mi mm JHKT ESI I fi 1 KM SEED SPECIAL Have you nil the Turnip Coed you vant If not our ad vice Is Busy Wo have a and our Is most tor j also our of Mangel Seed lo not Timothy Seed fairly good supply quality la 1 China Department DINNER SETS vant to our Quality decoration Tea Sets flO Kino Quality China to millinery openings are aU Uncling attention ladles The High School Operetta was played to an house in Aurora last night and was wolf received Farmers blub A regular meeting of the Farm ers Club bold in Hall on Saturday afternoon at oclock J will address Iho meeting Sub ject Agricultural A good program will bo supplied Ladies round to make yet 16 bring fruity special cat- rnnlo on Monday mid returned tor It was Masons and Aurora a turn Visit to Coronation enjoyed a very m1 ffcr Through fl fitjll amazed at word tia Dlroot of Gtaplo and Fancy CUT FLOWERS POT PLANTS Wedding Flowers Funeral flowers ON NOTIOE Ordor loss than Dollvorod a PEnmrt iai yards wcVo active on Tuesday a large number of on switches There were two cars of coal for Farmers Club being distri buted one eat for Mayor two fur the Davis Leather Co and one oar In bond for Bradford A ear of was unloaded for Mr and a ear of Fords for Mr Several cars mixed freight doming in and out and altogether it was the busiest day around the station for some time shipment of live stock to on Wednesday work of Isolde Mongeft who fflvc day April in the Aua She is of address given ly At of to last Monday evening was treat lo all who had ho pleasure of bearing her We shall try to have Miss Anon again so llmt we may enjoy another Interesting dresson her splendid work There will ho of the Guild next Monday evening ay it is Monday Com i i SOUTH FLO FEE I IS Try U for I SEEDS It being reported that some sol diers expected borne from the Front on the oclock mar a crowd of people gathered- In he vicinity of the Metropolitan Station and lustily cheered when the in Only lyowere on board- Penrose whose wife went down to Aurora to greet him and Pie Chapman On behalf of the town His Wor ship Mayor extended cor dial welcome and they received the hearty of their fiiends Pie George arrived in Toronto Monday and his brother Will of Newmarket went down to meet him GARDEN Red Clover Alsike and Timothy on hand BREAD AND ALWAYS ON HAND FEED OF ALL KINDS I to A Howard Prompt Phono GO TEH A I OF Notice is hereby given that Lyons Of the City of Toronto in tho County of York in the Province of Ontario mar ried woman will apply lo the Parliament of Canada at Ihe next thereof for a Bill of Di vorce from her husband Lyons formerly of the City of Toronto now said to be the City of Grand Rapids in the Stale of Michigan on ground of adultery and desertion Dated at Toronto in the Prov ince of Ontario this day of February A D IRWIN HALES IRWIN St Toronto Christian The services are now being in he auditorium Those of Inst Sabbath were largely attended especially in the evening when nearly all the seals were filled The pastor preached line sermons The morning discourse was in re lation to the Sunday School be ing Importance of Instruction while that of the ev ening was the third in the series to people Next Sunday special vices will 10 held The of the Choir promises lo be of the usual high order Everyone cor dially invited to attend At the conclusion of the morn ing service communion will be observed Com class in DressMaking Wednesday evening when the pupils expres sion of their appreciation of the course by presenting of the Miss and Mrs with a handsome bou quet of Daffodils Tulips There were five pupils in the who never missed a les son and got their back The whole class splendid progress and everyone was more than pleased with the practical instruction they i ij PHOTOS i THAT ALWAYS I Thorn at The Photographer in Your Town Studio On Door of the Hew Port Office feVCHIKQ tilTTIUQ W Spring Term ApHi Into Tem on July In filittWa Toronto Mo Enter wiy day lAomon8 Institute The regular meeting of the Newmarket Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Penrose on Wednesday after noon March It is only by an interchange of thoughts and opinions that rounds ones char acter Because of the indispo sition of the President Mrs It Meek took the chair and conduct ed a really live meeting Mrs J charmed her audience with a solo of spring Miss Dor othy Penrose recited delightfully and some select music vas on- joyed from the phonograph Mrs Walter Stephens a paper on The Sunny Side of Life said it is a sad slate of affairs when we eel lo the place whore we cant see a and laugh A laugh is as necessary to health as fresh air and yet we need the shadows wilb the sunshine Just as the artist makes a beautiful picture so a from the shadows as well as from sunshine of life We wero sorry more could not have heard Mrs Stephens paper which was very inspiring Mrs A Drodie gave a re port of the Womens Labor Con ference held at Ottawa at which site was a delegate It is a cred it to a rural district to have a woman of Mrs calibre in liioir midst to represent them at such a conference She told us in her report thai the dele gates entertained at tea one evening by the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and wero given war rations for lunch which shows that they are not afraid to deprive themselves for their land There wero things decided at Ibis conference that will be of benefit our country It truly is a fact that women must lake a hand in the management of country meeting closed with the national anthem after which Mrs Penrose a ways tho Iruo hostess served a dainty It was suggested that un der tho circumstances lunch be dispensed with at other meetings but sentiment scorned lo that real sociability is only over a cup of tea and the meet ings would bo spoiled without social More would bo lost than gained in the end Com meeting at home of Mrs Janes on April All those having pyjamas or socks will please finish their- work by that data Farm Mr Franklin of Toronto has purchased sorts in Township belonging to Oris Irvine Mr J Henry of ToWnship purchases J acres in Township belonging to James Pros ton Mr Thos Bird of Township purchases 200 acres in Request nig Township belonging lo Matthew Williamson Mr of Cobalt purchases Mr Isaac Hoopers place at Camp bells Cross These sales were made by the Farm Agency Tbe Pastor at both services last Sunday congregations morning and evening and large Choir Be sides the anthem which included solos by Mrs and Mr Goo Mr render ed a in good voice Special Master sermons and Faster music next Sunday and attractive Review with lantern slides at the Sunday School com mencing at with selections by the Orchestra Every body invited Tbe Cradle Roll Beginners and Primaries with their parents will be At Home the Gym this afternoon Address and Lantern Slides in keeping with Fri day rfh At Homo There was a big time at the Orange Hall on Wednesday even ing of last week occasion be ing the Annual Past Masters Night Many were present from Aurora and there was a capacity J W oc cupied the chair in his usual live ly manner while an excellent program was rendered Good patriotic addresses wero deliver ed by Gapti Taylor of Aurora J McKay and W Scott Splendid songs wore given Miss Moore Mr and Mr a duet by Air Mrs Stewart of Aurora delighted tho audience and Miss Taylor of Au- ora Miss and Mrs vans proved most acceptable the for the opinion great musicians is that she is the greatest hiusloioh among presenUday violinists Her success from to coast In Canada has quite phe nomenal This wonderful violinist im presses one very quickly as Aofltftpffall Iboattribules of man I or She undoubtedly has all the necessary power in her arms and bands indicative of virility and force in her playing in her manner she Is girlishly frankand possesses the qualities of feminine magnet ism According to unani mous opinions of the London entice she has placed herself in front rank of violinists ir respective of sex If modesty and gentleness and a natural desire not to push oneself forward are attributes of tbe real artist as ho distinguish ed French novelist Hol land lias said In his tenvolume romance of violinist Jean then Menace is truly an artist Miss will give a Concert for child pm on of April I v J I It- mm Aurora in the S A I spring Display of Clothing For Men fi r 1 night one of her sons back from Tins llmo It wflsMJeiilCol Lennox of the Who tendered a reception The member of die Legislature for North York was escorted to the Armory where addresses of welcome wore given by Mayor and Messrs J Walton and Watson hi his reply Lennox repeated Hie statement that he Is on a three furlough Kettleby 1 rv And this coacon as usual In of conditions In patterns and a moot notable feature of tho and a va riety that provldoa tho good fit op that tho fanoy and and that Important In tho of a Suit 1 if dlcplay la now and Invito all men Whether want to buy or not to and coo ttjo hat J I THE JAMBS The Gents CO NEWMARKET Furnishers 000000OCvvv AAA I VIVIAN Mr Body supplied several uptodatp selections on bis The Honor containing the names of those who have enlist ed from Lodge Caledonia was very feelingly unveiled by from light and shadows Ifaylor flanked on either side ny character is mould returned soldiers hearing Union Jacks A was pre sented with an address aud Maeters Jewel Sister A Past Mistress of Maple Lodge was also pre sented with an address jewel Sister Barber Recording Sec retary was presented with an ad dress and Hand Made Bag J P Guardian was presented with on address and Gold Guff Links All the recipients suitably responded The Autograph Quilt was drawn by Master and 85 the lucky number was held by Mr S Scott This event added sum of to funds of the Orphanage at much lo the credit of the ladles of Maple Leaf Lodge An abundance of refreshments followed by cards and dancing- terminated a gala night There was a good attendance at the Kp worth League on Tuesday evening The debate given Messrs Walls anil ferry oil af firmative side d Messrs and Iilson on Ihenegailve side was well thought out and delivered was that life affords dining war time and will continue to do so for sometime after greater opportunity for doing good In the world than any other calling The Judges gave decision In favor Of the affirmative Mr Norman gave selections on the violin Friends of Miss Dolly are glad to hear of recovery Lots have beep purchased near the Public School and have already come to oc cupy them The Methodist Choir and Pastor were recently entertained by Mr and Mrs In their heaullful home This was the third annual choir banquet and the generous hospitality of the bostess was greatly injoyed appreciated The officers were viz Leader Miss Organist Miss Assistant Organist Mrs Curtis SeoTreas A J Special music will be rendered on Sunday In Glenvllle Snow ball and Kettleby Methodist Church es The pastor has asked for a generous Easier Thankoffering for Missions at each Church Service of Worship and Prayer for our fighting forces will be held in KeUIcby Methodist Church on Good Friday at 11 am Everyone is cor dially Invited Mis P Walton spent the week end in Toronto Mr Pax ton- and family are moving to Mr and Mrs Robertson spent a few days In Toronto this week Miss Laura Aiming took tea at the Parsonage Sunday Jim has two big buggies of his own but the wheels off of them so had to borrow his brothers to go to Church I wonder why he didnt wear his rubber boots little girls had a horse of their own on Sunday night but Charlie got one of Somebodys bens are laying Easter eggs and- they are passing were a few lonesome loot ing boys on Sunday night The sale Of the late It property was a great The highest prices were paid Mr Fisher purchased the farm Mr Stanley was In Newmarket one day week Mr- Llewellyn Peterson visited friends in the city one day last week Charlie goes down to the city every Sunday Some attraction Mr was visiting in To- last week Myrtle was he guest of Miss Walwork on Sunday Wiio was the man bat drove up the bank and upset on Sunday Charlie was out Sunday night Mr Mitchell got in his sum mer supply of feed last week Whats the matter with Hart- man scrlb Must have fallen in the creek Redwing tOOO Mar Brown a wellknown farmer re siding near and brother of Would you like to havo i A -of- Crown Attorney M Brown is lying dan gerously wounded at his residence as the result of a peculiar acci dent in a silo Friday afternoon Mr Brown was engaged in dig ging in the centre of the silo when a large quantity of ensilage which had frozen to the sides for a distance of ten or twelve feet above gave way through thawing and falling caught Mr Brown pinning him underneath He is suffering from at the base of the skull and has since remained unconscious Sale- Register Thursday April Mr Joseph Ryan Lot Con will hold a Farm Sale at one oclock months credit J Auct Monday April Mr iiy Zephyr will dispose of Implements and Household Goods at one oclock Terms cash J Auct Live Stock Markets Phonograph in your homo If you will let us know atonco wo will try to for same SPECIAL OP PAYMENT ARRANGED SUIT PURCHASER DRUG STORE The ooty beneficial to and stomach Is best for all ages Winnipeg liar weather in the Prairie Provinces has been springlike for the past fortnight exceptionally mild for March and is every pros pect of a very early seeding Ibis year Top prices paid in Toronto this Choice Export Steers Baby Beeves Good Butcher Steers Butcher Cows Choice Feeders lbs Springers Milkers 1000 Under tho Auspices of Young of Christian Endeavor Igyeniiigft April at the English MPN Mb at the To held In the U at with of Abovtf Society AT k3Q Km Choice Veals WW Veals Common Calves Spring Lambs Sheep Bogs off cars 1 2075 BO 2125 ate a strengthens the I Keeps teefli and sweet hirst aids appetite digestion Newmarket Markets Butter lb Now Laid Eggs Oats bush Barley bush Bran Short ton 62 43 JU 8800 we Toronto Butter lb New Laid Turkey lb Chickens lb Ducks Fall bush Goose Wheat bush Oats per bush Berloy bush Timothy Bay top Hay ton ft 9 ft 045 42 38 30 102 2300 1 OF OWTA TORONTO