FRIDAY Slew COW FOR SALE or be jour Letter Enquire of Harry Bell Holland Landing r The situation in is worse for residents along tire and sunjer capers was reported last week me ui- Wo thousand people gave at Mrs McMahon of Richmond hearty welcome at the Union Sta- Hill visited friends in Town last tion to soldiers who returned Friday Two furnished rooms State particulars Care of Era Office with Box FOR Columbia Gramophone and Records New Apply to Calvin Davis St Newmarket ada has planned for eighteen con ferences to be held in the differ ent conferences this summer to License that has been issued by the Government gives the operat- or the privilege of taking any kind j discuss Ifae found in nets continues during the present sea- On Sunday on Lot Main St a Round Gold Brooch valued as a keepsake Finder kindly leave at Era En- i DRE88fflAKINQ At reasonable prices quire of Mrs door to the Post Office on Park Ave Newmarket BOILER REPAIRER FirstClass Boiler Repairer can be sent out to repair your Boiler or bring Boiler to Shop For particulars apply to E Newmarket FALL TERM son it will destroy all the pleasure of fishing with either troll or hook and line Following is a copy of a letter received last Sat urday by Mr of Island Grove from a friend in To ronto July 4th I went up to the fishery De partment this afternoon and found out that a License had been issued to to ope- j rate one gasoline boat and fifteen hundred yards of four and one- half mesh for any kind of flah and five hundred feet of three inch mesh for herrings only It is very important that the Petitions now in circulation ask ing to have the License amended be people interested at once and have the same forward ed to Mr Editorial Notes and Charles Sts Toronto Opens Sept 3rd Gives strictly first class training for Choice Business Positions Our courses are unexcelled in Canada Demand for Our Grad uates five times Our supply Write for Catalogue J ELLIOTT THRESHING OUTFITS FOR SALE Congratulations to the Renfrew Mercury on entering its 18th year full vigor and usefulness It is our best Eastern Ontario Ex change Rod and Gun for July is a spe cial fishing number most of Hie relating Hie pursuit of Principal finny tribe with just enough variety make the number of interest to those whose allegiance to the piscatorial art is divided among other outdoor sports usual departments are well main tained The Canadian Magazine for Portable Engines from P July contains a good assortment and summer fiction Stationary Boiler and Engine eluding The Strange Adventures and H P Fleury Mcsplat Lyman Blower Patriot by At Low Prices Second Hand New Large Small Traction Engines from P or to 2 Separators Feeder Straw Cutler Attached Amy Theories State Machines Feeders Blowers 3 Clover Mills 2 Gas Engines Cutting Boxes A Number of Repairs Cutting Boxes second Hand Threshing Bells and Tank Hose Feeders and Blowers P Indian Motor Cycle Saws Pulleys and Shafting Newmarket CALL AND BEFORE YOU BUY I J I Protect Your Own Interest Ask for Information Regarding THE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA Last week the Acton Free Press celebrated Ihc completion of years under its present editor by on a new dress made possible by the installment a linotype machine and the issue is an historical record the 30 apprentices passing through the office The Free Press has al ways been noted for its typo graphy and its genial editor lias lliebsl wishes of the fraternity for many more decades of service lo the community in which he has been a potent factor in business progress Red Cross Society AH ACCIDENT AND POLICY FROM Slip pen received this of War ad office last l T3 A Fred Chantler Representative NEWMARKET was from the four of parcels received May Supplies sni it Week doe 1 Personal Properly Rags Head Bandages dor dose Pillow Cases line of poods All are required end a of goods shipped to- Willi value of to llii ship ping warehouse of Canadian lied Akowledgmei thanks a of from Hie fur Prisoners of War lpneli iy July Vali Three city boys 1 years of age stole a motor standing front of a house about midnight on Sun day and proceeded north At Bradford they broke into a hard ware store and stole gasoline At on Monday they slopped at a garage for gasoline and re pairs Their evasive answers to several questions aroused sus picion and led to their arrest They were taken to Barrie Jail and then back to the city an swer the charge of theft Two of the boys were sent to Jail for months and the other for 30 days Mrs wife of a soldier was drowned at Centre Is land on Monday while attempting to rescue her fouryearold daughter who was also drowned Inland Revenue receipts for June show a decided increase over the corresponding month of last year The total is as against a year ago fhe war tax on railway tickets telegrams etc brought in Jas Smythe aged years Col- lahie Ave was seriously injured on Saturday night when a wagon in which he was riding was struck by a street car and lie was hurled to the pavement Minnie Elizabeth Leek was re manded until July when she appeared in the Womens Court Saturday on a charge of bigamy It was alleged- that she married James Leek in Manitoba af ter he had gone overseas she again married Arthur a returned soldier Leek is still in action in Prance Gerald years old died in the Western on Saturday night from a fractured skull received earlier in the day in an accident at Ave playgrounds He had been play ing on a lector when in some manner the board descended striking him on the top of the head As I he result of a collision be tween an automobile and a street car at and Ave on Sunday after noon the four occupants of the motor ear were thrown the pavement and three more or less seriously hurl Rev T Albert Moore of the Social Service and the Methodist General Conference has just returned from Newfoundland after leaving Toronto in May He has ft ravelled coast coast and attended twelve conferences John Smith who sued Win MHIen for a balance of al leged he due him as wages for work done on the defendants farm near Newmarket has been allowed wilh Division Court Judge Ale Mittens counterclaim for has been dismissed Delegates from al parts Of the Dominion attended the annual convention of clerks Association in the City bis week County Constables Me Mull en and Baker made a great haul one day last week and blocked the of fice of County Clerk Phillips with wet Roods Among other ar ticles were glass gallon jar Hamilton nee Miss Bogart is home the West on a visit Miss Bessie Morton is at tending the Institute at MacDon- ald Hall Miss left this week for where she expects to slay for a year Mrs Griffiths and child of Weston are visiting this week with Mrs A West Mr Win Ough of Goodwood was in town this week visiting friends and relatives Bradford Witness Mrs Churchill of Newmarket paid friends a visit on Saturday Mr Julius Mader and the twins from Toronto visited friends in town last Friday Editor Harvey of the Express- Herald attended a meeting of the Co printers in last Friday Rev and family motored to on Tuesday last to spend the week at their annual camp meeting Mr and Mrs Cliff Knowjes NEW r London July A new provision- government for- Siberia- which has the unanimous support of the popu lation and which will continue t fight the Centra Powers has been established at Vladivostok Accord ing to a Times despatch from quoting the Vladivostok correspond ent of the the new government intends to sujtvmon a constituent as sembly and to restore law and order throughout the country The programme of the new Gov ernment includes the liberation of Siberia from the Bolshevik the avoidance if possible of foreign universal suffrage estab lishment of provincial councils and a labor bureau distribution of the land the and control of economic activities FIRST DEMOCRATIC STATE Siberia will thus adds corre spondent of the Times become the first democratic state in the history of Russia and it is hoped be the forerunner of a great Russia The flag adopted by the new Gov ernment consist of two stripes of white and green CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO PRUN ES a lb and daughter of spent over Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs G Knowles Miss Ruby Johnston of Michi gan formerly of Town is spend ing a week with relatives here be fore accepting a position in the city Mr late editor and proprietor of the Jour nal gave the Era a fraternal call while in town on Thursday of last week The people of tho Murman Coast bordering the White Sea and the Arctic Ocean have turn against Russia it is reported from Copenhagen It is said that supplies from the United States have been distributed among the people there Ameri can French and British marines arc known to be patrolling cer tain sections alongthe coast PEACHES finer in Pea ches than what we have at and per lb ORANGES Nice Juicy bra at 30 50 and 60c BANANAS at dozen We have a few DUTCH SETS left which we of fer at 15c lb CANDY Nothing better than the kind we handle Try it l PHONE US YOUR IT WILL GET PROMPT ATTENTION G wine y r- Lad I f and for fl 1 son Dai J Cat 7pc ass are plii ma cor j I a alt goi J Br IJ 1 PHONE I Miss Taylor and Miss Shirley returned home on Saturday after spending a pleasant week at Elgin House Muskoka Dr and Mrs J Cross of Buffalo also Mr and Mrs- J P Forester of White Hose spent Sunday with their brother Mr Freeman Lloyd Miss M Salmon of Osha- wa visited over Sunday wilh Miss Annie and rendered a beautiful solo in the Christian Church Sunday evening Miss Hazel was suc cessful in passing her primary pianoforte examination of the Toronto Conservatory of Music She was prepared for this exam ination by Mrs nee Miss Laurel Mrs and son of spent with her mother Mrs Rachel Darker Master Basil sang very acceptably in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening He has a beautiful clear soprano voice Of exceptionally high range THE LEADING Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence J H MILLARD Phones and 26 Nowadays it is Quality that Counts QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE PATHEPH0NE The Most Remarkable Musical Instrument In the World HUYLERST CHOCOLATES The Cradle Ough In Aurora July lo Mr a son on Monday and Mrs J MAIN STREET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies NEWMARKET House Phono No 51 Store Phone No Mr Cherry Taken from Mil of June Saskatoon Dally Slat Cherry sales for ho Saskatoon branch of Plow Co will the first an niversary of the his little hoy on Monday Mr Cherry his wife and tin apple of their eyes reside at tiasilake Avenue has with the people fnr llic p years stalling with their mil branch in loot Kershaw At on July 2nd 1918 to Mr and Mrs Frank Kershaw formerly of Newmarket a son Thompson At on July to Mr and Mrs Thompson former ly of a son ColllnB In Newmarket on Wed nesday July 1 to Mr and Mrs Collins a daughter The Altar OwonSoules At the home of tho brides mother by Wood on June 2i5lh Miss Bessie daughter of the late of to Mr Hi chard Owen of At the Methodist Parsonage Toronto by Mr on June Mrs Clara Taylor to Mr Henry of Newmarket LATH FLOORING LIME Our prices are right SHINGLES CEMENT Phone hut from the One of birth ar Showed a lady a plenti ful supply according lo I he label surrounding 1 EXCURSION STEAMER SANK Lives Lost i Please take notice that the le gal practice of the late J taken over he beginning year will he J amalgamated with the Toronto practice of Morley and Co who have opened an off ire at Adelaide and Toronto Main The office at Newmarket discontinued during the war and all papers and belong ing to clients will transferred to Toronto to Itrunswfck with your own ears before yon buy any piking machine or phono graph BECAUSE You only buy one Instrument this you cannot afford All artists for owner comes lo your home equipped to play ail makes of records BURNET Main A gasoline explosion In a garage at Tottenham nearly caus ed a serious Are last week A fine of and coflts WB imposed on Hod en in police court for running his auto into a buggy Children Cry Peoria 111 July Approxi mately people were drowned lor trampled to death at midnight I Friday night when the excursion Columbia carrying more I Kan people struck an in the Illinois and sank The excursion party started from 15 miles distant from hero early in the evening spent several hours at an amusement park near this city and when the return trip to wan about half completed steamer ran Into obstruction on Peoria shore in llic fog smashing n big hole her bow The pilot sig nalled full speed askrn and as soon as vessel pulled clear of or rock she began to set tle and within a few minutes she Hank carrying many persons down Boon after Hie steamer struck a panic occurred among tie pftS- and many men women and children Jumped Into water without securing Those who could swim reached shore which was only a few feet away The second deck of the boat dance ball Ik located was crowded when crash came and it was here that many were crushed to death In the panic Peoria III July Seventy- seven bodies had been recovered Up to tonight from the wreck of the excursion boat Columbia Which Bank the Illinois Friday night about per sons Red Cross figures show persons missing lire In Winnipeg on I Saturday night contained Kau de Quinine In I it was liquid If J on whose premises haul was made was fined City rumor has it Dial he has left for parts un known The of a chap lains service and made on Sunday by the ladies of l Aldan to Harrington Mr liar- leaves to assume duties in the Chinese Training School Minus Tho civic strike will not inter fere with the celebration of Iho on Exhibition No settlement has been arrived at relative lo Hie dispute which has arisen between Hie Russell Motor Car Company and a number Us machinists and The strike commenced two weeks ago Owing I the shortage of material required for the manu facture of the two machines or dered by Department Of Lands Forests and Mines experi menting on the peat properties of certain bogs of the province the scheme so far as the lands- at Holland Landing and Cochrane are concerned has been Indefi nitely postponed No experi ments will be made at these points bis year The threatened strike which plifc he first saw 11 day in He Willi sent In us sides manager for tl in June ami renin I 1 there until January hits Inen in that lime Winnipeg Mr Cherry Miss linker for llm purpose of entering Into tin- holt bonds matrimony Miss linkers home was in north of Cherry Is an undent hunter lid like- few heller Mian to put ducks in If- fall and is mere than anxious lo hunt moose bill thus fur lie siys he has always had to be out or Iheelly dur ing tile open season for Ihc game He is quite an admirer having Hie game many little Miry in he I havent for or At St Johns Oak Ridges on Wednesday ev ening July by Rev Mr Gladys IeggO A only daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Leggc of Jefferson lo Percy Clinton If eldest son of ilr and Mrs David Hill Of Hill Builders Hardware FLOUR COAL See our and Canadian Screen Doors FEED WOOD Twin Shingles Balos Arnold In in July at his times As we our home now had inneh liun thing else Ave Mi- Hales to Mrs Sarah both of Acwmarket Tho Tomb Newmarket by residence on Phone 22 How About Newmarket Furniture Wo have some Pretty Designs which wo would like you to call and see and Prices will compare favorablywlth you can got In tho City COMPARISON IS SOLICITED George Arnold NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS FRED SKIMNER Dealer In Furniture- and Funeral Director 8CHOMBERQ A BRITISH WORK July I near llriye a liiin who leading offensive patrol oh a biplane stream of Into II while Bitting directly on tall The enemy went down in flames The Captain I lien fired at another who went down verllenlly hut what happened to the Hull was Then three oilier planes lucked a one enemy Copson bis residence 2 King on duly 1st Robert M in his Both year Doylo At Virginia on Juno Sarah Doyle Sister of John Doyle At Sutton on July 2nd Minnje wife of Geo GERMAN BOMBS KILL FIFTY BELGIAN SUBS SUNK FASTER THAN CAN BE of operators held over pending the arrival of officials of the Union from Chicago J for the past ten years has been rector of All Saints Church cor ner of and Dun- das SI reels lias been invited to Holy Trinity Church Winnipeg Which is one of the oldest in that city July James McKay of sixteen years Of was browned Saturday evening at Island Lake while out sailing in canoe- Era bring Try one fell off and Ho next whe shot it down from above the fleet of ahoul forty ihe Captain so riddled out that one It like a stone led in unci her scout and of control ImiMs Captain being al most out of ammunition started to re turn home when he was attack ed by four scouts He did turn and a half roll and got tail of the leader upon whom lift poured a volley from his machine gu until the German dropped In of flame This exhausted the ammunition and he flew tot home Donald Thomson of had his arm broken and olb- lorwiso injured as result of be ing run into by a motorcycle on the Barrio road near Orlllia Scott At July Mary age beloved wife Of Scott daughter of Ihe late of Montreal A and In Newmarket on Thursday July lb in his year private Please omit flowers Ottaway At on July Jane widow of Geo in her year Deceased is mother of Mrs Frank Robinson of formerly of Newmarket and Glen- villi- July in a recent man raid on mere than were killed air bombs launched upon an park at La Panne huh I ml Ihc front Ac cording In a special despatch from The fifty were dropl the and several struck a hundred pital tin many girls in in making bandages and repairing linen for lie were killed or lied from injuries within a few were re- from Ihc villa of whom later ed io the largo villa from Ihe villa hip ri l the at- 111 ill that my very luyhaps I CANADIAN AIRMEN WILL SHOW iilhamptmi HOP count of Sea Lord speaking I made 1 puardedly sonic time snlunarlnc campaign I August I mis would he pVr In Ho or perhaps would nvl Ijj in such assured terms although ship sunk I hey arc no as fast as we an Hum while German being sunk faster I linn are them This meant when I said that the would be defeated dill in- is what submarine Winnipeg section July a nf lo nil ire has been July wellknown J Furniture Undertaking North All Ordftre According a pilot in the heavy raid Into the done to dumps and lines of was trememlous and important Concentrations of fresh possibly beginning of an of fensive were The same pilot Tell them in Canada riW to be alarmed about the air see diagrams of a huge in the papers Some day we will bo able to publish pictures of ma chines which outclass the Hon In size and speed and in which several Canadians The loss Is oovcrcn partly iraham Is a divisional The fire 10 hotel lift on the Canadian in Rainy River in general store this morning of Ham- fPaiaur- and 1 j Post Office Ihe Bank Hudson Ray general store gen oral store Jewel general store Bros hardware three ants Days drug store Burke Jewelers III barber shop sens millinery were besides four or five being and Mrs Urn- all burned out unoccupied he is in a ar la A si CI A