Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Jan 1918, p. 2

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Uf HOUSE TO fe HOUSE FOR ofJosoph and Ail conveniences Leaving Atkinson lOH ft At any buyers of Hughes 3v5 r Davis to and friends for and sympathy during tho illness of husband with arrangements i wee to That property ad joining Customs and Post Office on West sldo of Main known as ho Simp son Drug Store Apply to Administrator or Solicitor I I Wood for Everybody I TO THE ij ha received In- Dr- J of to noil by Thursday Jon 31st on Burrows Farm on the West hair of lot 35 in Con of ohuroh miles East of Canes Factory on the Town Line about of Bush In Acre Lola While of ac are Cash may ho arranged for rcbponulblo by the same giving bankable approved security boating from dale to commence at i SMITH i I OP Corporation of the if of York hereby announces that Ho Hat of lands for for ar rears of taxes has boon proparod and that copies thereof may bo had in office of County No Adelaide St County Council started first yean with Phillips the and all J Deputy J McCutohooni King and A Markhain flrafc of llio Ing was of the war den for vhloh position of p arid Iii Itomsdpn wore withdrew and Griffith was elected by acclamation now vardon has roove of York flight times by acclamation action of Mr was gardod of most court ly witnessed In tho historic old chamber and felicitations roovo of East wore little less thai accorded the warden A deputation from tho Toronto and York Patriotic Fund by Win Mulook was hoard in an appeal for a grant to the fund Sir in presenting tho appeal pointed to the fact that tho present campaign to ob tain tho three million dollars from Toronto and York Co Is being carried on dif ficulties owing to inability of many who to provioub to as fiooly as foro lie said as long as the war lasts tho dopondonts of soldiers must bo lookod and tho residents of this county num about same as dollars in tho grant mado by County Council last year Ho referred to tho foot that so many mom- bora of llio Council were this year as evidence of llio satisfaction of electors with tho action of their representa tives in making their grant of to tho fund last year What York County docs ho said counties will do Mr Norman fiommervillo said tho campaign is tho big gest that has been undertaken in any oily of British Empire iuoludiogas ft does on appeal for Cross which is in need a that not much longer exist In Canada Ho that his last Council on a similar errand many sources of subscription to the Patriotic Fund have become unavailable The United States having llio war tho citizens of that country resident who always splendid to appeals on tho society now answering calls from own country Tho cost of living wao responsible for cuU liiK off in small monthly sub scriptions Mayor Church Mr J K At kinson and ft Din- nick of deputation briefly In support of tho appeal Mayor suggostlng an of last years grant to amount of Hoove Keith of cdi tho deputation If It was true in press that Roland layer f debarking Hope of 81600 At- the of unolairnea freight at a cane containing nearly loath bibles flftycopto Gordon Robertson Tucker Bulger and Al ia four who were convicted last woek of- the lhoflof art automobile wore lowed to go on susponded sen- by Jdge and will remain at liberty so as they report to the police month shun are in their homes by 10 oclock at night first man ufactured In Canada coHsfully tested hero on Monday A thousand of these engines bo delivered and Installed in completed machines this year ThosGoldsmith entered plea of nitty in Court on Tuesday to a charge of shooting Miss Winnie and was re manded by Judge Winchester for at end of Goldsmith Is years ago and victim of the shoot ing is The accusod had ask ed girl with whoso ho was lodging for a kiss and when who this request he drew a revolver and fired at her A scaled vovdlct vas rcturnod by a Jury in Supreme Court of Ontario in action of Mrs C on and husband against Toronto and YorX Radial Railway Company for damages Plaintiffs allege that on Nov 1st Mrs Dow son Was a passenger on one of companys oars and asked to have it slopped at a certain sta tion on lino Tho car stop ped a little beyond the station platform and when Mrs to debark sho fell and struck head against a telephone polo It Is alleged that as a result sho suffered in jury to the brain Tho motor- man of the car from which tho plaintiff fell testified that sho had attempted to stop down while facing the rear of the car The of York Council were guests of dinner at tho patriotic headquarters at noon On Thursday The estimated to city this year of the Central Technical School is The Metropolitan was mulcted in the caso for the bouse pi ujWii the City of Toronto and that said list with notice of is as reported being published in the this would bo last appeal for i under publication Jan 1918 Jan February 2nd and February and in default of payment Of the the lands in said list vill be sold for taxes at times and places mention ed in said published notice This police is given pursuant to subsection of section of The Assessment Act J Macdonald Trees County of York Dated this 19th day of Jan 1918 13A Kto TORONTO AND YoHinto Offloo 801 Dominion Bank Building Telephone Main Billiard Parlors Will be on Saturdays until further MONEY TO LOAN of funds from and upwards TO Main and Ontario suitable for Shop Shoe Shop or Repair Shop of any kind- Low rental Apply at r Office House and at Keswick on terms John Watson END I r OK WEST I AUD SHELL 16 A Mlwry j voluntary subscription to Patriotic Fund Sir Wm Mulock ropliod de finitely Yes then proceeded to give the reasons for the change Ho said that public opinion had undergone a change and with the disappearance of the voluntary system of enlistment the volun tary system of raising the Patri otic Fund would have to change also He expected that the Do minion Parliament would pass legislation taking ovor the fund and it upon the shoulders of the taxpayers of whole Do minion Reeve Win Keith of Newmar ket moved seconded by J of Weston that a grant of bo made and that question of an increase be referred to the Financial Com mittee with instructions to re port at a later session of the present meeting This resolu tion vas adopted unanimously Other business transacted by Council consisted of tho hear ing of communications chiefly relating to matters of good roads construction also a letter from Col Clark thanking Council for assistance given the Womens Auxiliary of York County in their work for men of Halt Striking committee to name standing committees for year was appointed though not without a vigorous protest from Reeve A Fleming of and Reeve worth of who charged that more modern methods should be adopted each man to name the committees on which ho prefer red to work There was a lively discussion hut later tho prac tice adopted In other years was followed The striking committoo con sists of Reeves J Cornell Wm Keith D JasDan- W J W and J t While on his knees between two cattle treating one of them for ring on the leg WH Barber of was kicked and badly tramped besides breaking this leg at ankle Jan Although nearly scoro had been taken to headquarters end during the da no trace had been found of the Jew end cash taken by lhfe men who this afternoon held up the Jewellery store of Ralph manager of the who was badly beaten gagged and by the was able to give the Fire- of unknown origin broke out in Ticonlc Building John ston St on Wednesday and en tailed a loss of Over million dollars boon collected for Patriotic Fund last days O IV 1 it If the Federal Government co-opo- ratlng with provincial authorities Is able to the farm labor prob lem la probable that a new will be put into effect hi Ontario next Fall In order to facilitate threshing The officials of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture are now studying a plan to substitute cooperative threshing as now carried on by farm ers by putting out a large number of threshing gongs At the present time much of the th in Ontario In carried on by the farmers helping each other On farms where there an inefficiency of labor this means thai the farmer I In repaying his neighbors for assist ance must drop plowing and other necessary Kail work for ten days or two weeks sometimes more The result naturally is a smaller acreage of land under culUvation follow ing Summer plan Is that approx imately 2000 threshing gangs of about eight men each be sent out next Kail These men of course would have to be drawn from the cities and towns but It Is hoped thai the meas ures to be put Into force by the Dom inion Government vill provide the men With threshing- over most of these men could he returned to their ordinary occupations HOMO OH PLACED New York Jan Testifying in the trial here today of Franz von lelen German naval reservist and twelve other defendants charged with conspiracy to place fire bombs on steamships here Sergeant Henry of the police bomb squad declared pointing to the placing on the of bombs which had been in the possession of two of the defendants In the guise of a paid ageut of Wolf von who was Secretary to Hoy-Ed- former German Naval Attache said he formed the acquaintance of of the alleged plotters Eu gene one of the defendants had admitted according to Harth that at a conference he attended in Brook lyn the main topic of dlsousslon was placing of bombs on ships that were to from this port that also admit ted that Waiter Undo and Joseph had been employed in carrying bombs on several occasion to persons known to them as the West people The fact that these men carried bombs to West fiide to the sinking of the Berth led to his belief that they had been placed on ihe illfated vessel nr Jan AH the pub lic schools of tho city the exception of the Central down noon wore engaged this- in drawing off the water from Hie pipes in the schools In order no damage will result a daughter of mo WeufcTVifd with her airier West V rjafl of spent viui her Waiter mid me mottjuV nub morning vioit uis for ten iur au A Thomp son aim y ago one spent a days roiAUwes in lovn of Is spenuing a wuti met sister VVicKott on Viho muio in New market mo tueir- wives were at on evening at week jonn is spenuiig a lew days in cut his band a Alt or was foreman jury at in on On ion of Newmarket is on the jury 1 Mrs Johnston of Ni agara Kails- in renewing lor the writes are having a very hard wintor here winch has Fulls a sight unprecedented Miss of Toron to spent the weekend with her cousin Miss also assisted Methodist Choir last Sunday morning and render ed very sweet solo Mrs Ohas Smith left for New York on Saturday to spend a fev months with her son Mr Willie Smith who is carry ing on a drug business in the great metropolis J Scott who pur chased the Forester house on Ave last summer has moved to lovn from Ho is a retired Presbyterian min ister and the Era a wel come to the family A deputation is ar ranged to wait upon County Council next Tuesday to urge the manufacture of peat fuel from Hit Holland Marsh Tho question of is one vital interest to the people of thowholo Province and Mra Marshall An drews and daughter fmm Current Bask visited Mr and Mrs Willis Millard Ave on Wednesday Andrews is a of Mrs Will- and of Mr J Marker of Ham ilton formerly Newmarket Nearly a dozen Masons accepted invitation to visit Sutton Lodge on Wednes day evening it being the occasion of an official visit the Dis trict Deputy They having had an excellent time the special car returning here about pm Mr John Hicks of Los California formerly of East in renewing for the Era writes I have just com pleted a 10000 trip alone in rny year and am glad to got back to California It seems a very congenial climate for old and young Hon J Davis is attending this week the meeting of the Gen- oral Conference Special Commit tee of the Methodist Church of Canada This has General Conference pover in the interval between the meetings of this Body and this probably bo the last meeting of the Com mittee before next General Conference which be held in the City of Hamilton in Septem ber next He is also attending a meeting of the Executive of the Canadian Manufacturers Associ ation Toronto Star Cain llio Newmarket lad who is taking place on the Do La Salle Juniors is of the around Toronto Rill almost raised the roof when he found Cain had been re instated and Do La Salle had sign ed him up Marsden knew the boy and know that he would strengthen any by his jrrossiveness stamina and slick- handling If does not back from for Satur day nights same Cain will play on the defence for La Salle against the champion Aura Lees waff day afternoon- In Booms over the Post Much work was done and amounted to to the afternoon euchre Held at res idence of Mrs brought proceeds to lirjyj rMi 0 of a has trlokle across trie seem ingly that Is In the of the greatest economic crlfilsj since the war It Is entlmatcd that mom than a million workmen and womed have sthicU A majority of were employed In the Industries and only small of have returned In evcr to the bait of wages The remainder It la said are a more than throating attitude and dally are demanding peace and cheaper food to a slated that Hungary refuses to give cerealflXllher to Aus tria or to Germany and that the Rou manian are exhausted The military situation is involved and even endangered by the strikes which continue I inuiv Kocklorvi in Owing of Wo fevo a blond thai it srlc put In tins at ftleo A mo- ready with io to W to JTbo int on J c Store at I a of last and for a will bo It by and II Better your D hind that la curd to you from Lira Otophone Horn varleils to ie it tu gey i-ohi- Montreal Jan Controller narrowly escaped death Just as the Controller had one foot on a step to enter his house a man struck from behind with a dagger within a quarter of an inch of the Jugular vein With the dagger still clenched In his hand the assailant turned and ran Controller received throating letters recently one of them written In red Ink and con taining the following i Last warn ing I You dirty dog and grafter and Intimated that the Con troller death vould follow If there were any more of houses of Illfame and places with gambling machines in them The man with the dagger was not at a late hour lonlghl co OO- A local newspaper is absolutely necessary to any community It Is the home paper that keeps the people of community in touch with each other by giving them all the news of their own neighborhood and county For that alone they are of value and worth far more than the small sub scription price They keep the local pride spirit aroused and In varloua ways arc worth far more to a community than a com munity over spends on them The dally paper with lie large news ser vice arid quicker facilities may in some instances overshadow the week ly but the weekly home paper fills a place In the hearts of the people that a dally cannot fill It comes home as an old tried friend while the dally as a stranger Ex I Nowadays it Quality that QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR I THE Lloatnomartoblo Instrument In World- HUYLERS CHOCOLATES Furniture and Undertaking MAIN street NEWMAKKET Agent for and Photo House Phone Ho Store Phono No J For Making Bread Wo You buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash A SPECIALTY attended to a I II Phones and- PURITY IMPERIAL Always ask for for Pastry Lukes Royal per bag All Kinds of for Chickens NEWMARKET Of dor by Phono or from Carton Holt VIVO ft IViuU London Jan Lord Controller has taken drastic measure to deal with the meat short age An official order was issued to day applying to all hotels restaurants boardinghouses and public places to begin forthwith It specifies two meatless days weekly Tuesdays and in the London district and Wednesdays and Fridays 1n other parte of the Kingdom- Between the hours of and in the morning no meat poultry or game may be con sumed on any day and no milk may be consumed as a beverage except by children under of age A guest must provide his own for sweetening beverages except that residents of hotels clubs and iughouees may he supplied with not exceeding fiix ounces of weekly At River To ronto on Jan to Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson a son and grandson to Mr Geo Morning of Newmarket At his late resi dence Dundurn Cottage ley KingTp Saturday Jan 19 in his year James Toronto Monday of Jan Mary Ann aged years Funoral service at her res idence Ave Wednes day leaving North Toronto via Metropolitan for Aurora Coin- On Saturday Jan at River Street Toronto Eric Franklin infant son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Thompson ON Jut At Niagara Falls on Jon 16 McLen nan aged years Interred at Newmarket Ceme tery last Friday Rev Thorn as conducting the service In Newmarket on Jon Emanuel Lemon aged 67 years Deceased was taken HI a few days ago with pneumonia Fune ral at 1030 Friday morning In terment at Cemetery w J Undertaking A THE EIGHTH OF 1 Town Quito id CO mi i boon con a few ye serving evening o over Under Iho of Concert The eider gives a minutely even into tho amount of meat ttugar broad flour butter or other fats allowed the guidance of hotel iyiuieimr All I to vMr tho Hall Is wi dftlo ftt the Capacity rlc6t SI Mr pretty go i an lot per of ad Hoard la a very to Go duotry in Clv cc Mont and is a Mr do vOrd or J at the an a of Colon and powf pr each dep doci Hun lief of tl a needed are fllari many wa a good and help in may no matt bath J Inter wit ouio He two Wesley Saturday to bo si vera tal Coal of for of 5Qd but ted and tour can among fa tut but it market market rd of well Uolooal the Mr lid talk J real On urouto the other A Twwa J T- Ei j rr CHIVES TORONTO

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