vrvx V mi I- a i 11 J A How To Watsons can keep a room vor I J- ft a JACKSON Editor and Proprietor I J OIL IS- NOT at coat our Oil Odorless Glean Convenient You one of and no Han Wc can you on Burner Oil if bought while pur took lusts You will need it next summer why not buy now AWf J i Water in Ppif JftfylP Toronto whence tho and village Why so largo an ah- or Rivers arise people should have been forged and know we a divide at OaKseht Up for is at lhat point that purpose for which it Intend- and Holland always been and their sources rieei low- must remain an unsolved to Lake and the oth er to Lake Ontario Bond Lake vas not called after France in to conslrucLaelearner Bargain lot of at Quality Enamelled White or and 125 When thinking remember the Gravity clothes with less effort than others 111 THE PAINT STORE THE PLACE TO 0OD AND VARUIQtil28 Phone L I i ECONOMY The man and the woman who practice a wise economy and deposit savings in Savings Account regularly are helping to win the war as making more their own financial portion Roes Manager Newmarket Branch SOUTH END LUMBER YARD I CAR DRY BODY WOOD BEECH AND MAPLE W PEARSON Order Coal from John and John Draper lot- l0 It may bo Interesting to how the Loaf was offi cially adopted as our National first use of this emblem vas by Imperial Government in- when a representation or Maple Leaf was embroidered on colors of the or Prince of Wales Canadian presented to the Corps by his Majesty King of in January of that year The bad go was officially adopted at a meeting hold in To ronto in respecting an- visit of Prince off Wales our King Edward The following account Is to the press At a mooting held to lako moasuros with a view lo Canadians taking part with dis tinctive badges in on liio occasion of the Prince of Wales visit to Toronto it arranged that all native Cana dians in Toronto at time of the Princes arrival invited to Join tho procession in the place assigned to thorn and that all na tive Canadians join in the proces sion and wear the Maple Leaf as the emblem of the land of their birth And wo subsequently learn from press Then the Canadians some with silver maplo leaves and others with those supplied by nature Street in the pioneer days a bush road running zigzag through the thick woods following the old Indian Trail Dotted here and there might bo seen the location of a hardy pi oneer whoso axe had opened a cultivated in the depths the forest Tho of his log cabin might ho scon winding over the lops of the surrounding trees It was an interesting road plentiful door bear wolf lynx and game If benighted in the forest it is said trav- Bond Head think I Holland put after a Gardner by that name and a cum of asked loaves stage office I lho for Pine Grove neighborhood a TO resulted in the steamer dally at 3 pm There stages for Richmond Hill and York Mills leaving the market square daily at pm number of stago lines in those early days If will bo scon the business which was ffWfcKfi- mm and byways all Greatest Monday and Tuesday ever known Trains v Friday blocked up number of PrenclVnoyalYsTVofu- jy built It plied gees settled woro known lnc Landing and other ports to the as The vessel Many of them officers lh Upper Landing the days the lone along this highway first competition stago Hues in those early tho construction of Northern Railway In 1853 to lhat lime all congers baggage and mails be tween Toronto and Holland Land had lo go by Wo who formei early days as a btfrying ground for the Indians In 1813 it is said when the United for ces were along near the Hay the intention of attack ing the fort and taking York one of Ma for Indians -con- coaling himself in a top fir ed into the boats repeatedly vith fatal effect He was however discovered and shot but his com rades buried him with all in this sand hill Tho first concession north of Queen St was named af ter Mr the brewer and largo property owner whose dis tillery was located in the Just north of St wore was built the regular launched had to scions of French nobility dragged by main force into British out oiJ water The sympathyoffered thorn grants of by other boats land on the newly organized pro Before closing I must give a of Upper Canada and lheyl flomelnn that occurred chose to scttlo at Oak Ridges Ewart A- Mrs Scy the land of their choice it WWI who had minding them of Franco and home at Belle they allotted a range- Mccracken- woo pointed Engineer by the Council TNGibbs Esq visited hie Mr W Col over the weekend and lnnA of nine lots on each side of from years ago resided a direct descendant of one of these settlors Mr Henry George lho well- known Toronto wine merchant and horse breeder Wo mustturn off for a moment lo Newmarket and hamlet of Sharon to north Newmarket claimed for its in habitants some outstanding men Mr Robinson who for a number of years represented the Co of In Parliament car ried on the business of merchant and miller In Newmarket He was well known for his friendly and disposition is any objections to receiving for their guest a Methodist minis ter who was holding missionary services in the district welcomed him and during his stay he told them that like Mrs Seymour herself he had lived in and when there as a clergyman in the Church of England it had been his duly to prepare a certain pirate captain for his death sentence Imagine his surprise when Mrs pointed to a sword and scabbard hanging on wall which had been given by this pirate captain to her late husband who was on the Commissariat Department at in the West Indies oyer the weekend and obliged to stay longer than he expected owing the storm Five columns of this are taken up with a report of the Sunday School Convention which was a great success ooo I yoday For the Era Perhaps some of your readers have read or heard of the farm er who had three sons and a many l Commodores and friend of his asked him what he Gardiners I Commanders In Chief and others The perils and horrors en countered every spring and au tumn by travellers and others In or descent of the precipitous sides of Ravine where primitive St crossed it wero local proverb and byword It was would find his gun known as the Hill Anns and Red Lion lourH or duty were glad to find a comfortable resting at his fireside and INCORPORATED 1866 Fund 0430302 Prosperity Sure Is a matter thrift or who tons money eta Lhould a La put Rank of Toronto tad halfyearly tte Dally Balance the Wtot BRANCH P A 11 LISTER v- fe LJAKIHO bo or by otter at ftfirily l ti a a u j WIS iviieK Lrauij Uvular iQ0C licaulrr iffXO ALL FOR I FRISK feiitcJuitiKa protection against lho ravenous wolves lhat infested locality The highway was named in honor of Sir George Yongo Col onial Secretary and Secretary of War in Governor took a very great in the colonisation of County and foresaw the importance of connecting Lake which was a great fur- trading district with Lake Onta rio and at one lime let contracts lo a man named Win a German for purpose of ren dering Now now the navigable from Lake On tario so as lo connect it with the Holland River and This was found impracticable and after spending his money and lime went to the Slates and died there of a brok en heart Street as it is today is one of main highways in the Province of Ontario In 1704 when Manshaw who by the way founded Richmond Hill sought a home along streets his wagons had to he taken up over unimproved hills by means of block and tackle Today you step on an elec trically healed trolley car at North Toronto and are almost whirled lo your destination sat Newmarket before you can digest your evening paper The world has indeed moved since the days of when the creaking stage coach toiling up interminable hills would scarcely have reached Richmond Hill in the lime it now takes lo complete the trip f For a lime these stages ran from what was known as Cof fin Block now owned by the Worts Company at the junction of Wellington and From Later some of stages started from Ridouts cor ner now Royal Hank Build ing at the northeast corner of King and of the early stage owners was a Mr Thompson who was also interested in the steamer Beav er on Lake Simcoe and was one of lho owners of steamer Morning on the same Lake Great difficulty was experienced fitting out this latter steamer Her machinery had lo be hauled up St from Toronto on rollers made from sections of tree trunks weeks wore spent in lhat trip An old advertisement In I860 slates A stage in connection with the Morning on Lake leaves Stage Office Leddells Building Church daily Sunday except ed at 7 oclock am and o clock pro Another stage- in connection with the Beaver ok Lak3 Simcoe leaves Western Hotel at seven oclock am Pine Grove now- known in Toronto- he Iruly obeyed St Pauls direc tions as lo hospitality Hero Sir John wa entertain ed for some days in and at going lo make of thorn He replied John is the brightest oi my hoys the most industrious anxious to work and quick lo Ioarh I am going jto make a farmer of him would rath er talk than work and is fond of telling all ho knows and much another lima Sir John Ross and lhat imagines I am going to Captain Black when on their way moke a lawyer of him Thomas to Arctic regions With Newmarket too is the laziest of my boys fact is so lazy that he In never Manitoba mud bad but Blue Hill mud defied description Tho primitive wagon track in the neighborhood of about what is now Walker Ave formerly or Gallows had to pass under a largo forest which had fallen across road with out breaking To some of the country folk it suggested beam of the gallows and hence sprang lho illomen name long attached to this spot Near Where the Post Office at Eglfngton now stands stood famous Montgomerys Tavern where the insurgents met in to consult with William Lyon and here it lhat Col making his way from Richmond Hill to join the Royal ists forces was shot and killed The chief battle between the Royalists and insurgents was fought hero and upon defeat of the rebels the Loyalists seized lho hotel and set fire to it This put an end to rebellion Oh the way from Hogs Hollow to Bond Lako tvO well- known hotels were passed One elated the name of Mr Wm Roe gets into any rouble of any kind employed in tho office of the Re- j and is fond of wearing good ceivcr General Under the order of General and the Execu tive Council during the trouble of he personally con veyed three hags of gold and a large sum of army hills lo the farm of Chief Justice Robinson on Kingston Roan and there he buried them At time York fell into the hands of the Amer icans led by General Dearborn and Commander in while the army bills had to he delivered to the enemy the gold remained in its hiding place and was later handed over to the Gov ernment in Dr Strachans parlor Another interesting resident or was a lawyer and grandson of the celebrated Sir Wm Commentator of the Laws of England Mr Blackslones con spicuous talents gave promise of an in his profession quite worthy of the name he bore but his career was cut short by death To the northeast of Newmarket Shepherds Inn a noted resting is the celebrated home of lho place for wayfarers and their animals Over the door was a gilded wooden lion This lion still preserved on these premises which are now occupied a clergyman The oilier was that kept a man named Finch a of high repute about and well known lo excursion parties from Toronto and the half pay from Lake for the contents of its larder and the quality of its cooking A short distance north the vil lage of is reached Thereabouts several English fam ilies had settled giving a certain tone 16 the neighborhood Here it vas that firm of Parson carried on their milling Industry and it was after Mr Thorne that the village took its name Just a few miles on in -North- East Gen Benediot Arnold known among the United States citizens as a traitor re ceived a grant of acres And a little farther on was the abode of Col Moodie Col gained his rank in the regular army Ho had been Col of the regiment but was shot while attempting lo ride past Montgomerys Hotel by one of the insurgents during the re bellion of 1837 An interesting character was Captain Martin McLeodwho lived on he west side of St on his farm Prynock opposite Bond Lake in what is known as Oak Ridges Settlement His youngest son Jus McLeod was for many years Commissioner Quakers so named from their leader David Wilson who clothes- I am going to make A preacher This may be a Utile hard on the other professions hut it illustrates the contention which is becoming acknowledged by the whole country namely that farming requires the greatest industry and skill the keenest intellect and the best training of all professions Ono of tho most striking features of the last census is the record of decreas ing population in agricultural centres and increasing popula tion in the great cities result is easily foreseen The number of consumers of food products is constantly growing greater lho number of producers smaller This is not necessarily a cause of alarm Fortunately I here have been established in this country a number of Agricul tural Colleges and experimental stations in which the principles of scientific agriculture arc taught Methods of checking the depletion of the soil and of re covering exhausted fields have now been well developed and are practically carried out Tho re- Prom Fob Mr Sep Nash of Barrio Mr Frank of Montreal Con ductor Rogers and wife of 16 Miss McNamara of Mr- and Mrs of ville and Mr W of To ronto were all hero visiting friends last week Mr of King left for Manitoba on Wednesday- Mr J Green and Mr Frank Duncan attended Grand Lodgo of T of at Gall this week Mr Harry Wood left on Mon day for Winnipeg after a visit here of six weeks Eleven fine horses were ship ped to the States last Friday About was price for each There are 45 adults and Ju veniles in Mr A sing ing clashes A deputation from West To ronto Inspected the Water Works here last Friday The snowstorm on Sunday af ternoon filled the sideroada to lops of the fences and block ed the railway traffic The union from Newmarket lo Aurora last Friday was a notable event Thero wellpacked and gaily rigs headed by the Band There were three sleighs and four sleighs Tho ambulance look the cake An extended obituary of lho laic P J appears In this issue The Altar the Parsonage Newmarket on Feb 22nd by Elder assist ed by Rev Jos MrL At kinson to Miss Gertrude daughter of Elder Prosser all of Newmarket At Toronto by Eld on Feb Mr J of Assinihoia to Miss Sarah Jane Morion of North In East by- Rev J Mack ay on Feb ID Mr Wal ter lo Miss Lizzie Smith The Tomb At Holland Land ing Feb Wernham in his year In King Feb Caroline aged years In Newmarket Fob P J aged 37 years separated from the orthodox suit of this condition of affairs of Northwest Mounted Police Force and It was after htm that jn the Northwest is call ed Quakers on account of his intro ducing music into his religious services At lhat time 1831 tin Sharon Band was considered the best musical organization outside of the military bands of Toronto After the death of David Wil son the Quakers lo a large extent joined the other Protestant bodies in the neighborhood Passing on wc now arrive at the Upper Landing on the Hol land River formerly called the canoe landing Here it was that the Indian hunting and war par ties embarked and disembarked There was a space on right for Government depositees naval and military stores and also pre ay for Indians who were on heir lo In this point was called limbury The Holland River was called after Major Holland who was SurveyorGeneral of this Prov ince an excellent engineer whoso ability was recognized and em ployed in at the of About the year 1812 great anchor some sixteen feel long with arms ten feet from Up to lip fastened lo what hoys would call a large catapult and used as a was drawn up St and through the thick under brush by twelve yoke of oxen When any of the enormous sleep hills encountered the an- chor was lowered down by block and lackln It look four days to make thirty miles from To ronto to of Holland Riv er hotter known as Soldiers Buy a large be built receive it hut peace is that while in many respects he cost of living on the farm has been increased through the de sire of lho farmer lo give a let- education lo children and lo be the possessor of more the luxuries of life he has not been securing a corresponding increase in his income More over the price of farm labor has very greatly increased and in fact it is very hard lo labor at any price and it looks as the half of the land will be left idle this year unless something turns up very different from what we can see at present A Reader POJ London Feb King George has offered three Royal palaces for national They Bal moral Castle Buckingham Pal ace and Kensington Palace Balmoral near Perth land and is lho Scottish high land residence of the British Roy al family Buckingham and Kensington Palace are in London Since 1837 Bucking ham Palace has been London residence of lho sovereigns It is at the western of James Park Kensington Palace being on lho west side of Kensington Gar dens and erected In I68p9i The Queen Victoria and Queen Mary both born In Kensington Palace i Worry Is the worst wolf that comes to our doors CMS and tLa JM A i I WHITEN SKIN WITH LEMON a beauty lotion for a few canto to remove tan Your grocer has lho and any drug store or toilet counter will supply you vilh three ounces of orchard while for a few cents Squeeze the juica of two fresh lemons into a then put in the orchard white and shako well This makes a quarter pint of the best lem on skin whitcner and complexion known Massage fragrant creamy lotion dafiy1n- lo the face neck arms and hands and see how freckles Ian redness- and rougher disappear and how anfooth soft and clear the skin becomes Yes It is harmless and the beautiful I results will surprise you The late Dominion Election cost whjcb is double the ordinary cost Bowmanvillc Fires in three vacant houses in town re cently belonging to of led to an inves tigation today Tordiff was ar rested at the close on a charge of arson and placed in the lockup He is about years of ago and owns a small farm in Darlington valuable- village properly in En and about a dozen dwellings in this town j a M 7i P r s TORONTO rifPf-