Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Apr 1918, p. 6

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Mount Albert I LEAGUE Monthly Consecration Meeting lit connection with the League was hold oft Monday evening A fair num ber was present conducted devotion Mr Gordon Wont read the Scripture Lesson Ruby favored Us with a and Miss read ft paper on he topic up to Stature of Next Monday of officers will be bold i j i I I next regular mooting of Ml Albert Brunch of tho North York Womens will be hold at I ho home of MraVJD Rowland on April at pm Mrs of expected to be prcs- address the meeting There will Mo A on Conditions As We Kind Them and to do to Improve Them Mrs llowon and All ladles are cordially invited to attend Mr Oliver bought a hunch f from of I he for which he paid The snow and Ice disappeared and the frost is chining mil of the ground Quito rapidly v Mr Jew Hogg is nolo to around titer- being jo the bouse a badly injured hand Tin Junior lias- of the Methodist Sunday School Wore entertained at the homo of Mi- on Tuesday evening last i summer and family brother in Sharon warm weather The Gen cert given by Junoy Canuck Hub on Friday evening was a greater success than even the expected They were favored by excellent weather and many morn no doubt attended than otherwise would have been case The features of tlio program were a play entitled The Sewing Circle at Mrs Martins by ten girls of I he club a solo by Miss Ruby which was deservedly encored and a reci tation by Sir John Walker who also bad to respond to a vocifer ous encore I Hoy Gray occupied the chair The pro ceeds amounted to nearly school reports Rcpor of Public School for the Winter term Cln Jos- Hansford Kenneth Wagg 70 Nellie Johnston 71 Eileen OH Union Davidson Ivan Wood cock ill Highest in Heading Florence Highest in History Lyla Highest in Literature Kenneth Highest in Memorization Jessie Hansford Highest In Hygiene Thirsk Highest in Grammar Lyla Highest in Jessie Hansford Highest in Arithmetic Thirsk Highest in Spelling Florence Dc Highest in Nature Study Rowland Class III Ksthcr Rolling Mabel GO Cora Wilson Fisher Winnie Cora Ida Dike Mary Campbell Evelyn Hansford 15 Charlie Morton Highest in Heading Mary Camp bell Highest In- History Holla Fisher and Esther Rolling Highest in Literature A number with Mr tred Maokrilln family gave Mr and Mrs noisy serenade last evening After serenade a number of With and an enjoyable was spent and bis sisters took lea with Mr and Mrs A the Kettlcby Friday night was a huge success crowd is spending holidays visiting friends in Mr and Miss M Ramsay few weeks in Wonder what flash light revealed Sunday night Surry to hoar Mrs John Tate was suddenly called to see her mother On account or serious Sickness Miss Clara Tate entertained a few Sunday evening Wonder the cage door was well looked up Ibis time John says he Is glad the water is- nearly all lie agrees with that the water Is cold in whiter- Hindi Glad to hear Mr Stewart Queen8vi1e Keswick speftt Grade Mrs visited Mrs J G a WCSt Irwin of Toronto Is vis iting Mrs delivered splendid sermon on a special was taken up for the mot with a good response Ontario best Concert even given in was given on Brown OPPOSITE TIOVA SCOTIA Dealer In QRdOEniEC SOTO AND DRY Etc Top Paid for and and TO HAD I Phono falrty lei our day cloning In Presbyterian Churoh by tho Mission Band The characters representing the for eign were well chosen and their costumes represented very decidedly tho from which The Pageant of the second part represented the Christian womanhood of Canada coming to platform carrying a Bible and -a- lighted candle Is improving after a serious at- which bey gave one by one to the lack fit pneumonia foreign sisters One bright fea- is getting quite thickly I Ingram was the populated AM our houses up will bo service the church on iuesday evening Mr Hose spent the week town Mr Miller took a flying trip through this berg on Sunday Sorry to hear that Mr George got hurt with an engine last week- Mr Win Traviss of Aurora spent over Sunday with friends way up beard somebody and saying a few mnbjiey words from Slalners and Maiiniiers Olivet to Calvary side and I moved an old door was organist found my platoon Sergeant On Wednesday April at out That was Vale will lecture on work in Mackenzie Diocese here ten on Jesus us shine Mi JiKl CROSS WORK The ladies have packed a box for the lied Cross containing the following articles pairs Socks Suits Pyjamas Pil low Cases Shaker Shirts Medical Jackets Personal Property Bags Washcloths valued at There were also sent direct overseas Socks pair Gloves Shirt val ued wish to thank Mrs Grays School Class for the Personal Property Bags and Wash Cloths also the Can- Club for six quills which they made and gave to send away to the Belgian Relief The en velopes in bur Red Cross box for March amounted Rolling best in Mice Highest in Rolling in Memorization Hygiene Highest PERSONAL Miss Mabel Harper was at home over with her lath er and mother Mrs Hayes spent the holiday in the city with Mr Hayes Miss Mary has gone lo Toronto to take a position Miss Myrtle Hear and friend of Toronto were at her home in town over Sunday Misses Dolly and Mabel Kighlley Mr were at J the week end Miss Nettie of Toronto was at her home in town for the holiday Geo Ianson of Toronto was calling on friends In town on Tuesday Mr W A Osborne will be or dained in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday evening April The Dr Gray of Toronto is expected to occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian for the summer Mr Guy of Ottawa was home for a few holidays Composition and Language Rolling Highest iii Geography Highest in Arithmetic Rolling and Highest in Nature Study Charlie Morton Class Jr Ill Rowland Angus Har rison Hilda Davidson 55 Forest Toole vin Dike Willie Woodruff Ruby Hayes Hayes Hi Hazel Johnson Morris Woodcock Highest in Heading Hilda David- son Highest in History Vermt Hayes and Angus Harrison Highest in Literature Ruby Hayes and Forest Toole Highest in Hayes Highest in Hygiene Highest in Arithmetic Rowland Highest in Geography Harrison and Morris Highest in Spelling Stokes Highest in Nature Study Willie Woodruff Isabel Anderson Teacher FOR GALE Sweet Clover Seed and Early Eureka Ioliitoes Lloyd vlllc Miss Gertrude Ward visit visited Miss Marian Ramsay Sunday J If Ramsay spent Sun day under the parental roof Ask Blonde if the walking good out Cow Ave I Sharon League held a splendid meeting after which the officers were elected as follows President Mr Ramsay 1st Vice Miss Daisy Ward 2nd Vice Miss Gertrude 3rd Vice Miss Marian Raniany Vice Mr Melville Schranl Cage Treas Mr Jack Organist Miss Muriel Fare F Ramsay Clara says a certain is ich nicer than the settee Miss Bessie Brown entertain ed a number of High School friends among them her most in timate one from Newmarket Glad to see all our surprisers have almost recovered from their serious accident Prunes at Ruby Morris Angus Mr and Mrs Grose entertained a progressive euchre on Monday SUED FOR SALE A mediumsized White Blossom Sweet Clover Hill villr CARD Mrs Thos Ough and family desire to express their sincere thanks to many friends in KcswielTand Mount Albert for their kindness and sympathy in their recent sad bereavement Mr A wishes lo thank the many friends for their great sympathy and assistance given himself and family during their recent bereavement Mar OBITUARY The late Thos who passed away after a very illness on Sunday Mar was born in Cornwall about HI years ago He came to this country his parents when a child and lived in this vicinity all his life For some years be drove the stage between Newmar ket and Keswick and carried on a baking business in Mount Al bert for a number of years Be is survived by bis widow a sister of the late Simon Thompson Theref was a family of eleven children of whom six are living namely Mrs Win of Keswick Mrs A- K Jones of Owen Hound Mrs Mrs J A Luuan of To ronto and and Will also of Toronto The lute Mr was an industrious hard working man all his life and up to a few days before his death Was engaged in cutting wood An the swamp for a supply for next winter The remains were laid to rest in Mount Albert From lo ViuiOld it 100 3 Year Olds bred from Saddle Horse Dam a Purpose ere he rob Coach or Clyde breeding to will be paid for them Colts from loJl years old Any breeding for work horses lo Should you have tame for sale write or phone J SONS Phone box Qucensvllle la honor of their Montgomery of Toronto The honors were won by Mrs for the ladles and Mr Sutherland for the gents Mrs Sutherland got the con solation prize in addition to those mentioned guests Included Miss Mrs Olive Mrs Wilson Mr Scotson Mr P Tale Mr Ramsay Mr J Mr Harry who spent some time in Toronto has returned Mr Montgomery and family of Toronto spent the relatives here TUB RIDGE roads around these parts are gradually drying up I guess we will soon be on the land again Miss Lizzie and Miss Florence Warren of Toronto spent Faster hero with their parents Mr and Mrs E Foster of New market spent over Sunday at the home of Mr Eddie Sutherland Mrs J Barker visited borne of Mr Win Rye on Saturday Miss Pearl and Miss Annie of spent their Easter at the home of Mr Warren Wo are sorry hear that Mr John is under the doc tors care We are also sorry to bear that Mr got hurt while buzzsawing at Mr Ed Traviss Mr Mitchell and his mother and Mrs Win of Toronto visited Monday at Mr Herbert Cains on Hie of Scott Messrs Billiard Miller and Her bert called at the home Mr Warren on Sunday Farmers have got lo dig down to the price of twentytwo dol lars and a half a bushel for clover Some price eh Well I suppose some people would get fooled badly on Monday Mr Floyd Mitchell is doing chores for Mr J Time is short I must FOR A eALE Eggs While Leghorns bred lo lay mated with bred lo lay from Guelpli College Farm per J SONS Box to PRRMIEIW f m A Registered Bull Count Sylvia old will be kept for ser vice on Ihe of James Cun ningham The weather now is favorable for good run of sap Mr is a busy man days as ho has eight hundred trees tapped Born To Mr and Mrs Oscar a son mother and babe doing well Mr Mark Hall and family spent Sunday evening at Mr Wilfred eggs Mrs Irwin and son spent Faster with mother Mrs Cba6 Mr Tom Palmateer and fam ily of Newmarket spont holidays helping bis in the sugar bush Pie Gordon was homo for Easier Be is having wounded arm treated in Toronto and undergoes an operation Mils week which we hope will ha uc in restoring the use of arm GUd to report is rendered by tiny lots- which wan much enjoyed The Annual Pancake and Maple Syrup supper will In the Presbyterian Hall on Thursday April Tea wi com mence at six oclock after which a social evening consisting ty games and a short program wUf bo spent Everybody am have a good social evening W L Atkinson attend the Presbytery in Toronto Tuesday a Luoy of spent Tuesday at The Manse Mr ftnd Mrs A P Wright Whitby also Miss Jessie of To ronto and Mr and Mrs J Wright of Second Street were vis King over the holiday at their fathers Mr Jas Wright MY flnc Mrs John Stephens of Haven shoo and Mr and Mrs While of Jersey spent Sunday at Mrs J Stephens On Tuesday afternoon he girls Of to Win Class met in of the Melbodiaf Church packed 10 boxes for our soldier lads each box con taining pairs Socks Towel Canned Veal Soda Biscuits Cheese Apples Note Paper Envelopes Pencil Cakes Mrs Gum Maple Sugar Loaf Sugar and Chocolate Bars Last Wednesday afternoon the girls of Bound to Win met at the home of Vera Smith where the yearly officers were elected as follows Teacher Mrs Albert Millie AbsI Mrs Muncey Pros Milne Violet Thompson Mae Mr Allan Howards of New- market spent Good Friday at Mr A Putnams Mr Carmen have mov ed into Mr Robl cottage Mr and Mrs Silas spent Faster in Button wilh her mother Mrs Horner Mr Deans were out on Sunday in their line large car Mr Willie Hill got his cars loaded and left on Monday Mari on and little Helen and Mr W will leave in a day or two Miss Lila of Keswick vis ited on Monday with her aunts Mrs Putnam and Mrs Cowfeson Over were out to the Field Comforts Tea Tuesday night Those who do not attend miss a treat A quilt was quilted Mr Bruce of Char- P I a cousin of Mr spent Sunday with Mrs Mrs Hob Billaby and little Norma of Toronto staying at Mr Walter Mrs bus been suffering ter ribly with an abscess in her bead Mrs Proctor of Newmarket spent Saturday with hor- aunt Mrs By Wright An aeroplane two occu pants lit in Mr field on Saturday forenoon and when try ing to rise again ran against the Bell Telephone wires and cut them off and the machine lit across in Mr Pearsons with the front end plowed into the ground meaning a smashup no one was hurt A large bunch of cadets arrived and loaded it up for No need to where the youngsters were and lots of older too Misse8 Mabel Wright Nellie Smith Doris Stephens and Flos sie Lewis and Messrs Ray Ross Mackenzie Cecil Max Harold Cowieson ana Albert were at their re spective homos over the holiday Farewell Sleeping Beauty The following copy a letter received by Miss Draper of from her nephew Corp Draper In France Feb 1018 Dear Your welcome letter of Dec 11h received a few lays ago I was very glad lo hear from you again as It has been a very long space be tween letters on sides has it not We are having some very nice weather over here Just at presentnot much like ft Canadian February There is plenty of mud though the is dry anil clear These nice nights make me homesick for skates Instead am crawling around No Mans Land putting up barbed and dodging M bullets between limes On such nights I lung for it to be cloudy I have my third set of In my pocket waiting for orders lo show me as a Sergeant My Officer recom mended me for my I had a very close squeeze during last trip in the line in the shape of a blowup and a I guess It Is generally close enough but tills was an exception I was In the cellar of an old house where had retired for a days sleep after doing night duly There were five of us four Sergeants and myself pail of the upper story of the house bad been torn away by The cellar was of brick in Hie shape of a half circle the roof being ahoul 2 ft thick of solid brick and altogether bomb proof In our esti mation Well this particular day was supposed to be sleeping as I had been on duty all night but whether It was Just about so 1 scrambled out and got some of fellows to come over and help dig my chums out We had all free our surprise not a man was severely Injured Some bad a few scratches I bad a beautiful goose egg on the back of my head but that has disappeared long ago a fright and some shortage In Jill my Clean rifle we were Utile the worse The house is as level as the road I do see how any of us got off without serious injury all shook hands on it and as the shells still dropped quite bandy we went elsewhere to dwell The guns arc pumping away this very minute an aeroplane that Is over the camp trying to see something will ring off or you will be getting tired Please excuse this writing as my writingdesk Is a box of ammunition and none Asking you lo remember to all I know love lo yourself and hoping lo hear from you again soon Your loving nephew Everett I Sutton West owing lo the coming disaster or not I dont could not sleep I woke up at oclock got up and started cleaning my rifle The others step on I had Just my rifle cleaned and in working order when crash one of old shells or as wc call them landed on lop of the house penetrated the first floor and exploded when it struck the heavy masonry of the cellar blowing the whole building In on us and bury ing all five of us alive I said good bye myself and sent a prayer flying through the bricks To my surprise when he dust cleared away I could see daylight and found thai I had my head shoulders and both arms free Naturally I began to wriggle ft seemed lo be hours before got one leg Nobody said a word and that made me worse than ever for I thought they must all he under that mass of wreckage At last got free and started to dig my way to Pie light- A day Kay Estate farm in corgi no valued at cash a mortgage for and 200 in house- 1 hold goods make up the estate of Joseph Kay a retired farm- 1 or who died at March To his widow Mrs Eliza beth testator lefl bis household goods the money in the hank and an annuity of in lieu of dower and to his son Henry Kay of Sutton the mort gage for The farm left to the testators son Edward Subject to he payment of be annuity- lo the widow legacies of 300 each to he deceaseds daughters fane Foster and Mary and will Il lustrate wilh- lantern slides Every body welcome j Messrs Harry Bulley and basil Cross spent the holiday their homes here Miss Gladys Russell of Toronto spent the weeks the guest of Mrs Allan The dance evening was a- decided success reports a good time Miss Vrona Cross is home from Whitby College for the Easter holidays Miss Lillian was in Toronto on Tuesday attending the funeral of her filend Mrs Hev Sunday April sacrament will be dispensed In Knox Church Sutton Service Hi Knox Church last Sun day morning was well attended There was a special service of BOpg Miss Cora wis from the city over the holiday Womens Missionary Society of Knox Church meets at the homo of Mrs Harry Thompson this week The P of Sutton West gather rags on Saturday afternoon April G Will hose having any phase have ready for the girls Miss Florence Stiles who is attend ing Is home for Easter holi days Miss Ethel Hamilton of Normal School Toronto is home for vacation also Miss of Public School staff r I Sugar making Is the order of the Whal a joy have a real friend has a real sugar bush and get a real Invitation a real days sport boiling down I Mr Ceo entertained Whist Club on Monday evening Mr spent the holi day in Toronto with his father Mrs Wilcox Is visiting the home of her father Mr John Howard Mrs Francis of Canning ton spent the past week al her home here One of the German longrange lingers and lo his son Geo j Kay of Iowa The legacies are flvc v In bo paid In the beneficiaries James and Stanley Wood aged within two years of the testators and were drowned while fishing death or their children should la the Thames near Chatham any of beneficiaries have died Pittsburg Pa April Five men in Ihe were killed and fourteen others St larnes Church were uueu anu Injured at Ihe plant of the j nery Hell Company at Special senice was held here on i Eleven of the evening Rev unconscious were to made a explanation of he last few days of the Saviours life on Coed hospitals here on a special train soon after noon Officials of the company earth using slides Illustrate the explosion had nol Messrs and Slurlrldge determined Misses and sang A l I MARLBORO Phono A PUTNAM POULTRY YARDS BOX 24 Breeding and Fori A of Exhibition and to Lay LEGHORN and PLYMOUTH HOOKS red lit Williams and Misses Beatrice and Flora were in Holt over Sunday Mr and Mrs Win Nash and Mr and Mrs of Toronto spent Sunday with their mother Mrs Mr Dunham of Aurora and MrMrank Dunham- of To ronto visited at Mr John Pun- hams on Sunday Mr i spent over the holiday In Hie with his son Mr and Mrs Harry of Keswick visited Mr J Lewis on Sunday Tulips are up and autos are running bail maple syrup for the Chin Wo Finest Chi Pi com We IV Ret Go Will ly

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