Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jul 1918, p. 1

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Suitable Gifts for the JUNE BRIDE J Watsons Jewelry The Leading County Paper as well as he Oldest No Paper sent out of North York unless paid in advance per annum- in advance so paid 200 to United States in advance only Your fcyes Time to have them ex amined T Watson Graduate G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor NEWMARKET FRIDAY JULY I 18 VOL No Single Copies eaoh sis mm Roachs Point Garden Party Magnificent Patriotic Address Ideal conditions prevailed for dead by a German officer because A LETTER THAT WON A PRIZE Dear Sir I dont know much about advertising but I do know about the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Before we were Introduced I had been handicapped In my kit chen work by defective cooking appliances This placed me In a state of fear and anxiety as I was never sure of satisfactory results But one day someone suggested the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove After my first actual handling of the stove I was surprised at Its ease of operation its simplicity and Its wonderful efficiency It has been my experience and the experience of all housewives I have met that one naturally expects ease of operation simplicity and efficiency of their cooking appliances and that It Is a bitter dis appointment If the above are lacking I therefore can truthfully say that a longfelt want has been successfully met by the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove There Is no delay no waste no wicks no smoke no odor If you take pride as every body should in a nicelycooked meal a perfect baking of bread cake or cookies the Detroit Vapor Oil Stove will place that pride on a firm foundation THE THE STORE PHONE 28 ESTABLISHED Branch Bank At Petawwa Camp For the greater convenience of officers and men a branch of the Bank of Montreal now established at Camp Military Pay Cheques without charge Money Orders issued on all points in Canada Savings Accounts opened and a general banking business transacted Office MONTREAL- G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD CAR X X X SHINGLES JUST ARRIVED W PEARSON and 8t8 Carters Giles John Murphy and Leslie THE WM CANE SONS CO LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER as Flooring Siding Moulding and Inside Trim Pine Cypress Ash and Oak arid Stair Material all well kiln dried and nicely machined Sash Door and Window Frames Doors In Pine Fir Ash or at that will Interest you Kindly give us a trial The Gang Son NEWMARKET BANK ofTORONTO Assets 84000000 Banking Service Farmers Business given careful attention Hale Notes discounted Loans made to responsible parties Kvery convenience is afforded to Savings Depositors Small or large sums may I deposited and Interest paid on balan ces Branch A LI8TER Manager a Garden Parly last Friday night and between three and four hun dred people gathered on the spa cious and beautiful lawn of Mrs Kilgour under the auspices of the Roachs Point Red Cross Society and had a most enjoyable evening The booth was attractively dec orated and well patronized Seals were provided for a number of people and a splendid musical and literary program was rendered Rev Dr Hyde officiat ing as chairman The program was opened by a brilliant piano selection from Miss Vera Allen The chairman then gave a syn opsis of the work accomplished by he Point Auxiliary which has a membership of ladies They have raised over this year which sum includes SI from the Box Social at Mrs Wiltough- in February from Mrs Raos sale of work and a donation of from the pupils of Miss re ens School The expendi tures include for materials to Y M C A in France to Red Cross Headquarters over for Soldiers Boxes and other items and the Society still has a in the treasury of The supplies sent away include pairs of sock and suits f pyjamas The statement was received with great applause The program then continued Miss Carmichael contributing a number of readings of a patriotic and humorous nature and was most cordially received She was particularly at home with the Scotch accent and responded very cheerfully to the several encores Miss Hunt Miss Helen Mat thews Mrs Tanner and Miss contributed a number of ex cellent vocal solos each in turn being recalled and Master Green gave three violin selections with piano accompaniment showing thai lie is hi making of a fine musician After intermission Mr Brad- shaw Toronto City Treasurer acted as Chairman and gave a fine address as an Introduction to speaker of the evening Since I lie war began he said I be Red Cross of Canada has contributed seventeen and a half millions of dollars for the work In Belgium and Prance including relief for prisoners of war in Ger many each of whom receives bread regularly as as occa sional parcels The work be cause of its rapidly increasing necessity calls for more sympa thy and more sacrifice from the people at homo and this is best distributed through Hie medium of the Red Cross whom be had privilege of In troducing to assembly was chosen by International Coun cil as representative of the Y A to work among the Cana dian boys at the Front and so popular was be with them that his term was extender On rising the Captain was greeted with hearty applause and for nearly an hour and a half he delighted the assembly with flight of oratory stories of hero ism and sacrifice and many items of detail regarding a soldiers life that can only be obtained by ex perience among them He said The cause for which we fight commands our deepest interest and concern and as the mothers all over Canada are living large overseas in thought and mind so the boys arcliving all time at borne in mind picturing the old farm or town or village but not in any way shirking their du ty You are reaching out through vast spaces to touch them but it can best be accomplished by gath ering together fn and sending the results of your labor through the Red Cross which mothers the men coming from the trenches and with the Y M A are great military assets that stand like the bulwarks of borne a spiritual ally The greatest crisis of the whole war hangs upon the issue of the next I wo Or three months it means abject slavery or glorious liberty If Germany wins democracy will vanish from the face of the earth and there will he absolutely no People here do not re alize the character of that great military power whjcb has violated every sanctity of human life and broken its solemn covenants Its declarations with oilier nations that In case of war hospitals and nurses are to be protected have been entirely disregarded and treatment of prisoners most shameful Canadian boys In the salient In were nailed to barn doors with bayonets through heir hands and feet Is It any wonder that they pre ferred to shoot lie enemy down rather than fake thern alive Among other Incidents the speaker referred to a visit to a grave In village of a French woman who was shot she refused to give him informa tion concerning the movements SAYS Canadas new wheat crop will not reach the consuming public as flour for three months at least and in the meantime this country Rice Yeaat Bread cups standard flour cups boiled rice cup milk and water cup warm water for yeast cake compressed yeast teaspoons sugar teaspoons fat teaspoons salt When ready for pans will look like a stiff the French army Before the will be very short of wheat flour lilies mentioned make two loaves world will be a safe place to live We have as has also the United J in the German beast must be States shipped as much wheat caged and the cancer cut out of as possible to the Allies giving them a considerable share of our Vancouver Women Pledged At a mass meeting of nearly two thousand women YEARS AGO From Era July Nothing to report I the body politic them a considerable share of T in Every possible means was normal supply to help carry ver the pledge was made to con- en by the United States to keep them over until the new harvest l peace with Germany but the has come into the market The Canada Food Board and to States was compelled to give its use of substitutes therefore be- verdict and it nailed the guilt of comes an imperative necessity fer ine War forever upon Germany this country and our people j especially resolved Its entrance into the war has had should familiarize themselves discountenance any social a great effect upon the men on with methods successfully used the Western front and so long as in baking these substitute flours the ideals of democracy survive On the 1st of July the Canada those men will be absolutely tin- Food Board Order became effect- conquerable I requiring all public bakeries The description of the capture anil I private households also to use of Hill last August was thrill- substitute flour On the ing and the preparations for the of July this percentage Is to battle very interesting The be increased to in all Can- courage and loyalty of the men ada east of Port Arthur The to their comrades was most question then will arise in each touching when be explained how housekeepers mind what are that artillery men laid down substitutes for wheat flour where their lives rather than fail the ran they be had and how are they infantry in the 1 to be used Substitutes as de pending I fined by the new law include Personal reminiscences were bran shorts corn flour corn given of wounded men coming meal edible cornstarch hominy from he firing there is nothing equal to the sacrifice they are making for us from day to day And as a chaplain he spoke of how easy it was for the men to connect with his work idea of Jesus who suffered pain and loss of blood Turning lo the soldiers life out of action speaker gave many humorous incidents The army has learned mat while i is a duty to light relaxation is ne- barley flour rolled oats oat meal rice rice flour buckwheat flour potato flour tapioca flour rye flour and rye meal Potatoes are also class ed as a substitute for wheat flour in proportion four pounds of potatoes to one of the other sub stitutes mentioned on account of the higher percentage of water in potatoes A large number of millers are ready with these dif ferent flours and as soon as the functions which promote the con sumption of wheat products pork sugar and fats Food It is estimated that people in Europe are short of food in Poland Finland via Armenia and Russia millions are actually dying of starvation and other millions are suffering from under nutrition while still others are living on the barest possible margin ooo CANADIAN TROOPSHIP RAN ASHORE to recuperate its strength public demand calls for them otherwise reason would leave will be distributed through- throne With cream young men overseas is much latent talent and it is no trouble to have ah impromptu program The show for are now pro- out the trade and curable by dealers There has been some talk about the price of substitutes being high in proportion to flour hut it is Ihe men are equal to you expected that this condition will will find in Ihelfgesl Hies The remedy itself as new flours concert halls make the soldiers Wt into general circulation iniuh at hardships and privations throughout the trade In and several of their corn meal the price were given as illustrations Regarding the morns of the men he said the very great are eager and anxious listen message about God Ihe price of corn meal and Ihe conquest of sin in trade In the case of corn meal the price has advanced for corn in Chicago on account of market conditions Canadian millers were depending on American corn and advanced the soul times of test ing there is a great ly on all new contracts It is not expected that this market inslinet linn will continue however as men cast Ihemsolvcsl there has been plenty of corn In upon God The visit of MaXeill I both American and French trenches was verv interesting and history of French in commemoration of the vlc- at Fort The audience was admonished to work spend and serve for the Red Cross anil continue their of prayer over trenches The speaker closed his thrilling address with the memorable words of Abraham Lincoln With malice toward none charity to wards all firmness in the right as gives us light we will linue he active and cherish a iusl and lasting peace The ladies of loachs Point are lo be congratulated on the suc cess of the Garden and al so deserve the thanks of for such an ex cellent entertainment ENEMY TRADE At Brighton Bernard is spending hon on a scheme for employing dis abled soldiers and sailors in the diamond cutting industry He is working in conjunction with the Ministry of Pensions and is build ing a factory capable of employ ing 1500 men A minimum week ly wage of 2 afire six weeks training is agreed upon The project is an effort to capture Ibis trade from the Germans who almost monopolized it before the war Ninetynine per cent of the diamonds the Germans were cut ting came from British posses sions 3 TO THE BOTTOM An Atlantic Port July De struction in European waters of German submarines by the British transports and by Amer ican and British destroyers con voying them was described by passengers who arrived here to day on a British liner The transports one of which was carrying American soldiers to a port accounted for three of the Uboats and the destroyers sank the other two according to the passengers Of ficers of liner confirmed the stories For co in Use For 00130 Years A a bears Hie United Slates since last har vest although difficulty of dis tribution arose through lack of sufficient transportation facili ties and similar causes Willi the crop in prospect it is ex pected that there will be a still more plentiful supply for the coming season It may he necessary to experi ment with these substitute flours a few times before succeeding in producing a satisfactory loaf and opportunity should be taken to study the effect of these substi tutes and lie different methods of mixing handling fermenting and proofing of dough Is As most of the wheat flour sub stitutes accelerate the fermenta tion it will be better not to work the dough as long as usual About four hours for fermenta tion will be sufficient in room Of moderate temperature divided as follows hours minutes for first punch 45 minutes for second punch minutes is allowed before the dough is finally taken out kneaded and cut Into loaves After being set in the pan minutes is enough- for proofing when it is ready for the oven When corn meal oat meal or other meal is used the moisture retaining qualities of Iho loaf may be improved by scalding the ingredients at a temperature of Fahrenheit and allowing two hours for cooling Most of the Wheat flour substitutes retain in the loaf longer than will the wheat flour and yield an Increased amount of bread on ac count of their higher absorption of water thus reducing the amount of yeast and shortening necessary The following are a few of the recipes recommended lo bakers They will be also in private households When substitutes are to be mixed with wheat flour for bread Corn Flour Bread pounds standard flour pounds corn flour 1 tablespoon brown sugar tablespoon salt yeast 1 tablespoon fat cups of water This should produce lb bread Flour Bread cups wheat flour W cups flour cups milk and water 1 compressed yeast tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons fat teaspoons salt This should two loaves Soldiers on Board A Canadian Atlantic Port July When the Hall liner City of Vienna with 1 Canadian troops consisting of various drafts and details on board ran ashore on a dangerous rock near here in a thick fog it was first feared that there might be con siderable loss of life There was a heavy onshore swell and the steamer exposed to the full force of every wave was in danger it was thought off speedily breaking up But the troops and men have all been landed safely According to the story told by the rescued men it was about oclock- in morning that City of Vienna endeavoring make harbor struck the ledge The engines were reversed al though without avail and O calls were also sent out Guns heard on shore a mile or more from the rock Fishermen soon located the ship and returned to shore to report her exact location Orders were given by the port authorities for the boats- from nearby lifesaving stations to to the Oily of Vienna and take off many men as the boats would accommodate and other craft was despatched from harbor to the scene Era Fyle July 1833 Mr J of is spending a few days his family Miss Gertie Wright is visiting in Toronto Miss Annie Harris of Toronto is visiting Miss Clara Manning Mr Geo is visiting his brother Alex in Detroit Charles and Ford Butler of To ronto are visiting at Mr Geo Trivctts Miss Annie Gartley and Miss Winnie Belfry arc visiting in To ronto Mrs A is visiting her sister Mrs Geo Wood Mr I has passed bis first year exam at Toronto Med ical School Mr Frank Wood of Winnipeg is here on a visit for a few weeks Miss Katie Smith f St is here on a months vis- i Mrs Dr Howe and her daughter Jennie are visiting in the city Mr Peregrine of Rockland I Indiana was in town Saturday on his way to Citizens Band of Newmar ket filled an engagement at To ronto on the of Inly New market Lodge attended a celebra tion at Ml Albert The Tomb On July Mrs Christopher Smith of Whitchurch aged years In Sutton July 2nd Jane wife of Mr Armstrong aged years At July Calvin Da vis in his year In Whitchurch July Barney Finley in his 1st year the rough was the sea that one Imp fug was forced to return to port with Water almost up to the fires in her engine room But the lifeboats and fishing craft manned by crews well ac quainted with numerous reefs able go DROWNED AT From Toronto Telegram Seized with heart failure when the canoe he was paddling capsized j old Frank of 1 slon Ave was drowned before help could reach him His was recovered Thursday and will be brought to Toronto for burial The boy who had gone to spend the holiday with friends at was to have re turned to city Tuesday night He stayed over to attend a party expert ing In return Wednesday Willi him in the canoe was a young woman who was able reach the shore The shock of Hie cold water is thought to have affected the boys heart and he sank immediately Deceased is survived by his parents Mr and Mrs Fred Iwo brothers Marry oclock thai morning had by landed large number of soldiers on the rocky shore The sea was still running and Ihe work of rescue was carried out with greal difficulty A steamer which was not many miles away- when City of Vi enna struck had responded to her signals on account or the thick had been unable to come close to the stranded ship This steamers lifeboats were ac cordingly lowered and sail ors transferred seven hundred of the soldiers from City of Vi enna to their own ship The could accommo date no more and therefore brought these seven hundred lo port while despite the In creasing sea the fishermen and crews bad been land ing boat after boatload A pi lot schooner also took off about men and brought to port Other bonis visited the different fishing harbors collecting num bers of the soldiers rescued from the ship and landing here The remainder of the men land ed on the shore inarched the country roads to this port home and Thomas well known in circles and now over seas and a sister Mary the time the sad news reach ed his home Mr was at work in Newmarket and could not be reached last night either by telephone or telegraph although he was at the Military Hospital A J motor car was consequently sent out to bring him to Ihe city The man who has a keen eye for faults of others is often stone blind to his own London July London Liberty Day with an enthu siasm and wholchearledness that surprised herself She forgot her reserve and threw herself into the commemoration of her groat allys national holiday with an ar dor which she never shows on her own national festivals QIRL8 I YOUR THAT ATTRA0T8 I Says Women pay too heed to faoo Instead of their ftsssffla AU8TRAUAN8 TAKE PRIS ONERS By a great surprise attack on the German lines last Thursday morning Australian troops have wrested from Germans Village of east of occupied Vaire and Wood south of the village and captur ed more than prisoners The Australians advanced under cov er of- a smoke barrage and were led by tanks in the breaking of the enemys line over a front of more ban four miles The at tack penetrated a mile and a half into the German positions Arnericaa troops participated in the att The Sultan of Turkey is Ally of Germany Mohammed came to the throne In after having been hold prisoner years by bis brother bring I a a a Df HUMPS OF ONTARIO your stop I A brisk lively stop is what charms more than a skin but your high have caused corns and you limp a Thats bad girls and you know it Corns destroy beauty and grace corns vory easy lo removo Hid your foot of corn by asking at any drug for a quarter of an ounce of freefone This will cost but is suffi cient lo every hard or soft corn or callus from ones feet A fow drops applied upon a lender touchy corn re lieves soreness and soon corn root and all lifts out without pain This frcezono is a gummy stanco which dries instantly ana simply shrivels up corn with out inflaming irritating the surrounding skin Women must keep in mind that cornless feot a youthful Try wn enhances her a

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