Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1917, p. 2

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Re iv 3lluiscmettta A Rock Copk- for breeding pur poses Price each HOWARD- Phono MOT I OS of J NOTICE that Mr of llio firm of McBsra of Toronto lino token the practice of late J Mr will he at on Saturday A ROHKRT80N of the Estate of J hereby given that Albert Edwin of City of Toronto in the Co of York in tho Province of Ontario Lumber Dealer will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada at the next t for a Hill of from his wife Edna Gordon of the said City of on the wound of adultery at Toronto dim day of November A CORLEY HAMILTON for Albert Edwin nou ho applicant To You All I la Wish of The In Your Town will ho Day during Hoi- Door of Now Post liuurwja SOUTH FLOUR EN I HOUSEHOLD AND OF THE WEST BRAN HAY QUICKEN FEED GRIT FOCKLER to A Howard Prompt Delivery Phone GO TERMS A I ARTICLES FOR SALE Parlor Cook Stove J Cook for Coal or Wood good as new and oilier Furniture CURTIS Newmarket FOR Store with Dwelling House in the Town of Newmarket estate of the Miss Maguire A good business location For particulars apply to MRS Executor Newmarket OXIDIZED WELDING On I Machinery for Sale DAVIS East of Hank of Toronto Newmarket iTH of the polling In North York a great disappointment to Lib eral Party Hon Maokorizfe King being dofoalcd by a majority Only municipali ties in tho Riding gavo majorities in his favor namely and Whit church The details of poll ing in division will be found on Pago of this Tho defeat of Mr King Is a great not only to North York but to the whole Do minion Hie ability as a form speaker far beyond the average public mart while hie grasp of public questions and quick adaptability to every situa tion as evidenced in campaign qualifies him for a seat In Parliament and wo sincerely trust that at no distant day ho may this constitu ency at Ottawa The cry of Union so persistent ly proclaimed by City press lo which many Liberals in North York committed themselves with out investigating political pull thai was behind it influenced al most by Corporation Lawyers which also was largely hacked by the clergyoverlooking entirely scandals of tho don Government had much to do with result Then again the circulated among the women that Our hoys will not hack if Conscription is not sustained largely influenced that vote to gether with all the machinery in Hie hands of tho Conservatives The cry of French nomination also had considerable lo do with vole is deeply lo bo re gretted that racial and disruptive issues wore raised but so far as Mr King was concerned it was a clean campaign in North York We believe that public have been led away from real is sues of government by the pow er of the daily prose and time will allow that the policy of con ciliation and retrenchment ad vocated by Mr King together with increased pay for soldiers and their dependents is the right one for the good of the country Mr Kings Committee Rooms in Newmarket were soon crowded after the close of the polls and when it became apparent that Mr King was defeated Mr W Wid dill old addressed those present expressing regret at the result and assuring them that it was no fault of Mr King or his policy that ho was defeated but fates woro against him Mr King who vas also present could only thank those who had so loyally stood with him throughout the contest and ho had made man warm friends He could only urge them to maintain prin ciples of Liberalism and continue to fight for thorn on every luuity as right is sure lo succeed in the end The Rooms contin ued to bo crowded till after Ion oclock wailing for the returns throughout Dominion The Union Committee Rooms closed early the evening and Town Hall was crowded lo the doors The candidate elect Mr Armstrong Mr of Aurora and Mr P W Pearson of Newmarket with oth ers spoke briefly Tho candidate expressed his great appreciation of the magnifi cent vote rolled up and declared that the result was an endorse ment of the principles of Union Government rather than a parly advantage UNION GOVERNMENT SUSTAIN- ED 1 The voting on Monday through out tho Dominion sustained the Union Government It could hard ly otherwise considering the War Time Election Act all the machinery an appropri ation of for advertising purposes hacked by unlimited fin ances and the mantle of respect ability thrown about Union Cabinet by prominent Liber als who entered it The lalest re turns show that the Government has a majority of 43 with two seals doubtful and four elections deferred standing by Provinces is as follows Govt Opp Government Were defeated and that clement without rep resentation In It is noticeable that candidates who were members last House and voted but did Government en- dorsalfon in the- present cmiloAi safely elected namely Dun can Rods In West Middlesex en dorsed by Rcuhon South Bruce who received and re pudiated Laiiriers and ArchleMcColg In Kent where there was no Soldier candidates without Government were projected into contests in this Province do not appear to have fared any too well In East in Park- dale Sutherland in North Oxford and in Hamilton all wont down to defeat against dorsiacandidato8 In North T5rant however Harry Cock- shutt came out successfully al though Sir Robert Harden had en dorsed Harold the LiberalUnion ist Only three out of sixteen anti- Union candidates in Toronto ano York wore successful in retaining their deposits Hon Mac kenzie King Major and Major McCormack were only unsuccessful contestants lo save the which each candidate is required to deposit before he can contest a riding A list of the Ontario will he found on Pago Four of this issue 1 O J is viaitfng with her daughter Mrs How- in Toronto this week Mrs has gono to Ottawa for a fow weeks A Toronto paper reports that a number of cigar firms have de cided lo go out of business oili er cigar firms are considering tho course the advent of prohibition having caused a seri ous drop in the consumption cigars For serious considerations it is to be hoped that there will be a decided decrease in the con sumption of cigarettes The fig ures for consumption of cig arettes for the last Canadian fis cal year were What Kansas has done Canada can accomplish and bonedry Kansas has recently made more stringent its law by prohibiting ho barter or use of Ont Dec Wilson years of age a retired farmer near here was burned to death thls morning when house was destroyed by fire caus ed by iivillhsgOir on hie fuel found nothing Ontario 71 Quebec Nova Scotia 1 New Brunswick P Island Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia ii i 0 I 1 In the manifesto of the Union Government It pledged itself to reduce public expenditure avoid encourage thrift The new Minister of Militia not satisfied with the equipment occupied by his pre decessors Sir Frederick Borden Sir Sam Hughes and Hit Edward Kemp has ordered alterations thai have cost the country over including for carpet and for window curtains Hon Mr another new Minister required new rooms and nothing less than a rug would do for his office The fur niture too Is of the finest ma hogany and nothing manufactur ed in Canada was good enough it had lo be bought in Chicago all purchased through a middle man in Ottawa so that ho could gel a rakeoff Thats going some for a start vo Our Toronto Letter women belonging lo the Nationol Club will refuse to pay more than a lb for Christ mas turkey Ibis year an employe of the Gray Construction Company was instantly killed Tuesday morning while working a derrick on a nev addition lo the packing house Gunns Ltd on St Clair Ave OOO AT The Misses Toole have to Florida for the winter Mr and of Toron to spent over Sunday with Mr and Mrs Winana her sister Miss Jennie Widdifteld loft for Californiaon Tuesday for j Mr Howard Wilson of Mrs R Manning is hero from Leal North Dakota on a visit for two months Mr LcvP Rogers of Plumas Man spending Christmas holidays with parents Mr and Mrs Rogers Huron St Mrs Herbert Wright of Traynor is- spending a couple of months with her par ents Mr and Mrs Fred Mr G McCauIoy is pre senting one of the pretties Cal endars we have seen this year to his many patrons to convoy his Christmas Greetings Miss L Toolo writes us from Lccsburg Florida under dale of Dee as follows weath er is simply beautiful llior- ranging from lo degrees today Fiowcra are blooming and birds singing like Spring Rev Terry and molher have been occupying residence of Mrs Playter on St Since Tuesday and Mrs Terrys niece Miss a teacher Washington Deo An official despatch recpived herb today from France Turka surrendering salem to the British brutally mis treated Christian priests carried off famous treasure of Church est LI I or MMMflMiaHBIPIPV 130 Tho Parliament elected on September 21sl consisted of moinbcrs of whom 134 woro Conservatives and Lib erals Tho majority when the House met was Tor the Govern ment Tho now Parliament Will be composed of members and it looks as If the Government ma jority in the new Parliament will bo increased over the last Parliament which is rather remarkable considering all the forces that were at work in its favor The followers of Sir Wilfrid have good reason for sat isfaction in view of the way the Maritime Provinces have sup ported him and in view of bis Ontario practically as she stood in fepite of the many and forces arrayed him in Ontario to say of Dec great Winter Fair Building one of the finest in America is a mass of smouldering ruins to day Fire that started from one of the cook stoves this morning swept through the great building and less than one hour sufficed lo reduce lo wreckage the struc ture that cost the city of Si to build in Ever since the outbreak of the war the Winter Fair Building has been used to house troops Last night seven hundred soldiers were sleeping in the building when the alarm was given They lost per sonal effects and equipment val ued at many thousands of dollars Eightyfive horses were saved and all records and documents were carried lo safely The building was insured for This is the third seri ous fire In the recent history of exhibition plants The soldiers are now quartered in the Hell and Knox Church and other public buildings and will lake over Benson School per- mcnanlly or Sale Register Saturday Deo Mortgage Sale of house and store In New market at King George Hotel at 1 1 oclock am See ad and bills for particulars Thursday Deo Mr J of Pino Orchard will sell five acres of Standing Tim ber Beech and Maple on rear of Lot Con Whitchurch Terms cash Sale at J Kesler Aucl Washington Dec Nine teen lives were lost when the American Submarine was rammed and sunk by Submarine in home waters during a fog Monday afternoon Hamilton Dec Shortly after five oclock this morning the Chicago and New York express on the Grand Trunk travelling nearly hours late crashed into a freight troin that was crossing the main lino near Creek Win Walsh of engineer of the express is dead as a result of the terrible injuries ho received while the life of Percy Ramsay another trainman from is despair of He Is frightfully passengers were none n Institute To ronto is spending Christmas hol idays with them Mr John of Man writes I cannot got along without Era very well as it gives me newa around home J arc all at present though it is below zero all time Clear and not a cloud to ho seen Very little snow Mr Herbert LTroyer Sec retary of the Collegiate Move ment who conducted Educa tional Conference in Newmarket High School a little over a year ago held a most successful Con ference in the High School last month The ville Banner gives a lengthy ac count of it Rev Frank Cornell of Win chester Indiana writes us I received a letter from the West saying that I must bo mistaken about Old Bill living back East for ho was to ho found in their town I guess ho may bo found in most every town and is a good fellow when making his ac quaintance I am sending you the Journal containing a Thanks giving Sermon given at a Union Service of all the churches of this city At times the congregation applauded so that I almost thought I must have been deliv ering a Fourth of July Oration We shall give the sermon in the Era as soon as the holiday rush is over is pretty much American but our friend did not forget his native land Rev Alfred Young of Bould er Colo A writes It is possible amid the rush of prepar ation for the Dedication of our new Church on Dec I may not find lime at a later period to send a message of greeting lo you and many friends among your readers who honored me by their friendship while resident in New market Glad lo say we have got nicely settled here into our work and have been warmly wel comed by the whole community The fact your coming from Can ada has caused us to be made doubly welcome as the sense of brotherhood and unity of purpose respecting things pertaining lo the war has broken down the ar tificial barriers In Y A Red Cross and kindred work we have found abundant opportunity for service and it is a great iov to throw ones self into the work and thereby prove our oneness and kindred spirit We wish you as well as our many good friends in Newmarket a lime and a Prosperous New Year BLOOMING of Holy Sepulchre valued at millions of dollars and sent to Berlin the churchs cele brated ostensory of brilliants Monsignor Pat- of Jerusalem Is said to have been deposed from his of and Father an Ital ian priest to have died from the effects of Turkish brutalities Tho Church of the Holy Scpul- had remained unmolested heretofore during all the centur ies of Moslem occupation of Jeru salem Tho same despatch told of In dignation among Mussulmans of Asia Minor the action of a Gorman general in establishing staff headquarters in the great mosque of the Cily of Aleppo near the Syrian border Church of the Holy Sepul chre was consecrated in the yoar on the traditional spot where Christ roso from tho dead c London Dec Ten persons were killed and seventy injured In London during last nights air raid Outside of London five per sons wero injured British official cation dealing with the operations in Palestine reports the capture of territory south of Jerusalem and Turkish prisoners London Bee 19 Fourteen British merchantmen of more than tons and three under that tonnage were sunk by mine or submarine during the past week according to the Admiralty statement to- night One fishing vessel also was sunk lo you will quire Fruits fiuto end Confectionery recommend to coo bozetj CON ONERY VJo of Candy for boxes buljt and In Pcotory and Variolic Good Variety of Candles which to You I i FLOW Artificial that you can toll from thj Ones Wo and Holly Wreaths NUTS Wo of California that Walnuts that vo Handled Wo Other Kinds of Peanuts Filberts Brazils and Pecan TRY OF OUR PASTRY FLOUR I Wo 3 Varieties to Choose from it will PHONE hi G THE Furniture and Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap for Cash UNDKUTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY II attended to at Phones and ID S I It Is Quality that Counts I QUALITY OUR SPECIALTY ALSO AGENT FOR THE PATMEPHONE The Moat Musical Instrument In World CHOCOLATES Cradle At Mount Albert on Mon day Dec to Mr and Mrs James a son MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent forCamcras and Photo House Phono No store Phono No Pong At Holt on Saturday flee 15 lo Mr and Mrs J a daughter Frances Mary Alma In Newmarket on Dec lo Mr and Mrs Sanderson In Town on Dec to Mr and Mrs Elmer a daughter In Newmarket on Dec 1917 to Mr and Mrs a daughter ho Altar At the Presby terian Manse Newmarket on Dec 18th 1917 by Rev Thomas Frederick Lewis Franklin of Albert to Vel- Edna Menar of Quecnsville The Tomb 18 On Friday evening last the Young Mens Bible Class ac companied by he young ladies of vicinity met at the homo of their teacher Mr Barton Ward who is moving lo a farm near Sharon to bid him goodbye after spending some time In games an address read by the president Mr A and Mr Norman pre sented a beautiful hanging lamp the gift of class a token of their appreciation Mr Ward gave a suitable reply after which refreshments were served Miss Fairies who has in Toronto for some time has re turned homo Mr of is a guost Mr Jos Lem ons Mr and Mrs A spent a coupleof days in Toronto Mr Smith of Zephyr was home oil Saturday Some of farmers get ting their fall threshing done i women child ren ttrs being forced to congregate in to Cox In Newmarket on Dec Benjamin Cox aged years 10 months Funeral at oclock on Friday afternoon from the residence of his son Mr Hugh Cox Charles St to Newmarket Cemetery At Ottawa on Dec Isabel Grace Mackenzie widow of John King and of Hon L Mackenzie King in her 75lh year Colo On Tuesday Dec 1917 at her late residence Sutton West Amelia Cole relict of the late Warren Colo in her year Interment at Briar Bill Ceme tery on Friday Deo 2 1st al p m Cain In Newmarket on Deo Joseph Cain aged years In Toronto on Dec John aged yrs Buried hero on Deo St Johns Cemetery loon At on Doc 17 Donald Morrison former ly of Newmarket at Newmarket Ceme tery yesterday morning ronton At Sutton on Deo 1017 Isaac in his year DONT PAY INTEREST Great Christinas Read Offer A Saves from to FREE FROM DUTY PLAYS ALL MADE CANADA WITH NATURAL TONE Until you hoar and compare Its tone no as to vhlch Phonograph you Intend to buy Its lora of Ita marvellous scientifically constructed sound box is natural and fullvoiced You aro not conHned to ono lino of Records you may play all Victor Rex Columbia Note its bettor and all added features a demonstration In your own homo A freo trial It cost3 you nothing from 30 to will sell you a Phonograph cheaper than any company In York County DOUBLE From to Sold for Cash Or on Plan or EASY TERMS INTEREST TUNING AND MOVING PROMPTLY DONE I 30 l mm mm THE IF To not and tho Quality tlml Hid Pi J Si I iiillia officer of the day during his tour of duly paused to ques tion a sentry who was a pew If you an armed party approaching would do asked the a pa do Turn out tho Very mil battleship coming i I J ftde what at2ffiS ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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