it may be a little later In Delivery mi THE FRENCH BAG box Currants Old liens lb lb islers- lb Pigeons pair Clry Plants boxes for Onion- lieeis Carrots bunch Auto Stolen On Thursday of last week Rev Percy of Keswick motor ed to Newmarket and left bis car under Ihe Church shed for I he use Rev A absence while he at tended a convention at Hamilton Ill pas I or tilled up the gasoline lank made a country call in- lend jr to continue his visitations in the while ho had so favorable chance But the very flight stole Ihe ear from shed and it was to the police busy on Hi Air in all directions Iy and Saturday passed without any but on Sunday morning Duncan word that car ditchej about two nut- utli if on side Of the carl Fletcher was to n Monday and idnntfflod the stolen dace was available of the occupant A neirdibor heard he car on I of the church oclock in the morning Royal Black KnlghU of Ireland Alexander Muir P No of Newmarket was favored with a visit from the various of the City of Toronto last Thursday evening under the di rection of A A Gray Esq the Grand Master of British America The delegation consisted of the city degree team and mem bers Owing lo the Orange Hall not being large enough by kind permission they assembled in the OddFellows spacious Hall The visitors brought along a and drum band which woke up the old town a bit with its music The following were the officers for the evening Sir Tuck 344 Preceptor Sir Chaplain Sir J If Mc Murray 292 Registrar Sir J Williams Treasurer Sir 1st Lecturer Sir K Thomp son 2nd Lecturer Sir 1st Standard Hearer Sir Mo ses 2nd Standard BearerSir John Bolton 1st Censor Sir Armstrong 2nd Censor Sir Stringer Pursuant Sir White Tyler Sir J Seven candidates were advanced to Apron and Royal Blue in a very efficient manner After a most impressive exem plification of the ritual work of the degree the secret work was commended by the lecturers of the evening Speeches were made by Sir Knight A A Gray and Canon Walsh Sir Knight most artistically rendered a solo shall see Him face to face Canon Win Walsh of Bramp ton Grand Chaplain of British America was also present the close of the meeting the visiting brethren were entertain ed at a banquet in basement very thing passed off in a harmonious manner the visitors returning home about midnight by special Metropolitan cars The Grangers are to complimented for the way Which they looked after the leftists of the inner man Orange Service at Chriatlan Church It Caledonia No and Maple Leaf Lodge No Ladies Orange Benevolent Association aug mented by several members of the Society from Aurora met lhjr Hall last Sunday Evening and proceeded to Ihe Christian Church for Annual attendance at Divine Service the Sacred Edifice being crowded to Hip doors The Church Choir sang an appro priate Anthem with duel by Miss Kelly and Mr very credibly and aecepiahly under Hie leadership of Miss Rowland The pastor Alva readied a most excel ten I and sermon full of counsel ami Inspiration to the Brotherhood taking for his text John Chapter Verse I am iiLhi of the world he that me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light Of life flic lleverned gentleman advised fraternity to live up their ob ligation ami leaching so that they would show to the world by their daily walk and conduct I lie true and real light of life which every faithful Orange man aspires and strives to attain and thus be ueful valued citizens in the community In which we reside and beneficial mem bers of the Society and to Ihe Country and of which we arc so proud lo form a part The discourse was thoughtful Im pressive anil fluently delivered and was well received by tils auditors An unexpected and agreeable feat ure of the Service was the singing of Henry Francis Abide Willi MO Arranged to a very beautiful gel ling artistically and feelingly render ed by Miss Salmon Soprano Soloist of Midhodisl Church who was a visitor in town for the day The kindly manner in which Hie Orange Association was received by the pastor and officials of the Church was greatly appreciated by tin- Society Paris July French troops last night attacked the German lines on a front of a mile and a quarter in the neighborhood of northwest of and pushed into enemy ter ritory for a distance of nearly a half mile according to todays War Office announcement Later the French delivered an other attack in the same region between Aulreches and Moulin- giving them fur ther gains of territory The en tire operation netted the French a gain Of ground on a front of more than of a mile The took prisoners A8SASSINATION OF GERMAN AMBASSADOR NEWMARKET A number from here attended the Anniversary Services at last Sunday and report a good attendance Mrs John of Toronto Is a guest at Mr Cooks Ah and Mrs George cmled the funeral of her sister-in- law Mrs John White of West To ronto on Saturday which was held from her late residence St Johns Mrs White was the daughter Of the late Hastings was born on the old homestead and resided here for a number of years She was highly respected by all who knew her The flowers were beauti ful the room where the body was lying in state being filled showing the high esteem by which she was held The following is a clipping from the Toronto Daily World Mrs John White an old resident aged years died at the home of her soninlaw A At Wicks St Johns ltd Mrs While had lived in To ronto for years and until the past year had been an active worker In High Park Avenue Methodist Church Reside her husband anil only child Mrs A Wicks she survived by Hire- sisters Mrs M Burgess Queen SI Mr j of Albion Mich Mrs Humphrey lid in- Hastings the City Medical Health Officer and A Hastings are brothers The funeral service was conducted by 1 The remains were laid to rest In Pros pect Cemetery on Saturday aflemoon Paris July General Count jvon dor to Russia was assassinated on Saturday at Moscow accord ing to a despatch received here Obtaining admittance under false pretences two unknown men entered the private office of Count von this morning A short discussion ensued Then revolver were heard follow by explosions of hand gren ades The Ambassador died almost A instantaneously The assassins escaped and have not yet arrested TWO WEEK SALE OF VERY SPECIAL BARGAINS Ladies Black and White Lisle Hose Reg 35c Sale Price Fine nibbed Hose Makes a Good School Hose for Boys or Girls Special Price 38c Ladies Fine Lisle Silk Ankle Hose 8 to 10 Good Value ToDay for Mercury Brand Hose Good Heavy Lisle Thread Special for this Sale Table of Remnants including Fancy Voiles Muslins Ginghams Prints all at Cost Price Basket of Fancy and Plain Ribbons Narrow and Wide Widths LE8S THAN COST GERMANY WAY HAVE PEACE AT ANY TIME Lloyd George Says President sons Terms are Those of the Allies Miss Schomberg Separate Promotions The Separate School closed for the summer vacation on Thurs day June The Hev Father Wedlock and Mr Doyle Treas of the School Board were Father Wedlock read the promotions and in a few words advised the Children to conduct themselves during holidays in a manner lessons received during the year Mr Doyle endorsed the words of Pastor and on behalf of the School Board presented each pu bs in in- On Monday Morning July 1st a clock in Fifth Ave Meth- Church Medicine Hat a but wedding was opftiufePfl when John Thompson Principal of Con naught School- and Clara Of Montreal SI reel School united in marriage the fcpl A Richard officiating The ceremony was performed In Ihe presence of Ihe grooms Im mediate relatives and a few groom and bride be ing attended by If Kllnck of and Miss Jean Buchanan Of Medicine Hat Intimate friends the contracting parties After a dainty luncheon at the J Cecil the happy couple took train for Calgary and whence proceed for the Cities and Alaska before to their cosy borne In the m City Win and Mrs as lev continue lifes journey win go the best wishes of mends throughout lern ao Wf Wrist Watches AMD In Gold Silver Nickel 0 C S CLOCKS FRENCH IVORY CUT GLASS inr Tori County where and Aurora Banner copy WATERMAN FOUNTAIN and 8UPPLIE6 Atkinson Co Llooncca I with a check which entitled him a dish of Ice Cream at Mr Harringtons lee Cream Parlor The appreciation of the children was shown hearty clapping of hands and in the course of two hours the checks were return ed The promotions are to Sr Charles Violet Haskell Jr III to Til Joseph Vale Florence Cain Lawrence Pierre Recommended Laura Cain From Second to Jr III Mary Willie Walsh Laura Hod- gins Recommended Joseph Loyola Harrington Ralph Goldsmith From First Reader to Second Dorothy McNcrlncy Frank Has kell Clarence Perrault Goldsmith Phyllis McNerlney From Jr 1st lo fir 1st Carl Edward Gould John Ken nedy Mary Walsh From Primer to Jr First John Flanagan Jean Frances Tuhny From Intermediate Primer Primer Margaret Wil lie Lawrence McNertney Verne Jamoft Eugene McCaffrey Francis Ken nedy Helen Gould Frank Har rington Agnes Cullen Grace Cain From Jr Primer to Intermedi ate Primer Clare Doyle George Haskell Eva Fngan Hash Dorothy Per- Tanll Joseph Dundy Howard Has kell Willie Olive bus been assistant at Ihe Post Office past six years has given it Up and left Saturday evening Miss Gertrude Atkinson of Linton lias Accepted the position vacated by Miss new Minister Rev Clement ami family of Stroud moved into the last week and Ills duties on Sunday Miss Florence of Grace Hospital Toronto Is spending with Iht Mr and Mr fas Piarson Mr and Mrs and son spent Sunday with lallcrH Mr ami Mrs M of Lloyd- town Mr and Mrs Lyons and faintly Wednesday at wedding Mrs Lyons sister Miss Gertrude to Mr Geo An- nings of Ke I lie by The Union Sunday School Picnic on Friday Bonds was largely attended Mrs It Mrs II Skinner and Miss Velnia Williamson of Hamilton spent Tuesday with Mrs Jack of Holly Park Mr hack lo work again a couple of weeks vacation Kay spent last week with his relatives Master Dan of spent Ihe past week with his grand parents Mr and Mrs I Misses Jean and Florence antler of Newmarket are visiting their grand parents Mr and Mrs Sidney Leonard Mr and Mrs went to Niagara on Tuesday to see their son Stanley who expects to leave for overseas this week Mrs Wesley Drown Velma of spent Monday With Mrs Dlake Skinner Willi the American Army on the British Front July Until Ger many accepts conditions laid down by President Wilson she cannot have peace and she can have peace tomorrowif she ac cepts them David Lloyd George the British Premier gave this message to the American troops training on the British front af ter ho had seen them at review on Friday The arrival in France of one million American soldiers had made the German emperor real ize that his defeat was certain emperor the premier said had many illusions regarding the war One of these was that the new American troops would not be capable of meeting those of Germany trained to the minute Premier Lloyd George reiterat ed forcefully the allies do not covet a yard of German soil and do not desire In dispos sess Germany of her rightful in heritance or the people of legitimate rights E STA OF CANADA I I CAPITAL PAID UP POND SERVE THE SOLDIERS urn would b to ir NEWMARKET BRANCH is M SMYTH M Clearing Sale of Summer Goods Dont Miss the Opportunity will only Bargains Must be sold to make room for Fall Goods We mention a few artloles and see Wonderful you will got Ladles House Drosses Gingham Reg for Ladles Lawn Blouses Refl- for Ladles Corset Covers each Ladles Hose Reg for 25o Pairs Ladles House Shoos pi 0 Pairs Only Mens Harvest Boots pr Mens Working Trousers Reg for 199 Ladles Motor Caps In Silk Reg 160 for BIG BARGAINS IN BOOTS AND SHOES QERMAN8 TAKEN ON WESTERN CANADIAN SHIP ATTACKED 2 Subs Sunk Disabled soldiers who reached Toronto on Sunday tell Of a thrill ing battle with submarines off coast of Ireland that will be told by them to their grandchildren in the days In come as one of the great of War When only twentyone hours on their journey from England they became aware of the presence of two German submarines and trouble began at once anil In The officer in command of the soldiers was Major George Washington of Toronto who the following story to The Globe The ship on which men were returning to Canada left England at pm on Monday June On Tuesday at pm it was attacked by submarines One of convoys the was sunk by submarine but no casualties occurred It had a crew of fifty but so prompt was the action displayed thai the first boat was lowered two and a half minutes after attack and by masterly and concerted the whole crew was rescued defence was absolutely splendid and in a short time both the sub marines had been sunk of Kino Moist NEWMARKET wore mail deed In obliterate all of That the only surviving lifeboat with Its twentyfour occu pants escaped almost by a breatllh lo sink It and one attempt In blow It In pieces Fifth That the list Of survivors only OOP officer nnd five of other ranks of the hospllnl personnel of ninetyright Sixth That all the ranks espe cially fourteen nursing sisters who were lost reminded themselves in midst of events and incidents of the most terrifying with discipline Impossible lo excel Seventh- That the nurses lost had served months and some of them years In the danger zone in Trance again and again- nursing German wounded i Live Stock Markets prices paid in this Steel Top week Kxtra Choice Choice Heifer Good Cattle Medium Butcher Cattl Common Butcher Cows Choice Milkers Choice Veals Medium Calves Common Calves Spring Lambs Yearlings Choice Sheep Hogs off cars i Loudon July During the last week Entente allies on western front have taken more than 5000 prisoners A scries of minor operations also In their gaining possession of sevoral important points inflicting heavy losses on the en emy and obtaining valuable infor mation as to his plana for the Im mediate future Tho Ford auto plant in Can ada down owing to Iho dornanda of workmen for increas ed wages and Iho difficulty of ob taining raw materials FOUL DEED ESTABLISHED BY ENQUIRY London July ft Sir Edward Kemp K G of the overseas military That these not only had given water and medical aid parched and bleeding enemy sol diers but had written down many dying statements by dying enemy of ficers and men and transmitted these through the lied Cross Iewrket Markets Eggs per doz Butter per lb Wheat bush Oats bush Barley bush Bran ton Norfolk Va July Ten days in an open boat with only a half forces of Canada having completed of a and a of water a bis Inquiry the circumstances of day for five daya waa the fate of of the hospital ship Clan- 1 20 men of the crew of British dovcry Castle by a German subrna- transport sunk June June has documents establish- by a German submarine the blackest features of that crime miles off Now York Several as represented In the earliest reports men In the boat lost their season TheiT documents comprising deposand their shipmates had by the coolest observers among to provent them from leaping the few survivors show into sea The shipwrecked First That the crime was landed hero today and conceived I Gregory of the survivors Second That It was unparalleled told their story The men wort for calculated savagery j picked up by Amorican steam Toronto Third That ferocious efforts Kando i f Butter lb Turkeys lb Spring Chick Ducks Fall Wheal Goose Wheat Oats bush bush Timothy Hay Hay ton GAB