Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Jan 1918, p. 3

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SVT7Se sssa I According to Urn Public School Act nil to meet next Wednesday for as j 80 of A special called at Largo attendance ar 1 E E b i b lb T 1 T b T at arid can ft felt or vl WJho members and ccdno- of Tim A now Table into feci on the Wo train joinK yout morning at 003 and fining North at In the evening train going is duo and lag North at Cut this or A- J A About Of on Monday of tub In the Board ftooin of the at lonighl Full Sunday -Hchoorau- lea and ChrlBtmaa tokos place in the room evening Noil Tuesday Inst day for second payment- on Victory Bonds- Johno Name Society met last Sunday and the following ftficcra for Spiritual Director Father Wedlock Bon Proa Vale pros John McCaffrey 1bI 2nd Duncan Jr Secretary J Kennedy Trcas I Walsh have arranged for erection of a Memorial Tab let la honor of its members who fallen in battle The un veiling of the Tablet will lake place Johns Church at a very early date upon they will a solemn reception of new into the Society 8urronato a will made October a merchant died in Newmarket December til last left legacies of each to his sons of Bris tol and Edgar of and to his daughter Kvans of Newmarket wid ow Mrs livens is loft a life in a lot in Newmarket and the remainder of the estate absolutely On her death Miss inherits the lot in The inventory includes 500lii lousohold goods in promissory notes 07i7 secured mortgages 0000 in bonds and debentures in cash an auto the lot in New- market and eight acres In WW I Peace York at the Division Court in tho Fire Hall when about a dozen cases before The of interest- to the spectators was a disputed contract Kirk and Hook and Judg ment was given for Kirk Two other suits wore adjourned Court continued until WoilKiioyh Thursday of Smith Presbyterian Minister at Bradford for about years died of heart failure at Oil Springs near where he has been supplying for past two years Ho was in his year and was till a week preceding death was a native of and had boon stationed at Learning ton Dr Smith of is a son of deceased While resident at Bradford Mr Smith took a very active in the Sunday School Association and deliverod a num ber addressee flea Hat of the names of order aininafioh on the work the fall Hondyr standing Is to those who have obtained marks Have of all IhopupilH Hollo Davidson Kyelyn face Wood Alice Hamilton Sunday Attendance growing steadily each Sabbath Come next time and enjoy an hours with us The enthusiasm and Interest of alibis encouraging About present last Sunday and all en- Joyed the talk given by our Sailor member Mr Jack Al though much of his information must necessarily bo secret wo appreciated that given The Secretary had prepared a flno for pasLyoar In grand progress shown for 1917 almost- with the average Sunday of This is a line increase over average for The following are the members of the Separate School Hoard for Vale Osborne J Toole Luke Doyle John Walsh and Doyle Tfm Financial Statement for the past year was very satisfac tory Many improvements were made during 1917 viz water service installed with sanitary drinking faucets also new black boards and cement walks Tho Inspector Report was found to bo very favorable in every respect regarding Teacher Equipment Accommodation and first meeting of the new Board will be held this week The School reopened last Monday with a good attendance and Kennedy in charge Farmers Oct Exemption Thirty appeals under the Mili tary Service Act heard by Judge Denton at Newmarket on Monday of which related to fanners Major Br union repre sented the military The ma jority of the cases were military appeals against farmers who bad been exempted Where it was ftbown that they wore bona fide tanners actively engaged in pro duction the court confirmed the former decisions At the close of the session of Iho fanners appeals for ex emption were sustained so long as the appellants remained on farm Three were refused ex emption The complete list is follows EXEMPTED accountant j Patterson op erator Clifford Case student Aurora Ceo Henry West farmer Au rora John farmer Stanley Barker farmer New- Campbell Morning farm Holland Landing Douglas Morning farmer Holland Landing Harry Herbert Brown Newmarket Fred Neil Smith Auctioneer packer Wellington rep- Newmarket Wesley Mager stockkeeper Newmarket Win Ackroyu Johnson farmer Itcwmarket Harry farmer Win farmer Lloyd town Poole farmer Vaugban Alfred Jones farmer Maple Angus D Black farmer Maple Andrew farmer King David farm laborer Walker farmer Kes- wick Yule farmer NOT EXEMPTED Win a Brown farmer Aurora Arthur Couch Main St Popber farmer Harry construction ttarket farmer Maple A regular meeting of the A No was held in the Lodge Boom on Dec for the election and installation of officers Past Mistress Sis ter installed the following officers for the ensuing year PWM Sister Sister Watson McDonald Chap Sister Watson Sister Barber elected Fin Sec Sister Glenn jSister Wagner of Sister Rogers 1st Led Sister Tail 2nd Sister Fi In toff 1st Com Woman Sister Inner Guard Sister Johns re elected Outer Guard lingers Guardian Bro Tail Trustee Rogers Auditors Sister Rogers and Tail As a young man appealing for ex emption to be suffering from smallpox the appeal judge and military authorities decided that no more inch should bo called from the of Northumberland and Kent New indefinitely BRACELET WATCHES OUR STOCK It ITS it A Gift tuio lo and Kp In Co LIciiH Todd Violet a Williams Stark Evelyn Hamilton Miller Allan Muriel Marjorlo Lulu Moulds Wells Millie Morning Agnes Allan Sylvia Barry tdirn John Listor Honours Sawyer Charles Lister William Hall Wilbur Mollis Robert Hewitt Fred Knights Vern Lundy Burrows Stanley Maurice Byron Hill Lucas Noble Carl Vernon Hook Marritt Morton Duncan Murray Lloyd Stiles Edward David Doarnj J I Darling- Vv- Beatrice fe 1 Donald Galbrailh Pratt Fred Evans iohlop ri Bosslo Brown honors hon Alexia Gibson Moss Connie Smith Edith Morning Hazel Genevieve Beatrice Proctor I Jr Arthur West honors Walter Terry honors Harry Frank Vera Mabel Morning Richards Bain Arthur Pojllook Frank Alfred Lewis Laura Ross Millie Dennis Hall iBeatrCQ Donne Louise Mollonhauer Lila Cain Arthur Fuller Olive Herbert Frank Bovser Katie McHale o I Lias lire It on of Cur lfi6 Carry at Iho Present can on many of above BUT rsr IS VERY j vv v ill of f men ancfrOhlidran AffiiiAUAJ I Muriel Thomaa Honours Hilda Hoover Honours Alice Honours John West Kathleen Cora lingers Taylor Lloyd Lena Flossie Moore Milliard Byron Scot I Elizabeth Lewis Ivan Bisier Mabel Menar Leila Belfry Audrey Traviss Mary Lewis Beatrice Lloyd Elsie Scott Lulu a Cecilia Quinn Helen Wilson Clara Talo John Winch Margaret Mainland Marguerite Boolean Iris Elliott Francis Morton Pearl Fletcher Doris Cane Gladys Hart William Crawford Mabel Munshaw Percy Kennedy George Fox Charles West Boss honors Kathleen Moore honors Frank Gordon Hunter Melvfn King Cecil Lundy Noel Vale Oliver Thompson Johns Angus West Ralph Verna Dillane Vern Arnold Evelyn Porm III Mary Brown honors Vickie Robinson Elizabeth Hamilton Armstrong Edith Morion Florence Stiles Shirley McCarly Pottage Hazel Hugo Clarence Eric Whan Oral Hall Jean Atkinson Thomas Gardiner Gladys James Hamilton Bertha Odling Wallace Johnston Joyce LdYkin Herbert Gladys Belfry Form Herbert Thomas Honours Edgar Pope Eileen McGonfgle Caroline Wesley Elsie Belfry Eleanor Pearl Stiles ftinna ftfax Kvans Mi Porter who baa boo HI in the Toronto General Hos pital- for the past weeks has returned as far as Her sister Nurse Bell accompanied her are glad lo hear she is doing nicely Mr- Jas daugh ter Mrs Webb spent the week end with the formers daughter Mrs of Weston Miss Carrie Baker of Ketllcby Is renewing acquaintances in town and vibinity Mr Hall of Toronto called on Mrs M on Tuesday Mr Win of spent the weekend With his mother Mrs Ice cutting is the order of the day It sure ought to ye good this after the that has passed Mrs M spent week end in Toronto Mr P of Brighton Is visiting Miss and other relatives Mr Thomas of Western Canada bis broth or Mr Frank Mr Wallace Duffy of Palgrave visited with friends- in town Bun- day Miss Clarice has gone to Toronto to attend St Josephs College Miss Irene Deacon has return ed to St Josephs College after spending the holidays at her borne here Miss Gladys Clark spent the weekend in Toronto Miss Florence Both am having passed her Model at lias accepted a school at Creernorc Mr Brown of is vis iting at Mr Harvey Clarks VAHDOiTF Holidays arc all over- School reopened Thursday morning with Mr as teacher to teach to the tune of the old hick ory stick Miss Rose of Newmar ket spent the holiday at the Millei home Mr and Mrs Plowright of Minv returned to their borne last Wednesday after spending a few days under the parental roofof Mr Jas Graham Last Saturday afternoon Mrs Arthur Welsh gave a party in honor of eight little girls They enjoyed themselves sleighriding and with games Afterwards they sat down to a lovely tea Early in the evening they left for their respective homes A Happy Wedding Last Wednesday afternoon Mr home was the scene of a very happy wedding when Miss Ada L Watson was united in holy matrimony to Mr Edgar Sanderson of was clad in mauve silk poplin and carried a beautiful spray of white carnations Miss Grace of Victoria Square was bridesmaid car ried ahouquet of pink carnations while Mr Herbert Sanderson was groomsman Mrs Powell played Wedding March while groom took his place in front of an ev ergreen background and with patience for the bride who appeared escorted by her father Alter the ceremony by Scott the happy couple had their photos taken after which they received congratulations from their friends Then they froshmenls the able ami room being very neatly the hostess- After the wedding feast happy couple loft on the for Toronto amid showers of confetti The bride received many very handsome presents at the hands of her guests The people of join In wishing long happy prosperous life to OP Tim Fcrbod Tolls of Hod Tho present age is one of gU- gnntio resources gigantic gigantic organizations the of individuals in ev ery is united and thereby in creased jn power One of most striking evidences of Ibis tendency is found in tbo work of the Hod Cross one of the great romances of modern times Florence Nightingale stands out as a single vivid figure an angel of mercy but in this present war Itself an example of in terdependence of- nations the angels are in battalions and the work of mercy handles units not in terms of individual but of towns and districts Almost the whole country is mobilized by money or by labor in the activity of the Red Cross Forbes in Hearsts Magazine for January bow it was done in bis ar ticle entitled Tho Colossus of Mercy- The story is one of achievement so great that it reads like fiction so great that it could be nothing less amazing than truth He tells bow the most important partner in firm of J P Morgan thought it over all night and then left his business in order to bo Chairman of Wth Council of the American Hod Cross He tells how the mem bership was increased- in six months from and how the sum of at first considered impossible was gladly given by tho American people The inspiration of it strikes home and you feel proud to share in this mighty work of human kindness even if you could contribute only a dollar or put in your spare minutes knitting Mr Forbes article however does more than to arouse enthusiasm It gives concrete definite of the actual work It tells how beau- liful devastated France is being restored how rehabilitation of towns and villages Is no a NEWMARKET I First Shipment of DiiEca And Arrived This Week Good Quality In of Old Ho Grey 7B S3 In riZolorid In of Only fcouoy Gorge Grown and and and In wide All In Corduroy In All Wool Pino Heavy Only vldo2i I 1 I OF CANADA CAPITAL PAID UP FUND V00aeCD Ciida to It will ta cur NEWMARKET BRANCH J SMYTH to go to Country gradually being performed It describes how Serbia Belgium Italy and Ar- rnenla have been succored how the work of society at first limited to the soldiers and org of the United Slates has been enlarged lo include suffering inanity in every accessible land torn by the war until it won Ihpt great tribute from Theodore Roosevelt who said Second only to the army in the work of winning the war comes the Cross We are all working for the lied Cross but unfortunately it is very easy for that work to become almost mechanical Wo need to read Mr Forbes article in order to realize precisely what wo are working for the and be value and the pow er of the work to which our dol lars and our lime contribute call up mm PHONE Lot us you Comfortable in a COVERED CARRIAGE OR AUTO Prompt Reasonable A BOYD Prop Calls on Phono Promptly Attended to Newfoundland pro hibition on the day of January Hon Prank Oliver was elected in Edmonton District by 111 majority HOWS There Is more Catarrh la this lho Hon of me country than ail other Wool Coats assorted colors and KO Boys Sweater Coats Wool Reg- for Roq to fe03o Reg 11 id eases put together and for years It was supposed to be Doctors local remedies and by con stantly falling lo cure with local treat ment pronounced It Incurable Catarrh Latitat Wool Is a local disease greatly Influenced by conditions and therefore requires treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney A Co Toledo Ohio is a con remedy is taken internally and thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System One Hundred Dollars reward Is offered for any case Ihaf Halls Catarrh Cure falls cure Send for circulars and testimonials l J CHtNEV CO Toledo Sold by Hairs- Family Pills for Constipation Stock Mens FleeceLined Working shirts Reg 10 pairs Womens Cools Leather Cloth l0 y Saturday Pino Reg to Ladles Poplin ttlacU Reg at Top prices paid in Toronto this week Cattle Heavy Butcher Good Killers Choice Cows Medium Cows Milkers Choice Veals Medium Calves Common bo Spring Lambs 1 off en- A Ulna Toronto Butter lb New Laid Wheat bush Oats bush- Barley bush Bran Ion Shorts ton lb Laid BO Turkeys lb 701 Chickens W 1 23 Ducks M Kail bush WhMitj bush iUJU guns I Oats hush lho J Barley buhh During the ifriod limy Tioiothy Jic Ion S Hb5 una sun ton ARCHIVES TOR

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