Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Jul 1918, p. 6

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y ON A J 5 H I y A H AGENT MOUNT ALBERT Mount Albert ill RED CROSS WORK The amount of the Red Cross Box for June was There is still needed and anyone having money lo give to a good Cause will find the box in the P Do not wail to be asked CONTINUATION SCHOOL Report of Promotion Examina tion from First Form lo Second Form Maximum pass Passed Marion Stokes 915 Gladvs Brooks Olive Pearl 881 Mildred Dike Cook Recommended Viola Garnet FOR FOR EACH CAN CASH SALE Of he horses cows pigs im plements etc belonging lo Mr Love on Saturday July at oclock See bills r I 1 PERSONAL Mr and Mrs McDonald of Toronto spent the holiday at the home of her brother Mrs J Messrs Herbert Arthur and Willie Graham and Misses Adel- and Alma Graham motored to their uncles Mr Tagger Oldham Farm Brighton Mr Herbert Rolling presented us with a strawberry grown on his patch which measured 8 inches in circumference Miss Hayes has gone to Chatham spend a month with her brother Mr Hayes Mrs Dunn is visiting her niece Mrs Stevenson at Inner- kip Mr Terry and family of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of Mr Gunner Bruce Lapp was home on his leave over Sunday Private Art and Miss Laura Cook wore at the home of Mr Ben Cook for the holiday A number of young people mo tored to Jacksons Point for the picnic on Dominion Day Rev A called on friends in town recently while motoring to Mr and Mrs McLaren Miss Brown and Miss of Toron to were guests at the home of Mr Davidson for the weekend Mrs Sloan spent several days with friends in Toronto and her daughter Leila returned with her On Saturday evening Mr Robertson and children are spending a week at Whitby Mr and Mrs of were- visitors at the home of Mr J on Sunday Miss of Toronto spent the holiday with her friend Miss Nettie Ross Mr and Mrs Dawson Dike of were at bis fathers Mr Dikes last week Mrs Cash of Toronto spent the holiday with her sister Mrs John Harrison Mrs Herman Barrett of Toron to was visiting at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs John McLean last week Some of our young cars scorn to regard limit signs in town as SENIOR ROOM PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr III to Jr Hon 595 Pass Esther Rolling Hon Mary Mary Campbell Breen 536 Cora Will- son 532 Evelyn Hansford 530 Ida Dike 530 Cora Kightley Rec Mabel Pegg Winnie Little 480 Rec Failed in one subject Jr Hon Pass 375 Frank Stokes 573 Hon Dike Hon Angus Harrison 553 Hon Rowland 541 Hon Ross Willie Woodruff Ruby Hayes Hilda Davidson Forrest Toole 438 Verna Hayes Woodcock Hazel Johnston Holland Landing Mr Robinson rind family spent Hie holidays Mrs Harry Bells and with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Smith The Red Cross Harden Parly was quite a success considering the weather Mr Ernie and family spent the holidays at home of Mrs Mrs and Masler Ralph Rob inson is spending a week Mr If Bells Charlie West had his brother Willi him for he holiday also his daughter Miss Hell and Miss SIvia passed their Music Examinations Honours We wish them in the coming years Mrs Atkinson and Ed Atkin son Sunday at Gilford Mr Gordon Atkinson of Toron to spent Hi holiday with his grandparents Messrs of St motored In on Sunday accompanied by Mr and Mrs Forsyth Mr and Mrs Gray of pent the holiday Willi her sister Mrs Forsyth Miss Edith Grey is spending her vacation here also a Sharon men with spped a joke Sunday si warm it will REPORT Jr lo OF JUNIOR ROOM Tola R iff I r f 325 honors 422 Passed Verna Pearson Camp bell Arthur Harrison 407 Annie Peterson Doris Jack Peterson Basil Thompson Frank Ross Stanley Ma- dill Vera 303 Wilson Jr Class for next year Failure in subject represented by letter of subject Helen Dunn Evelyn Law- Violet Smith 3J7A Margaret Harper fieog Ar thur Sarah Woodcock Frank Harrison Madeline Ross Agnes Steeper A- A Howard Morion A A Veima Rolling A Frank Murphy absent Jr Class Total 250 Pass Florence Harper Dorothy Stokes Nelson Peterson Norman Harrison Pe terson Primer Irene Dike Bertha eon Ruth Davidson 167 Marion Kenneth Hayes Molly Fisher Ethel French Marie Draper 101 Greta LHtie Stuart Smith 148 Dorothy Woodruff Bruce Johnston 1 12 A Class It ft el Earl Harrison Hi Luneau Ida Peterson Laura Pe terson Peterson Kenny Muriel Ross ab sent Douglas Joyce Edward Courtney Audrey Mitchell George Smith Ivan Kenny Bruce ab sent Bruce Hayes absent Billy absent Daisy Watts Teacher OAST I A who League evening missed one of Hie vice since our organization We glad weather hark again and hope continue Mr Tale and lady friend motored spending Ihe weekend her home Miss Brown spenl a few days visiting friends in Toronto The Misses Ward and Miss V flail visited and a lives ItlooniitiKton Miss Annie spent Sunday under the parental roof The Ladles Aid of Sharon ChiiiYh holding Straw- on next on at Farm I a wo Tern pie hills It has been staled our items of the lark in ted Cross work Watch for several in of interest taken The Red Cross booth been open several weeks and home have not patronized it yet hit is being done I hough The and Sharon Tuesday Bond Lake was a success All seemed In har mony wllfj day and every one reports an enjoyable time Sharon League will he held in Sharon Methodist Church on Sunday evening Miss Daisy Ward is President I Topic say for the month of July will he taken by Mr find by electing our month that interest Is taken in the work Rusty From Lot Con Scott Orchard Beach Wall win of is the guest of Mr Elliott for a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs J Barker of Hamilton arrived at Zephyr Vil la on Monday morning to spend a few days with her father Rev A Belfry Mrs Belfry and son of arrived at Zephyr Villa on Monday even ing and will spend a couple of weeks vacation with her father Ray Belfry is a boy hut unfortunately tic got mixed up with a litter carrier on the farm with the result thai two fingers of his left hand were broken and this alters his vaca tion arrangements A number of tickets have been sold along the Beach for the Garden Party at Roachs Point on Friday night The opening service at the tnion Church Sunday morn ing was well attended nearly ev ery seat being occupied and Rev Dr a very im pressive service Mrs L Jackson presided nt the organ Notwithstanding the rain there were about at the evening service in which Rev Mo- Neil of Toronto assisted Next Sunday Rev Merrill as sistant Pastor of Jarvis St Bap tist Church Toronto will con duct the service The very high wind on Monday was a great disappointment to many coMagers who had planned for a days fishing Two auto loads from Al bert Sunday with Mr Wil son and family Mr Fred Sax- Ion is also here with the latter for season Mr Rosamond wife and two children from Saskatchewan are spending a month with his parents Last Saturday night about oclock a son of Mr Til led was driving a big can south from the Point and he claims something went wrong with the stealing gear when nearly oppo site the farm gate and the car ran right into the creek before he could stop it Fortun ately nobody was hurt but it was no small job to extricate the car Orchard Beach was well repre sented at the public meeting Island last Saturday night Mr Firth of Toronto father Mrs J Robertson was a week end visitor Bonaccord Little Miss Louise Gardner is spending vacation with her aunt Mrs A Wright Miss Irwin of Durham Out was the guest of Mrs L G Jackson last Thursday night Mrs Leslie and son from Ottawa are spending a moil with Mrs Win Mr J Thomson is a lucky man The firsl lime he went out ibis season he brought borne a lunge that tipped Ihe scale at lbs This was Tuesday evening Mrs J Hayes Miss Beatrice Marrow Randolph Hayes and all of Toronto are spending a few days at the Mar- cottage ISLAND GROVE LAKE and lb men attend ed a public meeting Hall Saturday night On motion Mr T was requested to act as chairman and Mr Ferguson of Toronto as Secretary Tlo chairman explained the ob ject of calling the meeting Hav ing been Informed that in addi tion licenses being issued for netting carp in streams enter ing Lake a license has al so been issued for seine netting in Cooks Hay and more than carp and suckers are being taken in large it is known that at pickerel were tak en one haul The extent of industry may he Imagined lie said when between three ami four hundred boxes each capable of holding about lbs of were unloaded at the Jersey at one time Not only that but he was given to understand that the Government has also issued a license for yds of ill net ting to be used for trout in Lake For forty years to his knowledge the waters of Lake were open lo the pub lic for the sport of fishing but if these licenses are continued ft will not be long till he Lake drained of every fish in Mr who about May a Black Steer ye formation leading lo recovery suitably rewarded MITCHKLL Mount Albert TWO FARMS FOR is l A 9 Fishery Inspector for id years old right horn broken off net was the pig in right ear In- st in use as de stroys the young fish upon which he older one thrive Althougt he could not prove it be was the people who using the net in Cooks Hay catching bass and lunge thai they were putting hack into the water He heard that seven lunge were taken at one time Mr who is the Fish ery Inspector from Jersey Riv er to Port Dover on the East Bide of the Lake said that evidently GO acres North West quarter of Lot in Con Fast bury all cleared and well fenced Well with plenty of water Or chard and large Land In good cultivation three seeded down acres South Half of Lot In Con East all cleared and fenced House and Barn Basement fitted with first- class stabling Corn by feet wells and Orchard Will sell both together or a on easy terms Apply to undersigned on Ihe premises JOHN GREENWOOD Ont complaint had made lo the Government as he was instructed make an inspection and during his visit only carp were retained After considerable discussion it was moved by L Jackson and seconded by Mr Reeve of the Township that we the ratepayers and summer vis itors on Ihe shores of Lake Sim request the Government of Ontario to issue no License for net fishing in Lake Simcoe except Seine Licensesforoarp and suck ers only and that an Inspector be appointed to be present and every draw of the seine net to see Ihe conditions of the license are strictly complied with Carried unanimously The Secretary was instructed to have petitions printed and circulated for signatures at all points on Lake Another meeting will be called when a deputation will be ap pointed to present the petitions to the Government Mr Eastwood brought up the matter of oiling the Shore Road Reeve Willoughby stated that the Council were prepared oil the road and charge the cost to the properties fronting on that portion so oiled on the as sessment basis provided peti tions to that effect were signed by least threefourths of the pro pertyowners so affected Mr Jackson was requested to prepare and print Petitions for signature so that the Council can attend to the matter another sea son Meeting adjourned shortly be fore eleven oclock Following is a copy of the Pe tition to His Honour the Licut- in Council prepared by the Chairman and Secretary We the undersigned residents permanent and temporary in the vicinity of the waters of Lakes and Couchicbing learn with deep concern that the On- 1 Day a large crowd gathered and Government has issued to left maiy tokens of fond Mr of Toronto allrance of friends and relatives license authorizing him to fish in i who have gone before Lake Simcoe using for such pur- Cemetery is very pretty now and pose gill netting exceeding one Mr who is carotak- mne in length and also seine is sure lo do his part to keep ting and said has now it so Miss life has an example and inspiration to the young in this community her influence not being confined the School Room She Intakes an in the work which attains to a higher and and feels home in Ihe Lords House and among his people- we trust that whatever may darken her pathway she may he able to look the One who is ever near to guide and keep us from going astray if we put our trust in Him All went home feeling a social as well as a profitable time they had spent Mr and Mrs Rye are proud possessor of a young daughter Charlie Is- wearing a smile these days that wont come off Mr and Mrs Ernest have a young son and Ernies smile is just- like Charlies We are glad see the smiling faces of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Id our mills again after a sojourn in the West We are glad to hear they are going remain in our community as Mrs being a former teacher we learned to value her friendship very highly Miss Phyllis was visiting a few days lust week among friends Mr Speck who has been quite ill Is able to sit up now fur a short lime Mrs Peter Fairbarn is under ear Trust she will soon be bitter Keswick A picnic was held in Grove last Friday afternoon which was much enjoyed A very sudden death occurred at Jersey River last Sunday evening Three men from To ronto who had rooms at Mr rys place walked down to the River on Sunday afternoon and securing a boat went down the river AH at once one of the men who was a soldier in the South African War and also in the Spanish American War said he was not feeling well and lay down in boat Seeing his condition the oilier men hur ried lo he and secur ed the services of Dr Graham but he passed away in a short time It is said he had had a stroke Queensville Last Saturday being Decoration commenced and is carrying on such fishing It is reported that he is entitled to take trout only by means of his gill nets but as fish of all kinds are likely to be caught in hem and when caught are Mr Herb Brooks spent Sunday at Mr Horners Our hoys and girls who are toiling away came home for the holidays The Sunday School service in the Methodist Church was taken undertaker at was phoned and he look- the body to Toronto Deceased leaves a wife who was prostrate on hearing the sad news There were at Terrys sum mer boarding house over Sunday All the boarding houses in Kes- wick were full overflowing for the weekend Our fishermen report thai three lunge have been caught his season Nothing to brag about I here was quite a crowd Mr Sheppards hamraising o Tuesday afternoon HOPE we will have Wonder when summer weather The Fourth School held their in Mr Wilfred hush Thursday An enjoyable afternoon and evening was spent I he many friends of a Morris are glad to welcome him home again He is spending a few days with his parents Quito a crowd answered the call prayer on Sunday and were rewarded by hearing a fine Sutton West On- in in 1 Jl of ington a farmer J April leaving nn will parents his ami hi equally Mr anil Mrs p Mr arid Mrs 1 Saskatoon ami Ingham of -Mr- week i Mr ami Mrs Mn Miss Jean in charge of the 1 It- Home on Parker were l imvn J Mrs org way car Jacksons til will a affair A Joy Pave f i will fifty spirt i god eUodvhi- niri l fixed policy of all grovernmenls not lo issue licences for the use of gill nets for the waters in question and residents in heir vicinity including large numbers of cit izens of other parts who spend summer in such vicinity have come lo depend thereon for heir supply of fish food It is in our opinion not only against the public pen- orally but a special act of injus tice to the residents temporary or permanent above referred to he license said to use gill nets in said wafers lie continued and we speelfully but firmly call for its immediate cancellation We are informed thai said is by license to carp and but no precautions been taken to he taking of other fish Whilst there is no objection to the seine netting of carp and suckers we regret the privilege being extended to pick erel a valuable food fish and whose presence does 1 injure fishing generally We respect fully but as firmly iwiiittd that no licenses he issued for net fishing in flies waters except seine nets for carp and sucker- only and that an he an whose duty it will be to he present and drawing of he inspect every seine nets lo see hat ihe conditions in the lie strictly complied with CORNBR8 Sunday In our burg Dixon vires very quietly Modi of folks attended Meeting at Mill therefore there were held at Zion home did in their lime went will come no who were ol know how piii We trust those who home Inspired to do work for the Mas- belter and Mrs Nelson and from Newmarket spent the with friends here Mrs J W Belfry Ami sons from Bradford was vlblllng her brother And other friends here for latter part of last week also was going Roach to visit her brother over the of July We are sorry to hear of Miss Cole being so III She has con fined her bed six weeks last report she was some better Karl seems very lonely these days Never mind cheer up she Is hack Two will soon pass A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr Jjoag on Tuesday evening June when parents and pupils to the number of about mot for fl social time and to say goodbye to their teacher Miss hols She was presented with a beautiful fountain pen the address being read by Miss and the pres entation being made by Miss Cole pupils of school The evening vas spent with and music by after which coffee and a dainty lunch was served Then all Joined In singing Take the Name of Jesus with you Miss Mimi has been earlier in our Section for the past two years dur ing which time the school has been ably conducted the system and man agement good We are glad to learn the School Hoard have been so fort unate In securing her for another Mel Sanderson and MeU vin Eves spent over the weekend at their homes here both boys expecting it is their last leave before going overseas Ross got a short extension on his leave The weather man favored us with ideal weather- for our Union Picnic on Tuesday at Bond Two well filled cars and some motored down and everybody seemed to have a good time The races were very interesting and he Banner was again won by the Methodist Sunday here Mr and Mrs of Cleveland are visiting at Mr J J Terrys Mr and Mrs J Meyers visited at Mr Sunday Mrs J Power and Mr Bond and little Jack Bond of spent Sunday here with friends Mrs If Miss Blanche Pearson of Toronto spent Saturday with Mrs Ayl- ward Cadet Sandy Milne spent over Sunday at his home here Mrs and Mrs Muneey and Masler Muneey loft on Wednesday to spend the sum mer in the Maritime Provinces Mrs to visit her daugh ter Mrs Stairs in Halifax and Mrs Muneey to visit Mr mother in P I Dont forget the Presbyterian Harden Parly and Strawberry Festival on Friday on Mrs lawn when tots of good berries will he served a good program given Sharon Hand and ho Orchestra will provide the music Miss of Toronto will sing A good time is assured the dale July 5th The Patriotic Service in Presbyterian Church was enjoyed by all The subject was taken Our service to when Miss Reekie Fountain read a paper pointing out Hie duly of all young people is lo love and serve God and the time lo begin is while we are young Service lo our Country was taken by Willie Miller and Master Terry Donne and Bain gave a recitation on Our Flag The Pastor gave on interesting and most helpful address on Servico to our Fellow Men Harry Jackson sang a very ap propriate solo while Jean Atkin son presided at the piano The July meeting of the S will he held Sharon at home of Mrs Watson on the Particulars later Mr Smith of Toronto spent the holiday with his Mr Will Smith Mrs Snook and niece of To ronto spent a- few days with Mr and Mrs English Miss Lily of Toronto is Mrs Evans Mr Deacoffs visiting i daughter Mrs and children are spend ing a few days under the parental Mr M Dyke molored Toron to Inst Thursday evening and called Mrs Dykes Mss Id I of Hill is visiting her uncle Mr The Aid intend meeting Mrs week lo pack boxes for our soldiers If you have anything that you think the boys would enjoy just pass ft next Wednesday afternoon A few from here took in the picnic at Bond Lake on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Stevens and family of spent Sun day at Mr Mr and Mrs Sinclair and Miss fiook motored to evening Mrs on is visiting School Reports SCHOOL REPORT Jr in No E 111 Smith The forts nexl haven In the mm J ladies of Com Society intend packing boxes Wednesday afternoon at s Hail Anyone Interested hoys who are sacrificing every thing they love most for us come and help us to send them something to make their life a little tilt easier The of Ottawa being asked in connection with the demand for nn investigation as to the alleged evasion of Military Service Act In Jesuit Novitiate at grin- Irving Arnold Cordon Mae Iter Jr HI Hoy Smith Jr to Sr Jessie smith Cole iter I Jr Maurice Kvans Carmen Smith Herbert Jean I Dunham Ic tolling Jr Arnold A Olive McKelvey Pr Horace illlUK Pr Vera Smith Vera Menar Kenneth Cladys Cole Foster Best Teacher SCHOOL REPORT No King K Pulklntiorn li Jr I Dunham V Webster It Iloan Jr in ts V I Cutting I Keefer Jr muck It M Miller Jr I Black J liar- man J Keefer Keefer Johnston Primer It J Dunham Black J Johnston Smith Teacher Lord British Food Controller to an attack of pleurisy on Wednesday Dr J P Hankin ex M P for South Perth was fined and costs for giving a man a pro scription for whiskey when in opinion of the court it was not needed eyes for oils Jewelry nrday July chance Million jjj I mi- ffo OVER THE TELEPHONE Such an ml stance was lille k to pxabliv i rst occurred Over l was mat- inquiry of f to gel hold of wire for my voice had f away sound one hears an S takes down the receiver friend was lolling me Jw shewas she com nil will Ihe desired J- K voice broke in 1 voice Ierliaps I can number you wauled Old and the pleasant 7 Certainly I have and be let you What your name and when- do live not very far from my vino said Ihe strange when gnvo fjpr ami number you Ill do On church lomrirrnw Ill pass by your house and drop the paper in your mail box And just as I hastening to in to lhal trouble it in rite rail and pot it the connection was broken and pr nor afterwards did I learn name of my in Hip paper made il as have of he unknown friend at limes Surely was an odd thai in a of hundreds of people person who could help mo should have chanced In break in on the telephone the more important thing wit readiness of a perfect Stranger In do act of kindness 1 not forget my unknown friend in a long time ami whenever I hoar people say as ail us city dwel lers frequently do hear lhal he city is a coldhearted place fill ed folks who have no rare for one another I shall think of voice over the phone anil continue o believe no cor ner of the world even a bit City is without share kind- hearts To he happy here is mans chief end to be happy he must needs be good Henry Kirke White For Tickets and apply to New market or write I Kins St Toronto Mange Bed I Carte Cart Oh

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